Die history
1 Die position in industrial production
Mold is a high-volume products with the shape tool, is the main process of industrial production equipment.
采用模具生產零部件,具有生產效率高、質量好、成本低、節(jié)約能源和原材料等一系列優(yōu)點,用模具生產制件所具備的高精度、高復雜程度、高一致性、高生產率和低消耗,是其他加工制造方法所不能比 With mold components, with high efficiency, good quality, low cost, saving energy and raw materials and a series of advantages, with the mold workpieces possess high accuracy, high complexity, high consistency, high productivity and low consumption , other manufacturing methods can not match. 已成為當代工業(yè)生產的重要手段和工藝發(fā)展方向。 Have already become an important means of industrial production and technological development. 現(xiàn)代經濟的基礎工The basis of the modern industrial economy. 現(xiàn)代工業(yè)品的發(fā)展和技術水平的提高,很大程度上取決于模具工業(yè)的發(fā)展水平,因此模具工業(yè)對國民經濟和社會發(fā)展將起越來越大的作用。
The development of modern industrial and technological level depends largely on the level of industrial development die, so die industry to national economic and social development will play an increasing role. 1989 年 3 月國務院頒布的《關于當前產業(yè)政策要點的決定》中,把模具列為機械工業(yè)技術改造序列的第一位、生產和基本建設序列的第二位 ( 僅次于大型發(fā)電設備及相應的輸變電設備 ) ,確立模具工業(yè)在國民經濟中的重要地位。 March 1989 the State Council promulgated "on the current industrial policy decision points" in the mold as the machinery industry transformation sequence of the first, production and capital construction of the second sequence (after the large-scale power generation equipment and the corresponding power transmission equipment), establish tooling industry in an important position in the national economy. 1997 年以來,又相繼把模具及其加工技術和設備列入了《當前國家重點鼓勵發(fā)展的產業(yè)、產品和技術目錄》和《鼓勵外商投資產業(yè)目錄》。 Since 1997, they have to mold and its processing technology and equipment included in the "current national focus on encouraging the development of industries, products and technologies catalog" and "to encourage foreign investment industry directory." 經國務院批準,從 1997 年到 2000 年,對 80 多家國有專業(yè)模具廠實行增值稅返還 70% 的優(yōu)惠政策,以扶植模具工業(yè)的發(fā)展。 Approved by the State Council, from 1997 to 2000, more than 80 professional mold factory owned 70% VAT refund of preferential policies to support mold industry. 所有這些,都充分體現(xiàn)了國務院和國家有關部門對發(fā)展模具工業(yè)的重視和支持。 All these have fully demonstrated the development of the State Council and state departments tooling industry attention and support. 目前全世界模具年產值約為 600 億美元,日、美等工業(yè)發(fā)達國家的模具工業(yè)產值已超過機床工業(yè),從 1997 年開始,我國模具工業(yè)產值也超過了機床工業(yè)產值。 Mold around the world about the current annual output of 60 billion U.S. dollars, Japan, the United States and other industrialized countries die of industrial output value of more than machine tool industry, beginning in 1997, China's industrial output value has exceeded the mold machine tool industry output.
據(jù)統(tǒng)計,在家電、玩具等輕工行業(yè),近 90 %的零件是綜筷具生產的;在飛機、汽車、農機和無線電行業(yè),這個比例也超過 60 %。 According to statistics, home appliances, toys and other light industries, nearly 90% of the parts are integrated with production of chopsticks; in aircraft, automobiles, agricultural machinery and radio industries, the proportion exceeded 60%. 例如飛機制造業(yè),某型戰(zhàn)斗機模具使用量超過三萬套,其中主機八千套、發(fā)動機二千套、輔機二萬套。 Such as aircraft manufacturing, the use of a certain type of fighter dies more than 30,000 units, of which the host 8000 sets, 2000 sets of engines, auxiliary 20 000 sets. 從產值看, 80 年代以來,美、日等工業(yè)發(fā)達國家模具行業(yè)的產值已超過機床行業(yè),并又有繼續(xù)增長的趨勢。 From the output of view, since the 80's, the United States, Japan and other industrialized countries die industry output value has exceeded the machine tool industry, and there are still rising. 據(jù)國際生產技術協(xié)會預測,到 2000 年,產品盡件粗加工的 75% 、精加工的 50 %將由模具完成;金屬、塑料、陶瓷、橡膠、建材等工業(yè)制品大部分將由模具完成, 50 %以上的金屬板材、 80 %以上的塑料都特通過模具轉化成制品。 Production technology, according to the International Association predicts that in 2000, the product best pieces of rough 75%, 50% will be finished mold completed; metals, plastics, ceramics, rubber, building materials and other industrial products, most of the mold will be completed in more than 50% metal plates, more than 80% of all plastic products, especially through the mold into
模具的歷史發(fā)展 2 The historical development of mold
模具的出現(xiàn)可以追溯到幾千年前的陶器和青銅器鑄造,但其大規(guī)模使用卻是隨著現(xiàn)代工業(yè)的掘起而發(fā)展起來的。 The emergence of mold can be traced back thousands of years ago, pottery and bronze foundry, but the large-scale use is with the rise of modern industry and developed.
19 世紀,隨著軍火工業(yè) ( 槍炮的彈殼 ) 、鐘表工業(yè)、無線電工業(yè)的發(fā)展,沖模得到廣泛使用。 The 19th century, with the arms industry (gun's shell), watch industry, radio industry, dies are widely used. 二次大戰(zhàn)后,隨著世界經濟的飛速發(fā)展,它又成了大量生產家用電器、汽車、電子儀器、照相機、鐘表等零件的最佳方式。 After World War II, with the rapid development of world economy, it became a mass production of household appliances, automobiles, electronic equipment, cameras, watches and other parts the best way. 從世界范圍看,當時美國的沖壓技術走在前列——許多模具先進技術,如簡易模具、高效率模具、高壽命模具和沖壓自動化技術,大多起源于美國;而瑞士的精沖、德國的冷擠壓技術,蘇聯(lián)對塑性加工的研究也處于世界先進行列。 From a global perspective, when the United States in the forefront of stamping technology - many die of advanced technologies, such as simple mold, high efficiency, mold, die and stamping the high life automation, mostly originated in the United States; and Switzerland, fine blanking, cold in Germany extrusion technology, plastic processing of the Soviet Union are at the world advanced. 50 年代,模具行業(yè)工作重點是根據(jù)訂戶的要求,制作能滿足產品要求的模具。 50's, mold industry focus is based on subscriber demand, production can meet the product requirements of the mold. 模具設計多憑經驗,參考已有圖紙和感性認識,對所設計模具零件的機能缺乏真切了解。 Multi-die design rule of thumb, reference has been drawing and perceptual knowledge, on the design of mold parts of a lack of real understanding of function. 從 1955 年到 1965 年,是壓力加工的探索和開發(fā)時代——對模具主要零部件的機能和受力狀態(tài)進行了數(shù)學分橋,并把這些知識不斷應用于現(xiàn)場實際,使得沖壓技術在各方面有飛躍的發(fā)展。 From 1955 to 1965, is the pressure processing of exploration and development of the times - the main components of the mold and the stress state of the function of a mathematical sub-bridge, and to continue to apply to on-site practical knowledge to make stamping technology in all aspects of a leap in development. 其結果是歸納出模具設計原則,并使得壓力機械、沖壓材料、加工方法、梅具結構、模具材料、模具制造方法、自動化裝置等領域面貌一新,并向實用化的方向推進,從而使沖壓加工從儀能生產優(yōu)良產品的第一階段。 The result is summarized mold design principles, and makes the pressure machine, stamping materials, processing methods, plum with a structure, mold materials, mold manufacturing method, the field of automation devices, a new look to the practical direction of advance, so that pressing processing apparatus capable of producing quality products from the first stage.
進入 70 年代向高速化、啟動化、精密化、安全化發(fā)展的第二階段。 Into the 70's to high speed, launch technology, precision, security, development of the second stage. 在這個過程中不斷涌現(xiàn)各種高效率、商壽命、高精度助多功能自動校具。 Continue to emerge in this process a variety of high efficiency, business life, high-precision multi-functional automatic school to help with. 其代表是多達別多個工位的級進模和十幾個工位的多工位傳遞模。 Represented by the number of working places as much as other progressive die and dozens of multi-station transfer station module. 在此基礎上又發(fā)展出既有連續(xù)沖壓工位又有多滑塊成形工位的壓力機—彎曲機。 On this basis, has developed both a continuous pressing station there are more slide forming station of the press - bending machine. 在此期間,日本站到了世界最前列——其模具加工精度進入了微米級,模具壽命,合金工具鋼制造的模具達到了幾千萬次,硬質合金鋼制造的模具達到了幾億次 p 每分鐘沖壓次數(shù),小型壓力機通常為 200 至 300 次,最高為 1200 次至 1500 次。 In the meantime, the Japanese stand to the world's largest - the mold into the micron-level precision, die life, alloy tool steel mold has reached tens of millions of times, carbide steel mold to each of hundreds of millions of times p minutes for stamping the number of small presses usually 200 to 300, up to 1200 times to 1500 times. 在此期間,為了適應產品更新快、用期短 ( 如汽車改型、玩具翻新等 ) 的需要,各種經濟型模具,如鋅落合金模具、聚氨酯橡膠模具、鋼皮沖模等也得到了很大發(fā)展。 In the meantime, in order to meet product updates quickly, with the short duration (such as cars modified, refurbished toys, etc.) need a variety of economic-type mold, such as zinc alloy die down, polyurethane rubber mold, die steel skin, also has been very great development.
從 70 年代中期至今可以說是計算機輔助設計、輔助制造技術不斷發(fā)展的時代。 From the mid-70s so far can be said that computer-aided design, supporting the continuous development of manufacturing technology of the times. 隨著模具加工精度與復雜性不斷提高,生產周期不斷加快,模具業(yè)對設備和人員素質的要求也不斷提高。 With the precision and complexity of mold rising, accelerating the production cycle, the mold industry, the quality of equipment and personnel are required to improve. 依靠普通加工設備,憑經驗和手藝越來越不能滿足模具生產的需要。 Rely on common processing equipment, their experience and skills can not meet the needs of mold. 90 年代以來,機械技術和電子技術緊密結合,發(fā)展了 NC 機床,如數(shù)控線切割機床、數(shù)控電火花機床、數(shù)控銑床、數(shù)控坐標磨床等。 Since the 90's, mechanical and electronic technologies in close connection with the development of NC machine tools, such as CNC wire cutting machine, CNC EDM, CNC milling, CNC coordinate grinding machine and so on. 而采用電子計算機自動編程、控制的 cNc 機床提高了數(shù)控機床的使用效率和范圍。 The use of computer automatic programming, control CNC machine tools to improve the efficiency in the use and scope. 近年來又發(fā)展出由一臺計算機以分時的方式直接管理和控制一群數(shù)控機床的 nNc 系統(tǒng)。 In recent years, has developed a computer to time-sharing by the way a group of direct management and control of CNC machine tools NNC system.
隨著計算機技術的發(fā)展,計算機也逐步進入模具生產的各個領域,包括設計、制造、管理等。 With the development of computer technology, computers have gradually into the mold in all areas, including design, manufacturing and management. 國際生產研究協(xié)會預測,到 2000 年,作為設計和制造之間聯(lián)系手段的圖紙將失去其主要作用。 International Association for the Study of production forecasts to 2000, as a means of links between design and manufacturing drawings will lose its primary role. 模具自動設計的最根本點是必須確立模具零件標準及設計標準。 Automatic Design of die most fundamental point is to establish the mold standard and design standards. 要擺脫過去以人的思考判斷和實際經驗為中心所組成的設計方法,就必須把過去的經驗和思考方法,進行系列化、數(shù)值化、數(shù)式化,作為設計準則儲存到計算機中。 To get rid of the people of the past, and practical experience to judge the composition of the design center, we must take past experiences and ways of thinking, for series, numerical value, the number of type-based, as the design criteria to the computer store. 因為模具構成元件也干差萬別,要搞出一個能適應各種零件的設計軟件幾乎不可能。 Components are dry because of mold constitutes a million other differences, to come up with a can adapt to various parts of the design software almost impossible. 但是有些產品的零件形狀變化不大,模具結構有一定的規(guī)律,放可總結歸納,為自動設計提供軟件。 But some products do not change the shape of parts, mold structure has certain rules, can be summed up for the automatic design of software. 如日本某公司的 CDM 系統(tǒng)用于級進模設計與制造,其中包括零件圖形輸入、毛坯展開、條料排樣、確定模板尺寸和標準、繪制裝配圖和零件圖、輸出 NC 程序 ( 為數(shù)控加工中心和線切割編程 ) 等,所用時間由手工的 20% 、工時減少到 35 小時;從 80 年代初日本就將三維的 cad / cam 系統(tǒng)用于汽車覆蓋件模具。 If a Japanese company's CDM system for progressive die design and manufacturing, including the importation of parts of the figure, rough start, strip layout, determine the size and standard templates, assembly drawing and parts, the output NC program (for CNC machining Center and line cutting program), etc., used in 20% of the time by hand, reduce their working hours to 35 hours; from Japan in the early 80s will be three-dimensional cad / cam system for automotive panel die. 目前,在實體件的掃描輸入,圖線和數(shù)據(jù)輸入,幾何造形、顯示、繪圖、標注以及對數(shù)據(jù)的自動編程,產生效控機床控制系統(tǒng)的后置處理文件等方面已達到較高水平;計算機仿真 (CAE) 技術也取得了一定成果。 Currently, the physical parts scanning input, map lines and data input, geometric form, display, graphics, annotations and the data is automatically programmed, resulting in effective control machine tool control system of post-processing documents have reached a high level; computer Simulation (CAE) technology has made some achievements. 在高層次上, CAD / CAM / CAE 集成的,即數(shù)據(jù)是統(tǒng)一的,可以互相直接傳輸信息. At high levels, CAD / CAM / CAE integration, that data is integrated, can transmit information directly with each other. 實現(xiàn)網絡化。 Achieve network. 目前. Present. 國外僅有少數(shù)廠家能夠做到。 Only a few foreign manufacturers can do it.
3我國模具工業(yè)現(xiàn)狀及發(fā)展趨勢 China's mold industry and its development trend
模具工業(yè)現(xiàn)狀 Die & Mould Industry Status
由于歷史原因形成的封閉式、“ 大 而全” 的 企業(yè)特征,我國大部分企業(yè)均設有模具車間,處于本廠的配套地位,自 70 年代末才有了模具工業(yè)化和生產專業(yè)化這個概念。 Due to historical reasons for the formation of closed, "big and complete" enterprise features, most enterprises in China are equipped with mold workshop, in factory matching status since the late 70s have a mold the concept of industrialization and specialization of production. 生產效率不高,經濟效益較差。 Production efficiency is not high, poor economic returns. 模具行業(yè)的生產小而散亂,跨行業(yè)、投資密集,專業(yè)化、商品化和技術管理水平都比較低。 Mold production industry is small and scattered, cross-industry, capital-intensive, professional, commercial and technical management level are relatively low.
據(jù)不完全統(tǒng)計,全國現(xiàn)有模具專業(yè)生產廠、產品廠配套的模具車間(分廠)近17000家,約60萬從業(yè)人員,年模具總產值達200億元人民幣。 According to incomplete statistics, there are now specialized in manufacturing mold, the product supporting mold factory workshop (factory) near 17 000, about 600 000 employees, annual output value reached 20 billion yuan mold. 但是,我國模具工業(yè)現(xiàn)有能力只能滿足需求量的60%左右,還不能適應國民經濟發(fā)展的需要。 However, the existing capacity of the mold and die industry can only meet the demand of 60%, still can not meet the needs of national economic development. 目前,國內需要的大型、精密、復雜和長壽命的模具還主要依靠進口。 At present, the domestic needs of large, sophisticated, complex and long life of the mold also rely mainly on imports. 據(jù)海關統(tǒng)計,1997年進口模具價值6.3億美元,這還不包括隨設備一起進口的模具;1997年出口模具僅為7800萬美元。 According to customs statistics, in 1997 630 million U.S. dollars worth of imports mold, not including the import of mold together with the equipment; in 1997 only 78 million U.S. dollars export mold. 目前我國模具工業(yè)的技術水平和制造能力,是我國國民經濟建設中的薄弱環(huán)節(jié)和制約經濟持續(xù)發(fā)展的瓶頸。 At present the technological level of China Die & Mould Industry and manufacturing capacity, China's national economy in the weak links and bottlenecks constraining sustainable economic development.
1、模具工業(yè)產品結構的現(xiàn)狀 3.1 Research on the Structure of industrial products mold
按照中國模具工業(yè)協(xié)會的劃分,我國模具基本分為10大類,其中,沖壓模和塑料成型模兩大類占主要部分。 In accordance with the division of China Mould Industry Association, China mold is divided into 10 basic categories, which, stamping die and plastic molding two categories accounted for the main part. 按產值計算,目前我國沖壓模占50%左右,塑料成形模約占20%,拉絲模(工具)約占10%,而世界上發(fā)達工業(yè)國家和地區(qū)的塑料成形模比例一般占全部模具產值的40%以上。 Calculated by output, present, China accounts for about 50% die stamping, plastic molding die about 20%, Wire Drawing Die (Tool) about 10% of the world's advanced industrial countries and regions, the proportion of plastic forming die die general of the total output value 40%.
我國沖壓模大多為簡單模、單工序模和符合模等,精沖模,精密多工位級進模還為數(shù)不多,模具平均壽命不足100萬次,模具最高壽命達到1億次以上,精度達到3~5um,有50個以上的級進工位,與國際上最高模具壽命6億次,平均模具壽命5000萬次相比,處于80年代中期國際先進水平。 Most of our stamping die mold for the simple, single-process mode and meet the molds, precision die, precision multi-position progressive die is also one of the few, die less than 100 million times the average life of the mold reached 100 million times the maximum life of more than accuracy 3 ~ 5um, more than 50 progressive station, and the international life of the die 600 million times the highest average life of the die 50 million times compared to the mid 80s at the international advanced level.
我國的塑料成形模具設計,制作技術起步較晚,整體水平還較低。 China's plastic molding mold design, production technology started relatively late, the overall level of low. 目前單型腔,簡單型腔的模具達70%以上,仍占主導地位。 Currently a single cavity, a simple mold cavity 70%, and still dominant. 一模多腔精密復雜的塑料注射模,多色塑料注射模已經能初步設計和制造。A sophisticated multi-cavity mold plastic injection mold, plastic injection mold has been able to multi-color preliminary design and manufacturing. 模具平均壽命約為80萬次左右,主要差距是模具零件變形大、溢邊毛刺大、表面質量差、模具型腔沖蝕和腐蝕嚴重、模具排氣不暢和型腔易損等,注射模精度已達到5um以下,最高壽命已突破2000萬次,型腔數(shù)量已超過100腔,達到了80年代中期至90年代初期的國際先進水平。 Mould is about 80 million times the average life span is about, the main difference is the large deformation of mold components, excess burr side of a large, poor surface quality, erosion and corrosion serious mold cavity, the mold cavity exhaust poor and vulnerable such as, injection mold 5um accuracy has reached below the highest life expectancy has exceeded 20 million times, the number has more than 100 chamber cavity, reaching the mid 80s to early 90s the international advanced level.
2、模具工業(yè)技術結構現(xiàn)狀 3.2 mold Present Status of Technology
我國模具工業(yè)目前技術水平參差不齊,懸殊較大。 Technical level of China's mold industry currently uneven, with wide disparities. 從總體上來講,與發(fā)達工業(yè)國家及港臺地區(qū)先進水平相比,還有較大的差距。 Generally speaking, with the developed industrial countries, Hong Kong and Taiwan advanced level, there is a large gap.
在采用CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP等技術設計與制造模具方面,無論是應用的廣泛性,還是技術水平上都存在很大的差距。 The use of CAD / CAM / CAE / CAPP and other technical design and manufacture molds, both wide application, or technical level, there is a big gap between both. 在應用CAD技術設計模具方面,僅有約10%的模具在設計中采用了CAD,距拋開繪圖板還有漫長的一段路要走;在應用CAE進行模具方案設計和分析計算方面,也才剛剛起步,大多還處于試用和動畫游戲階段;在應用CAM技術制造模具方面,一是缺乏先進適用的制造裝備,二是現(xiàn)有的工藝設備(包括近10多年來引進的先進設備)或因計算機制式(IBM微機及其兼容機、HP工作站等)不同,或因字節(jié)差異、運算速度差異、抗電磁干擾能力差異等,聯(lián)網率較低,只有5%左右的模具制造設備近年來才開展這項工作;在應用CAPP技術進行工藝規(guī)劃方面,基本上處于空白狀態(tài),需要進行大量的標準化基礎工作;在模具共性工藝技術,如模具快速成型技術、拋光技術、電鑄成型技術、表面處理技術等方面的CAD/CAM技術應用在我國才剛起步。 In the application of CAD technology design molds, only about 10% of the mold used in the design of CAD, aside from drawing board still has a long way to go; in the application of CAE design and analysis of mold calculation, it was just started, most of the game is still in trial stages and animation; in the application of CAM technology manufacturing molds, first, the lack of advanced manufacturing equipment, and second, the existing process equipment (including the last 10 years the introduction of advanced equipment) or computer standard (IBM PC and compatibles, HP workstations, etc.) different, or because of differences in bytes, processing speed differences, differences in resistance to electromagnetic interference, networking is low, only about 5% of the mold manufacturing equipment of recent work in this task; in the application process planning CAPP technology, basically a blank state, based on the need for a lot of standardization work; in the mold common technology, such as mold rapid prototyping technology, polishing, electroforming technologies, surface treatment technology aspects of CAD / CAM technology in China has just started. 計算機輔助技術的軟件開發(fā),尚處于較低水平,需要知識和經驗的積累。 Computer-aided technology, software development, is still at low level, the accumulation of knowledge and experience required. 我國大部分模具廠、車間的模具加工設備陳舊,在役期長、精度差、效率低,至今仍在使用普通的鍛、車、銑、刨、鉆、磨設備加工模具,熱處理加工仍在使用鹽浴、箱式爐,操作憑工人的經驗,設備簡陋,能耗高。 Most of our mold factory, mold processing equipment shop old, long in the length of civilian service, accuracy, low efficiency, still use the ordinary forging, turning, milling, planing, drilling, grinding and processing equipment, mold, heat treatment is still in use salt bath, box-type furnace, operating with the experience of workers, poorly equipped, high energy consumption. 設備更新速度緩慢,技術改造,技術進步力度不大。 Renewal of equipment is slow, technological innovation, technological progress is not much intensity. 雖然近年來也引進了不少先進的模具加工設備,但過于分散,或不配套,利用率一般僅有25%左右,設備的一些先進功能也未能得到充分發(fā)揮。 Although in recent years introduced many advanced mold processing equipment, but are too scattered, or not complete, only about 25% utilization, equipment, some of the advanced functions are not given full play.
缺乏技術素質較高的模具設計、制造工藝技術人員和技術工人,尤其缺乏知識面寬、知識結構層次高的復合型人才。 Lack of technology of high-quality mold design, manufacturing technology and skilled workers, especially the lack of knowledge and breadth, knowledge structure, high levels of compound talents. 中國模具行業(yè)中的技術人員,只占從業(yè)人員的8%~12%左右,且技術人員和技術工人的總體技術水平也較低。 China's mold industry and technical personnel, only 8% of employees 12%, and the technical personnel and skilled workers and lower the overall skill level. 1980年以前從業(yè)的技術人員和技術工人知識老化,知識結構不能適應現(xiàn)在的需要;而80年代以后從業(yè)的人員,專業(yè)知識、經驗匱乏,動手能力差,不安心,不愿學技術。 Before 1980, practitioners of technical personnel and skilled workers, the aging of knowledge, knowledge structure can not meet the current needs; and staff employed after 80 years, expertise, experience lack of hands-on ability, not ease, do not want to learn technology. 近年來人才外流不僅造成人才數(shù)量與素質水平下降,而且人才結構也出現(xiàn)了新的斷層,青黃不接,使得模具設計、制造的技術水平難以提高。 In recent years, the brain drain caused by personnel not only decrease the quantity and quality levels, and personnel structure of the emergence of new faults, lean, make mold design, manufacturing difficult to raise the technical level.
3、模具工業(yè)配套材料,標準件結構現(xiàn)狀 3.3 mold