1、抵達美國——入境手續(xù) "All passengers on Pan American Flight 22 arriving from Taibei, please go to the Immigration Counter located in front of the arrival lounge. Please have your passports and landing cards ready. 搭乘泛美航空公司第22次班機從臺北來的所有旅客請到入境休息室正前方的移民局柜臺,并請準備好您的護照和入境證。 After youve cleared Immigration, please proceed to the Pan American baggage claim area, located in the East Wing of the Terminal Building. 入境檢查完后請到位于機場大樓東側的泛美航空公司行李領取處, Your bags will be available in about 15 minutes. Please have your baggage stubs ready. 您的行李可在15分鐘后拿到,請準備好您的行李托寄標簽。 After collecting your bags, please proceed to Customs with the declaration slip you filled out on the airplane. Customs is located in the South Wing of the Terminal directly opposite to the departure lounge. 拿到行李后請帶上您在飛機上填好的申報單到和出境休息室相對的機場南側的海關處。 If you have any questions about the transportation from the airport, please ask at one of the Information Counters in the Terminal Building." 如果你有任何有關離開機場的交通問題,請向在機場大樓內的任何一個服務臺詢問。 Model Dialogs 標準對話 Dialog 1 At the Immigration Window 對話1 在移民局窗口 A:Passport, please. A:請看一下護照。 B:Surely. Here it is. B:是的,在這。 A:Are you on a business trip or a pleasure trip? A:你是商務旅行還是觀光? B:Im here for sightseeing. B:我是來觀光的。 A:How long do you plan to be here? A:你打算停留多久? B:About three weeks. B:大約三星期。 A:Well, everything seems to be OK. Please go to customs next. A:嗯,都好了。請到海關那邊。 B:Thank you. B:謝謝。 Dialog 2 At the Customs Inspection Counter 對話2 在海關檢查柜臺 A:Can I see your customs declaration, please? A:請讓我看看你的海關申報單好嗎? B:Yes. Here you are. B:好的,在這。 A:Anything to declare? A:有什么東西要申報的嗎? B:No, nothing that I know of. B:沒有,就我所知道的沒有。 A:Are you bringing in any liquor? A:你有沒有攜帶酒類? B:No, Im not. B:不,我沒有。 A:Are you bringing in any cigarettes? A:你有沒有攜帶香煙? B:Only my own use. B:只有我自己要抽的。 A:All right. Please open your bags. A:好的,請打開你的行李。 B:Certainly. B:好的。 A:Whatre those? A:這些是什么? A:OK. Thatll be all. You may close your bags now. A:好,好了,你現在可以關上行李了。 Useful Expression 常用語句 Roughly two weeks. 大概兩星期。 Oh, around three months. 哦,三個月左右。 Just a couple of weeks. 只有兩星期。 Approximately one year. 大約一年。 Im just a tourist. 我只是一名觀光客。 Im here on business (to go to school, to visit friends.) 我來經商(留學、拜訪朋友)。 Mostly business and a little sightseeing. 主要是出公差,順便觀光。 No, I dont believe(think) so. 不,我想不是的。 No, I dont have anything to declare. 不,我沒有任何東西申報。 Nothing to declare. 沒有東西要申報。 I have only my personal belongings. 我只帶了換洗衣物。 Just my clothing, camera, and a couple of gifts. 只有我的衣物、照相機和一兩件禮物。 These cigarettes are for my own use. 這些香煙是我自己要抽的。 I dont have any liquor. 我沒帶任何酒類。 Vocabulary 詞匯 Quarantine 檢疫 Immigration 移民局 Customs Inspection 海關檢查 C.I.Q. (Customs, Immigration and Quarantine) 海關,出入境和檢疫 vaccination certificate; yellow book; immunization card 預防接種證明書;黃皮書;免疫卡 disembarkation card; landing card 入境證 embarkation card 出境證 customs declaration form (slip) 海關申報單 visa 簽證 personal effects; personal belongings 隨身物品 alcoholic beverage 酒類 gift 禮物 cigarette(s) (a park of, a carton of) 香煙(一包,一條) cigar(s) (a box of) 雪茄(一盒) pipe tobacco 煙絲 liquor 酒類 plants 植物 food 食品 fruit 水果 suitcase 手提包 trunk 皮箱 suit 套裝 sweater 毛衣 scarf 圍巾 handkerchief 手帕 socks 襪子 stockings (a pair of) 長襪(一雙) camera 照相機 movie camera 攝影機 8 millimeter camera 8毫米攝影機 super 8 camera 特8號照相機 film 底片 color film 彩色底片 video camera 錄影照相機 medicine 藥 perfume 香水 wrist watch 手表 jewelry 珠寶 toilet articles 化妝品 portable radio 手提收音機 cassette tape recorder 卡式錄音機 micro-cassette tape recorder 超小卡式錄音機 electric razor 電動刮胡刀 02美國觀光英語會話 02 Dialog 1 Having a porter Help You 對話1 請服務生幫你忙 A:Porter! A:服務生! B:Yes, sir. B:是的,先生。 A:Please carry these bags to the taxi. A:請把這些行李搬到出租車上。 B:How many do you have? B:你有幾件行李? A:Three. A:三件。 B:All right. B:好的。 A:Thanks. How much do I owe you? A:謝謝,多少錢? B:Sixty cents a bag. B:一件行李60分。 A:Fine. Heres $2.00. Keep the change. A:好的,這是兩塊錢,不用找了。 B:Thank you. B:謝謝你。 Dialog 2 Taking a Taxi to the Hotel 對話2 坐出租車去旅館 A:Yes, sir. Where to? A:請上車,先生,去哪里? B:To the Park Hotel. B:去公鴨旅館。 A:Here we are, sir. Thats $26.40. A:到了,先生,總共26.40元。 Dialog 3 The Limousine Drops You Off at Your Hotel 對話3 大型轎車送你去旅館 A:Do you go near the Drake Hotel? A:到公鴨旅館附近嗎? B:Yes, we do. Its on our route. B:是的,那是我們的行車路線。 A:What do you charge, please? A:請問要多少錢? B:The fares are all the same, $5,00 to the downtown airline bus terminal. You can get off anywhere along the way. B:車費都是一樣的,到市中心的航空公司大巴總站5元。你可以在沿途任何地方下車。 A:How long does it take? A:要多少時間? B:Oh, about 45 minutes. B:哦,大約45分鐘。 B:Drake Hotel! B:公鴨旅館! A:I get off here. What about my baggage? A:我在這里下車,我的行李呢? B:Its loaded in the back of the bus. Give me your claim check. Ill get it for you. Anyone else for the Drake Hotel? B:放在大巴后面,把行李牌給我,我拿行李給你,還有沒有人要在公鴨旅館下車? Useful Expression 常用語句 Wheres the bus stop (taxi stand)? 公共汽車站牌(出租車??奎c)在哪里? Please call a taxi for me. 請幫我叫輛出租車。 Please take me to the Park Hotel. 請送我到公園旅館。 This is where Id like to go. 這是我想去的地方。 Do you stop at (go by, pass by) the Tower Hotel? 你們??浚ǖ剑涍^)塔旅館嗎? How much does it cost to go to the Drake Hotel? 去公鴨旅館要多少錢? How much does a ticket cost? 一張票多少錢? I want to get off here. 我要在這里下車。 How much will that be? 總共多少錢? How much do I owe you? 多少錢? What does that come to? 要多少錢? Vocabulary 詞匯 airport bus (coach) 機場大巴 taxi; cab 出租車 limousine 大型轎車 hotel 旅館 motel 汽車旅館 porter 服務生 tip 小費 baggage 行李 baggage claim check 行李領取牌 fare 車費 taxi zone; taxi stand 出租車??奎c bus stop 公共汽車站牌 off duty 不當班 airline bus terminal 航空公司大巴總站 在飯店-美國觀光英語會話 03 3、在飯店 (1)Checking In at the Hotel (1)訂房登記 Model Dialogs 標準對話 Dialog 1 Arriving at the Hotel 對話1 抵達旅館 A:Here. Ill take your suitcases, sir. A:先生,我?guī)湍闾嵝欣睢? B:Thank you. B:謝謝你。 A:Right this way, sir. A:先生,請這邊走。 B:Thanks. Here you are. B:謝謝,這是給你的小費。 A:Thank you, sir. A:謝謝你,先生。 B:Good afternoon. I believe you have my reservation. B:下午好,我相信你們登記有我的預訂。 C:Your name, please? C:請問貴姓大名? B:Yes, Terry Chen. B:是的,陳泰利。 C:Oh, yes, Mr. Chen. We have a single with bath for you. Now, will you fill in this card, please? C:哦,是的,陳先生,我們?yōu)槟銣蕚淞艘婚g單人套房,請你填寫這張卡片好嗎? B:Oh, surely. Incidentally, what time are the meals? B:哦,當然,順便問一下,用餐時間是什么時候? C:Breakfast is from six to nine, lunch is from eleven to two, and dinner is from five to eight. C:早餐是從6點到9點,午餐從11點到2點,而晚餐是從5點到8點。 B:I see. And whats the check-out time? B:我知道了,退房時間是什么時候? C:Twelve noon, sir. C:中午12點,先生。 B:OK. There you are. B:好的,填好了。 C:Thank you. Now, Ill have the bellboy take you to your room. C:謝謝你,我現在請服務生帶你去你的房間。 B:Thank you. B:謝謝你。 Dialong 2 Reserving a Room 對話2 預訂房間 A:Park Hotel? Reservation desk, please. A:公園旅館嗎?請轉預訂部。 B:Reservation desk. May I help you? B:預訂部,有什么我可以效勞的嗎? A:Yes, please. Im phoning from the airport here in Los Angeles. Id like to reserve a m for tonight. A:是的,請幫我一個忙,我現在在洛杉磯機場打這個電話,我要預訂今晚一間 B:All right, sir. Thats a single with bath? B:好的,先生,是單人套房嗎? A:Thats right. How much will that be? A:對,多少錢? B:Our singles begin at forty-five, sir. B:我們的單人房從45元起,先生。 A:Good. A:好的。 B:Your name, please. B:請問你的姓名? A:My name is Terry Chen. C-H-E-N. A:我叫陳泰利,C-H-E-N,陳。 B:Thank you, Mr. Chen. When will you be arriving? B:謝謝你,陳先生,你什么時候到達? A:Im arriving soon. Im taking a taxi to the hotel. A:我很快就到,我正坐出租車去旅館。 B:Right, sir. Well hold your room for you until 9 P.M.. B:好的,先生,我們會幫你保留房間直到下午9點。 Dialog 3 No Rooms Available 對話3 房間客滿 A:Id like a room, please. A:請給我開一個房間。 B:Do you have a reservation, sir? B:先生,請問你有預訂嗎? A:No, Im sorry, I dont. A:不,抱歉我沒有。 B:Well, Id like to help you, but Im afraid all our rooms are taken. B:嗯,我想幫你忙,但是恐怕我們的房間都已經客滿了。 A:I see. In that case, could you suggest another? A:明白了,如果是這樣的話,你能推薦另一家旅館嗎? B:Why dont you try the Royal Hotel? Its right down the street. B:你何不試試國王旅館?就在這條街上。 A:Thank you. A:謝謝你。 Useful Expression 常用語句 Just up to (as far as) the front desk. 就拿到前臺。 Just carry (take) them to the front desk. 提到前臺就好。 Thanks. Here you are (go). 謝謝,這是給你的(小費)。 You have a reservation for me, I believe. 我想你們登記有我的預訂。 Ill be here for two nights. 我要在這里住兩天。 Im planning to stay a week. 我打算停留一個星期。 Where it says "Date of Departure", Im not quite sure yet. 在這里所說的“離開日”我還不十分確定。 Well, I think Ill probably be here for a week. 嗯,我想我可能會在這里停留一個星期。 No, I dont have a reservation. 不,我沒有預訂。 Id like to stay a day longer. 我想再多停留一天。 Id like a single with bath for about $45.00 a night. 我想要一晚上大約45元的單人套房一間。 Do you have any accommodations available at that price? 你們有沒有這種價位的房間? Dont you have anything less expensive? 你們沒有比較便宜的房間嗎? Could you give me a cleaner room, please? 請給我一個比較干凈的房間好嗎? Do you have any vacancies for tonight? 今晚你們還有空房間嗎? Vocabulary 詞匯 front desk; reception desk; registration 前臺 information desk 服務臺 cashier 出納 doorman 門迎 reservation 預訂 vacancy 空房 a single room 一間單人房 a double room 一間雙人房 a twin-bed room 一間雙床房 bath 浴室 room rate 旅館房費 register 登記住宿 registration card 住宿登記卡 full name 姓名 place of birth 出生地 date of departure 離開日 address 地址 forwarding address 下次停留地址 nationality 國籍 passport number 護照號碼 occupation 職業(yè) breakfast 早餐 lunch 午餐 dinner 晚餐 manager 經理 bellboy 侍者 elevator 電梯 room key 房間鑰匙 (2)Having a Bellboy Help You (2)要求服務生提供服務 Model Dialogs 標準對話 Dialog 1 The Bellboy Shows You to Your Room 對話1 服務生帶你去你的房間 A:Good afternoon, sir. Is this all your luggage, sir? A:下午好,先生,這是你全部的行李嗎? B:No, I have two more suitcases outside. B:不,我另外還有兩個皮箱在外面。 A:Just a moment, sir. Ill bring them right in. A:請稍候,先生,我馬上搬進來。 A:Wont you come this way, please? A:請這邊走好嗎? B:Thank you. B:謝謝你。 Dialog 2 In Your Room 對話2 在房間內 A:Heres your room, sir... Heres the light switch. A:先生,這是你的房間,這里是電燈開關。 B:Right. B:好的。 A:Heres the closet and thats the door to the bathroom. A:這里是櫥柜,那是去浴室的門。 B:Great! I want to get washed up. B:太好了!我想洗個澡。 A:Can I do anything else for you, sir? A:先生,還有什么要我服務的嗎? B:No, thanks. Youve been very helpful. B:不,謝謝,你已經幫了不少忙了。 A:Well, if theres anything else you want, please call room service. A:嗯,如果你需要任何服務,請打客房服務電話。 B:Thank you... Here you are, This is for your help. B:謝謝你......這是給你的小費。 A:Oh, thank you, sir. A:喔,謝謝你,先生。 Useful Expression 常用語句 Yes, thats everything(the lot, all of it, all I have). 是的,那就是全部了。 No, thanks. I think Im OK. 不,謝謝。我想我可以自己來。 Thank you. This is for you. 謝謝你,這是給你的。 Thank you. Heres something for your trouble. 謝謝你,這是給你的小費。 Vocabulary 詞匯 room key 房間鑰匙 room light 房間燈光 heating 暖氣 air conditioner 空調 phone 電話 fire exit 火災緊急出口 window 窗戶 closet 櫥柜 bathroom 浴室 bathtub 浴缸 shower 淋浴 sink 水槽 hot water (cold water) faucet 熱水(冷水)水龍頭 shower head 蓮蓬頭 drain 排水管 drain plug 排水栓 toilet 廁所 toilet paper 衛(wèi)生紙 handle 沖水馬桶 medicine chest 急救箱 glass 玻璃杯 soap 肥皂 bath towel 浴巾 wash cloth 毛巾 razor 刮須刀 shaving brush 修面刷 toothbrush 牙刷 toothpaste 牙膏 towel rack 毛巾架 bath mat 浴室腳墊 tile 瓷磚 curtain 窗簾 curtain rod 窗簾拉繩 shower curtain 淋浴時防水四濺的簾布 lock and chain 鎖和鎖鏈 dressing table 化妝臺 wardrobe 衣柜 couch 睡椅 television; TV 電視 lamp 燈 lamp shade 燈罩 carpet 地毯 ceiling 天花板 wall 墻壁 drape 窗簾 ashtray 煙灰缸 bed 床 headboard 床頭板 bedspread 床蓋 chest of drawers 抽屜 mirror 鏡子 stool 凳子 pillow 枕頭 pillow case 枕頭套 sheet 被單 blanket 毛毯 night table 床邊桌 tissue paper(a box of) 衛(wèi)生紙(一盒) alarm clock 鬧鐘 receiver 聽筒 dial 號碼盤 cord 電話線 hotel directory 旅館內服務電話簿 (3)Room Service (3)客房服務 Model Dialogs 標準對話 Dialog 1 Ordering Beverage 對話1 點飲料 A:Room service, please. A:請接客房服務部。 B:This is room service. B:這是客房服務部。 A:This is room 303. Would you send up a bucket of ice and some ginger ale, please? A:這是303房,請你送一桶冰塊和一些姜汁飲料來好嗎? B:Yes, sir. Right away. B:是的,先生,馬上就送去。 Dialog 2 Ordering Breakfast 對話2 點早餐 A:Good morning. Room service. A:早上好,這是客房服務部。 B:Good morning. Id like a pot of coffee, some toast, and a half grapefruit brought up to please. B:早上好,我要一壺咖啡,一些吐司和半個葡萄柚,請送到我的房間來。 A:Yes, maam. Right away. A:是的,夫人,馬上就送去。 B:Oh, and when you come, please bring me the morning paper also. B:喔,來的時候也請把晨報送來。 A:Yes, maam. A:是的,夫人。 A:Good morning. This is room service. A:早上好,客房服務。 B:Please come in. B:請進。 A:Heres your breakfast, maam. Please sign your name and room number here. A:這是你的早餐,夫人,請在這里簽上名字和房間號碼。 B:All right. There you are. B:好的,簽好了。 A:Thank you. A:謝謝你。 Dialog 3 Asking for Service in Your Room 對話3 在房間內要求服務 A:Room service. A:客房服務部。 B:This is Mr. Chen in Room 3235. Something must be wrong with the heating system. B:我是3235號房的陳先生,暖氣系統壞了, My room is very cold. I wish you would take a look at it right away. And, when you se bring me another blanket. 我的房間很冷,請你馬上來查查看,來的時候請再帶條毛毯來。 A:Yes, sir. Well have someone up there immediately. A:是的,先生,我們會立刻派人去的。 Useful Expression 常用語句 Id like some ice cream and a couple of bottles of sodawater, please. 我要一些冰淇淋和兩瓶蘇打水,請。 Could I get a bottle of whiskey sent up and some glasses and ice? 可以送來一瓶威士忌和兩三個玻璃杯和冰塊嗎? I wonder if I could have a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk sent up, please. 我想你們可否送來一份雞肉三明治和一杯牛奶。 Id like breakfast in my room, please. 我要在房間內用早餐。 I ordered breakfast for 7:30, but it hasnt come yet. 我點了早餐7點半要吃,但是還沒送來。 Id like to have to call me at six tomorrow morning. 我要你明天早上6點叫醒我。 Theres no soap here. 這里沒有肥皂。 Theres no towels here. 這里沒有毛巾。 Vocabulary 詞匯 room service charge 客房服務費 room maid 客房清潔工 room clerk 客房部職員 morning call 早上叫醒電話 beverages 飲料 coffee(a cup of, a pot of) 咖啡(一杯,一壺) ice water 冰水 bacon and tomato sandwich 熏肉和蕃茄三明治 orange juice 橘子汁 toast and coffee 吐司面包和咖啡 boiled eggs 煮蛋 scrambled eggs 炒蛋 fried eggs 煎蛋 poached eggs 煮荷包蛋 omelette 煎蛋卷 ham and eggs 火腿和蛋 bacon and eggs 熏肉和蛋 fruit 水果 (4)At a Restaurant and a Coffee Shop (4)在餐廳和咖啡店 Model Dialogs 標準對話 Dialog 1 At the Coffee Shop 對話1 在咖啡店 A:Good morning, sir. Whatll you have? A:早上好,先生,你要用點什么? B:Id like the number one, please, with ham. B:我點一號餐和火腿。 A:Orange or tomato juice, sir? A:要橘子汁還是蕃茄汁,先生? B:A large orange juice, please. B:請給我一大杯橘子汁。 A:How would you like your eggs, sir? A:你點的蛋要怎么做,先生? B:Scrambled lightly. B:輕炒。 A:Coffee now or later, sir? A:現在就上咖啡還是晚一點,先生? B:Now, please. B:請現在就上。 A:More coffee, sir? A:要加咖啡嗎?先生? B:No, thanks. May I have the check, please? B:不,謝謝。請給我?guī)魏脝幔? A:Here you are, sir. Have a nice day. A:這就是,先生,祝你有一個美好的一天。 B:Where do I pay this? B:我要在哪里付帳? A:Please pay the cashier over there. A:請到那邊柜臺。 In the Hotel Dining Room 對話2 在旅館內的餐廳 A:Good evening, sir. A table for one? A:晚上好,先生,一位嗎? B:Yes, please. B:是的。 A:Would you like a cocktail before dinner? A:晚餐前你要來杯雞尾酒嗎? B:Yes, Id like a Tom Collins, please. B:是的,請給我一杯湯姆碳酸酒。 A:Yes, sir. A:好的,先生。 A:Here you are, sir. May I take your order now, sir? A:酒來了,先生,你現在要點菜了嗎? B:Yes, Ill have the roast beef dinner, please. B:是的,我要烤牛肉。 A:Will you have an appetizer? A:你要來點開胃菜嗎? B:The fruit cup sounds good. B:水果杯好像不錯。 A:All right. You have a choice of two vegetables with your dinner. A:好的,晚餐的蔬菜你有兩種選擇。 B:I see. Then, Ill have mashed potatoes and green beans... and Ill have blueberry pie . B:我知道,那么我要馬鈴薯和青豆,甜點我要越橘派。 A:What would you like to drink, sir? A:先生,你要喝什么? B:Coffee, please. B:咖啡。 A:With your meal or with dessert? A:和晚餐還是和甜點? B:With dessert, please. B:和甜點。 Useful Expression 常用語句 Is this seat taken? 這個座位有人坐嗎? Bacon and eggs, please. 請給我熏肉和蛋。 Bring me some bacon and eggs, please. 請送來一些熏肉和蛋。 I guess Ill have some bacon and some toast, please. 我想我要一些熏肉和吐司面包。 Id like the number three with three-minute eggs, ham, toast, tomato juice and milk. 我要點三號餐,三分鐘煮蛋,火腿,吐司面包,蕃茄汁和牛奶。 Id like some coffee, please. 我要些咖啡。 Coffee, black, and some orange juice, please. 請給我不加糖的咖啡和一些橘子汁。 More water(coffee, tea, butter), please. 請加點水(咖啡,茶,奶油)。 May I have another cup coffee, please? 請再給我一杯咖啡好嗎? A glass of milk, please. 請給我一杯牛奶。 May I see the menu again, please? 我可以再看一下菜單嗎? What do you recommend? 你推薦什么菜? Whats todays special? 今天的特餐是什么? Give me this (the Chefs Special). 給我這個(特餐)。 Whats the number 5 like? 五號餐是些什么? Will this take long? 點這道菜要很久嗎? What can you serve very quickly? 你們有什么菜可以很快就上的? How do you eat this? 這個你們怎么吃? Waiter, please bring me another fork. 服務生,請再拿一雙叉子給我。 No more, thank you. 夠了,謝謝你。 May I have the bill (check), please? 請給我?guī)魏脝幔? Vocabulary 詞匯 oatmeal 燕麥粥 pancake 薄烤餅 biscuit 餅干 toast 吐司面包 French toast 法國吐司面包 muffin 松餅 bread(a slice of) 面包(一片) bacon (a piece of) 熏肉(一片) tea (a cup of, a pot of) 茶(一杯,一壺) coffee with cream and sugar 加奶精和糖的咖啡 black coffee 不加糖咖啡 milk (a glass of) 牛奶(一杯) strawberry 草莓 lemon 檸檬 grapefruit 葡萄柚 grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁 orange 橘子 orange juice 橘子汁 tomato 蕃茄 tomato juice 蕃茄汁 pineapple 鳳梨 pineapple juice 鳳梨汁 vegetable juice 蔬菜汁 ham 火腿 bacon 熏肉 eggs 蛋 scrambled eggs 炒蛋 boiled eggs 煮蛋 hard-boiled (soft-boiled) eggs 全熟(半熟)煮蛋 fried eggs 煎蛋 omelette 煎蛋卷 poached eggs 煮荷包蛋 ham and eggs 火腿和蛋 bacon and eggs 熏肉和蛋 (5)At the Front Desk (5)在前臺 Model Dialogs 標準對話 Dialog 1 A Souvenir Shop 對話1 紀念品店 A:Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. Is there a souvenir shop around here? A:對不起,不知你是否能幫我,請問這附近有沒有紀念品店? B:Why, yes, sir. Theres one three blocks up and two to the left. B:是的,先生,往前走三個路口再左轉兩個路口有一家。 A:What are the prices like? A:那里的東西價格如何? B:Quite reasonable, I think, sir. B:我想很合理的,先生。 Dialog 2 American Handcrafts 對話2 美國手工藝品 A:Id like to see some American handcrafts. A:我想看些美國手工藝品。 B:Well, maam, the Museum of Contemporary Crafts usually has something interesting. B:嗯,夫人,現代手工藝品博物館通常有些可看的東西。 A:Where is it? A:這博物館在哪里? B:29 West 53rd Street. B:西53街29號。 A:What kinds of things do they have? A:他們展覽些什么東西? B:Oh, rugs, tapestries, and jewelry are some of the exhibits theyve had. B:哦,他們的展覽品有地毯,繡帷和珠寶。 Dialog 3 Where Is The Last Man Playing? 對話3 《最后男人》在何處上映? A:Excuse me. Can you tell me where The Last Man is playing? A:請問《最后男人》在何處上映? B:You mean Bertolt Brechts play, sir? B:你是指勃托特?布雷其特的影片嗎,先生? A:Yes, thats the one. A:是的,就是那部片子。 B:Its on at the Living Theater, sir. B:在生活戲院上映,先生。 A:Is that on Sixth Avenue? A:是在第6街嗎? B:Yes, Sixth Avenue and 14th Street. B:是的,在第6街和第14街交叉路口。 Dialog 4 Reporting a Robbery 對話4 盜竊報案 A:Front desk? Ive been robbed. A:前臺嗎?我被盜了。 B:Are you sure, sir? B:你確定嗎,先生? A:Yes. My camera is gone. A:是的,我的照相機不見了。 B:All right, sir. Ill call the police. B:好的,先生,我叫警察來。 A:What should I do now? A:我現在該怎么辦? B:Just wait. Please dont touch anything. B:呆在那里,請別碰任何東西。 C:When did you leave the hotel this morning? C:今天早上你什么時候離開旅館的? A:Between 9:30 and 10:00. A:在9點半和10點之間。 C:Was anything else taken? C:還有什么東西被偷嗎? A:No. The rest of my valuables were in the hotel safe. A:沒有了,我其他的貴重物品都放在旅館的保險箱內。 C:Is there any way of identifying your camera? C:有什么方法可以辨認你的照相機? A:My name is on the case. Do you think Ill ever get my camera back? A:我的名字在上面,你想我能取回我的相機嗎? C:I dont know. Well try, though. How long do you intend to stay here? C:我不知道,但我們會盡力的,你要在這里停留多久? A:One more day. A:再停留一天。 Useful Expression 常用語句 Are these many museums in this city? 這個城市有很多博物館嗎? Are they open to the public? 他們向民眾開放嗎? Would you suggest some? 你可以推薦幾個嗎? Im interested in painting and scuplture. 我對繪畫和雕刻有興趣。 What are its hours? 參觀時間是從幾點到幾點? Could you tell me where the nearest department store is? 請你告訴我最近的百貨公司在哪里好嗎? Is there any mail for me? 有沒有我的信? Where can I send a telegram? 哪里可以拍發(fā)電報? Id like to send a cable to Taiwan. 我要打個電報去臺灣。 How long does it usually take? 通常要多長時間? How much will it be? 要多少錢? Is there any message for me? 有沒有我的留言? Id like check my valuables. 我要存放我的貴重物品。 Im going out now. I should be back around 5 oclock. 我現在要出去,5點左右會回來。 Would you please hold this luggage until 5 oclock. 請你存放這件行李直到5點好嗎? I left my key in my room. 我把鑰匙放在房間內了。 Whats good on Broadway? 百老匯有什么上演的? Is The Last Man- 配套講稿:
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- 美國 旅游觀光 英語 會話 匯總
