廣東省天河區(qū)2020屆高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 語法精講精煉 完形填空09

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廣東省天河區(qū)2020屆高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 語法精講精煉 完形填空09_第1頁
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廣東省天河區(qū)2020屆高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 語法精講精煉 完形填空09_第2頁
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廣東省天河區(qū)2020屆高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 語法精講精煉 完形填空09_第3頁
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《廣東省天河區(qū)2020屆高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 語法精講精煉 完形填空09》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《廣東省天河區(qū)2020屆高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 語法精講精煉 完形填空09(18頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、完形填空精講精煉0927.閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從2140各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項?!癑ust sign here, sir,” the deliveryman said as he handed Oscar Reyna a package.The package consisted of a long, narrow box _21_ wrapped in brown paper. _22_ the box,Oscar saw an umbrella insidea very old one with a beautifully carved wooden

2、 handle. _23_ he had not seen it in more than 20 years, he recognized it _24_.Oscar was 16 when he first saw the _25_ umbrella. He had gone to a concert with his grandparents. As they were leaving, he noticed an umbrella on an empty seat. Impressed by its _26_, Oscar felt a strong desire to find its

3、 _27_ .Oscar _28_ the manager to look in the record of advance ticket sales. Just as he thought, a name matched the seat _29_ Oscar had found the umbrella. The name was Mrs. Katie OBrien.Oscar talked his grandparents into going by Mrs. OBriens _30_ on their way home. He rang the bell, the door opene

4、d, and an elderly woman appeared.“May I _31_ you?”she asked.“Id like to return it if its yours,”O(jiān)scar said, _32_the umbrella as if presenting a _33_ that had long been wished for.“Why, yes! Its mine,”replied Mrs. OBrien with a _34_ smile and shining eyes.“It was given to me by my father years ago. T

5、hank you so much for returning it. May I offer you a reward for your _35_?”“No, maam,”he said, “My grandmother says that a good deed is its own reward.”“Well, thats _36_ what my father used to say. What is your name, young man?”Years later Oscar was staring at the finely carved handle of the umbrell

6、a as he remembered Mrs. OBrien. It was in perfect condition, considering how _37_ it was. Why had it arrived here today?As if _38_, a note fell from the paper. It read: Mrs. OBrien wanted you to _39_ this umbrella as a present for a kind, _40_ gesture long ago.21A.strictly BcarefullyCroughly Dcasual

7、ly22A.Opening BSeizingCObserving DSearching23A.After BWhenCSince DAlthough24A.clearly BfullyCimmediately Dsuddenly25A.average BunusualCplain Dtypical26A.beauty BshapeCorigin Dhistory27A.designer BsellerCuser Downer28A.convinced BforcedCencouraged Dadvised29A.until BbeforeCwhich Dwhere30A.family Bthe

8、aterChouse Dneighborhood31A.invite BhelpCbother Dknow32A.putting up Bturning outCpicking up Dholding out33A.chance BfactCgift Dresult34A.wide BconfidentCproud Dshy35A.patience BkindnessCcourage Ddetermination36A.obviously BnaturallyCexactly Dprobably37A.old BrareCprecious Dnice38A.in contrast Bin re

9、turnCin exchange Din answer39A.possess BacceptCcarry Dvalue40A.attractive BsignificantCunselfish Dsympathetic【要點綜述】常言說“勿以善小而不為,勿以惡小而為之”。本文是一篇記敘文。文章介紹了Oscar收到了一個包裹,包裹里面是一把雨傘,看到雨傘,Oscar回憶起了20多年前,當(dāng)時他還是個16歲的少年時,在聽完音樂會后,發(fā)現(xiàn)了一把Katie夫人遺忘的雨傘,他不辭辛苦地去她家歸還雨傘的經(jīng)歷。而在20多年后,Katie夫人又把這把雨傘通過包裹的形式贈送給了Oscar,以感謝他當(dāng)年的善舉。21

10、. B從上下文知,這個包裹很重要,所以是用褐色紙張小心(carefully)包裹起來的一個長的盒子,strictly表示“嚴(yán)格地”;roughly表示“粗略地”;casually表示“隨意地”;都與語意不符合。22. A從上下文知道,Oscar打開了這個盒子,發(fā)現(xiàn)里面是一把雨傘,所以此處用open表示“打開”,其他都不符合語意。23. D從語境知,雖然(Although)Oscar已經(jīng)有快20多年沒再見過這把雨傘,但是他馬上(immediately)就認(rèn)出了它,此處根據(jù)上下句可知,語意表示“轉(zhuǎn)折”,所以用Although,其他都不符合語境。24. C參見上題解析。clearly表示“清晰地”;

11、fully表示“完全地”;suddenly表示“突然地”,根據(jù)句意選C項。25. B從下文知,這把雨傘對于老婦人而言是非常珍貴的,所以應(yīng)該是“不同尋常的”,故用unusual;average表示“平均的”;plain表示“平淡的,平凡的”;typical表示“典型的”;都不符合語境。26. A從上文知,此傘不同尋常,同時從下文知,這傘非常珍貴,由此Oscar必定是對這傘的“美麗之處”印象深刻,第二段也提到傘的美麗,所以用beauty。shape表示“形狀”;origin表示“起源”;history表示“歷史”;都不符合語意,故選A項。27. D上文提到“he noticed an umbrel

12、la on an empty seat”,由此推斷知Oscar要找到的是該傘的主人,所以選owner。designer表示“設(shè)計師”;seller表示“銷售商”;user表示“使用者”;都不符合語境。28. A從下文知,Oscar說服了劇院經(jīng)理去查先前的售票記錄,如他所料,有一個名字對上了,她是Katie女士。這里convince表示“說服”。force表示“強迫”;encourage表示“鼓勵”;advise表示“建議”;都與語境不符,根據(jù)句意選A項。29. D這里是定語從句考點,先行詞是the seat,在從句中作地點狀語,所以用where,因此選D項。30. C從全文知,Oscar說服了

13、他的祖父母順便去一下Katie女士家里(house)。family表示“家庭”時,側(cè)重于家庭成員;theater表示“劇院”;neighborhood表示“鄰里”;都不符合上下文,根據(jù)句意選C項。31. B從下文知,Katie女士沒想到會有人來還傘,所以開門看到一個陌生人的第一反應(yīng)就是“我可以幫你什么忙嗎?”,所以用“May I help you”這樣的交際用語,其他選項都無此用法,因此選B項。32. D從上文return知,Oscar是要還雨傘,所以他是伸出(hold out)手去把雨傘交給Katie女士,好像是那渴望已久的禮物(gift)一樣。put up表示“張貼,豎起”;turn ou

14、t表示“證明是,表明是”;pick up表示“接收,拾起”;都不符合語境。33. C參見上題解析。這里可以從下文的wish for推斷出,表示長久渴望得到的東西,應(yīng)該用gift才能表達(dá)此意義,故答案選C項。34. A從下文知,Katie女士拿到雨傘后很開心,所以會笑得很燦爛,故用a wide smile來表示。confident表示“自信的”;proud表示“驕傲的,自豪的”;shy表示“害羞的”;都與語境不符,根據(jù)句意選A項。35. BKatie女士認(rèn)為Oscar這樣的善舉(kindness)應(yīng)該得到一定的報償,因為這傘對她來說是非常珍貴的。patience表示“耐心”;courage表示“

15、勇氣”;determination表示“決心”;都不符合語境。36. C從下文知,Oscar祖母說過的話也正是(exactly)Katie女士的父親所講過的,故用exactly表示“正是,就是”。obviously表示“明顯地”;naturally表示“自然地”;probably表示“可能地”;都不符合語境。37. A結(jié)合全文知,這把傘已經(jīng)有些年頭了,應(yīng)該是很舊(old)了的,但保存得相當(dāng)好。該空選項可以從前文in perfect condition推斷出。38. D從前文“Why had it arrived here today”知,Oscar感到很疑惑,為什么Katie女士要把傘送給他,

16、而似乎是對他疑問的一種回應(yīng),他發(fā)現(xiàn)紙上還有張便條掉了下來,所以用in answer。in contrast表示“作為對比”;in return表示“作為回報”;in exchange表示“用于交換”;都不符合語境。39. B從便條知,Katie女士希望Oscar能接受(accept)這把雨傘作為對他的無私(unselfish)之善舉的一種饋贈。possess表示“擁有,占有”;carry表示“攜帶”;value表示“珍惜”;都不符合語境。40. C參見上題解析。Oscar能把傘送還給Katie女士,這本身就是一種無私的行為,所以用unselfish。28.This is a story tha

17、t can teach us a good lesson. One day, a man in rags begged from door to door along the street. With an old wallet in his hand, he was asking for a few coins to buy something to eat. He kept complaining about his bad fortune and kept _16_ why those who had so much money were never _17_ and were alwa

18、ys desiring more.“As far as Im concerned, if I had only enough to _18_ and to wear, I would not want anything more.”Just at that moment Goddess Fortune, who came down the _19_ saw the beggar and said to him, “Hi, I have wished to _20_ you for a long time. Now, open your _21_ and I will pour my gold

19、into it. But I will do that only on this _22_ : All that falls into the wallet will be pure gold; but every piece falling upon the _23_ shall become dust. Do you understand?”“I see.” said the beggar.“Then you should _24_ !Its obvious that your wallet is a(an) _25_ one, so dont load it too heavily,”

20、said the Goddess Fortune.The excited beggar could hardly _26_ to have gold. He quickly opened his wallet, and a _27_ of yellow coins was poured into it. The wallet grew heavier and heavier.“Is that enough? Isnt it cracking?” asked Fortune.“Never _28_ .Its still strong enough now.”answered the beggar

21、.The wallet was filled with so many coins that the beggars hands began to _29_. “Ah, if only the golden stream would _30_ forever! Just a little more,” said the beggar, “_31_ just a handful or two.”“There! Its full. The wallet will _32_ .” warned the Goddess, but the beggar requested, “It will _33_

22、a little more, just a little more.”O(jiān)ne more piece was added and the wallet split. The _34_ fell upon the ground and became dust. The greedy beggar had now _35_ but his broken bag.16A.showing BexplainingCproving Dwondering17A.relaxed BsatisfiedCworried Ddepressed18A.learn BwatchCeat Dplay19A.street B

23、bridgeCyard Dforest20A.praise BforgiveChelp Dcomfort21A.coat BpocketCbox Dwallet22A.occasion BsuggestionCsituation Dcondition23A.hand BfeetCground Dstreet24A.look out Blook afterClook up Dlook down25A.small BemptyCworn Dfull26A.stand BwaitCbreathe Dthink27A.stream BpieceCpair Dvariety28A.stop Breque

24、stCfear Dinsist29A.spread BcloseCloose Dshake30A.pour BendCdry Dmelt31A.take BaddClend Dsend32A.flow BburstCdisappear Dchange33A.attract BpermitCinclude Dhold34A.present BfoodCtreasure Dmetal35A.nothing BanythingCeverything Dsomething【要點綜述】一個沿街乞討的乞丐遇到了財富女神,財富女神給了乞丐許多金幣,同時告誡乞丐,金幣掉到地上則化為灰塵。貪婪的乞丐不聽勸告,導(dǎo)

25、致金幣撐破錢包化為灰塵,乞丐又變得一無所有。故事告誡人們面對金錢不要貪得無厭。16D根據(jù)第一段最后一句,為什么那些人如此有錢卻從不滿足,還想得到更多。可知乞丐對此百思不得其解,“keep wondering”(一直想知道)符合句意。17B還想得到更多,所以不滿足,B項符合句意。18C由常識可知,乞丐最重要的是要解決吃和穿的問題。eat(吃)對應(yīng)下面提到的“穿”,符合語境。learn學(xué)習(xí);watch看,觀察;play游戲;均不符合語境。19A根據(jù)第一段,乞丐在沿街乞討,所以財富女神降落到大街上才能看到乞丐。street(街道)符合語境。bridge橋;yard院子;forest森林;均不符合語境

26、。20C根據(jù)下文,“打開你的錢包,我要給你一些金子”,可知財富女神在幫助乞丐。所以選help,意為:幫助。praise表揚;forgive原諒; comfort安慰;均不符合語境。21D根據(jù)第三段中“All that falls into the wallet will be pure gold”(所有進入你錢包的都是純金)可知乞丐打開的是一個錢包,所以選 wallet,意為“錢包”。22D只有在這種條件下,“我”才會去做?!癆ll that falls into the wallet will be pure gold; but every piece falling upon the_sh

27、all become dust”指上文提到的這種條件。condition“條件、狀況”,符合句意。23C句意:每一枚金幣掉到地上都會變成塵土。ground(地面)符合語境。24A根據(jù)下文財富女神告誡乞丐不要裝得太重,提醒乞丐注意、當(dāng)心。所以選look out。look after照顧;look up仰視,向上看;look down俯視。25C上文中“With an old wallet in his hand”表明這是一個舊錢包,所以選worn,意思是:用舊的。26Bcould hardly wait to do sth.意為:迫不及待做某事。句意:激動的乞丐早已迫不及待地想拿到金子。27A根

28、據(jù)倒數(shù)第三段中提到“golden stream”可知答案。28C通過乞丐告訴財富女神錢包現(xiàn)在還很結(jié)實,可知不要為錢包擔(dān)心。Never fear.不要害怕。29D句意:錢包裝了如此多的金幣,乞丐的手開始發(fā)抖。shake(發(fā)抖)符合語境。spread伸展;close關(guān)閉;loose放松;均不符合語境。30A乞丐希望金子源源不斷地流出,四個選項中只有pour(流出)能形象地描繪出乞丐的貪婪。31B對應(yīng)前文的“Just a little more,”可知,這里表達(dá)的意思是:貪婪的乞丐想再往錢包中多裝一兩把金子。add(添加)符合句意。take拿,攜帶;lend借出; send發(fā)送;均不符合語境。最后一

29、段的第一句話也有原詞復(fù)現(xiàn):One more piece was added and the wallet split。32B錢包已經(jīng)裝滿了,而且是一個舊錢包,繼續(xù)裝可能會裂開。所以選burst“破裂”。下文中的“split”為同義詞復(fù)現(xiàn)。33D貪婪的乞丐認(rèn)為錢包還能多裝一點。hold“容納”,符合語境。34Ctreasure(財寶)這里指代金幣。錢包破裂后金幣自然會掉到地上。present禮物; food食物;metal金屬;均不符合句意。35A句意:貪婪的乞丐除了破裂的錢包一無所有。nothing什么也沒有。29.One day all the employees of a very fam

30、ous company reached their office and all saw a big sign on the main door which said this:“Yesterday, the _16_ who has been hindering (阻礙) your growth in this company _17_. We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has been _18_ in the gym. ”In the beginning, they all got _19_ for the death

31、of one, of their colleagues, but after a while they started getting _20_ to know who was that person that hindered the _21_ of their colleagues and the company itself?The _22_ in the gym was such that security agents were ordered to control the crowd _23_ the room. The more people _24_ the coffin (棺

32、材), the more the excitement heated up. Everyone thought, “_25_ is it that was hindering my progress?”O(jiān)ne by one the intrigued(引起好奇心的) employees got closer to the coffin, and when they looked inside it, they _26_ became speechless.They all got to stand near the coffin, and felt shocked and _27_, as i

33、f someone had touched the deepest part of their _28_. There was a mirror inside the coffin: everyone who _29_ it could see themselves! There was also a sign next to the mirror that _30_:“There is only one person who is capable of setting _31_ to your growth and IT IS YOU!” Your life does not _32_ wh

34、en your boss changes, when your friends change, when your parents change, when your husband or wife changesNo, your life changes when YOU change, when you _33_ your limiting beliefs inside.Examine yourself; watch yourself. Dont be afraid of _34_, impossibilities and losses. Be a winner; build yourse

35、lf and your reality. _35_, its the way you face life itself that makes the difference.16A.person BbossCsign Dfuneral17A.died away Bdied outCpassed away Dpassed out18. Aprotected BpreventedCproved Dprepared19A.happy BsadCjoyful Dgrateful20A.calm BcuriousCconscious Dconvenient21A.growth BwidthCfaith D

36、strength22A.way BmeaningCexcitement Ddisappointment23A.within BwithoutCabout Daround24A.bought BsoldCreached D. touched25A.What BWhichCWhere DWho26A.carefully BactuallyCsuddenly Dmadly27A.in silence Bin returnCin heed Din order28A.hand BsoulCmouth Dface29A.put outside Bput insideClooked outside Dloo

37、ked inside30A.talked BspokeCsaid Dtold31A.deadlines BdemandsClimits Dlacks32A.calculate BcancelCcommunicate Dchange33A.go beyond Bgo togetherCgo without Dgo towards34A.acquaintances BdifficultiesCadvantages Dbargains35A.Forget BFollowCRemember DObey【要點綜述】這是一篇夾敘夾議的文章。作者通過人們?nèi)⒓右粋€葬禮,告訴人們一個道理:阻礙自己進步的人不是

38、別人,正是自己,要超越自我,戰(zhàn)勝自我,才能戰(zhàn)勝困難。16A句意:在公司一直阻攔你的人昨天去世了。person符合題意。17Cdie away漸息;減弱;die out滅絕;pass away去世;pass out昏倒。 pass away符合句意。18D句意:我們邀請你們參加已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好的葬禮。protect“保護”;prevent“阻止”;和prove“證明”均不符合句意;prepare“準(zhǔn)備”符合句意。19B認(rèn)為是自己的同事去世,大家一開始都很悲傷。故選sad。20B從but看,大家很“好奇”想知道到底是誰去世了。curious“好奇的”符合題意。21A從第二段的“the _who has

39、been hindering (阻礙) your growth in this company _.”看出答案。22C從第四段的“The more people _ the coffin (棺材), the more the excitement heated up.”看出答案。23Awithin the room意思是“在房間里”。符合題意。24Creach the coffin意思是“到達(dá)棺材旁”相當(dāng)于下文的 get closer to,符合語境。25D句意:到底誰是阻止我進步的人?故選who。26Ccarefully仔細(xì)地;actually事實上;suddenly突然;madly瘋狂地。

40、根據(jù)下文的became speechless看出,是“突然地”的意思。27A從本句中felt shocked看出“大家鴉雀無聲”。in silence “寂靜無聲;沉默”符合句意。28B句意:好像有人觸摸到他們的靈魂深處。soul“靈魂”符合句意。29D鏡子在棺材里面,所以大家是往里面看的。look inside“往里面看”符合題意,其他三個選項均不符合題意。30C句意:鏡子旁還有一塊標(biāo)牌,上面寫著:“只有一個人能限制你的發(fā)展,那就是你自己”。 say“寫到”符合句意。31C句意:鏡子旁還有一塊標(biāo)牌,上面寫著:“只有一個人能限制你的發(fā)展,那就是你自己。”limit“限制”相當(dāng)于文章中的hind

41、er符合句意。deadline最后期限;demand要求;lack缺乏,均不符合句意。32D從本段的“when your boss changes, when your friends change, when your parents change, when your husband or wife changes”看出答案。33Ago beyond超越;go without沒有也可以;go towards朝去。 go beyond “超越”符合句意。34Bdifficulties 與impossibilities and losses是并列的。35C句意:請記住這就是你面對的有重要影響的

42、生活方式。remember“記住”符合句意。30.閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從1635各題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。I fell in love with Yosemite National Park the first time I saw it, when I was 13. My parents took us there for camping. On the way out, I asked them to wait while I ran up to El Capitan, a _16_ rock of 3,300 feet straight up. I t

43、ouched that giant rock and knew _17_ I wanted to climb it. That has been my lifes passion (鐘愛) ever since _18_ the rocks and mountains of Yosemite. Ive long made Yosemite my _19_.About 15 years ago I started seeing a lot of _20_, like toilet paper, beer cans, and empty boxes, around the area. Its _2

44、1_ me why visitors started respecting the place _22_ and treated such a beautiful homelike place this way.I tried _23_ trash (垃圾) myself, but the job was too big. I would _24_ an hour or two on the job, only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later. Finally, I got so _25_ it that I decide

45、d something had to change.As a rockclimbing guide, I knew _26_ about organizing any big event. But in 2020,together with some climbers, I set a date for a _27_. On that day,more than 300 people _28_. Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash. It was amazing how much we were able to _2

46、9_. I couldnt believe the _30_ we madethe park looked clean!Each year volunteers come for the cleanup from everywhere. In 2020 alone, 2,945 people picked up 42,330 pounds of trash and _31_ 132 miles of roadway.I often hear people _32_ about their surroundings. If you are one of them, I would say the

47、 only way to change things is by _33_ rather than complaining. We need to teach by _34_. You cant blame others _35_ you start with yourself.16A.distantBhugeCnarrowDloose17A.immediately BfinallyCgradually Drecently18A.imagining BpaintingCdescribing Dclimbing19A.garden Bhome Clab Dpalace20A.material B

48、resourcesCwaste Dgoods21A.beyond Bagainst Cover Dwithin22A.more Bmost Cless Dleast23A.throwing away Bpicking upCbreaking down Ddigging out24A.kill Bsave Cwait Dspend25A.satisfied with Bdelighted inCtired of Dused to26A.something BanythingCeverything Dnothing27A.cleanup BpartyCpicnic Dconcert28A.drop

49、ped out Bshowed upClooked around Dcalled back29A.demand BreceiveCaccomplish Dovercome30A.plan BvisitCcontact Ddifference31A.crossed BmeasuredCcovered Ddesigned32A.talk BcomplainCargue Dquarrel33A.doing BthinkingCquestioning Dwatching34A.method BexplanationCexample Dresearch35A.although BifCwhen Dunl

50、ess【要點綜述】“我”把Yosemite National Park當(dāng)作自己的家。當(dāng)“我”看到里面有大量的垃圾時,開始是自己,后來組織大家撿垃圾。由此“我”明白改變事情的方法是動手去做,而不是抱怨。16. B從下文的that giant rock可知選B。17. A句意:我觸摸到那塊巨石時,立刻知道我想攀登它。immediately立即,馬上。18. D根據(jù)上句中的climb以及空后的rocks and mountains可知。19. B根據(jù)下段最后一句中的such a beautiful homelike place可知。20. C根據(jù)like后面列舉的內(nèi)容可知。21. A句意:我不理解游

51、客為什么不愛護這個地方beyond超出。22. C根據(jù)上文游客在這樣一個美麗的地方丟棄大量的垃圾可知選less。23. B根據(jù)上文,我看到游客丟垃圾很心痛,于是自己去撿起那些游客丟棄的垃圾。pick up 撿起;throw away扔掉;break down 出故障,拋錨;dig out 發(fā)掘,找到。24. Dspend time on sth.花費時間做某事。故選D。25. C根據(jù)上文的 “only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later”以及下文的 “that I decided something had to change

52、”可知作者厭倦了自己單獨撿垃圾。26. D根據(jù)下一句 “But”后的內(nèi)容可知,作者不知道如何組織大型活動。27. A根據(jù)下文“三百多人參加撿垃圾活動”以及下一段中的 “Each year volunteers come for the cleanup from everywhere”可知,此處填A(yù)。28. B根據(jù)下一句 “Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash”可知“那一天,三百多人參加了清掃垃圾的活動”,故選B(出席,到場)。29. C根據(jù)上一句 “Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash”可知選C(完成)。30. D根據(jù)破折號后的 “the park looked clean”可知,因為我們把公園里的垃圾撿完了,公園變得干凈了,與以前不同了,故選D。31. C此句的意思是“2020年一年中,2945個人撿了42330磅垃圾,覆蓋了132英里的路面。”32. B根據(jù)下文的“complaining”可知選B。33. A此句意思是“我想說改變事情的唯一方式是做,而不是抱怨”,故選A。34. C句意:我們需要榜樣。故選C。35. D句意:你不能責(zé)備別人,除非以身作則。故選D。

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