PMAC 技術(shù)培訓(xùn)(高級)

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10 積分




《PMAC 技術(shù)培訓(xùn)(高級)》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《PMAC 技術(shù)培訓(xùn)(高級)(383頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 1 E-MOTION PMAC多 軸 運 動 控 制 卡 ( 高 級 培 訓(xùn) ) 2 PMAC 卡 主 體 結(jié) 構(gòu)串 行 通 訊 接 口 RS-232 and / or RS-422I/O 接 口電 路 PMAC(1)-style PMAC2-style CPU Non-Turbo: DSP5600 x (16-bit addressing) Turbo: DSP5630 x (24-bit addressing)總 線 通 訊 接 口 ISA / VME / PCI PC104/STD USB ETHERNET (Optional DPRAM) MAC

2、RO 光 纜 接 口 PMAC2 Ultralite ACC-42P ACC-5E (UMAC)伺 服 接 口 電 路 PMAC(1)-style ICs PMAC2-style ICs PMAC(1)-style connectors PMAC2-style connectors Mini / Lite / (full) 3 機 器 接 口 2光 隔 I/O 機器接口 1擴展 編 碼 器接 收 光 隔 16-bit DACs 標 志 信 號隔 離 SRAM128 k x 24 ActiveMemory CPU24-Bit 20/40/60/80 MHz DSP56002 Watchdog 定

3、 時 器 “ DSPGATE” 4-Channel伺 服 電 路 光 隔 16-bit DACsBus Comm. Interface ADC PortBus 總 線 接 口Standard CPU only Option 16 標 志 信 號隔 離“ DSPGATE” 4-Channel 伺服 電 路ADC Port 編 碼 器接 收 Option 4A, 5A, 5B, 5C Option 2 Standard CPU only Option 1FLASH 512k x 8 Firmware “Pulse swallower” for slow drivesACC 8FP Direct P

4、WM copy inputs into imageM902=M1002 ; copy image to outputs 55E1 J2 1 2 3 4 5OPEN1 2 3 4 5OPENU1 U2U4U3 J1 ACC-35A Option 1The DB37S Connector OptionSW1 SW2 J2 1 2 3 4 5OPEN1 2 3 4 5OPEN TB112U1 U2U4U3J1 ACC-35B Option 1The DB37S Connector OptionSW1SW2ACC-35 Multiplexer Port ExtendersFor use with: A

5、CC-34 family of I/O input ACC-18 thumbwheel input ACC-8D Opt 7 R/D converter ACC-8D Opt 9 Yaskawa absolute encoder board 56P4 DAC/ADC-CLK.(16 PIN)(16 PIN)PMACMAIN BOARD(PMAC CPU PIGGYBACK) J6 (JXIO)(10 PIN)DAC-INT. J7 (JMACH2)(60 PIN)AXIS 5 TO 8J5 (JOPT)(34 PIN)INPUT/OUTPUT J8 (JMACH1)(60 PIN)AXIS 1

6、 TO 4J4 (RS422)(26 PIN)RS422/232J1 (JDISP)(14 PIN)DISPLAY J2 (JPAN)(26 PIN)CONTROL PANEL J3 (JTHW)(26 PIN)THUMBWHEELSJ1(36 PIN) J3(36 PIN) JS1JS2 C1 A1P3J4 (JDPRAM)(10 PIN)JEQU INTERRUPTSP2(36 PIN) P.C. BUSP1(62 PIN)J2 (JAXEXP)(50 PIN) -TM2500/TM2700_ Enter MC3487P 11 J2 J 3 U4 MC3486P U11 J1 MAX232

7、CPEU 8 E1AE2B E3 T1 RP1 RP4 ACC-26RS422/232 TO RS232OPTICALLY ISOLATEDCONVERTER BOARD RDSDCS RS D1D2D3 D4 1Provides Optical Isolation for RS422/232Control PanelNumeric Input24 Char. Display6 Function Keys ACC-20 ACC-26 57 PMAC/PMAC2 A/D Converter Choices# ofChannels Resolution(bits) Repeatability(bi

8、ts) VoltageRange Mounting OpticalIsolation?ACC 28A 4 15 12 10V DIN Rail YesACC 28B 2, 4 16 15 10V DIN Rail YesACC 36P 16 12 11 0-10V, 5V ISA Bus NoACC 36V 16 12 11 0-10V, 5V VME Bus NoOpt. 12, 12A 8/16 12 11 0-5V, 2.5V Onboard Option NoOpt. 15 (V/F) 12 onMini 11 10 0-10V(10V on Lite) OnboardOptionTy

9、pe PMACFamilyCompatibility11, 21, 21, 221NoYes onMini 58 U3 E2 E4 TP1TP2 R21R22 R10R11 R1J1 J2E3TB1 E1 J3 iSBXCONNECTOR 12 1 9 1 815 U3 E2 TP1TP2 R21R22 R10R11 R1J1 J2E3TB1 E1 J3 iSBXCONNECTOR 12 1 9 1 815 P4 DAC/ADC-CLK.(16 PIN)(16 PIN)PMACMAIN BOARD (PMAC CPU PIGGYBACK) J6 (JXIO)(10 PIN)DAC-INT. J


11、 PIN) J2 (JAXEXP)(50 PIN) ACC-28A 59 3U Stack Boards ACC-1E 2-Axis Servo Interface Board* ACC-2E 4-Axis Servo Interface Board ACC-3E 48/96/144 TTL I/O Board ACC-4E 24-In/24-Out Isolated I/O Board ACC-6E 16-Channel 12-Bit ADC Board * For use with MACRO Interface / CPU Board only 60 UMAC Servo IC Boar

12、ds3 Phase PWMDual AnalogPulse Points to P0 M10- Y:$BC00, 0, 12;Points to M0 definitionAction:M10=P100+3 ;select P(P100+3)M0=P0 ;Same as P(P100+3)=P0 NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 72 P Points to C.S.1 Q0 M11- Y:$BC01, 0, 12;Points to M1 definitionAction:M11=1024+Q0+P10 ;select C.S.1 Q(Q0+P10)M1=Q99 ;Same as Q(

13、Q0+P10) =Q99Writing (Turbo):P(P100+3)=P0Q(Q0 + P10)=Q99 NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 73 $0000$00FF$0100$17FF$1800$BBFF$BC00$BFFF$C000 $C03F$D000$DFFF$E000$F000$FFFF Internal DSPMemoryDSP-Gate RegistersDual-PortedRAMVME busregistersI/ORegistersExternalStaticRAM(Battery/Flash Backed) X-Memory Y-Memory23 1615 8

14、7 023 1615 87 0Fixed-Use Calculation RegistersUser Buffer Storage Space User-Written Servo Storage M-Variable DefinitionsMailbox RegistersVME Setup RegistersPMAC Memory C - PWM1: A C - PWM2: A C - PFM3: A C - PFMI9n7: Output n Invert Control0: A C - Not Inverted1: A C - Not Inverted2: A C - Inverted

15、3: A C - InvertedI9n8: Output n PFM Direction Control 0: Direction output not inverted1: Direction output invertedNEW IDEAS IN MOTIONI7mn6I7mn7I7mn8 87 PMAC Motor I-Variable GroupsIx00 - Ix10 Motor x Definition(also Ix25)Ix11 - Ix19 Motor x Safety variablesIx20 - Ix29 Motor x Motion variables Ix30 -

16、 Ix35 Motor x PID GainsIx36 - Ix39 Motor x Notch FilterIx40 - Ix59 Motor x Pole Placement(Option 6 required)Ix60 - Ix69 Motor x Servo loop ModifiersIx70 - Ix84 Motor x CommutationParameters (only used if Ix01=1)Ix85 - Ix86 Motor x Backlash NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 88 Basic Motor Definition I-VariablesIx0

17、0=1 Motor x ActivatedServo calculations can be performedNot necessarily enabled NEW IDEAS IN MOTIONIx00=0 Motor x DeactivatedNo servo calculations doneNo position reported Ix00 Motor x Activation 89 Ix01 Motor x CommutationIx01=0 Not commutated by PMACNo phasing calculations doneOne output for the m

18、otorIx01=1 Commutation performed by PMACPhasing calculations done eachphase update.2 analog or 3 PWM outputs usedIx70-Ix84 must be used NEW IDEAS IN MOTION Basic Motor Definition I-Variables (continued) 90 PMAC Address I-Variables(Non-Turbo) Low 16 bits (4 hex digits) specify the address When high 8

19、 bits are zero, address is used in normal mode When one or more high bit=1, address used in different mode I9=2 or 3: PMAC reports variable value in hex NEW IDEAS IN MOTION0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 30 1 C 0Hex ($)Binary Applies to I21-I44Ix02,Ix03,Ix04,Ix05,Ix10,Ix25,Ix81, Ix8

20、2, Ix83, Ix93 91 Motor Address I-VariablesPMAC vs. Turbo PMAC Ix02 Command Output Address can superimpose on programmed moves)Bit 16=0 (缺 省 ) 正 常 模 式 (跟 隨 時 位 置 變 化 ; next programmed move cancels effect of following) NEW IDEAS IN MOTION Ix05 主 位 置 地 址Ixx06bit 1Ixx06bit 1 101 位 置 跟 隨 參 數(shù)Encoder Table

21、$0720-$0739 Ix07Ix05 D+ -PIFECP AP Ix05 手 輪 (跟 隨 )位 置 地 址 /跟 隨 模 式Ix06 跟 隨 使 能Ix07 Master Scale FactorIx08 Position Loop (Load) Scale FactorIx09 Velocity Loop (Motor) Scale Factor+-HW Ix06+Ix08 Ix09Ix08軌 跡指 令 不 能 在運 行 時改 變 To DAC可 以 在運 行 時改 變 NEW IDEAS IN MOTIONActualMotorPositionActualLoadPosition跟

22、 隨 開 關(guān) NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 102 PMAC Position Following(Electronic Gearing)Ix07 Ix08 DMPn DCPnMechanical Analogy Master Follower 103 PMAC Position FollowingMotorCommandedPosition follows MasterPosition NEW IDEAS IN MOTIONDCPn= *DMPnIx07Ix08Ix08*DCPn= Ix07 *DMPn32*Ix08*DCPn= 32*Ix07 *DMPnWith 1/T: 104

23、 Coordination ConceptAxis #2ActualActionAxis #2Desired ActionAxis #1Desired ActionAxis #1ActualAction NEW IDEAS IN MOTION CoordinationAlgorithmDesiredRelation FeedbackAlgorithmFeedback Algorithm 105 主 從 概 念主 指 令運 動 Slave Desired Action從 動 運 算 FeedbackAlgorithmDesiredRelation NEW IDEAS IN MOTION主 實 際

24、運 動 Slave Actual Action 106 Use Coordination when: Have good control of all axes No axis is predominant in function If you cannot decide which should be master, coordinate! Easy to describe simultaneous motion i.e. start, stop, turn together NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 107 Use Master-Slave when: Too expensi

25、ve for tight control of an axis e.g. high power spindle or conveyor motor Too difficult for tight control of an axis Writing a master/slave motion program is substantially easier (slaving to commanded position recommended here) Examples: coil winding, thread cutting NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 108 50 1 0 1

26、20 0 01 C 01 01 00 0 00 0 40 00 0 0Hex($)Binary Modes PMAC address of flags=0 Use amplifier enable function=1 Do not use amplifier enable function=0 Enable hardware position limits=1 Disable hardware position limits=0 Enable amplifier fault input=1 Disable amplifier fault input =0 Low true fault inp

27、ut=1 High true fault input=00 Kill all PMAC motors on fault or F.E.=01 Kill all C.S. motors on fault or F.E.=1x Kill this motor only on fault or F.E. Ix25 - Motor x Flag Address and Modes0 0 1 NEW IDEAS IN MOTION=1 Flag interface thru MACRO=0 Direct Flag Interface Ixx25 Flag Address / Ixx24 Flag Mod

28、es 109NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 91 0 0 1 81 0 00 F 11 11 F1 1 D1 0 00 01 1 0Hex($)Bin Modes Address=00 - 07 Address is multiplexer port address; specifies device # at this port address (resolver)=08-30(hex): Address is PMAC memory I/O address; specifies # of bits (parallel input)=31 (hex): Address is PMAC

29、 memory I/O address; data in high 16 bits (e.g. ADCC) or Address is multiplexer, data is Yaskawa rev. counter=0 Data at Y address (08-30); ADC data (31)=1 Data at X address (08-30); Yaskawa data (31)=0 Treat as unsigned value=1 Treat as signed values1 1 0Ix10 - Motor Absolute Power-On Position Addre

30、ssNote: If Ix10=0, power-on position is set to 0Ixx10 Address / Ixx95 Format 110 讀 取 上 電 絕 對 位 置 通 過 Ix10讀 取 上 電 伺 服 位 置 旋 轉(zhuǎn) 變 壓 器 絕 對 編 碼 器 模 擬 輸 入 單 元 通 過 I9x and I8x 連 接 旋 變 各 級 I9x Ixx99 是 第 二 級 旋 變 的 齒 輪 比 I8x Ixx98是 第 三 級 旋 變 的 齒 輪 比 通 過 Ix81讀 取 上 電 相 位 旋 轉(zhuǎn) 變 壓 器 絕 對 編 碼 器 Ix75 上 電 相 位 偏 移 量 N

31、EW IDEAS IN MOTION 111 PMAC 指 令 寄 存 器 Ix03Ix04Ix83 Ix25 Output AOutput BOutput CControlStatusADC AADC BEncoder DAC, PWMAMP EnableFlagsCurrent Feedback SignalsPosition Feedback Signal編 碼 器 轉(zhuǎn) 換 表 DAC, PWMPFM, PWMMotor X運 算 寄 存 器 Ix25Ix82Ix02 112 PMAC/MACRO Station 寄 存 器Motor x運 算寄 存 器PMAC MACRO Node n

32、 Registers MACRO Station Node n RegistersMACRO Station Machine Interface Channel x Registers Channel Interface SignalsStation SW1 Setting, Conversion Table, MI10 xServo floating point) DO NOT SET TO ZERO! (MOTOR WOULD NOT DECELERATE)! 119 Motor x Safety Variables (continued)Ix16: Maximum Permitted P

33、rogram Velocity(Units: cts/msec; floating point)For linear blended program moves only (with I13=0)Limit scales with feedrate override (% value)Also serves as RAPID velocity if I50=1 NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 120 Motor x Safety Variables (continued).Ix17: Maximum Permitted Program Acceleration(Units: cts/m

34、sec2; floating point)For linear blended program moves only (with I13=0)Limit scales with feedrate override (% value)Of limited effectiveness (without special lookahead) when acceleration/deceleration requires more than one programmed move NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 121 Motor x Safety Variables (continued)I

35、x19: Maximum Permitted Jog/Home/Rapid Acceleration(Units: cts/msec2; floating point)Can override TA (Ix20) and TS (Ix21)Used always if Ix200 and Ix210 NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 122 Ix20 Acceleration Time (Jog, Home)Ix21 S-Curve Time (Jog, Home) NEW IDEAS IN MOTIONCase 1: Ix21=0Ix20 Ix20V T Motor x Motion

36、Variables 123 Ix20 Acceleration Time (Jog, Home)Ix21 S-Curve Time (Jog, Home) NEW IDEAS IN MOTIONCase 3: Ix202*Ix21Ix21 Ix21 Ix21 Ix21Ix20 Ix20 TV Motor x Motion Variables 124 Motor x Motion VariablesIx20 Acceleration Time (Jog, Home)Ix21 S-Curve Time (Jog, Home) NEW IDEAS IN MOTIONCase 2: Ix200, ax

37、is will make short move within range for ABS moves(=Ix27/2 counts) NEW IDEAS IN MOTION180 45315 201 ABS.A315A45 Without rollover21 With rollover 135 Motor x Motion Variables (continued)Ix28: 電 機 到 位 范 圍 (Units: 1/16 ct)For indicator purposes only A motor is “in-position” if: Closed loop Desired vel

38、=0 Prog timer off |FE|0 Provides stiffer servo when near in-positionn=0 disables any deadband effectn0 Reduces gain when near in-position(n=-16 provides true deadband)n decel = slip = motor torqueClosed loop: Desired Motor torque = slip = motor torquew s=we-wm (Hz)wm (rpm)Linear torque/sliprelations

39、hip 170 為 什 么 要 用 矢 量 控 制 ? NEW IDEAS IN MOTION Induction motors are a substantial cost benefit, especially in large sizes Induction motors are available in very large sizes Induction motors are very rugged Induction motors cannot be demagnetized Technique eliminates most possible runaway conditions

40、 Field strength control permits flexible torque/speed range 171 PMAC 的 換 向 算 法I. 計 算 轉(zhuǎn) 子 場 方 位A. 同 步 電 機 1. 讀 取 編 碼 器 位 置 2. 轉(zhuǎn) 換 成 原 始 位 置 (上 電 或 絕 對 )B. 異 步 (感 應(yīng) )電 機 1. 讀 取 編 碼 器 位 置 2. 計 算 滑 差 率 3. Add slip advance to rotor positionNSStatorRotor NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 172 PMAC 的 換 向 算 法II. 分 配 定 子 電

41、 流A. 轉(zhuǎn) 矩 指 令 (“ 差 分 ” ) current Magnitude from servo filter or open loop 正 交 于 轉(zhuǎn) 子 磁 場B. Magnetization (“direct”) current Used mainly for induction motors Aligned parallel to rotor fieldC. Components added vectoriallyNSStatorRotor NEW IDEAS IN MOTIONA C B 173 B PMAC 的 換 向 算 法III. Align Current to Ph

42、asesA. Graphically, drop perpendicular to each phase line from net current vectorB. Mathematically, take dot product of net current vector and each unit phase vectorC. Only compute 2 phases; 3rd ( Ix74 控 制 尋 相 時 間 186 無 刷 電 機 的 定 (尋 )相II. 上 電 絕 對 值 定 相A. 組 合 定 相兩 種 以 上 方 式 尋 相(在 定 相 周 期 零 位 結(jié) 束 )讀 取

43、 絕 對 位 置 傳 感 器設(shè) 定 Ix75=-Pos/Ix70 (偏 移 )B. 上 電 不 移 動 方 式 定 相上 電 時 PMAC自 動 讀 取 絕 對 位 置 傳 感 器 定 相Ix81 制 定 傳 感 器 地 址Ix75 的 偏 移 量 加 上 傳 感 器 位 置 得 出 相 位 NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 187 PMAC 定 相 方 式重 復(fù) 精 度 需 要修 正 Notes霍 爾 傳 感 器 +/- 30 e Yes 在 1st Hall 信 號 邊 沿 或 index處 修 正方 式旋 變 +/- 3 cts No 步 進 或 對 稱 方 式 定 相絕 對 編

44、碼 器 +/- 1 ct No 步 進 或 對 稱 方 式 定 相+/- 5-10 e MaybeTwo Guess方 式 步 進 方 式 +/- 1-2 e Maybe 低 載 荷 情 況 下 ,微 運 動 方 式 定 相對 稱 方 式 +/- 1 ct No “ 理 想 定 相 ” - Not feasible in actualapplications; only to establish reference大 于 1/2-周 期 尋 相 運 動 188 PMAC 補 償 表標 準 螺 距 補 償 e.g. Dx=f(x) 用 旋 轉(zhuǎn) 編 碼 器 得 到 直 線 編 碼 器 的 精 度

45、誤 差 輸 入 到 PMACDEFINE COMP 200, #1, #1, 100000E M Dx Dx Dx Dx Dx 補 償 表 長 度源 電 機 補 償 表 計 數(shù) 跨 度目 標 電 機NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 189 PMAC Compensation Tables交 叉 軸 補 償e.g. Dy=f(x) Useful for bowed leadscrews Can be used to build electronic cam tablesDEFINE COMP 100, #1, #2, 100000 Table LengthSource Motor Tabl

46、e Span in CountsTarget MotorNEW IDEAS IN MOTIONDyME Dy Dy Dy Dy Dy 190NEW IDEAS IN MOTIONDzDz e.g. Dz=f(x,y)DEFINE COMP 20. 15, #1, #2, #3, 20000, 15000Table columns Table rows1st source motor2nd source motor 2nd motor span in counts1st motor span in countsTarget motor PMAC 補 償 表2D (平 面 ) 轉(zhuǎn) 換 表 : 19

47、1 PMAC 補 償 表應(yīng) 用 于 激 光 打 標 系 統(tǒng) NEW IDEAS IN MOTIONTable 1: Dy=f(y)=arctan(y/L2)-(y/L2)Table 2: Dx=f(x,y)=arctanx/(L1+ L22-y2)-x/(L1+L2)XY L1L2 uncompensatedcompensated 192 PMAC 電 機 間 隙 (齒 隙 )補 償 參 數(shù)Ix86: 間 隙 補 償 大 小 (1/16 count)電 機 反 相 時 補 償Ix85: 補 償 收 縮 率 (1/16 count/background cycle)電 機 反 相 時 補 償 的

48、 速 率盡 可 能 設(shè) 大I99: 間 隙 滯 后 (1/16 count) (global)Ixx87 Required size of reversal before backlash change 設(shè) 成 非 零 ,防 止 抖 動 NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 193 PMAC 電 機 間 隙 (齒 隙 )補 償 表#x DEFINE BLCOMP #entries, count span Position-dependent backlash Added to Ix86 constant backlash Table backlash is zero at motor zer

49、o 雙 向 間 隙 補 償 NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 194 Coordinate System Concept NEW IDEAS IN MOTION A coordinate system is a set of motors grouped together to achieve coordinated motion Motors requiring independent motion should be in separate coordinate systems Coordinate systems execute motion programs Motors ass

50、igned to coordinate system by “axis definition statement” NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 195 PMAC Axis Definition StatementCalculation resumes after next Block Request flag)2) Two jumps back in program are founda) ENDWHILES (including implied) and/orb) GOTOs to higher lines(Block Request flag is left set;Blend

51、ing is disabled;Calculations resume after move stops;if stopped already, resume at next RTI) 218 Motion Program Sequencing ExampleX0 Y0Q1 = Q10 * COS(Q20)Q2 = Q10 * SIN(Q20)X(Q1) Y(Q2)WHILE (M11=0)ENDWHILEX(-Q1) Y(-Q2)IF (M12=1) Q3=100ELSE Q3=50ENDIFDWELL (Q3) 219 Observing the PMAC “Double Jump Bac

52、k” RuleP1=1WHILE (P111) P2=0 WHILE (P2360) P3=10+P1*COS(P2) X(P3) P2=P2+10 ENDWHILE P1=P1+1ENDWHILEP1=1WHILE (P111) P2=0 WHILE (P2X; Assign motor 1 to the X-axis - 1 program unit; of X is 1 encoder count of motor #1* Motion Program Text *OPEN PROG 1; Open buffer for program entry, Program #1CLEAR; E

53、rase existing contents of bufferLINEAR; Blended linear interpolation move mode ABS; Absolute mode - moves specified by positionTA500; Set 1/2 sec (500 msec) acceleration timeTS0; Set no S-curve acceleration timeF5000; Set feedrate (speed) of 5000 units(cts)/secX10000; Move X-axis to position 10000DW

54、ELL500; Stay in position for 1/2 sec (500 msec)X0; Move X-axis to position 0CLOSE; Close buffer - end of programTo run this program: Coord. System 1, point to Beginning of Program 1, Run Example 1: A Simple Move 224Motor 1 CMD VelocityVelocity (counts/ s ec) 225 Example 2: A More Complex MoveThis ex

55、ample introduces incremental and time-specification of moves, looping logic, using variables, scaling of axes, and simple arithmetic. Note that logical and mathematical operations do not delay moves.;* Set-up and Definitions * Coordinate system 2; NOTE: No motor can be simultaneously defined; in mor

56、e than one coordinate systemCLOSE; Make sure all buffers are closed#5-1000X; 1 unit (cm) of X is 1000 counts of motor 5 226 Example 2: A More Complex Move (continued);* Motion Program Text *OPEN PROG 2; Open buffer for entry, Program #2CLEAR; Erase existing contents of bufferLINEAR; Blended linear i

57、nterpolation move modeINC; Incremental mode - moves specified by distanceTA500; 1/2 sec (500 msec) acceleration timeTS250; 1/4 sec in each half of S-curveP1=0; Initialize a loop counter variableWHILE (P110); Loop until condition is false (10 times) X10; Move X-axis 10 cm (=10,000 cts) positive DWELL

58、500 ; Hold position for 1/2 sec X-10; Move X-axis back 10 cm negative DWELL500; Hold position for 1/2 sec P1=P1+1; Increment loop counterENDWHILE; End of loopCLOSE; Close buffer - end of programTo run this program: Coordinate System 2, point to Beginning of Program 2, 227Velocity (counts/ s ec) Moto

59、r 1 CMD Velocity 228 運 動 程 序 旋 轉(zhuǎn) 緩 沖 區(qū)實 時 下 載 程 序DEFINE ROT size reserves the specified number of words of memory for the addressed C.S.s bufferB0 tells the coordinate system to be ready to execute the rotary buffer. (All buffers must be CLOSED for this command.)OPEN ROT prepares all rotary buffers

60、for entryCLEAR erases any existing contents NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 229 運 動 程 序 旋 轉(zhuǎn) 緩 沖 區(qū)program lines are entered into buffer for addressed C.S.R starts execution for addressed C.S.PR returns the number of lines yet to be executed in addressed C.S. interrupt generated until I17 lines ahead; generated a

61、gain when execution catches up within I16 lines; for addressed C.S. when I2=1CLOSE prevents entry into buffer; does not stop execution NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 230NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 運 行 “ 直 接 ” 旋 轉(zhuǎn) 緩 沖 區(qū)旋 轉(zhuǎn) 緩 沖 區(qū) 在 一 種 不 確 定 “ 等 待 ” 的 情 況 下 執(zhí) 行 所 有 的 發(fā) 來 的 運 動 新 來 的 運 動 指 令 立 刻 被 執(zhí) 行 緩 沖 區(qū) 中 的 程 序 象 在 線

62、 指 令 一 樣 被 執(zhí) 行 由 狀 態(tài) 位 來 判 斷 運 動 是 否 停 止 231 PMAC 運 動 模 式 LINEAR 直 線 運 動 模 式 梯 形 /三 角 形 速 度 曲 線 直 線 ,圓 弧 插 補 運 動 混 合 CIRCLE 圓 弧 插 補 運 動 正 弦 速 度 曲 線 直 線 ,圓 弧 插 補 運 動 混 合 NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 232 PMAC 運 動 模 式 RAPID 快 速 點 定 位 模 式 梯 形 /三 角 形 速 度 曲 線 快 速 點 對 點 運 動 ; 無 運 動 混 合 SPLINE 樣 條 插 補 模 式 拋 物 線 速 度

63、曲 線 3次 B-spline 樣 條 SPLINE運 動 混 合 , 連 續(xù) 加 速 度 PVT 位 置 -速 度 -時 間 模 式 拋 物 線 速 度 曲 線 PVT運 動 混 合 , 連 續(xù) 加 速 度 NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 233 LINEAR 直 線 運 動 模 式 (ABS) 絕 對 座 標 or (INC) 相 對 座 標 編 程 指 定 (F)進 給 速 度 (矢 量 ) or 運 動 時 間 (TM) 指 定 加 速 時 間 (TA, TS) or 加 速 度 (Ix17) 設(shè) 定 TM=TA, TS=0, 二 次 B-spline 樣 條 路 徑 NEW

64、IDEAS IN MOTION 234 Linear Mode TrajectoriesV timeTA TA V timeTA TA TASmall acceleration timeTM orDP/F TM orDP/FTM orDP/F 235 Linear Mode Trajectories (continued)V timeTATA TAV timeTA TA TATA TM or DP/F TM or DP/F TM or DP/FTM or DP/FTM or DP/F Small acceleration time 236 Linear Mode Trajectories V

65、timeV timeTA TA TA TM or DP/F TM or DP/F TM or DP/F Acceleration Time Matches Move Time 237 Linear Mode Trajectories (continued) V time V timeTATA TA TA TA TA TA TM or DP/FTM or DP/F TM or D TM or DP/F P/F 238 Linear Mode TrajectoriesLarge (velocity limiting) acceleration timeV timeV time TA TA TADT

66、A TA D TM orDP/F TM or P/FTM or P/F 239 Linear Mode Trajectories (continued)Large (velocity limiting) acceleration timeV timeD DTA TA TATM orP/F TM orP/F 240 Linear Mode TrajectoriesChanging acceleration timesV timeV timeTA1 TA2T A2TM or DP/F TM or DP/F TA1 TA2 TA2TM or DP/F TM or DP/F 241V time V timeTA2 actual TA2 specifiedTA1 TA2 specified TM2TM1TA1 TA2TA2 Linear Mode Trajectories (continued)Changing acceleration times NEW IDEAS IN MOTION 242 Profiled Linear InterpolationV V t t t t CONSTANT

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