八下Unit 5聽力材料和課文譯文

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《八下Unit 5聽力材料和課文譯文》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《八下Unit 5聽力材料和課文譯文(5頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Section A:Period 11a-2d一、 Key phrases: 1.in the library / house / 在圖書館/家里;2. on the street 在街上;3. at the bus stop 在公交車站; 4. wait for the bus 等公交車; 5. walk home 走回家; 6. go off (鬧鐘)發(fā)出響聲; 7. take a hot shower 洗個熱水澡二、 Key sentences: 1. What was the girl

2、 doing at the time of the rainstorm? 暴風(fēng)雨時女孩正在干什么?She was doing her homework. 她正在做家庭作業(yè)。2. Tell us what happened yesterday morning. 告訴我們昨天早晨發(fā)生什么了。3. My alarm didnt go off so I woke up late. 我的鬧鐘沒有響,所以我起晚了。4. I was so busy looking for the umbrella that I didnt see a car coming. 我是如此忙于找傘以至于我沒有看見一輛車正開過來。

3、三、 Listening materials. 聽力材料Section A, 1bin the studioReporter: The weather is beautiful today! But yesterdays rainstorm was the heaviest one so far this year. So, what were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm?今天的天氣很好!但是昨天的暴雨是我今年到現(xiàn)在為止最厲害的一次。 那么,下暴雨的時候,你在干什么呢outside the studio, on the

4、 street Girl: I was at home doing my homework. But I could hear the heavy rain against my bedroom window. 我在家寫作業(yè)。但是我能聽到大雨敲打我臥室窗子的聲音。Boy: I was reading at the library after school. Im so glad I didnt decide to play basketball. 放學(xué)后我在圖書館看書。我是那么開心,我沒有去打籃球Woman: I was waiting for the bus after work. Then

5、 the rain suddenly started and I got all wet. 我下班后在等公交車。然后是大雨突然降臨,我全淋濕了Man: I was walking home from the supermarket. Luckily, I had an umbrella, but I still got wet! 我在從超市往家走。幸運的是,我?guī)Я擞陚?,但是我仍然淋濕了back in the studioReporter: Looks like many people were caught in the rain yesterday. Many took hours to g

6、et home 看來許多人昨天淋了雨,許多人花費了幾個小時才到家Section A, 2a, 2bBoy: Yesterday was a terrible day. 昨天是可怕的一天。My alarm didnt go off so I woke up late. 我的鬧鐘沒響,所以我醒晚了It was seven thirty when I woke up, and I needed to be at school by eight! 當(dāng)我醒的時候已經(jīng)七點半了,并且我需要八點之前到校I ran to the bus stop but, I still missed the bus.我跑向車

7、站,但是我還是錯過了公交車 It was eight thirty when I got to school.當(dāng)我到達(dá)學(xué)校的時候,已經(jīng)八點半了 My teacher was angry and I felt bad all day. 我的老師很生氣,我感到很糟糕At four thirty, it was time to go home. 在四點半,到了回家的時候I was waiting for the bus when all of a sudden it began to rain heavily. 突然下起大雨的時候,我正在等公交車It was like a really crazy

8、rainstorm!真是一場瘋狂了的暴風(fēng)雨啊I thought I had an umbrella in my schoolbag, so I kept trying to look for it. 我原以為我?guī)Я擞陚悖砸恢痹趯ふ宜麵 was so busy looking for the umbrella that I didnt see a car coming. 我是這么忙于尋找雨傘,以至于沒看見一輛車駛過。And it got water all over me! 我全身上下弄了一身水I was waiting like that completely wet for maybe

9、almost an hour. 我完全濕透了,就那樣等了幾乎是一個小時Finally, the bus came and brought me home.最后,公交車來了,把我?guī)Щ丶襂 took a hot shower and ate some warm food. It felt so good to be home! 我洗了一個熱水澡,吃了一些熱飯,我感覺在家真好啊Section A 2d Role-play the conversation.Mary: What were you doing last night, Linda? I called at seven and you di

10、dnt pick up. 琳達(dá),昨晚你在干什么 ?我七點給你打電話,但是你沒有接Linda: Oh, I was in the kitchen helping my mom. 奧,我在廚房,幫媽媽做飯呢Mary: I see. I called again at eight and you didnt answer then either. 我明白了,我八點的時候又給你打電話,那你還是沒接Linda: What was I doing at eight? Oh, I know. When you called, I was taking a shower. 八點我在干什么呢? 奧, 我想起來了

11、,當(dāng)你打電話的時候,我正在洗澡Mary: But then I called again at nine. 但,我九點給你打電話的時候呢Linda: Oh, I was sleeping at that time. 奧,那時我在睡覺Mary: So early? Thats strange. 這么早啊,太奇怪了Linda: Yeah, I was tired. Why did you call so many times? 是的,我累了。你為什么打這么多次電話呢Mary: I needed help with my homework. So while you were sleeping, I

12、 called Jenny and she helped me. 我的作業(yè)需要你給我?guī)兔?。因此,?dāng)你睡覺的時候,我給詹妮打電話,她給了我?guī)椭鶳eriod 2 3a-3c Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came?I. 重點詞組1. make the sky very dark.使得天空很黑2.put pieces of wood over the windows把木塊放在窗戶上3. play a card game 玩紙牌游戲4. die(dying) down死掉5. clean up 打掃6. break(broke) many th

13、ings apart把很多東西分離II.重點句子1. What was the weather like before the heavy rain started?暴風(fēng)雨開始前天氣是什麼樣子?2 while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.而他的母親正在確認(rèn)閃電,收音機正在播放。3.Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows.當(dāng)暴雨正擊打窗戶的時候本正在幫他母親

14、做飯。4. it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.很難在暴風(fēng)雨天氣娛樂。5. the sun was rising太陽正在升起。6. it brought families and neighbors closer together.它把家人和鄰居們的心拉得更靠近了。III. 3a 原文The Storm Brought People Closer Together暴風(fēng)雨讓人們彼此靠的更近Ben could hear strong winds outside his home in Alabama. 本可以

15、聽到大風(fēng)就在阿拉巴馬州他家門外。 Black clouds were making the sky very dark. 天空被烏云遮蓋的一片昏暗。With no light outside, it felt like midnight. 就像深夜那樣沒有一絲光明。 The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area. 電視上的新聞也在報道關(guān)于這個地區(qū)的暴雨。Everyone in the neighborhood was busy. 周圍的鄰居都在忙碌著,Bens dad was putting pieces of w

16、ood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. 本的爸爸用木片加固窗子,而媽媽在確認(rèn)手電和無線電能正常工作,She also put some candles and matches on the table. 她還放了一些蠟燭和火柴在桌子上面。Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows. 本正在幫媽媽做晚飯的時候窗外的雨開

17、始激烈的敲打的窗子。After dinner, they tried to play a card game, but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside. 晚飯后,他們開始玩紙牌,但是伴隨這外面的暴風(fēng)驟雨,這很難使他們感受到快樂Ben could not sleep at first. 起初,本很難入睡。He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m. 他后來終于在凌晨3點多大風(fēng)平息下來的時候睡著了。When

18、he woke up, the sun was rising. He went outside with his family and found the neighborhood in a mess. 當(dāng)他他醒來后,太陽已升起,他和家人出去后,發(fā)現(xiàn)街道一片狼藉。Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere. 到處是歪倒的樹木,破碎的窗戶以及遍地的垃圾。They joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together. 他們加入鄰居的隊伍中,幫助一起清理社

19、區(qū)的街道。 Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together. 雖然暴風(fēng)破壞了這里的許多東西,但是這使得他們和這里的鄰居更加團結(jié)在一起。SectionB 聽力稿Section B 1b 1cJohn:Hey, Kate, why werent you at the school basketball competition yesterday? I called you so many times ,but you didnt answer. 嗨,凱特,你為

20、什么沒參加昨天的籃球比賽?我給你打電話這么多次,但是你都沒有接Kate:Sorry, John. I left my phone at home. 對不起,約翰,我把電話落在家里了John:What were you doing at the time of the competition? 競賽的時候,你在哪里Kate:Well, I left my house late and when the competition started, I was still making my way to school. 哦,我離開家晚了,當(dāng)競賽開始的時候,我還在往學(xué)校趕John:Then what

21、happened?發(fā)生了什么事Kate:When I got to the bus stop, I realized that my bag was still at home!當(dāng)我到達(dá)車站的時候,我才意識我的書包忘家里了John:But why didnt you just go home to get your bag? 但是為什么你沒有回家拿包呢Kate:I did, but while I was running back home, I saw a dog by the side of the road and it was hurt. 我回去了,但是當(dāng)我往家跑的時候,我看見一條狗在

22、路邊受傷了John:Oh, so Im sure you helped the dog .I know how much you love animals.奧,那么我相信你幫助那條狗了,我知道你是多么熱愛動物Kate:Yes, I wanted to call the Animals Helpine 是的,我給動物熱線打了電話John:OK. No wonder you didnt make it to the competition.好的,難怪你沒有參加競賽呢Kate:Yes, Im so sorry I wasnt there to cheer you on, but Im happy t

23、hat your team won! 是的,我很抱歉,沒有在那里給你喝彩,但是我很開心,你們隊贏了Period 4 Section B P38I. 重點詞組1. the news of important events重大新聞事件2. in history在歷史上3. on the radio通過收音機4. in silence 沉默地5 have meaning to 對有意義6. look out 向外看7. remember to do sth.記得要做某事 remember doing sth. 記得做過某事II.重點句子1. My parents were completely sh

24、ocked. 我的父母完全震驚了。2. the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists. 紐約世界貿(mào)易中心被恐怖分子摧毀3. My friend shouted that a plane just hit the World Trade Center我的朋友大聲說一架飛機剛剛撞擊世界貿(mào)易中心4 I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that.我害怕極了,之后我?guī)缀醪荒芮逦厮伎?。SectionB reading 原文Do you Rememb

25、er What You Were Doing? 你還記得你當(dāng)時正在做什么嗎?打個比方,。 People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history, 當(dāng)聽到關(guān)于重大歷史事件的新聞時,人們常常會記得他們當(dāng)時在做什么。 In America, for example ,many people remember what they were doing on April 4,1968, 在美國,人們就會記得1968.4.4那天發(fā)生了什么。This was an

26、important event in American history。這是美國現(xiàn)代歷史上的最重大的事件之一。On this day, Dr. Martin Luther King was killed. 在那天,馬丁路德金在美國孟斐期被人殺害了。Although some people may not remember who killed him, they remember what they were doing when they heard the news. 人們可能不記得是誰殺害了他,但他們記得當(dāng)時他們聽到這個消息是他們當(dāng)時在做什么Robert Allen is now ove

27、r 50, but he was a school pupil at that time. 羅伯特現(xiàn)在50多歲了,但是那時他還是一個小學(xué)生。 “I was at home with my parents ”Robert remembers. “We were eating dinner in the kitchen when we heard the news on the radio. 羅伯特回憶說,我正在家和父母一起,當(dāng)聽到這個消息的時候,我們在吃晚飯The news reporter said, Dr. King died just 10minutes ago, My parents w

28、ere completely shocked! 新聞播音員說,馬丁路德金先生十分鐘以前死了,我的父母完全震驚了My parents did not talk after that, and we finished the rest of our dinner in silence” 我父母此后不再交談,剩下的時間我們都在沉默中吃完晚飯 More recently, most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists .然

29、而,在最近,當(dāng)世貿(mào)大大廈被恐怖分子摧毀時,多數(shù)美國人記得他們當(dāng)時在做什么。Even the date September 11, 2001 has meaning to most Americans. 甚至那個日期2001.9.11已經(jīng)深深地刻在大多數(shù)美國人的心里了。This was a day Kate Smith will never forget. 這是凱特史密斯永遠(yuǎn)難忘的一天She remembers working in her office near the two towers. 她記得當(dāng)時她正在她位于兩塔之間的辦公室里上班“My friend shouted that a plane just hit the World Trade Center! 我的朋友大喊,一架飛機撞到了世貿(mào)大廈I didnt believe him at first, but then I looked out the window and realized that is was true. 我開始不相信,但是當(dāng)我往窗外看,我才意思到那是對的I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that. 我是這么恐懼,以至于我此后很難想清楚

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