
1、2021國家開放大學(xué)電大本科《人文英語4》期末試題及答案(試卷號:1390) 一, 豪尊用ii (A加分.■小分) 1-5■:flT ■的小對話.透胃恰?的答幽? L — Good aftcmoocu Can 1 help you? A. I need to buy ? birthday present for my oru H. I don*! think I need any of your help. C Yet. I think bo> too. I. — Eacute met eouid you tell the time? \ Youd bett
2、er buy ? watek 氏 Can you tec the dork? C It ea three thirty by my watclu X — How many languAgea does Peter i|)eAk? 人 With hi? roommate*. & Five G Pmty welL ,— Something went wrong with my ulevision mghh K How did you nuiruige to do that? C itnpoitiblce L — Your ID card, pleaae. A
3、 Here you are. & Here are thejfe GGive ytMU 二. ?y靖(舞m分.?小■ 2分) s—so ■:nat下?的句子.從am.c三個長職中逸出一個■堪入堂白蛇的 6. Whit it the train to Htrmingham? A (et & trip :C (are 7. Professor Smith promi*ed to look Ey pper? that is o read i! carefully K over before the defence. A. after on Our hotiAr in n
4、bout n mile from I hr rnilwny ^uiion and there arc not many huUACn A. in between H. hr prt (:. ArnoiiK ihrrn 9. The young hnly cnmiiiK nwr to uh our 卜:叫1雄 fcnchcr i the wny she wlk iclh un tliAt! A# rniwi be ft cm be C. would hr 11). Had you come five minutes rRrlicr. you fhr truin to Manch
5、eMtrn But now
you niiMMfd it.
A. would cutch K would have caught
A. All a Both
C. Neither
14. .hnc1 n dretR i imilar in design her ?inter1
A. like Be with
15. The uportu meeting wan put off fill the next week ratru
A. in tpite of H bo
C because of
16. I wm giviriK a tftlk to ? Urge group of people, the name talk I _ _ to half m doxrn other group,befo 7、re.
A- had given B. am giving
G wan Riving
17. thcac honours he received a turn of money
A> Expect B. But
C. Bestdea
18. _ i. the populittion of Paris?
A. How many B. How much
C. What
19. Th。film brought the hour* bark to me I wn tnkcn good cure ol in that
remote villngc.
A. when Ik wh 8、ere
G that
20. ItS high time ihnt he settled down in the country and a new life.
A> start K utarted
C starting
Chnrity it a concept which d?ten back to Biblical timeiit when helping the poor was xomrthing that rich people baBtcfllly did 9、to make themocIvcN (cel good. Social work has i(b root9 in chnrity, o it originally began around the lime of the Industrial revolution when there were many p 10、d . lot and nccd> to he ecn from a completely different perspective^
Modern-day social work dcaln noi only with poverty nnd the subnecfuttnt problem*, but mIad with the problems nri^ing from various lypen ol social fcitr" (Hocial phobi5H) a nd diacnminAtion aurh a* scxium* racism? nnd djucnminHiion 11、 agMinut nn individual due to Age. or mrntA) or phyHical diMbilitics. Social workers deal with the conMequcncru of these dHcriminnlionji e well “ conMqurncc* that ari/ic from ncxual abuw.")um? and vanou* other problems
SociaI work provide* an importarH service to socicty< Iridividuah and in need of 12、
help arc thr (ocuii of it. and Are referred to a rhents. Socml workers help dirnts live a productive life tn their own cominijniiy< In otdef to trm:h thi> they -nlz he ?asiRUncr of family nrwmhcM. relative> Incl rchgiou* lcaders> nnd Other influentml member, of fhr community^ Althouuh inMitutional 13、iiation E.y be necriary at Utnc^. il in a temporary nolutiom Social worker* uxually urrvr In lhe front hne< and reach out to the clients jeoon After prohlrmw occur Thr goal in tn help chrntn return to normal Ide in a nftiurn! netting.
2L The chnrity ori|(inft)ly means to
A. help thr poor that muk 14、ei* the rich (cel ockL
B> help client return to normal We>
Ct fterve the whole wetety.
22. When doc^ social work begin?
A. around the time of the induatnal revolution
B. Biblical time*
Q modern time
23. Modcrn-doy social work dEx with the following problem* except - . ?
A. poverty 竦褪舶可
C ed 15、ucation
24. In order to help clients live a productive life, social worken can turn to the anitAnce of ?
A. government B fnmily members
C businessmen
25. Which statcmrnl about social work in NOT True^
A. Social work rootR from charity.
B, Social work deaU not only with poverty and the ^ubflrqu 16、ent problems, but alno with vanoun social fcur und dnicriminaliont
C? Social work in that thr rich people want to help the poor people.
26-30 H: 文內(nèi)容判斷蛤出的遇句是否正確,正確的耳(T).tiR的寫(『).
Dear Mr. Brown#
I wiiih to apply for the ponirion of Socinl Worker as ndvenhed on ncck< com> au. PIcaac find my rejeum 17、e Attached.
For Almost two years 1 hnvc worked a Mental Health Cane Matuger For Truecarc and ?heir Housing and Accomniodutton Support !nitmtive Dunnff the time I have proven my ?bilily to work with an interdisciplinRry fcm< and a Iso developed intcrperxoiml skilln and tron^ profexsionxl reUtionNhip 18、H with client a ? including individuals ? fafnilicn nnd community groups In my work I have acquired a ihorough understanding of the Mentzil Health Act of 20U in relation to wcial work.
My duties have included providing pMyrhosoeial support to clients, in thr form of ontr on onc counnellinK ns well 19、■■ group thernpyi developing and overseeing ircatmcnt plans (or chcntiH advising family careRivcrsi and connuhmR with doctors> therapists and medical profetfuionals* I was awarded with the New Kmployee Achievement Award (or my work on . difficult cate in 201 S> My strong verbal and written communica 20、tion skill* have been well ulHixcd in this role and I hAve also dcmonairated nnhd orKanizational AkilU in my case TnanAKtrncnf.
I hove a strong desire to mnke a positive diHerence in peopled lives and 1 InJirve I would be an Mswrt to St PauPs blospital i( given the opportunity.
If you require more 21、 information plense contact me at the phone numbers tibove. I am flvailabic for interviews and hope to hear from you soon.
Your* sincerely*
Jamea Both
26. James hat Blmost two*year experiences of bocuiI work
27. James provides psychoocial support to clients? only in the form of group thcrapy<
2 22、8. Jarnen doe not give ?dvice to family caregiveri.
29. Jiund tronx verbal and written communication skilii havr been well u*ed in thii position.
30* James bclitvcA hr would be ? valunble staff to St Paul1 ? Hospiul if given the opportunity.
四. 寫作(20分)
3L tJ要求完版作文.
W*Thr Imporunce of Effective 23、Communicition^C^i 效交fit的 ffi 要性 >為18耳一筒蔑文? 字?jǐn)?shù)不少于120
-■交岸用18 (共計】。分,《1小12分)
I,A 2 C 3* B A 6? A
二、WI匯與結(jié)構(gòu)(共計30分,督小Jtt 2分)
7. B
& A
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. A
13. C
1(. C
16. A
17. C
18. C
19. A
20, B
三■!讀 24、理解(共10分,熊小?I分)
21—26 ■:倒讀下列短文.從AJIJ:三個逸頊中地出一個正■答案?
2h A 22, A 23.C 24. B 26.C
26-30 文內(nèi)容判斷tft出的倨句H否正?■正碩的W(r).ttiR的寫(F)。
26.T 27. F 28. F 29. T 30.T
31 82.W1KC求耳什文
Effective communication is essential for all organizations Itlinks the activities of the
various parts of the organizat 25、ion andensures that everyone is working towards a common goal. Effective communicationcan eliminate misunderstandings andpromote emotions. Whenwehave misunderstandings withothers, timely communicating is the only effective way to solveit. Short communication is essential to all people thateveryone s 26、hould realize that. Therefore we should learnhow to communicate with other effectively. There are ofcourse several ways of communication which include speakingto them directly e- mailing, telephoning or sending a memo. The most appropriate method depends on what exactly it isyou are communicating. For example anything that isparticularly sensitive or confidential, such as an employee sappraisal should be done face-to-face. The use of technology such as e-mail mobile phones and network systems isspeeding up communication immensely.
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