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1、 新托福 iBT 聽力場景 入學: accept , admit [?dmit] v. 錄取 Ex: Because Susan was accepted by the state university, her brother Ben applied there too. letter of admission 錄取通知書 admissions office 招生辦公室 registrar [red ?i.str ɑ:]n . (學校)注冊主任 --register Ex: At some colleges,

2、 an official in charge of examinations, keeping records and admitting new students. enroll [inr ?ul] v. 登記 enrollment 注冊人數(shù),入學人數(shù) Ex: I enrolled for/in/on the modern art course. drop out 退學 Ex: He dropped out of college/school when he was 20. transfer [tr?nsf ?:] v 轉(zhuǎn)移, 轉(zhuǎn)學,轉(zhuǎn)班 Ex: I

3、was able to transfer my credits from summer school. I need to transfer to another school because they have the program that I semester=term [simest?] n. 學期 Ex: How many subjects are you studying this semester. ceremony [ser ?m?ni] n. 典禮  ’m really int

4、erested in. Ex: an opening ceremony 開幕式,開學典禮 an award ceremony 頒獎典禮 closing ceremony commencement ( 開始 ) [k?mensm?nt] n. 畢業(yè)典禮 (=graduation ceremony) Ex: During commencement, degrees or diplomas are given to students who have graduated from a school. orientation meeting/session [. ?:rien

5、tei ??n] n. 新生情況介紹會 Ex: The University has arranged an orientation session. student ID card n. 學生證 Ex: You have to show your student ID card in order to be allowed entrance into the university gym. student I.D. number 學號 Ex: Students have an I.D number, with which they login onto the

6、 schools website. lecture hall n. 講堂,講演廳,報告廳 =auditorium [ ??:d??t?:ri ?m] 聽眾席,禮堂 Ex: The lecture hall was jammed with students who are supposed/expected to attend the lecture. dormitory [d ?:mitri] n. 集體宿舍 extracurricular Activities 課外活動 $相關(guān): tuition fees 學費 Ex: Many st

7、udents will not have to pay tuition fees if their financial situation is below a certain level. loan [laibr ?ri] n. 貸款,借貸 financial aid 經(jīng)濟援助 Ex: The library loans books, CDs and videotapes. Student loan grant [gr ɑ:nt] n. 資助,助學金,撥款;準許 Ex: They gave/awarded her a grant to study abroad for

8、 one year. Research grant 研究經(jīng)費 scholarship [sk ?l? ?ip] n. 獎學金 Ex: She got/received/won a scholarship to Yale University. need-based ~ ( 基于 需求 )助學金, merit-based ~ ( 基于優(yōu)秀優(yōu)秀 ) 學業(yè)獎學金 人員稱謂 : freshman [fre ?m?n] 大一學生; sophomore [s?f?m?:] 大二學生 1

9、 junior [d ?u:nj?] 大三學生; senior [si:nj ?] 大四學生 undergraduate 本科生; graduate 研究生 staff members n. 全體職員 Ex: The library is understaffed(=short of hands). 人手不足(stuff) faculty [f?k ?lti] n. 全體教職員工 Ex: How can the faculty improve teaching so

10、as to encourage creativity? university 大學 --president 大學,校長; principal 中學校長; college 學院 dean [di:n] 系主任,院長 =department chair 系主任 Ex: He was elected dean/department chair of the physics department. instructor=lecturer [instr ?kt?] n. 教師,講師 instruction? Follow the ~!

11、 Ex: Hes a poetry instructor at a local community college. teaching assistant =TA 助教; research assistant = RA 助研 academic advisor/counselor [kauns ?l?] 學習顧問,輔導員 Ex: Academic advisors/counselor provide students with accurate information about academic progression and degree

12、 requirements. tutor [tju:t ?] n. 家庭教師,個人輔導(教師) Ex: His tutor encouraged him to read widely in philosophy. I have to do some tutoring to pay/cover my tuition fees. librarian 圖書管理員;facilities manager 設施管理員;editor of school paper 校報編輯 圖書館:

13、 librarian 圖書管理員; library card 借書證; publication (publish) 出版物 periodical reading room 期刊閱覽室; reference section 文獻區(qū),參考書區(qū);video tape 錄像帶 non-fiction 非小說類文學作品; science-fiction 科幻小說 circulation desk 借還書臺; return area 還書處; students locker 學生存儲間 journal [d

14、 ??:nl] n. 學術(shù)雜志 Ex: The library subscribes to all the major science journals. online journal 在線期刊 photocopy 復印 photocopier [f?ut?.k ?pi?] 復印機 Ex: Could you photocopy those three pages for me, please? printer 打印機 Ex :The future of high-quality printing in

15、businesses belongs to laser printers. interlibrary service 圖書館館際互借服務 Ex: Interlibrary services are services provided with the aim of making library documents available to all their users. title [taitl] n. 標題,頭銜,稱號 Ex: Ive read one of her books, but I cant remember the title.

16、 check out 辦理外借手續(xù) Ex: Residents now have to pay $50 a year to check out books from the state university library. loan period/borrowing period [l?un] 借書期限 Ex: The loan period for circulating materials varies according to the status of the borrower. renew [rinju:] v. 續(xù)借 Ex: He renewed

17、the book for another two months. overdue [ ?uv?dju:] adj. 過期的 Ex: an overdue notice 催還書通知 overdue fine 過期罰金 =late fee fine [fain] n. 罰款,罰金 Ex: I got a fine for not returning library books on time. put ? on reserve 把資料放在非外借書庫 reserved books 館藏書(只能在圖書館內(nèi)借閱) 2 Ex

18、: The professor has put the book on reserve for students taking his course. Make a reservation? recall [rik ?:l] n. 召回 Ex: Undergraduates may recall a book from both postgraduates and staff if needed for course reading. If the book/item is recalled by other students or a professor, its loan

19、 period will be shortened and you have to return it within 7 working days/weekdays. out of print (書等 )已絕版的 out of stock=sold out 已售完的 Ex : Her first novel is out of print now but you may find a second-hand copy. internet connection/access 網(wǎng)絡連接 or a connection for internet 接口 Ex: In

20、ternet connection/access is provided in all the sections of the library. online database 在線數(shù)據(jù)庫 Ex: Were linked to the on-line database at our head office. keyword 關(guān)鍵字 Ex: You can type in the keyword to locate the book you are looking for. Plug the laptop in to charge the battery/for p

21、ower. 把筆記本電腦插到插座上給電池充電 hook it up 連接上 (插座 ),鉤上 [hook up with sb, hook up the back of my dress, unhook a bra] 選課 (academic) credit [kredit] n. 學分 Ex: Hes already got a credit/three credits in earth science. registration [.red ?istrei ??n] n. 注冊

22、 Ex: Registration for the courses will take place a week before the start of term. sign up for 選課,報名參加 Ex: Shes signed up for evening classes at the community college. Sign up for a tennis club. schedule [sked ?ul] n. 時間表,計劃 v. 安排,計劃 Ex: The test is scheduled to begin in o

23、ne hour. minor [main ?] n. 輔修專業(yè) (minority) Ex: She majored in chemistry with a minor in biology. major [meid ??] n. 主修專業(yè) (majority) Ex: He chose history as his major and French as his minor. declare a major 選專業(yè) You must declare a major by the end of yo

24、ur sophomore year. course [k ?:s] n. 課程 introductory course ,intermediate level course , advanced course seminar 研討會; workshop 專題課程 compulsory/required/mandatory course 必修課 elective [ilektiv] n. 選修科目 =optional course Ex: She took three electives las

25、t semester. She is taking French as an optional next year. prerequisite [pri:rekwizit] n. 先決條件,先修課程 Ex: Passing a written exam is a prerequisite for taking the advanced course. cancel [k?ns ?l] v. 取消 Ex: The class has been cancelled because not enough students si

26、gned up for it. quit/drop 放棄 退課 Ex: I had to drop my chemistry course last semester when I went into the hospital, so I need to take it again. science majors 理科專業(yè) , art majors 文科專業(yè) , engineering majors 工科專業(yè) 3 medical science 醫(yī)學, earth science

27、地球科學, environmental science 環(huán)境科學, Electronic Commerce 電子商務 ( ICBC ), economics 經(jīng)濟學, business 商學, astronomy 天文學, botany 植物學, psychology 心理學, physiology 生理學, zoology 動物學 ,geology 地質(zhì)學, architecture 建筑學, oceanography 海洋學, ecology 生態(tài)學, archaeology 考古學, linguistics 語言學, anthropology 人類學, stat

28、istics 統(tǒng)計學 (數(shù)據(jù) ), accounting 會計學, philosophy 哲學 上課: bulletin board [bulit ?n] 告示牌 Ex: The classroom assignment sheet is posted on the bulletin board. required textbook [tekstbuk] n. 要求的課本,教科書,教材 Ex: I cant get hold of any of the college textbooks

29、 he recommended. Give away old textbooks. Flea market course syllabus [sil?b?s] 課程大綱 Ex: Course syllabus lists the course objectives, required reading assignments, examination dates, and other course requirements such as attendance. skip/miss classes 缺課, 曠課 attend class

30、 上課 Ex: He skipped chemistry class three times last month. attendance [?tend?ns] n. 出勤, 上課 class participation 課堂參與 Ex: Attendance at lectures is compulsory. approval [?pru:v ?l] n. 允許,許可 Ex: I need to get the professors signature on my note for sick leave, o

31、n the line above advisors approval. handout [h?ndaut] n. 講義 submit=hand in Ex: I e-mailed you about getting the handouts from the class I missed the other day. note [n?ut] n. 筆記 take notes, jot down a few notes Ex: Mind if I borrow your economics notes for a while? cover v.

32、 覆蓋,涉及,包含 Ex. We have covered several centuries of music history in a very short time. audit [ ?:dit] 旁聽 audition 試鏡,試唱,試音 Ex: As a senior citizen, he is allowed to audit university classes. break 短暫的休息時間,課間休息 Ex. Would you like to take a break and get a soda?

33、 Professor ’ s signature 教授簽字(用于注冊課程) openings 可供注冊、空缺的名額,空缺的職位 openings in a bookstore 作業(yè): assignment [?sainm?nt] 作業(yè), project 項目,任務; speech 演講 lab report 實驗報告, book report 讀書報告 presentation [.prezentei ??n] n. ( 國外學生在課堂上所做的 )PPT 演講 Ex: In my third year at col

34、lege, I gave an interesting presentation on urban transport. synthesis [sin θ isis] n. 綜合 ( photosynthesis ) Ex: The teacher asked me to write a synthesis of what I had observed and read. term paper 學期論文 (research paper) Ex: Bill has written only one-third of his term paper that is due

35、tomorrow. senior thesis [ θ i:sis] 論文; essay 作文 extension/delay [iksten ?? n] n. 延期 Ex: Donalds been given an extension to finish his thesis. Ask for an extension outline n. 大綱 , 提綱 (roadmap) hypothesis 假說,假設 = assumption(assume) ; 4 analysis , analytical

36、 分析 ,分析性的 critical thinking 批判性思維 survey 調(diào)查; questionnaire n. 調(diào)查表 , 問卷; observation 觀察, interview vt.n. 采訪 ,面試, carry out/devise an experiment 做實驗 collect/analyze/interpret data 收集 /分析 /解析數(shù)據(jù) journal 學術(shù)期刊, periodical 期刊; source (寫論文的)參考資料 broad ( 論文等 )

37、內(nèi)容寬泛( scope 范圍); narrow down ( 論文等 )縮小范圍 submit [s?bmit] v. 呈送,遞交(=hand in/turn in) Ex: Please submit your application form before the deadline. chart [t ?ɑ:t] n. 圖表 Ex: He illustrated his theory by using chart s and graph s. draft 草稿 --final draft 終稿 rev

38、ise [rivaiz] v. 校訂,修正,校正 rewrite 重寫 Ex: My professor asked to revise the first draft of the thesis. literature review [lit ?r?t ??] 文獻綜述 Ex: The ultimate goal of literature review is to bring the reader up to date with current literature on a topic. references/bibliography

39、[.bibli ?gr?fi] n. 參考書目 Ex: Bibliography usually appears at the end of the thesis. abstract [?bstr?kt] n. 摘要(抽象的) =summary Ex: There is a section at the end of the magazine which includes abstracts of recent articles/books. reference book(=references) 參考書 Ex: The reference book I want

40、 to borrow has been put on reserve by the professor. deadline [dedlain] n. 最后期限,截止時間 due date/time Ex: Theres no way I can meet that deadline. swamped [sw ?mp] v. 由于工作、功課量大而忙不過來 = overwhelmed [.?uv?welm] Ex: Im swamped with work at the moment. feedback [fi:db?k] n. 反饋,成果 Ex: Every

41、Friday, Mr. James would hand out the students essays and give them some feedback. professors office hour 教授答疑時間 Ex: Many freshmen are uncertain or shy about utilizing a professors office hours. stop by 偶然過訪,靠近 (=come by) Ex: Can you stop by my place on your way home from school? appoi

42、ntment [?p ?intm ?nt] n. 預約 Ex: I made an appointment to see Doctor Gram for a physical examination/body check. clarify [kl?rifai] vt. 澄清,闡明,使 ... 明晰 ( declare ) Ex: The teachers explanation clarifies the puzzling problem. 考試: pop quiz 突擊考試 Ex: We had a history pop quiz thi

43、s Monday. mid-term exam 期中考 Ex: The final exam for this class will be on May 21st. When is your chemistry/French final? review [rivju:] vt. 溫習, 復習 (go over) Ex :Well spend this week reviewing/studying/preparing for the final. cram [kr?m] v. 倉促備考,塞滿,臨時抱佛腳 5 Coming up soon!

44、 Ex: Shes cramming for her history exam. assessment 估價,評價 take a make up test 補考 = resit, retake an exam 重考 Ex: I have to take a make-up test because I got the flu on the test day. blank out 腦子突然一片空白 Ex: I blanked out during the exam. come up 出現(xiàn),發(fā)生 Ex: Should he be

45、 watching TV now with the exams coming up next week. 成績 & 學習成果: transcript [tr?nskript] n. 成績單 GPA 平均成績點數(shù) (=grade point average) Ex: I want to continue my studies. I would appreciate it if you could send me a transcript. report card/grade report 成績單

46、 Ex: The report card is issued by the school to the student or the students parents twice or four times yearly. excellent 出色的, average 平均的,一般的, below average 低于平均水平的,差的 grade ( mark 、 score ) 分數(shù) perfect grade 優(yōu)異成績, full marks 滿分, failing grade 不及格分, passing grade

47、 及格分 pass the exam with flying colors 以優(yōu)異成績通過考試 straight As 全 A , B plus B+ , A minus A- diploma [dipl ?um?] n. 文憑 diplomatic Ex: Anyone with a high school diploma can enroll in the course. Id like to drop off my graduation form. I understand you need this in order to

48、 process my diploma. certificate [s?tifikit] n. 證書 Ex: a birth certificate 出生證 a marriage certificate 結(jié)婚證 advanced interpretation certificate 高級口譯證書 physicist 物理學家, mathematician 數(shù)學家, chemist 化學家, historian 歷史學家 bachelors degree 學士學位 degree 學位,度,程度 Ex: He g

49、raduated in 1993 with a bachelors degree in civil engineering. masters degree n. 碩士學位 B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) 文學學士 BS (Bachelor of Science) 工學學士 M.A (Master of Arts) 文學碩士 M.S. (Master of Science) 理學碩士 Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) (

50、哲學)博士 graduate school application 研究生申請apply for graduate school Ex: My professor offered me some advice concerning the wording of my graduate school application 校內(nèi)工作,課外活動: spring break 春季學期間的短假期 letter of reference/recommendation 推薦信 competitive 有競爭力的 benefit

51、 future career 有利于將來的職業(yè) field work/trip 野外考察,實地考察 Ex : Offered by most departments for academic credit, field work/trip enables students to examine the way the theories and the practical experiences of a particular discipline interact. waiter, waitress, babysitter 服務員,保姆 qualification

52、資格 , qualified 合格的 6 student union=council = government = association 學生會 orchestra [??:kestr?] 管弦樂隊; choir [ ?kwa??(r) ] 合唱團; rehearsal , rehearse 排練; play 話劇 clubs 俱樂部, membership 會員資格 audition [?:di ??n] n. 試聽;試演 Ex: His audition went well and hes fairly hopefu

53、l about getting the part. career services office 就業(yè)辦公室 Ex: Career services office is a campus office that provides job listings from local or campus employers and assists students in finding full-time jobs after graduation. career fair 招聘會 Ex: He went to the career services office to con

54、firm the date and location of the career fair. resum [ ?r?z??me ?] n. 簡歷,履歷 Ex: She sent her r sum to fifty companies, but didnt even get an interview. take a part-time job 找兼職工作 Ex: He had taken a part-time job selling all-natural products. internship [int ?:n ?ip] n. 實習 Ex: Jane

55、 has a summer internship at a local TV station. flyer [flai ?] n. 傳單 Ex: Flyers are inexpensive to produce and are regarded as a very effective form of direct marketing. poster [p?ust?] n. 海報 Ex: He put up a poster advertising the career fair. 建筑物 buildings: cafeteria 自助餐廳

56、, dining hall 食堂, lawn 草坪 administration office/building 行政辦公室 /樓 Ex: He was looking for the administration building to drop off his graduation form. renovate 翻新 expand 擴建 main building 主樓, wing 配樓 dormitory n. 宿舍 auditorium n. 會堂 , 禮堂 =lecture hall gym/sports center 健身中心 health center 校醫(yī)院 Ex: I try and work out at the local gym once a week. 7

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