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[摘要]: 換熱設備的主要作用是使熱量由溫度較高的流體傳遞給溫度較低的流體,使流體溫度達到工藝過程規(guī)定的指標以滿足工藝過程上的需要。浮頭式換熱器是應用最廣泛的管殼式換熱器中的一種.浮頭式換熱器的兩管板中只有一端與殼體固定,另一端可相對殼體自由移動,稱為浮頭。浮頭由浮動管板鉤圈和浮頭端蓋組成,是可拆連接,管束可從殼體內抽出。管束與殼體的熱變形互不約束,因而不會產生熱應力。該設計的浮頭式換熱器主要參照GB151在給定的設計條件下進行工藝設計然后對筒體、管束、浮頭端,進行詳細的機械結構設計、計算和校核對于換熱器的一些零部件則根據(jù)設計參數(shù)查找標準。各設計步驟以及設計準則在說明書中都將說明
[關鍵字] : 管板 浮頭 浮動管板 鉤圈
The design of Floating-head heat exchanger
[Abstract]: The main function of heat exchanger is to heat the fluid by the high temperature transfer fluid to a lower temperature, so that the fluid temperature reaches the target set to meet the needs of the process. Floating head heat exchanger is one kind of the most widely used shell and tube heat exchanger floating head heat exchanger has two platets , only one plate fixed in the shell and the other plate can move freely comparate to shell, as the floating head. Floating head consist of floating tube sheet , hook ring and floating head cover, is removable connection, control can be extracted from the shell . Control of thermal deformation and the shell are not binding and therefore does not produce thermal stress. The design of the floating head heat exchanger major reference GB151, first make process design in a given design conditions and then on the cylinder, tube, floating head end, a detailed mechanical structural design, calculation and check .for heat exchanger parts find the standard accordance with design parameters. The design steps and design criteria in the brochure will explain.
[Key words] : tube sheet floating head f loating tube sheet hook ring