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1、2021國家開放大學(xué)電大??啤毒C合英語(1)》期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2158) | . V(KMbular)and Slmclurc Dirvdions: Bcnvuth each nt the following sentences, there arc rour choices marked A. B. C ant D. ChfKtse the one thul bt^l completes the sentcnciL Mark your answer(n the ANSWER SHEE1\ (20 points) 1. 丁he result of the experiment

2、was quite from what I expected. A. different away C Marne D. similar 2. He grnduated from the university 10 years ago and still kept in with Severn classmates, A< toiwh B? track 每 search D. line 3. Shr mde up her to Ntart her own company> A. brain B. mind C. idea D. thought L Shr could no

3、t a decision about what to wear in lhe party. A. do B. rnuke C. arrive D. decide 5. On you fell me which place you? A. think over Be have out of mind C, have in the mind IX have in mind 6. Sfw opened the door the fresh air to come in. A. of B. for C. into D. let 1. Vigorous exercise hel

4、ps prevent illness nd z rm punant weighv contruL A. of ti. 9 C. with D- for 8. you moved into the new *Noi ycu The room." A. has been painted C. paints 玖 is punted D. being painted 9. A Mibjcrl K thr nicchnnmm ol tht cquiprncnl. A. whirh l hr re rcintiniH** to br intennr (irhntr Ik which

5、 contihuo tu be intenhr drbdtr C nn which t! < <)ntinnr< to hr inirnne drlmtr Il whftt cununueH to br ihtrfme (IcImiIc !()? Ar anr times n ronuntir viwhhi of thr hoinrlrM* wxndwz who lived rnrrfrrr Iivvr mid nnnwered to no one> A. there i? B? there arc C. there were IX there wa [| 4 SIluulkif

6、iMl Dlnlnuue* DlrectlotiM: Chmxie A. H r C to complete eneh convrvntiont using the nentcncvt bclowt Mark your un^rr

7、imc< 12. Iki you mind niy upming ihr window? It f mi hut ludny, A. Yew. you c?itn dcu H. Yr— H cIdcmo 11 nuHirrt (\ No. mH nl nil. 13. — Mny I help you find Mjmrthingt or nrr you |iE looking? A. 1 nrn trying io find xoructhing for my dmight" H. Nat dinner is nearly ready. C. I hnt righL TH h

8、ove th/H blue ont\ 1 >L May I ivc you n hand? A. How nmny hnnch d“ you hwvc? Thnnk you. You nrr (> kind. C. I don11 need n lift n<)WM(lny5. 15. Iluvr you vimtrd Hong Kong? A. Sorry# Im plAnnmK io ro to New York. H. No? bui I*vc heard n 15 nn exciting city. C. Yes. ii a lohK wAy to my hometow

9、n. 16. Have you been to Sydney? A. No. I(h C. No, I wouldnft go with thenu 1 7. — Let me help you get the books back. A. Ycse I can rh them mywlL Ik Pm nil set. Bui thnnks imyway. C. Reftlly? Could you tell mt why? 1

10、8. Why dnn*! we go gel coffer somewhere? A. Thata Rood idg B. 11 vr lost a !ol of weight. C. Wr used to go there very often. 1 rL — Could you tell me where the tissues arc. please? A. It S under a big tree in front of the art building. B. All the woy m the back, against the walL C. PH go to t

11、he store and get ytomc more. 20. — W

12、umbered blank in the following passRget there are four choices marked A. B9 C and D? Chiniw the best one und murk your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (2D points) Any miMakt made in the printing of a

13、p 22 a miilion on(J a half times Its oriKinjil value. I ht mi時(shí)內(nèi)燈 was made more than u hundred years h^o in the British colony nF Muriiiu5. n smnll 23 in thr Indinn (Jceriiu 24^ 18-17 an order (or xUnipH was wm tn n London pnntrr Mfluniius was 2。 the fourth country in the world to issue stamps I4<

14、 loir ihr nrdcr wiih IiIIhI mid drlivcrrtL a BaII wiir planned nl Mauritiun1 (eavrr iirnrnl I InuNCt and ^tnmp* wrrr rimkrl tn 20 ih< invttntionN> A loml printer wa< in%ttu< tr

15、npA thnt hr printed. lodpy 29 only twrntyRiM(4 lhex mtnprinicd Rininpn left? fourteen One F^nny OrHn^^Rrdu nnd Twclvr Two Penny Hlurnt ficcAiic of I he Two Penny Blur% 功 rrncm nnd "虹.rullrrtursi lirivr p

16、c. cournr h. worth 23. Aa nlnnd K proplc c. cfAntmcnl D. hind 2 k A. Since H. For C? In D. On 25. A? to Mppol tu B. to brromr C? to worry D. to nllow 26. A. dttjil in R. dr/tl with c. firnd out D. nrnd (or 27. dcrific K rec c. ?trnl 1). copy 28. At irmtrnd of

17、B. inRtrnd (nr c. in *pitc ol D. in nrrd of 29. A. tnke out B, thrrr rtfr c. lor rKAmpIr IX X 30. A. an little n It m much m C? 90 much 1). Hrrnl deni IV. RcudbiK ComprrhcnMion IHrvctinnw: Kurh of the p蝦mirc below h followvd by tonic qurMlune Eor emh qucMlon llirrr arc four ii

18、nswrn murkrd A. H. C imd I). RcmU lhe carefully uni! chwcr on thv ANSWER SIIEE f. (20 (HiiiiK) (furstiom 31 35 are band an 血 following paxxagt. A?k tlirrb ptoplc to look nut ihr mme window nt ti l>uy Htrret cornrt nnd fell you whnt they wrr

19、. Clmiit ch nrr yau will n rrivc three dillcrrnt AHRwrr^ Kach |irr5on mr? I hr *nmr M^rnt-e bul each pccmvrwC^ tt<)!komclhing different nlwjiil Pervcivin^ goes tin in (Hir mi nth. (>l rhe three peaple who Inak nut ih(? window* cm<- nmy my thnt he sz、0 policvrnnn givinR ■ muturiMt n ticket. Another

20、may nny thnt he xrrn 4 ruh hour unffic >m al ihr 5?!龀蒼g. The third may tell you thnt he nem n woman irying to wd“ ihr Ntrrri with four rhildrm For prtreptton 訊 the mind% rxpbn/itiori of what the hrnne* ? in thin cone our eye* tell uk Mnny myrholws todAy orr workm to try to dcruli jur how n prmon rx

21、pericncen ur prreivr,ihv world nround him, Uning n ^cirniific mrthodt thrRv p^ychnlogiRO wt up experiment* In which they am cunirul aII at th< fnctom* By mraMtring und rhiirting the result* >< mnny rxprrmirntMe they urr trying to find out wlut mhkr>< ()iffrr

22、n^ 混2山 fhr Mmr *ccnc. 31. Srcing nd |Hrrciviii Arc ? A. thr Mme actioti B. two cpnrnic ncfinn^ C< two oetionB rnrrird on entirely by the cyrn IX srvrnil nctiotin I hat tnkr plnce ft! diffrrriH tinir 32. FJrrrciving in un acfiun fhMt ukrn piner. A. hi our rye* H. only whrrt wr think vrry hurr

23、t nbaui M)nirthin|t (*? only under the direction of a p>ycholoflsnt IL in every prronS mind 33. People pcrccivt different ihinuji about the name ccne becAUibr t A. they cotnc from diKerrnt countncn thry ran ngrer about Things (? >untr have better ryoiglil I). not dearly mentioned in the puMig

24、e 3,ISychologhih 5”dy |>rrrtfptiiH> by ? A. hrninK 叩 rnwny cxpmmsts B. ankinn cuch other whm they C. looking out ol rhr window thrm^elveH D. xudying the diffrrriin^ in peopleS “g 35. The besit title for lhi> 即心0好 is 一 .? A. How We Sre It Ltnrning Ahiut Our Mindi* Fhrough Scirnrr C. What

25、Ptyeholdgixt5 Perceive I). Huw vo Become an Expcnmernnl P^ycholouiM Quexiiom 36?4() art bantd tin iht fnllowing pauaf;f. ■|ri thr old as one wife Mid? Hthr liunbattd wnn the huhbnnil nn

26、>ulmr vxnmpIrM of wluit hugbunih du in con^riiucncct (irntly< In nhftring work with vbeir wive*# nnd secondly, hi thnr larnvljr inrlrp

27、圍心 hou>c repairing Same hiKl)j)nh. act tn ihrir wivcm (or nl lenwt pn <" thr

28、nftt Ml UAUiilly hoverCIlJUi i Wtt)nroutwl for hrr while nhr docn a hit of w^hm.. ” Mr. DnviM pah?hon I hr floor# nnd Kelps* to rnnkr the l)c(U nf (hr wci?knndi and during I hr w??? k hikes the clog out for nnr of hi* twicr dully wwlkt. Sn h g… 36. Mln the old days* means . A. tn the winter R. in

29、 the pAst C. when you arc old D. yesterday 37. MThe hujihnnd was the hu5

30、le (\ am a result D. nt Inst 39,M Act as ossistAniti ro their wives” medns. A. they rrn

31、 of woods rtr IX to go to bed W ImnwUiltm IHrvctlum: Put cuch of the follow ini; unMtus Inin English r ( hhm. the surd(,)ghrn In the Irnicket if n>. Write yur arifc^rr n I hr ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) 41. bof/t cunluMr thi> With thr ? nturc (or whirh is U> wave y(iur nhl hftinl Imtk and forth i

32、n (n>nt o( yuut (ncct with ywur "hn(Acm Ich. <2 Tbc ma*t pmmimnH auggc^iiuns nn fhiwc th砒 will Atinck thr problrrn5 that nuiilr prr>pk humc!c iti llw firnt plnce. 43. Whdr woiurn hnvr whown utrndy odvRnccmcnt nnd upward mobility? ihrir ■hiur h* in trmlitiiinjiny mnlr ru|r> g Mill rektivrly

33、Jowt <1. Mft-nMffiSftfiff辦也杜蛇.

34、 15. B 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. B 2U?A ID. (20%. 2 pointit fur aach item.) 21. B 22, D 23. A 2t C 25. B 26. C 27. D 23. A 29. B 30. B l\. (20%, 2 points for wuh item.) 31. H 32. D 33. D 34. A 35. H 36. B 37. A 3& C 39. U 40. A 41. Ng個(gè)F必勺表示?不”MT外HI很冶 &小“不”時(shí),簫再L

35、J在自己面前左6 晃功?手心向左? 42.最有而里的方寮是首先解決鄴些造成人們無衣訶臼的何財(cái)1. ?33. H女他位不倡熨高的同時(shí).從事傳統(tǒng)!性工作的婦女還相對(duì)不多. 1 L Althoiigh thrrc g nn( urc lor lh< common cold> (!o< tor* In hevi th.n vii.niiifr i ji help prevent them. 15. It S crucial to spreify wither a |>rrecntagr inervAsv ar salnry lignri4 dial >htndd b<- n> line with your markrt valur and accomplishments.

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