music 教學設(shè)計(共3篇)

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《music 教學設(shè)計(共3篇)》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《music 教學設(shè)計(共3篇)(9頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、music 教學設(shè)計(共3篇) 第1篇:music 教學設(shè)計外延高中英語book2 module 3 music教學設(shè)計 發(fā)布者: 孫榮 發(fā)布時間: -7-30 19:34:57 延安市第一中學 孫榮一、教材分析本節(jié)課是閱讀課,本文圍繞音樂這一主題向?qū)W生介紹了海頓、莫扎特和貝多芬等三位歐洲_世紀的偉大的音樂家的主要成就和生平細節(jié), 是學生感興趣的話題?,F(xiàn)階段學生已經(jīng)具有一定的語言基礎(chǔ),具備一定的認知能力,有自我的觀點和看法,對音樂會非常感興趣,對本文一些知名的音樂家會有所了解,但對于音樂家的英文名不會太熟悉。通過閱讀,學生學_了新的詞匯和句型,提高了閱讀水平,并能學_音樂家們堅持不懈的精神。二

2、、設(shè)計思路音樂是學生比較感興趣的話題,所以本節(jié)課以播放音樂導(dǎo)入,采用圖片展示、頭腦風暴形式, 增加學生音樂樂器方面的詞匯。使得課堂氣氛較為活躍, 同時激發(fā)學生學_的興趣和閱讀欲望,很快融入課堂教學內(nèi)容。通過展示三位音樂家的圖片讀前討論引導(dǎo)學生聯(lián)想與主題相關(guān)的信息自然進入本課內(nèi)容。在讀的過程中,通過略讀,查讀,細節(jié)閱讀層層深入引導(dǎo)學生理解文章同時培養(yǎng)他們獲取信息、處理信息、運用信息進行推理判斷的能力。讀后的采訪引導(dǎo)學生通過合作學_就所學知識進行問答練_,培養(yǎng)他們信息處理和信息輸入輸出的能力。最后的討論促使學生深入思考什么使得這三位音樂家聞名于世,從而學_音樂家們堅持不懈的精神。三、教學目標Tea

3、ching goals: 1.Target language: a.important words and phrases: court, director, genius, symphony, talent, compose, album, catchy, be known as, change .into ., be impreed with, go deaf b.important sentences:Other composers had written symphonies before Haydn, but .P22 Having worked there for 30 years

4、, Haydn moved to .P22 By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed .P23 While he was still a teenager, Mozart was .P23After they had known each other for many years, Beethoven said .P232.Ability goals:Enable the Ss to talk about some world-famous composers.3.Learning ability goals:Help the Ss learn ho

5、w to talk about some famous composers in the world.四、Teaching important points:Get the Ss to learn something about Joseph Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven.五、Teaching difficult points:Background of the three famous composers and different types of music.六、Teaching methods: Fast reading, listening, compari

6、son and discuion. 七、Teaching aids:A projector and a computer.八、Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead- inMake “introduction”as the topic of leading-in.1.As the beautiful music goes on, show the students pictures of famous bands, singers, directors and different musical truments home and broad students are

7、 interested in.2.Brain-storming.Divide the students into groups to have a competition ask students to speak out as many words about musicians and musical truments as they can.(設(shè)計意圖:讓學生了解課文中將出現(xiàn)的單詞或者短語,激活學生已有的知識圖式,為課文學_提供語言詞匯上的支撐。采用圖片激趣、頭腦風暴形式,使得課堂氣氛較為活躍,且提高了學生學_的興趣,便于調(diào)動學生的參與意識,激活學生大腦中的知識儲備,同時有效地激發(fā)學生的

8、閱讀欲望,很快融入課堂教學內(nèi)容。 ) Step 2 Pre-reading Discuion Show the pictures of the three well-known musicians on the screen and make students have a discuion about them with the help of teacher.Q: How much do you know about Haydn/Mozart/Beethoven (設(shè)計意圖:該活動可以激活學生的背景圖式,思考學_的主題,聯(lián)想與主題相關(guān)的信息,自然的進入要談?wù)摰脑掝}。 ) Step 3 Wh

9、ile-reading 1.Scanning 1) Ask the students to read the paage quickly and choose the best title for it. 2) Lead the students to divide the paage into parts to have a good understanding of the structure of the paage.(設(shè)計意圖:要求學生快速瀏覽全文,把握文章大意,分析文章基本結(jié)構(gòu)的能力。)2.Skimming (group work)Complete a chart about the

10、 birthplace, father, achievement and experience of the three musicians.(設(shè)計意圖: 查讀是快速獲得信息的一種手段。利用表格進行讀書摘記,使課文內(nèi)容化繁為簡,思路清晰。這一教學環(huán)節(jié)中既培養(yǎng)了學生查找信息、處理信息的能力,也培養(yǎng)了學生合作與探究意識。)3.Careful reading Task 1: Read the paage again, and decide whether the following statements are True or False.1) The three composers were al

11、l born in Austria.2) Mozart had a beautiful singing voice.3) Mozart died before his fortieth birthday.4) Beethoven once worked at the court of a prince, who began to go deaf when he grew older.5) Beethoven had ever met Haydn, but he didnt think he taught him a lot.6) Both Haydn and Mozart had father

12、s who were musicians.Task2: Pair work Read and listen to the paage.Meanwhile, answer some more questions:1) How did Haydn change the form of symphonies3) How many pieces of music did Mozart compose 5) How long were Mozart and Haydn friends (設(shè)計意圖:該步驟檢測學生是否正確獲得了文章提供的主要信息,問題由淺入深,讓所有的學生都有成就感,體現(xiàn)了現(xiàn)代理論提出的課

13、堂要面向全體學生的要求。通過詳讀,培養(yǎng)學生的推理、判斷、把握作者意圖等處理信息的能力。) Step 4 Post-reading 1.Interview Invite three students to play the role of three musicians separately and the rest students can ask them questions about the living life about three musicians according to the paage.(設(shè)計意圖:進一步鞏固從文本中所獲取的信息,并在此基礎(chǔ)上輸出語言,初步運用課文中的語

14、言知識。) 2.Discuing in groupsWhat makes the three musicians world-famous詢問某個物品的主人是誰,并能用Its s 做出相應(yīng)答。過程與方法:通過出示圖片、播放視頻、做游戲等形式真切的體會和學_本節(jié)課內(nèi)容。情感態(tài)度與價值觀:使學生通過樂器的學_感受到音樂的魅力,從而熱愛生活。教學重點:詞匯:whose, guitar, piano, violin 句型:-Whose guitar is it Ss: Its in the music room.T: What can you see and what can you do in th

15、e music room Ss:鋼琴。T: Yes, how to read it Ss: He is Lang Lang.T: Can he play the piano Yes or no 的肯定答語和否定答語。 4)男女生PK,操練句型。2.1)(出示小提琴圖片)T:Whats this Lets read this word “l(fā)ion”, “io” for /a/ So try to read it.violin /valn/.練單詞(方法同上)2)播放拉小提琴的視頻,T:What can she play Ss: 吉他。T:Yes, how to read it Answer my

16、 question.S: He can play the guitar. 3) 操練句型,男女PK。4.Play a game: Simon says.整體操練單詞 piano, violin, guitar.5.播放課文動畫。帶著問題讀課文 1)Can Kitty play the violin 3)Whose guitar is it Ss: No, it isnt.T: So, Whose guitar is it?(板書) Its Joes guitar.解釋s所有格表示。的。 7.操練句型。 三 練 1)Make a chant.2) Gue, what is it Its _s _

17、 來練_句型。四、拓展延伸:向?qū)W生介紹下中國的民族樂器。五、課堂小結(jié)六、測 (見題單)七、作業(yè)布置 1.Copy the new words: guitar, piano violin, whose.2.Read the text to your parents.八、板書設(shè)計Unit 6 Music-Whose guitar is it2.Match the sentences about “the Monkees” .3.Fill in the blanks and make clear the development of “the monkees”.4 retell the story

18、by some key words.D.Post-reading a.Work in groups : make a interview in your group.One is considered to be a reporter and the others are the members of a famous band.The reporter will ask them what they think is important for their succe b.DiscuionAccording to the Monkees succe, what can we learn from their succe.早教學設(shè)計(共3篇)雪教學設(shè)計(共3篇)氨教學設(shè)計(共3篇)weather 教學設(shè)計(共3篇)鯨教學設(shè)計(共3篇)

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