2014高考英語 突破完形填空訓(xùn)練(10)

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《2014高考英語 突破完形填空訓(xùn)練(10)》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《2014高考英語 突破完形填空訓(xùn)練(10)(9頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、2014高考英語突破完形填空訓(xùn)練(10)及答案閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入的空白處的最佳選項,并從答題卡上將該選項涂黑。My sister and I grew up in a little village in EnglandOur father was a struggling _36_, but I always knew he was _37_He never criticized us, but used _38_ to bring out our bestHed say, “If you pour water on flowers, t

2、hey flourishIf you dont give them water, they die.” I _39_ as a child I said something _40_ about somebody, and father said, “_41_ time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, its a reflection of you.” He explained that if I looked for the best _42_ people, I would get the best _43_From th

3、en on Ive always tried to _44_ the principle in my life and later in running my companyDads also always been very _45_At 15, I started a magazineIt was _46_ a great deal of time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a _47_: stay in school or leave to work on my magazineI decided to leave, and Dad

4、 tried to sway me from my decision, _48_ any good father wouldWhen he realized I had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad _49_ me to go into lawAnd Ive _50_ regretted itI wanted to be a biologist, _51_ I didnt pursue my _52_You know what you wantGo fulfill it.”As _53_ turned out

5、, my little publication went on to become Student, a national _54_ for young people in the U.KMy wife and I have two children, and Id like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad _55_ me36Abiologist Bmanager Clawyer Dgardener37Astrict Bhonest Cspecial Dlearned38Apraise Bcourage Cpower D

6、warmth39Athink Bimagine Cremember Dguess40Aunnecessary Bunkind Cunimportant Dunusual41AAnother BSome CAny DOther42Aon Bin Cat Dabout43Ain case Bby turns Cby chance Din return44Arevise Bset Creview Dfollow45Aunderstanding Bexperienced Cserious Ddemanding46Ataking up Bmaking up Cpicking up Dkeeping up

7、47Asuggestion Bdecision Cnotice Dchoice48Aand Bas Ceven if Das if49Ahelped Ballowed Cpersuaded Dsuggested50Aalways Bnever Cseldom Dalmost51Arather Bbut Cfor Dtherefore52Apromise Btask Cbelief Ddream53Athis Bhe Cit Dthat54Anewspaper Bmagazine Cprogram Dproject55Acontrolled Bcomforted Creminded Draise

8、d36-55 CCACB CBDDA ADBCA BDCBD*結(jié)束(九)(沈陽二模)IF and WHEN often had lunch together. Their conversation always _1_ on the things they hoped to achieve and they loved to talk about them. This particular Saturday when they met for lunch,WHEN _2_ IF wasnt in a great mood (心情). After they sat at the usual ta

9、ble _3_ for them, WHEN asked IF,“ You dont seem your usual _4_ self?”IF replied, “Yesterday I saw a course I wanted to take. If only I _5_ the time.”WHEN knew exactly how IF felt and said,“I too saw a _6_ and Im going to register when I get _7_ money.” WHEN then questioned IF,“What about the new job

10、 you were going to apply for?” IF answered, “I would have applied, but my _8_ broke down. I couldnt type my resume(簡歷)” “Dont worry. Ive been thinking about looking for another job also, _9_ Ill wait and when the weather gets _10_ I will look then. I hate this awful weather.”The man sitting nearby h

11、eard them talking about when this and if that. When he couldnt _11_ it anymore, he went to them and said,“I think I know _12_ you could solve your problems.”IF smiled and thought that even if he knew the _13_ they faced, there was no way he could help! _14_ , IF asked the man for advice. The man sai

12、d,“ Your conversation reminds me of an old _15_:IF and WHEN were planted, and nothing _16_.”IF and WHEN both looked surprised and began to feel _17_ of living their life for the “ifs” and “whens”. Finally they came to a(n) _18_:next time they met,there would be no “ifs” or “whens”;they would _19_ ta

13、lk about what they had _20_!空談會一事無成,要想有所作為,必須立足現(xiàn)實,腳踏實地。1A. agreed B. centered C. relied D. took答案:B。IF和WHEN經(jīng)常在一起吃午飯,他們的談話總是以他們原本希望實現(xiàn)或完成的事情為中心,并且他們樂此不疲。center on“集中在,以為中心”為固定搭配。2A. sensed B. insisted C. declared D. guessed答案:A。這個特別的星期六,當(dāng)他們聚在一起吃午飯時,WHEN意識到IF心情不好。sense意識到,感覺。3A. cleaned B. made C. orde

14、red D. reserved答案:D。當(dāng)他們坐在平常為他們留著的桌子旁時。reserve保留,預(yù)訂,保存。4A. sensitive B. honest C. cheerful D. clumsy答案:C。WHEN問IF“你看上去不像平時那樣高興?”cheerful快活的,興高采烈的,高興的。5A. had B. spent C. seized D. valued答案:A。IF回答道:“昨天我看到一門我想學(xué)的課程,要是我有時間去學(xué)就好了?!眎f only引導(dǎo)虛擬條件句,句中用動詞的過去式表示對現(xiàn)在的虛擬。6A. notice B. job C. course D. chance答案:C。WH

15、EN很能理解IF的感受,說到:“我也看到一門課程,當(dāng)我有足夠多的錢的時候,我也想注冊學(xué)習(xí)。”由句中的too可知答案。7A. lucky B. pocket C. enough D. paper答案:C。由行文邏輯可知,WHEN會習(xí)慣性地說:當(dāng)我有足夠多的錢的時候。8A. computer B. fridge C. camera D. recorder答案:A。當(dāng)WHEN問起IF原來打算申請的工作怎么樣了的時候,IF回答說:“我當(dāng)時本來會申請的,但是我的電腦壞了,我沒法打簡歷?!眀reak down崩潰,停止運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),出故障。9A. or B. but C. for D. so答案:B。別著急,我也

16、一直在考慮找另外一份工作,但是我要等待10A. drier B. colder C. wilder D. nicer答案:D。等到天氣轉(zhuǎn)好時,我再去找,我討厭這樣糟糕的天氣。11A. take B. decline C. support D. watch答案:A。旁邊坐著的一個人聽到他們說如果這樣假如那樣之類的話,再也無法忍受,就走到他們跟前說。take it“忍耐”為固定搭配。12A. when B. where C. why D. how答案:D。 我想我知道怎樣解決你們的問題。13A. changes B. expenses C. challenges D. possibilities答

17、案:C。IF微笑著想即使他知道他們面臨的挑戰(zhàn),他也根本沒有辦法幫助他們。四個選項中只有challenge可以和face構(gòu)成搭配。face challenges面臨種種挑戰(zhàn)。 14A. Anxiously B. Curiously C. Surprisingly D. Stubbornly答案:B。由行文邏輯和常識可知,聽到這番話,IF肯定很好奇,于是就征求這位男子的建議。15A. saying B. story C. habit D. fiction答案:A。那個人說:“你們的話使我想起了一句古老的格言。”16A. rose B. grew C. removed D. remained答案:B

18、。那就是:如果種植虛無(IF和WHEN)的話,就會一無所獲。17A. tired B. proud C. ashamed D. aware答案:C。聽了這番話,兩個人彼此驚訝地相互注視著并開始為他們碌碌無為的生活覺得羞愧。18A. ambition B. conclusion C. description D. agreement答案:D。最后他們達(dá)成協(xié)議。come to an agreement達(dá)成協(xié)議。盡管come to a conclusion“得出結(jié)論,作出推論”也可構(gòu)成固定搭配,具有一定干擾性,但不符合語境。19A. even B. only C. still D. thus答案:B

19、。下次他們再見面的時候,就沒有假如或如果了,他們會只談他們已經(jīng)實現(xiàn)的事情。20A. discussed B. promised C. arranged D. accomplished答案:D。accomplish“實現(xiàn),達(dá)到,完成”符合邏輯。完形填空閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從115各題所給的A、B、C和D項中,選出最佳選項。One night I decided to spend some time building a happier and closer relationship with my daughter.For several weeks she had been _1_m

20、e to play chess(棋)with her,so I suggested a game and she eagerly_2_.It was a school night,however,and at nine oclock my daughter asked if I could hurry my moves,because she_3_to go to bed;she had to get up at six in the morning.I_4_she had strict sleeping habits,but I thought she ought to be able to

21、_5_some of this strictness.I said to her,“Come on,you can stay up late for once.Were having_6_.”We played on for another fifteen minutes,during which time she looked _7_.Finally she said,“Please,Daddy,do it quickly.” “No,”I replied.“If youre going to play it well,youre going to play it slowly.”And s

22、o we_8_for another ten minutes,until _9_my daughter burst into tears,and _10_that she was beaten.Clearly I had made _11_.I had started the evening wanting to have a _12_time with my daughter but had _13_ my desire to win to become more_14_ than my relationship with my daughter.When I was a child,my

23、desire to win serve me well.As a parent,I _15_ that it got in my way.So I had to change.1A.guiding BaskingCtraining Dadvising2A.followed BexpectedCreplied Daccepted3A.agreed BneededCbegged Dhated4A.knew BlearnedCguessed Dheard5A.put up Btake upCpick up Dgive up6A.patience BluckCfun Dsuccess7A.excite

24、d BproudCanxious Dangry8A.discussed BcontinuedCcounted Dargued9A.nervously BimmediatelyCstrangely Dsuddenly10A.promised BadmittedCwondered Ddiscovered11A.a mistake Ba decisionCan attempt Dan effort12A.free BdifferentCfull Dhappy13A.managed BrecognizedCallowed Dreduced14A.important BattractiveCpracti

25、cal Dinteresting15A.realized BapologizedCimagined Dexplained二、1解析:ask sb.to do sth.:請某人做某事,女兒叫我跟她下棋。答案:B2解析:女兒欣然 “接受”我的建議。答案:D3解析:從下文看,女兒第二天要上學(xué)。答案:B4解析:我知道女兒有嚴(yán)格的睡眠習(xí)慣。答案:A5解析:我想為了這次她盼望了好幾個星期才得來的與我下棋的機(jī)會, 她會不那么嚴(yán)格遵守睡眠習(xí)慣而有所“放棄”。答案:D6解析:我們正玩得 “開心”。答案:C7解析:因為第二天女兒要上學(xué),想早點(diǎn)休息,而父親堅持繼續(xù)下棋,女兒顯得很著急。答案:C8解析:我們又“接著”

26、下了十分鐘。答案:B9解析:女兒突然哭起來。答案:D10解析:女兒只好認(rèn)輸。答案:B11解析:很顯然, 我犯了一個錯誤。答案:A12解析:本想和女兒過一個愉快的晚上。答案:D1314.解析:讓我的好勝心變得比我和女兒的關(guān)系更重要。答案:13.C14.A 15解析:我意識到我的好勝心妨礙我和女兒的關(guān)系。答案:A*結(jié)束完型填空(8)Today is Friday, the 29th of June. Paul told me something exciting this morning: his father helped the police catch a 1 yesterday!When

27、Paul was waiting for the 2 with his father across the river, he heard some people arguing 3 . He looked around and saw two women and a big man 4 each other. When Pauls father asked what was going on, one of the women said they were tourists and three young men 5 her friends purse when they were buyi

28、ng postcards in a bookstore. The other two had run away, but they 6 the big man closely.When the ferry arrived, the big man hurried onto the ferry and the two tourists went 7 after him. Paul was angry. He wanted to go up and help the two women. But his father said he didnt want to take that ferry. P

29、aul felt rather 8 because he thought his father was afraid of the big man and unwilling to help others! What Paul saw next changed the 9 of his father. His father hurried to a nearby ice-cream store and used their phone to 10 110. He reported the robbery to the police and gave some 11 details about

30、the robber, the tourists and the ferry.When they 12 off the next ferry, Paul saw three 13 around the big guy in handcuffs(手銬). While Paul was telling me the story, he seemed very 14 . He said he had a better understanding of his father. Although he looked 15 , he was a real hero.1. A. robberB. theft

31、C. touristD. murderer2. A. busB. ferry C. shipD. boat3. A. kindlyB. angrily C. closely D. loudly4. A. shouting at B. fighting against C. debating withD. talking with5. A. noticedB. stole C. seizedD. cut6. A. caught B. soughtC. followedD. surveyed7. A. abroadB. back C. homeD. aboard8. A. angrierB. sa

32、dderC. tougherD. tenser9. A. feeling B. ideaC. actionD. belief10. A. callB. telephone C. ringD. dial11. A. useful B. carefulC. fearful D. terrible12. A. turned B. set C. got D. took 13. A. womenB. fellowsC. policemenD. tourists14. A. delightedB. proudC. confident D. reliable15. A. outstandingB. greatC. scared D. ordinary1-5. ABDAB 6-10. CDABD 11-15. ACCBD*結(jié)束- 9 -

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