
1、 英語(yǔ)《考試說(shuō)明》附錄中部分?熟詞生義詞?學(xué)習(xí)一覽表? 序號(hào) 單 詞 熟 義 生 義 學(xué) 習(xí) 要 點(diǎn) 1 acros?s 橫過(guò); 越過(guò) 1、到、在對(duì)面 (adv/prep) He lives? acros?s the stree?t.他住在街對(duì)?面。 the house? acros?s the stree?t 街道對(duì)面的?房子 2、寬(adv) The river? measu?res 50 metre?s acros?s. 河寬50米?。 2 add 增加,加起來(lái) 接著說(shuō), 補(bǔ)充說(shuō) I shoul?d like to add that we
2、are pleas?ed with the test resul?t.我還要補(bǔ)充?說(shuō)一下,我們對(duì)測(cè)試?結(jié)果表示滿?意。 3 addre?ss 地址;住址(n) 1、演說(shuō); 正式講演 an addre?ss of welco?me歡迎詞? 2、對(duì)...講演或發(fā)表?演說(shuō)(vt) addre?ss a meeti?ng向大會(huì)?發(fā)表演說(shuō) addre?ss the whole? natio?n 向全國(guó)發(fā)表?演說(shuō) addre?ssed me in low tones?.低聲與我交?談 3、稱呼;用特殊的頭?銜稱呼 How shall? I addre?ss you? 我應(yīng)當(dāng)怎樣?
3、稱呼您呢? Dont addre?ss me as ‘boss’. 不要叫我“老板”。 4、寫姓名地址?(vt) addre?ss the lette?r /envel?ope 在信上寫地?址 The envel?ope is addre?ssed to Jack Johns?on, Esq. 信封上寫著?杰克約翰遜先生?收。 4 admit? 承認(rèn) 1、準(zhǔn)許進(jìn)入 This ticke?t admit?s two peopl?e to the footb?all match?. 這張票可供?兩人入場(chǎng)看?足球賽。 be admit?ted to /into Be
4、iji?ng Unive?rsity?被北京大學(xué)?錄取 2、接[容]納;容許 The cinem?a admit?s about? 2000 peopl?e.這座電影院?大約可坐 2000 人。The rules? and regul?ation?s admit? of no other? expla?natio?n. 這些規(guī)章制?度不容許有?其他解釋。His illne?ss admit?s of no delay?.他的病不容?拖延。 5 affor?d 擔(dān)負(fù)得起費(fèi)?用 抽得出(時(shí)間) He cant affor?d an hour for lunch?.他抽不出一?小時(shí)吃午
5、飯?I cant affor?d three? weeks? away from work.我無(wú)法丟下?工作三星期?。 6 again?st 反對(duì), 逆著, 倚靠著, 1、 與…成對(duì)照 again?st a dark backg?round? 與黑色背景?成對(duì)照; The pictu?re looks? bette?r again?st the light? wall. 這幅畫掛在?淺色的墻上?顯得更美。 2、防備;防御 again?st the cold 防冷aga?inst a rainy? day 防備雨天W?e are all takin?g medic?
6、ine again?st the flu.我們都在服?藥預(yù)防流感?。be prepa?red again?st war and natur?al disas?ters備?戰(zhàn)備荒 7 air 空氣,天空 發(fā)表(意見(jiàn)等) air ones views?發(fā)表意見(jiàn) 使通風(fēng), 使通氣 She aired? the room by openi?ng the windo?w. 她打開(kāi)窗子?使房間通風(fēng)?。 8 allow? 允許,準(zhǔn)許 給予;使得到 allow?ed him £1000 for expen?ses給他?每年100?0 英鎊的開(kāi)銷? 容許(of) allo
7、w? of no excus?e不容辯解?The situa?tions? allow? of no excus?e.形勢(shì)不容許?拖延; 形勢(shì)刻不容?緩。 體諒; 考慮到;顧及(for) We must allow? for his youth?.我們應(yīng)當(dāng)體?諒他年輕。 酌留;預(yù)計(jì) allow? 10% for infla?tion 允許10%的通貨膨脹? allow? 15 minut?es for delay? 預(yù)留15分?鐘以防耽擱? 9 alone? 單獨(dú)地, 獨(dú)自地 [用在名詞或?代詞之后]只有, 唯有, 僅僅 Smith? alone? knew what
8、happe?ned. 只有史密斯?知道發(fā)生了?什么事。 The key alone? will open the door. 只有這把鑰?匙能開(kāi)這個(gè)?門。 10 atten?d 出席,參加 侍侯,照應(yīng),與on/ upon 連用) atten?d the very sick patie?nts 照應(yīng)重病人? atten?d on / upon a very sick man 處理、料理(與to 連用) atten?d to the probl?em 11 beat 連續(xù)擊打, 揍 擊敗,戰(zhàn)勝(用于比賽中?) beat sb at the table? tenni
9、?s match? 規(guī)律性地拍?擊 to beat a drum 擊鼓The? heart? beats?. 心臟跳動(dòng)。My pulse? beats? norma?lly.我脈搏正常?。 攪拌 to beat eggs 打雞蛋 1、 鼓(翼) The bird beat its wings?. 鳥(niǎo)撲打翅膀?。 12 beyon?d 超出、超過(guò) [表示范圍, 限度] 1、 除…以外 [常用于否定?句和疑問(wèn)句?] asked? for nothi?ng beyon?d peace? and quiet?.除平安和平?靜外一無(wú)所?求 晚于、遲于..., 到...
10、以后 Dont stay there? beyon?d midni?ght. 不要過(guò)了午?夜還留在那?兒。 在[向]...的那邊, 在...之外 The road is beyon?d that hill.路在山的那?一邊。 Just beyon?d the fence?.就在籬笆那?邊 13 block? (大)塊;(大)片;街區(qū) 1、 阻塞; 堵住,阻擋(vt) The polic?e have block?ed the road. 警察已經(jīng)封?鎖了道路。block? out light?阻擋光線 trees? that block? the view 2、 障礙
11、物;阻塞(n) a block? in the pipes? 管道阻塞 to put up a road block? 設(shè)置路障 14 book 書 預(yù)定 Youll have to book up early?. 你要早一點(diǎn)?訂座。 The secre?tary has booke?d the manag?er in at the Hilto?n Hotel?. 秘書已經(jīng)在?希爾頓大酒?店為經(jīng)理預(yù)?定了房間。 15 build? 建造, 建筑 體格;體型 We’re of the same build?.我們體型相?同 a man of stron?g build
12、?體格健壯的?人 16 busin?ess 商業(yè), 買賣, 交易, 生意, 商店,商行 He has a busin?ess in the town. 他在城里有?一家商店。run / opera?te/ manag?e a busin?ess 營(yíng)業(yè) in busin?ess; on busin?ess 職責(zé);本分 Its a teach?ers busin?ess to make child?ren learn?. 使學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)?是老師的責(zé)?任。 事情, 事物 Mind your own busin?ess. It’s none of your busin?
13、ess. 17 capit?al 首都, 首都的 1、 資本;資金; 資方; The Smith? Compa?ny has a capit?al of $ 30.000.史密斯公司?有3萬(wàn)美元?的資本。 2、大寫字母 大寫的(字母) capit?al lette?rs 大寫字母 Write? your name in capit?als. 用大寫字母?寫你的名字?。 18 charg?e 收費(fèi),索價(jià)(vt) 費(fèi)用(n) 主管,負(fù)責(zé) 1、 指控(v /n) He was charg?ed with steal?ing a car. 他被指控偷
14、?了一輛汽車?。(charg?e sb. with sth ; 類似 accus?e sb. of sth) a charg?e of steal?ing 偷竊罪的指?控 2、猛沖;攻擊;向前沖 The boy charg?ed into the room. 男孩沖進(jìn)屋?里。Sudde?nly the wild anima?l charg?ed at us.突然那頭野?獸朝我們沖?過(guò)來(lái)。 Charg?e the enemy?向敵人發(fā)起?沖鋒 3、充電、裝(滿), 裝料, charg?e a gun with powde?r 用火藥填滿?炮 19 coin 硬幣 1、
15、造幣;鑄幣 The gover?nment? has decid?ed to coin more one-yuan piece?s. 政府決定再?鑄造一些一?元的硬幣。coin gold.鑄造金幣 2、杜撰設(shè)計(jì)(新單詞或短?語(yǔ)) Do not coin terms? that are intel?ligib?le to nobod?y. 不要生造誰(shuí)?也不懂的詞?語(yǔ)。 3、coin (adj.) 投幣式的(操作需要一?塊或多塊金?屬幣的);自助式的 a coin washi?ng machi?ne. 投幣洗衣機(jī)? 20 colle?ct .收集 1、收(租, 稅, 帳等)
16、; 募(捐) colle?ct the elect?ricit?y fee收取?電費(fèi)。colle?ct taxes?.收稅col?lect (raise?) money? 募集資金 2、領(lǐng)取(信件等);接走(人、物) Today? it is his turn to colle?ct the child?ren from schoo?l in the commu?nity. 今天該輪到?他把孩子們?從社區(qū)學(xué)校?接回去。 3、使鎮(zhèn)靜;集中(思想等) The old lady tried? to colle?ct her thoug?hts but she was too e
17、xcit?ed."老太太力圖?鎮(zhèn)定下來(lái),但是太激動(dòng)?了。"Befor?e you begin? to make a speec?h, you shoul?d colle?ct your thoug?hts and ideas?.在你開(kāi)始講?話之前,你應(yīng)當(dāng)集中?你的思想和?意念。colle?ct ones emoti?ons.鎮(zhèn)定情緒c?ollec?t onese?lf心平氣?和, 平心靜氣, 鎮(zhèn)定一下 21 compa?ny 公司, 1、 陪伴、伴侶 He kept me compa?ny. 他陪伴我。in the compa?ny of在...陪同下I had no comp
18、a?ny on the journ?ey. 我在旅行中?沒(méi)有同伴。 22 conte?nt n.內(nèi)容, 容量, 目錄, 滿足(to ones heart?s conte?nt心滿意?足 adj.滿足的, 滿意的, 愿意 1、 使…滿意或滿足?vt. Nothi?ng conte?nts her, she is alway?s compl?ainin?g. 沒(méi)有什么能?使她滿意,她總是抱怨?。conte?nted himse?lf with one piece? of cake.(他)吃了一塊蛋?糕非常地滿?足 2、含量 the conte?nt of silve?r i
19、n a ton of ore 一噸礦砂中?銀的含量 23 corne?r 角落, (街道)拐角處, 把…難??;使走投無(wú)路? The dog corne?red the rat. 狗把老鼠逼?到一個(gè)角落?。 24 count? 數(shù)數(shù), 計(jì)算 (count? down 倒計(jì)時(shí)) 1、依靠,依賴(on) You can count? on my help.你可以依賴?我的幫助 2、 認(rèn)為;視為;看作 count? it an honor? (to do sth.) (把做某事)引以為榮 3、有價(jià)值;重要;有用 Every? secon?d count?s. 每
20、一秒鐘都?很重要。 You reall?y count? with me.對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)你?確實(shí)很重要? 25 cover? 蓋子, 封面 覆蓋 1、 占(時(shí)間或空間?) )The town cover?s 5 squar?e miles?. 小鎮(zhèn)占地5?平方英里。 2、 走完(一段路程) I want to cover? 100 miles? by dark. 我想在天黑?之前走完1?00英里 3、 行新聞采訪? cover? a fire for a newsp?aper 為報(bào)紙采訪?失火的新聞? 4、 夠付(費(fèi)用) 足以抵補(bǔ)[補(bǔ)償 These? expen?se
21、s are cover?ed by the state?. 這些費(fèi)用都?由國(guó)家負(fù)擔(dān)?。cover? the loss彌?補(bǔ)損失 5、包括;包含;論及 The revie?w cover?ed every?thing? we learn?ed last term. 這次復(fù)習(xí)包?括上學(xué)期我?們所學(xué)的全?部課程。 6、看完(多少頁(yè)書) cover? fifty? pages? in 15 minut?es 26 crazy? 瘋狂的;精神錯(cuò)亂的?;蠢的 著迷的;狂熱的 Shes crazy? about? danci?ng. 她熱衷于跳?舞。 be crazy? about? [
22、over]熱衷于, 醉心于 ;愛(ài)上, 迷戀著補(bǔ)充?:like crazy? [mad] [口]發(fā)瘋似地; 拼命地; 猛烈地Th?ey were runni?ng aroun?d like crazy?.他們拚命地?跑著 27 date 日期 起始于(某時(shí)期); 屬于(某時(shí)期) date back to / date from 男女之間的?)約會(huì); 約會(huì)的對(duì)象?;與…約會(huì) She is my date.她跟我有約?會(huì)。have a date with sb./date with sb. 28 devel?op 發(fā)展, 形成,研制,開(kāi)發(fā) 沖洗(膠片、相片等) devel
23、?op films? /photo?s沖洗膠卷? 29 draw 畫圖 吸引;拉;抽; 平局(vi. vt. & n) draw a curta?in acros?s a windo?w 把窗簾拉上? draw a sword?拔出刀dr?aw water? from the well 從井中把水?抽出來(lái)dr?aw a lesso?n吸取教訓(xùn)? draw 20dol?lars from the bank從?銀行提取2?0美元dr?aw a concl?usion?引出、得出結(jié)論 draw ones atten?tion(to …)引起某人注?意… The stree?t
24、accid?ent drew a big crowd?. 馬路上的事?故吸引了一?大群人。 The game was drawn?.比賽打成了?平局。 The teams? draw. 兩隊(duì)不分勝?負(fù)。 The game ended? in a draw. 比賽不分勝?負(fù) (平局;不分勝負(fù)) 30 due 與to 連用 due to … 因?yàn)?;由…引起;由? 1、預(yù)定到達(dá) Their? plane? is due in 15 minut?es. 他們的飛機(jī)?預(yù)定在15?分鐘后到達(dá)? 預(yù)期的 Your repor?t is due tomor?row. 你的報(bào)告應(yīng)?于明
25、天交。 2、(票據(jù)等)到期的,應(yīng)付給的 a bill due today? 今天應(yīng)付款?的帳單 When is the rent due? 房租應(yīng)于何?時(shí)支付。 3、應(yīng)有的,應(yīng)得的,正當(dāng)?shù)? give due consi?derat?ion to 給于應(yīng)有的?考慮 A great? deal of money? is due to you. 這一大筆款?是你應(yīng)得的?。 31 emplo?y 雇用 1、 使[采、利]用 emplo?y force? 使用武力 Why didnt you emplo?y the new metho?d? 你們?yōu)槭裁?不采用那個(gè)
26、?新方法呢? She emplo?ys her time wisel?y.她善于利用?時(shí)間。(emplo?y... as把...用作) 32 enter? 進(jìn)入; 加入;登錄, [計(jì)]回車 使進(jìn)[加]入 enter? (onese?lf[sb.]) for(替...)報(bào)名參加 寫下或輸入? We enter?ed our names? in the guest? book; 我們?cè)趤?lái)客?名薄上寫下?姓名;enter? the data into the compu?ter.把數(shù)據(jù)輸入?電腦 33 equal? 平等的;相等的; 等于(vt) 1、勝任的 John
27、 is quite? equal? to the job of runni?ng the offic?e.約翰很能勝?任主理這個(gè)?辦事處的工?作。 2、比得上(vt) None of us can equal? her. 沒(méi)人比得上?她。 34 exerc?ise 練習(xí);鍛煉(v / n) 運(yùn)用(權(quán)力)等(v / n) exerc?ise one’s right? 運(yùn)用自己的?權(quán)利 exerc?ise one’s intel?ligen?ce to solve? the probl?em。運(yùn)用智慧解?決問(wèn)題 35 explo?it 剝削(v) 開(kāi)發(fā), 開(kāi)采 explo
28、?it a mine開(kāi)?礦to explo?it the oil under? the sea 開(kāi)發(fā)海底石?油 利用(v) explo?it every? oppor?tunit?y 利用每一個(gè)?機(jī)會(huì) 36 expre?ss 表達(dá), 表示 1、快速的;快遞的 an expre?ss train? 2、快車(= expre?ss train?) 快遞服務(wù);快件服務(wù) the No. 12 speci?al expre?ss to Beiji?ng 開(kāi)往北京的?12 次特快 3、快速地;用快遞方式?地adv to sent the parce?l expre?ss
29、包裹寄快件? 37 fair 公平的 (adj.) (膚色)白皙的, (頭發(fā))金黃的(天氣)晴朗的 fair skin.白皙的皮膚?fair hair.金發(fā) fair skies?.晴朗的天空? 集市 商品展覽會(huì)?;商品交易會(huì)? villa?ge fair農(nóng)?村集市tr?ade fair商?品交易會(huì) indus?trial? fair工?業(yè)博覽會(huì) adv 公平地;公正誠(chéng)實(shí)地? You must play fair. 你必須公正?處事。你必須公平?地比賽。 38 figur?e 數(shù)字, 人像;畫像; 圖;圖表 人物 the great? figur?es
30、 of histo?ry 歷史上的偉?大人物 領(lǐng)會(huì), 懂得 We must figur?e out how to solve? the probl?em. 我們必須想?出解決這個(gè)?問(wèn)題的辦法?。 I could?nt figur?e out who the lady with the sungl?asses? was.我想不出那?位戴墨鏡的?夫人是誰(shuí)。(figur?e out算出?;了解) He figur?ed the whole? schem?e at once.他馬上就懂?得了整個(gè)計(jì)?劃。 推測(cè), 判斷, 估計(jì) I figur?e hell be back so
31、on.我估計(jì)他很?快會(huì)回來(lái)。 2、步行 Well foot it.我們將步行?去。 2、與... 時(shí)常交往 I know him, but I dont frequ?ent him much.我認(rèn)識(shí)他, 但不常往來(lái)?。 39 game 比賽, 游戲, 競(jìng)賽, [復(fù)]運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì) 獵物,野味(不可數(shù)) Lions? and eleph?ants are calle?d big game when they are hunte?d.被追捕的獅?和象稱為大?獵物。 40 gift 贈(zèng)品, 禮物, 天賦, 才能 He has a gift for poetr?y. 他有做詩(shī)的?
32、天賦。 a man of many gifts? 多才多藝的?人 41 grade? 等級(jí);級(jí)別;年級(jí) 1、成績(jī);分?jǐn)?shù) He alway?s got high grade?s in schoo?l. 他在學(xué)校里?總是得高分?。 2、分等,分級(jí)(vt.) to grade? the cotto?n 給棉花分等? These? apple?s have been grade?d accor?ding to size and quali?ty.這些蘋果已?經(jīng)按照大小?和質(zhì)量分了?等級(jí)。 補(bǔ)充:He gradu?ated in histo?ry. 他畢業(yè)于歷?史專業(yè)。 He
33、 gradu?ated with honor?s.他以優(yōu)異成?績(jī)畢業(yè)。 He was [has been] gradu?ated from Oxfor?d in the class? of 1978. 他是牛津大?學(xué)1978?屆畢業(yè)生。(授予學(xué)位, 準(zhǔn)予畢業(yè)) 42 hold 拿著,握著召開(kāi),舉行; 使身體保持?某種姿勢(shì) Hold yours?elf still?. 身體不要?jiǎng)?。 抑制;控制 to hold ones breat?h 屏住氣 容納;裝 The room can hold twent?y peopl?e. 這屋子可容?下20個(gè)人?。How much
34、water? does the jug hold?那罐子能盛?多少水? 占有;占據(jù);堅(jiān)守 to hold a posit?ion 堅(jiān)守陣地 擁有,持有(金錢、土地、職位等) hold an impor?tant posit?ion at the bank. 在這家銀行?里擔(dān)任一個(gè)?重要的職務(wù)?。 My husba?nd and I hold confl?ictin?g opini?ons on this matte?r."對(duì)于這件事?,我和丈夫的?意見(jiàn)相左。 保持;繼續(xù) "Hold the line, pleas?e."請(qǐng)不要掛斷?電話機(jī)! Do you thin
35、k? the good weath?er can hold?你認(rèn)為好天?氣能持續(xù)下?去嗎? 認(rèn)為,以為 I hold it for certa?in.我以為那是?確實(shí)的。 We hold that no count?ry shoul?d inter?fere in the inter?nal affai?rs of other? count?ries.我們認(rèn)為一?國(guó)不應(yīng)干涉?他國(guó)的內(nèi)政?。 hold … to be… 拘留,扣留 held the suspe?ct for quest?ionin?g.拘留嫌疑犯?以待審訊 2、熟悉 She has a good kno
36、wl?edge of Londo?n. 她對(duì)倫敦的?情形很熟悉?。 43 land 陸地; 土地,(使)登陸, (使)登岸,(使)著陸; 國(guó)家 war betwe?en lands? 國(guó)與國(guó)之間?的戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng) 捕(魚(yú)) 抓住或釣上?(魚(yú)) land a big catfi?sh.釣上一條大?鲇魚(yú) (非正式)搞到,撈到,獲得,取得 land a well-paid job; 找到一份收?入很高的工?作land? a contr?act with a Japan?ese firm 攬到一份與?一家日本公?司的合同 44 late 遲的, 晚(期)的(adj/ adv)
37、 1、已故的 前任的 the late docto?r已故的醫(yī)?生 the late presi?dent前?任總統(tǒng) the late gover?nment? 上屆政府 his late wife 他已亡故的?妻子 2、新近的,最近的 the late news最?近的新聞 the late earth?quake?最近的地震? 3、不久前、新近(adv) I saw Mr. Wang as late as yeste?rday. 就在昨天我?還看見(jiàn)過(guò)王?先生。 補(bǔ)充:1、of late近?來(lái)feel? bette?r of late.最近感覺(jué)好?多了2
38、、lates?t(late的?最高級(jí)): 最后的、最近的、最新的 lates?t news at (the ) lates?t至遲、最遲3、later? (on) 以后、后來(lái) 45 last 最后的,最末的; 緊接前面的?;剛過(guò)去的(adj) 最后(的人、東西); 最后,上次 1、vi. 持續(xù), 延續(xù), 維持; 耐久 The festi?val laste?d two days.節(jié)日持續(xù)了?兩天。 This cloth? lasts? well.這種布很耐?穿。 2、夠用、使得以維持?(vt) The food will last us anoth?er week
39、. 食品夠我們?再吃一星期?。 3、最不可能的?least? likel?y or expec?ted);最不適當(dāng)?shù)?,最不合適的?(the least? desir?able or suita?ble) the last perso?n we would? have suspe?cted. 我們最不可?能懷疑的人? the last man for the job.對(duì)這項(xiàng)工作?最不合適的?人 46 lead 領(lǐng)導(dǎo),引導(dǎo), 鉛 1、通往(向)(to) The path leads? to the villa?ge. 這條小路通?到那村莊。 1、 導(dǎo)致(to) l
40、ead to the thief? being? caugh?t 2、 在比賽中)領(lǐng)先 After? the first? half of the race I was leadi?ng. 跑了一半賽?程后我領(lǐng)先?了She was in the lead durin?g the race. 她在賽跑中?領(lǐng)先。 3、 過(guò)(生活) He led a hard life.他的日子過(guò)?得很苦。 4、 榜樣,帶頭 take the lead in every?thing? 47 leave? 離開(kāi), 動(dòng)身;留下,把…(落)遺忘在某地?;把…交付(委托)給 1、使…處于某種狀?態(tài)
41、 leave? the work undon?e丟下工作?不干 leave? him an orpha?n 使他成為孤?兒 leave? him sad 使他傷心 leave? the rainc?oat hangi?ng behin?d the door 讓雨衣掛在?門后lea?ve sb. in the dark 不讓某人知?道 2、聽(tīng)任 leave? him there?讓他呆在那?里吧。 leave? it as it is讓它保?持原樣。 I will leave? you to do as you like.你愛(ài)做什么?就做什么。 3、準(zhǔn)[休
42、]假, 假期(不可數(shù)) ask for leave?請(qǐng)假 ask for two days’ leave?(take two days off)請(qǐng)兩天假 be on leave? 在度假;在假期中 grant? / give sb a leave?準(zhǔn)某人的假?(此處冠詞為?特殊用法) 48 lift 舉起,.升高, 提高; [英]電梯; 吊車 1、免費(fèi)搭乘,搭便車 He gave me a lift to the stati?on in his car. 他讓我搭他?的汽車去火?車站。 2、竊?。ㄓ戎感〖?品);抄襲,從已發(fā)表的?東西上照抄?、剽取(觀點(diǎn)、文章等)
43、 He was caugh?t lifti?ng make-up in the super?marke?t. Many of his ideas? were lifte?d from other? autho?rs.他的許多見(jiàn)?解都是從其?他作家那里?剽竊來(lái)的。 49 line 繩;線,路線,線路; 排,列(n);(使)排列,排隊(duì)(v) 1、 運(yùn)輸公司 an airli?ne航空公?司 a shipp?ing line 海運(yùn)公司 (pl) 臺(tái)詞 spend? the weeke?nd learn?ing her lines?. 利用熟記她?的臺(tái)詞 短信;便條 Il
44、l drop you a line.我會(huì)留個(gè)便?條給你 50 lesso?n 功課, (一節(jié))課, [pl.] 課程 教訓(xùn) teach? sb. a lesso?n給某人以?教訓(xùn) earn ones lesso?n得到教訓(xùn)? be a lesso?n to對(duì)...是一個(gè)教訓(xùn)? 51 live 生活, 居住, 實(shí)況地, 實(shí)況轉(zhuǎn)播的?, adj.活的 live anima?ls.活著的動(dòng)物? live shrim?ps活蝦 live 表此意僅用?于修飾動(dòng)物?、家禽、魚(yú)等。 live broad?cast 現(xiàn)場(chǎng)直播 52 major? 較大的,主要的,重要的
45、[美口]主修, 專攻 He major?s in physi?cs.他主修物理?。 專業(yè)學(xué)生 He is a histo?ry major?.他是主修歷?史的學(xué)生 大學(xué)主修科?目 53 manne?r 態(tài)度, 舉止 方法; 方式; 樣子;(藝術(shù)、文學(xué)的)風(fēng)格, 手法 54 mass 塊;團(tuán);堆大多數(shù), 大量 1、群眾 the masse?s群眾, 民眾 2、群眾的, 大規(guī)模的 mass educa?tion大?眾教育; mass produ?ction?.大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)? 補(bǔ)充:a mass of = masse?s of)許多/大量… 55
46、 match? 比賽 ,火柴 1、 匹配、匹 敵(vi / vt) The color? of the shirt? does not match? that of the coat.襯衫的顏色?與上衣不相?配。The curta?ins do not match? with the decor?ation?.窗簾與室內(nèi)?裝璜不相配?。Im ready? to match? my stren?gth with [again?st] yours?.我準(zhǔn)備和你?較量較量。These? two are well match?ed in stren?gth.他們倆勢(shì)均?力敵。 2、對(duì)
47、手; 相似的人[物], 相配的人[物] You are no match? for him. 你不是他的?對(duì)手。 find [meet] ones match? 遇到對(duì)手, 棋逢對(duì)手 best match?最佳匹配T?he blue shirt? and gray tie are a good match?.藍(lán)襯衫與灰?領(lǐng)帶很諧調(diào)?。 補(bǔ)充:strik?e a match? 劃一根火柴? 56 matte?r 事件, 問(wèn)題 1、物質(zhì)(不可數(shù)) Matte?r exist?s in three? state?s: solid?, liqui?d and gas.物質(zhì)以三
48、種?狀態(tài)存在: 固態(tài)、液態(tài)和氣態(tài)?。 2、[pl.]事態(tài),情況 That’s how matte?rs stand?.目前情況就?是這樣。 3、有問(wèn)題的,有毛病的(與the 連用) I have no idea what is the matte?r. There? is nothi?ng the matte?r with it. (the matte?r = wrong?) 4、有關(guān)系, 有重要性,要緊(vi) What matte?rs most is that you shoul?d have confi?dence? in yours?elf. 補(bǔ)充: as a
49、matte?r of fact ; a matte?r of time 57 mean 意思是、意味著; 意欲/想要;意指 吝嗇的;小氣的;卑鄙的 be mean with money?花錢小氣b?e mean about?/ over 在…方面很小氣?a mean motiv?e.卑鄙的動(dòng)機(jī)? (因能力、命運(yùn)等)注定 I belie?ve he is meant? to be a soldi?er. 我相信他天?生是要當(dāng)軍?人的。 用意(v) He means? ill /well to me.他對(duì)我懷有?好意/ 惡意. 關(guān)系重大;重要 My frien?ds
50、mean a lot to me. 我的朋友對(duì)?我來(lái)說(shuō)非常?重要。 方法、手段(means?,單復(fù)數(shù)同形?) Every? means? has been tried?, All means? have been tried?. by means? of ….; by this / these? means? 1、be meant? to必須;得要You? are meant? to leave? a tip. 你得留下小?費(fèi)。 2、by all means?當(dāng)然;當(dāng)然可以 3、by no means?并沒(méi)有;絕不: By no means? shoul?d this
51、 remar?k be taken? light?ly.這次講話絕?不能等閑視?之 58 measu?re 尺寸, 量度的單位?; 量具;量器;測(cè)量, 1、 措施;辦法 They took stron?g measu?res again?st dange?rous drive?rs. 他們對(duì)危害?公眾的司機(jī)?采取強(qiáng)硬的?措施。take measu?res to do sth / about? sth 2、斟酌, 權(quán)衡 She works? hard and doesn?t measu?re the cost to her healt?h.她工作勤懇?并不考慮身?體代
52、價(jià)。 He measu?res his words? with cauti?on.他仔細(xì)斟酌?著字句 The room measu?res five metre?s acros?s.這房間有五?米寬。 be measu?red in feet用?英尺量 make sth to one’s own measu?re 59 monit?or 班長(zhǎng) 監(jiān)聽(tīng)器, 監(jiān)視器, 監(jiān)控器; 〈計(jì)〉顯示器 air monit?or空氣監(jiān)?測(cè)器 .監(jiān)控(v) monit?or an exami?natio?n監(jiān)考mo?nitor? the enemy?s radio? br
53、oad?casts?監(jiān)聽(tīng)敵方的?電臺(tái)廣播 60 must 必須 肯定 必需的東西?; 必須做的事? warm cloth?es are a must in the mount?ains. 住山里必須?備有厚衣服?。 61 nail 指甲, 釘, 釘子 vt.釘, 將...釘牢 He naile?d the pictu?re to the wall. 把畫釘在墻?上。 62 narro?w 狹窄的;狹隘的vi?變窄vt.使變狹窄, 使縮小 勉強(qiáng)的;險(xiǎn)勝的 a narro?w victo?ry 險(xiǎn)勝 a narro?w escap?e 死里逃生/僥幸逃脫 6
54、3 natur?e 自然, 自然界 本性, 天性; 特性 good natur?e好心腸, 溫和的性格?, 好脾氣 human? natur?e人性 64 note 筆記;記錄 注釋;短箋;便條; 紙幣;鈔票;音調(diào);音符 口氣;調(diào)子 記下 The pupil? noted? what the teach?er said. 學(xué)生記下了?老師的話。 注意(到) Pleas?e note that this bill must be paid withi?n 10 days. 請(qǐng)注意這張?賬單必須在?10天之內(nèi)?付清。 名望, 顯要 a man of
55、note有?名望的人, 名人 補(bǔ)充:noted? adj.著名的co?mpare? notes?交流經(jīng)驗(yàn);交換意見(jiàn)o?f note著?名的;重要的co?mpare? notes?交換意見(jiàn); 對(duì)筆記 65 objec?t 物體, 目標(biāo), 賓語(yǔ), 對(duì)象 反對(duì)(與to連用?) stron?gly objec?t to devel?oping? priva?te cars.強(qiáng)烈反對(duì)發(fā)?展私人小汽?車。objec?t to the propo?sal.反對(duì)這個(gè)提?議。The gener?al publi?c objec?ts to the use of drugs?. 大眾反對(duì)使?用毒
56、品。 66 opera?te 動(dòng)手術(shù), 開(kāi)刀(opera?te on sb/ sth) 操作 opera?te a compu?ter / machi?ne (機(jī)器)工作、運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn) The lift doesn?’t opera?te prope?rly. 67 order? 命令; 吩咐;次序; 秩序;整齊,有條不紊 定購(gòu);預(yù)定 order? sth by mailo?rder books? by telep?hone Youd bette?r order? a taxi. 你最好還是?去預(yù)定一輛?出租汽車。 點(diǎn)(菜);叫(菜) 正常(工作)狀態(tài),
57、What drink?s shall? we order?? 我們叫什么?飲料? The telep?hones out of order?. 電話機(jī)壞了?。 in (good) order? 68 owe 欠, 欠債 1、感恩;感激 We owe our paren?ts a lot. 我們十分感?激父母。I owe you for your help.我感謝你的?幫助。 2、(常與to連?用)歸功于 She owes her succe?ss to good luck. 她把成功歸?功于幸運(yùn)。The young? write?r owed his succ
58、e?ss to his teach?ers encou?ragem?ent. 年輕作家把?自己的成功?歸于他老師?的鼓勵(lì)。 3.欠錢 The food cost £4 , but I only paid £3 so I still? owe £1. 食品要4英?鎊,可我只付了?3英鎊,因此我還欠?1英鎊。 I owe you an apolo?gy.我該向你道?歉。 owe sb. some money? 69 park 1、停放(車輛); 停車 Pleas?e park your car in the parki?ng lot and hike in."請(qǐng)把車停在?
59、外面停車場(chǎng)?,步行進(jìn)去。" No permi?ssion? to park!不準(zhǔn)停車! No parki?ng here.此處禁止停?車。 2、停車場(chǎng) car park停?(汽)車處 3、區(qū),地區(qū) indus?trial? park工?業(yè)區(qū)(一般在郊區(qū)?) 70 passa?ge (演講、文章、音樂(lè)等的)一節(jié),一段 1、通行;通過(guò) The woode?n bridg?e is not stron?g enoug?h to allow? the passa?ge of lorri?es. "這座木橋不?夠堅(jiān)固,載重貨車不?能通行。 2、(狹窄的)通道;走廊 w
60、ait in the passa?ge 在走廊等候? air passa?ge氣路, 空氣道 71 perfo?rm 表演;演(?。? 履行, 執(zhí)行,完成 perfo?rm ones dutie?s/promi?se/contr?act 履行職責(zé)/諾言/合同 perfo?rm a task 完成/執(zhí)行一項(xiàng)任?務(wù) 表現(xiàn) He perfo?rms well.他表現(xiàn)很好?。 72 picni?c (自帶食品的?)野餐, 郊游 去郊游, 去野餐 My famil?y often? picni?cked in the woods? last year.(注意pic?ni
61、c的過(guò)?去式與過(guò)去?分詞以及現(xiàn)?在分詞的構(gòu)?成:picni?cked/ picni?cking?) 73 pictu?re .畫, 圖畫, 照片 1、 想象 I can’t pictu?re mysel?f as a mothe?r.我無(wú)法想象?自己做母親?。She pictu?red herse?lf at schoo?l in a forei?gn count?ry. 她想象自己?在國(guó)外上學(xué)?。 It is hard to pictu?re life 200 years? ago. 很難想象2?00年前人?們的生活。 2、(生動(dòng)地)描繪、描述 pictu?r
62、e one’s suffe?ring durin?g the war 生動(dòng)描述了?戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)中的苦?難。 74 plain? 平原;曠野 1、平坦的 the plain? field? 平野 2、簡(jiǎn)單的、樸素的 the plain? food/meal/livin?g/cloth?es 清淡的食物?/便飯/樸素的生活?/便服 3、清楚的;明白的 in plain? Engli?sh講簡(jiǎn)單?的英語(yǔ) 4、坦率的;實(shí)話實(shí)說(shuō)的? in plain? words?坦白地說(shuō) plain? talk.開(kāi)誠(chéng)布公的?交談 75 plant? 植物;種植 工廠 chemi?ca
63、l plant? 化工廠po?wer plant? 發(fā)電廠 ship-build?ing plant? 造船廠 76 post 郵寄,郵政;投寄; 郵報(bào) 貼出;張貼(常與up連?用) The names? of the membe?rs of the team will be poste?d up today?. 隊(duì)員名單將?于今天張榜?公布。 柱子、樁子 a row of fence? posts?一排籬笆樁? 崗位、職務(wù)、哨所 leave? / quit one’s post離?開(kāi)崗位st?ick to one’s post堅(jiān)?守崗位 77 pract?ice 練
64、習(xí); 實(shí)踐(n / v) 作為該意義?的名詞是不?可數(shù)) 慣例,習(xí)慣做法 a commo?n pract?ice 通常做法 an inter?natio?nal pract?ice 國(guó)際慣例 習(xí)慣 it was the pract?ice這就?是當(dāng)時(shí)的習(xí)?慣 the pract?ice of going? to bed late 晚睡的習(xí)慣? the pract?ice to do sth做某?事的習(xí)慣 make a pract?ice of養(yǎng)成...習(xí)慣 78 produ?ce 生產(chǎn), 制造 提出;拿出;出示 to produ?ce ones tic
65、ke?t 出示票 produ?ce any proof? of your natio?nalit?y出示有關(guān)?你國(guó)藉的任?何證件 導(dǎo)致;引起; 帶來(lái) Hard work often? produ?ces good resul?ts. 努力工作經(jīng)?常會(huì)有好結(jié)?果。 產(chǎn)品;(總稱)農(nóng)產(chǎn)品) Georg?es jokes? produ?ced a great? deal of laugh?ter.喬治的笑話?引起了哄堂?大笑。 The wine bottl?e was marke?d ‘Produ?ce of Spain?.’ 酒瓶標(biāo)明“西班牙產(chǎn)品?” 79 promi?s
66、e 允諾, 答應(yīng) (n/v) 預(yù)示;預(yù)兆 Early? mist promi?ses fair weath?er. 晨霧預(yù)示好?天氣。 (有)希望,(有)前途(n/ vi) a young? playe?r of great? promi?se.一個(gè)很有前?途的年輕演?員a resea?rch item that promi?ses well大?有前途的研?究項(xiàng)目 補(bǔ)充: promi?sing 有前途的 80 prono?unce 發(fā)音 宣稱;宣告 prono?unce the pictu?re to be a forge?ry. 斷言這幅畫?是膺品。The pries?t prono?unced? them man and wife.神父宣布他?們已結(jié)為夫?婦。 宣判 prono?unce sente?nce of death? ...宣判...死刑 The judge? prono?unced? sente?nce on the priso?ner. 法官對(duì)囚犯?宣告判
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