
1、 圖-1整體骨骼側(cè)面觀The skeleton. Lateral view 圖-2整體骨骼背面觀The skeleton. Dorsal view 1背肋dorsal rib 2胸椎thoracic vertebra 3頸椎cerical vertebra 4頂間骨interparietal bone 5頂骨parietal bone 6額骨frontal bone 7鼻骨nasal bone 8鎖骨clavicle 9肩胛骨scapula 10肱骨hemerus 11髕骨patella 12腰椎lumbar vertebra 13薦椎sacral vertebra 14尾椎caudal v
2、ertebra 15坐骨ischium 16髂骨ilium 17股骨femur 18腓骨fibula 19脛骨tibia 20跖骨metatarsal bone 21趾骨digital bone 22胸肋sternal rib 23頭骨skull 24指骨digital bone 25橈骨radius 圖-3背柱背面The vertebral column. Dorsal aspect 1樞椎axis 2胸椎thoracic vertebra 3第II胸椎I Ith thoraac vertebra 4第1
3、腰椎I st lumbar vertebra 5第6腰椎6th lumbar vertebra 6恥骨pubis 7閉孔obturator foramen 8寰椎atlas 9第7頸椎seventh cervical vertebra 10胸肋sternal rib 1l背肋dorsal rib 12第4腰椎4th lumbar 13髂骨ilium 14薦椎sacral vertebra 15坐骨ischimn 16尾椎caudal vertebra 圖-4胸廓背面The thoraxDorsal aspect
4、 17指骨digital bone 18掌骨metacarp at bone 19腕骨carpal bone 20橈骨radius 21尺骨ulna 22三角突起deltoid process 23鼻骨nasal bone 24額骨frontal bone 25頂骨parietal bone 26頂間骨interparietal bone 27肱骨hemerus 28肩胛骨scapula 圖 -5前肢骨內(nèi)側(cè)面The bone of 圖-6后肢骨外側(cè)面The bone of anterior Iimb.Medial aspect posterior lim
5、b.Lateral aspect 29肱骨頭head of humerus 30肘突elbow process 31肩胛岡spine of scapula 32肩帶pectoral girdle 33大轉(zhuǎn)子greater trochanter 34 股骨 femur 35脛側(cè)髁tibiale condyle 36髕骨 patella 37脛骨tibia 38跖骨metatarsal bone 39股骨頭head of femur 40腓骨fibula 41跟骨calcaneus 42跗骨 tarsal bone 43趾骨digital bone 圖-7整體肌腹面觀The muscles. V
6、entral view 1二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 2肱二頭肌biceps brachii muscle 3腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle 4股動脈femoral artery 5咬肌masseter muscle 6頜下腺submandibular gland 7胸淺肌prectoral superficialis muscle 8前鋸肌serratus anterior muscle 9劍突xiphoid process 10腹外斜肌external oblique musc
7、le of abdomen 11陰莖penis 12陰囊scrotum 圖-8整體肌背面觀The musclesDorsal view 13耳提肌levator auricularis muscle 14頸闊肌platysma 15肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 16背闊肌latissimus dorsi muscle 17股直肌rectus femoris muscle 18鎖骨提肌levator claidalis muscle 19背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 20臀淺肌glu
8、teus superficialis muscle 21半腱肌semitendinosus muscle 圖 -9 口腔 The oral cavity 圖- 10 頸肌與胸肌 The muscle of neck and pectoral muscle 1 門齒 incisor tooth 2 硬腭 hard palate 3 軟腭 soft palate 4 舌根 root of tongue 5 舌體 body of tongue 6 舌尖 apex of tongue 7 顳淺動脈 superficial temporal artery 8 二
9、腹肌后腹 posterior belly of digastric muscle 9 胸乳突肌 sternomastoideus muscle 10 肱二頭肌 biceps brachii muscle 11 胸淺肌 pectoral superficialis muscle 12 二腹肌前腹 anterior belly of digastric muscle 13 咬肌 masseter muscle 14 胸骨舌骨肌 stemohyoid muscle 15 肩三角肌 shoulder-deltoid muscle 16 前鋸肌 serratus anterior muscle 圖-1
10、1 胸、腹腔器官 (1)The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities( 1) 1 肺 lung 2 膈 diaphragm 3 肝中葉 middle lobe of liver 4 肝右葉 right lobe of liver 5 小腸 small intestine 6 股動、靜脈 femoral artery and vein 7 胸乳突肌 sternomastoideus muscle 8 胸腺 thymus 9 心 heart 10 肝左葉 l
11、eft lobe of liver I1 胃 stomach 12 脾 spleen 13 結(jié)腸 colon 14 膀胱 urinary bladder 圖- 12 胸、腹腔器官( 2) The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities (2) 15 氣管 trachea 16 咬肌 masseter muscle 1 肺 lung 2 膈 diaphragm 3 肝中葉 middle lobe of liver 4 肝右葉 right lobe of l
12、iver 5 小腸 small intestine 6 股動、靜脈 femoral artery and vein 7 胸乳突肌 sternomastoideus muscle 8 胸腺 thymus 9 心 heart 10 肝左葉 left lobe of liver I1 胃 stomach 12 脾 spleen 13 結(jié)腸 colon 14 膀胱 urinary bladder 圖- 13 胸腔器官 The organs in the thoracic cavity 1 氣管 trachea 2 胸
13、乳突肌 sternomastoideus muscle 3 肱二頭肌 biceps brachii muscle 4 肺 lung 5 膈 diaphragm 6 肝中葉 middle lobe of liver 7 肝右葉 right lobe of Iiver 8 二腹肌前腹 anterior belly of digastric muscle 9 咬肌 masseter muscle 10 二腹肌后腹 posterior belly of digastric muscle 11 胸腺 thymus 12 心 heart 13 肝左葉 left lobe of liver 14 胃 sto
14、mach 圖 -14 心腹面 (1)The heart. Ventral aspect( 1) 15 右心房 right atrium 16 右心室 right ventricle 17 喉 larynx 18 左心房 left atrium 19 左心室 left ventricle 20 心尖 cardiac apex 1 氣管 trachea 4 肺 lung 5 膈 diaphragm 圖- 15 心腹面 (2)The heart. Ventral aspect (2)
15、 圖 -16 心背面 The heart. Dorsal aspect 21 右鎖骨下動脈 right subclavian artery 22 前腔靜脈 precaval vein 23 右心耳 right auricle 24 冠狀溝 coronary sulcus 25 頸總動脈 common carotid artery 26 左鎖骨下動脈 left subclavian artery 27 主動脈 aorta 28 肺動脈 pulmonary artery 29 左心耳 left auricle 30 左冠狀動脈 left
16、coronary artery 31 肺靜脈 pulmonary vein 32 心中靜脈 middle cardiac vein 33 后腔靜脈 postcaval vein 34 冠狀竇 coronary sinus 35 背面室間溝 dorsal interventricular groove 19 左心室 left ventricle 20 心尖 cardiac apex 15 右心房 right atrium 16 右心室 right ventricle 18 左心房 left atrium 圖- 17 腹腔器官( 1)The organs in the abdomi
17、nal cavity( 1) 1 胸骨舌骨肌 stemohyoid muscle 2 肱二頭肌 biceps brachii muscle 3 膈 diaphragm 4 肝 liver 5 空腸 jejunum 6 股動、靜脈 femoral artery and vein 7 陰囊 scrotum 8 咬肌 masseter muscle 9 胸乳突肌 stemomastoideus muscle 10 胸淺肌 pectoral superficialis muscle 11 劍突 xiphoid process 12 胃 stomach 13 脾 spleen 1
18、4 結(jié)腸 colon 15 坐骨神經(jīng) sciatic nerve 16 陰莖 penis 圖- 18 腹腔器官( 2)The organs in the abdominal cavity (2) 5 空腸 jejunum 7 陰囊 scrotum 13 脾 spleen 14 結(jié)腸 colon 16 陰莖 penis 17 膀胱 urinary bladder 18 股直肌 rectus femoris muscle 19 回腸 ileum 20 后腸系膜動脈 posterior mesenteric artery 21 股薄肌
19、gracilis musele 4 肝 liver 圖IX-19腹腔器官(3)The organs in the abdominal cavity (3) 1肋弓costal arch 2小腸small intestine 3 腎 kidney 4陰道vagina 5脂肪fat 6肝liver 7卵巢ovary 8子宮uterus 9直腸rectum 10膀胱 圖IX -20腹腔器官(4)The organs in the abdominal cavity (4) 3 腎 kidney 5脂肪fat 6肝liver 10膀胱urinary bladder 11后腔靜脈p
20、ostcaval vein 12劍突xiphoid process 13腎上腺adrenal gland 14輸尿管ureter 圖-21肝、胃與脾The liver,stomach and spleen 圖-22肝腹面The liver. Ventral aspect 1食管esophagus 2幽門pylorus 3肝liver 4胃底fundus of stomach 5胃體body of stomact 6脾spleen 7胰pancreas 8前腔靜脈precaval vein 9肝右葉right lobe of liver 10肝左葉left lobe of li
21、ver 11肝中葉middle lobe of liver 圖-23肝背面The liver. Dorsal aspect 8前腔靜脈precaval vein 9肝右葉right lobe of liver 10肝左葉left lobe of liver 11肝中葉middle lobe of liver 12肝尾葉caudate lobe of liver 圖-24胃The stomach 圖-25胃壁內(nèi)面The wall of stomach. Inner surface 1食管esophagus 2胃小彎lesser curvature of stomach 3幽門p
22、ylorus 4十二指腸duodenum 5胃底fundus of stomach 6賁門cardia 7胃大彎greater curvature of stomach 9皮區(qū)cutaneous region 8胃體body of stomach 圖-26泌尿、生殖器官()The urinary and genital organs() 10腎靜脈renal vein 11后腔靜脈postcaval vein 12股直肌rectus femoris muscle 13內(nèi)收肌adductor medial muscle 14陰囊scrotum 15腎上腺adrenal gland 16腎kid
23、ney 17輸尿管ureter 18精囊seminal vesicle 19脂肪fat 20膀胱 urinary bladder 21陰莖penis 圖-27生殖器官()The genital organs() 1輸尿管ureter 2精囊seminal vesicle 3前列腺 prostate 4腎 kidney 5膀胱urinary bladder 6精索spermatic cord 7陰莖8陰囊scrotum 圖-28泌尿、生殖器官()The urinary and genital organs()
24、 4腎 kidney 5膀胱urinary bladder 9腎上腺adrenal gland 10卵巢ovary l1輸卵管uterine tube 12陰道vagina 13劍突xiphoid process 14腎靜脈renal vein 15后腔靜脈postcaval vein 16子官uterus 圖-29生殖器官()The genital organs() 1腎靜脈renal vein 2后腔靜脈postcaval vein 3卵巢ovary 4輸卵管uterine tube 5髂總靜脈c
25、ommon iliac vein 6脂肪fat 7腎kidney 8子宮uterus 9陰道10陰門vulva 圖-30腦與脊髓背面(1)The brain and spinal cord. Dorsal aspect(1) 11大腦cerebrum 12小腦絨球flocculus of cerebellum 13頸膨大cervical enlargement 14背斜方肌trapezius dorsi muscle 15腰骶膨大lumbosacral enlargement 16終絲filum terminate 17嗅球olf
26、actory bulb 18小腦cerebellum 19小腦蚓vermis 20背闊肌latissimus dorsi muscle 21腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 22脊髓圓錐conus medullaris 圖-31腦與脊髓背面(2)The brain 圖-32腦與脊髓腹面The brain and and spinal cordDorsal aspect (2) spinal cordVentral aspect 1大腦炎 cerebrum 2小腦蚓vermis 3腰骶膨大lum
27、bosacral enlargement 4嗅球 olfactory bulb 5小腦cerebellum 6小腦絨球flocculus of cerebcllurn 7頸膨大cervical enlargement 8脊髓圓錐conus medullaris 9終絲filum terminate 10脊神經(jīng)spinal nerve II視神經(jīng)optic nerve 12延髓medulla oblongata 圖-33后肢內(nèi)側(cè)面The posterior limb. Medial aspect 13腹直肌rectus abdoininis muscle 14腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 15股直肌rectus femoris muscle 16陰莖penis 17 陰囊scrotum 18內(nèi)收肌 adductor medial muscle 19坐骨神經(jīng)sciatic nerve 20趾深屈肌flexor digitorum profundus muscle 21腓腸肌 gastrocnemius muscle 在野醫(yī)人 收集制作 感謝丁香園提供生物交流平臺!
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