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1、七年級下Un i t 3Se c t i o nA( 3 a -3 c )說 課 稿精品資料僅供學習與交流,如有侵權請聯系網站刪除謝謝2Good after noon, every on e.Today, its a pleasure for me to sta nd here and Im verypleased to have such an opport unity to share some of my teach ing ideas with you.First, let me introduce myself briefly. My name is., and I am worki

2、ng as an English teacher in .MiddleSchool of .City.My topic today is taken from Section A(3a-3c) of Unit 3 in Stude nt Book 2 . The main contentof this unit is How to get to chooI?”have decided to say the less on from seve n parts as follows.Part 1-Analysis of the teaching materialThis is the third

3、unit of Book 2 used for Grade7 students in middle school.The main topic of this unit is“transportation” n this unit,students will learn to talk about kindsof transportation,how long it takes to go to school and how far from home to school.Such a topic is related to our daily life,so I think it is ea

4、sy to arouse the students learning interests.Part 2-An alysis of stude ntsThe students I teach are from Grade 7.They are at age of 12.They are active,energetic andcurious.They are poor in cooperate learning skills. Their thinking ability is stron g,but the atte nti on canbe scattered easily.Most of

5、them can on ly un dersta nd simple words and senten ces but cannot speakout in oral En glish.So I will help them over- come the problems by group-work , speak ing practice andso on.Part 3-The teach ing objectives1. Kno wledge objectives(1) To help students learn the new words and phrases.(2) To make

6、 stude nts know how to use the key statures like“How do you get toplaces?How long does it takes?How far is it?”and know how to answer them.2. Ability objectives(1) To develop the stude ntsabilities of liste ning, speak in g, read ing and writ ing.(2) To train the studentswbilktyigyn pairs.(3) To dev

7、elop thestude ntsabilities of com muni cati on by lear ning the useful structures.3. Moral objectives(1) Through differe nt teach ing methods to make stude nts be in terested in study.(2) K now about traffic rules.(3) E ncourage the stude nts to be more creative and grateful to their own pare nts fo

8、r sending them toschool.Part 4-Keys points and difficult points1. Key poin ts:(1) To express new words, phrases and sentences in English.(2) To master the target Ian guage.2. Difficult poi nts:(1) To lear n to use How questio ns, affirmative and n egative stateme nts.(2) To remember all the new word

9、s,phases,structures and express them in oral En glish.Part 5-The teach ing methodsBefore deali ng with this less on, I will try my best to carry out the followi ng methods:1. Communi cative teach ing method;2. Audio-visual teach ing method;3. Task-based teach ing method;精品資料僅供學習與交流,如有侵權請聯系網站刪除 謝謝3As

10、 we all know: the main instructional aims oflearning English in the Middle School is to cultivatestude ntsabilitiesospsakirng, read ing, writi ng and their goodsense of the En glish Ian guage. So in this less on I ll mainly use“Communicativeteaching method,“Addikal”teaching method and -baseTaskteach

11、ing method .That is to say, Ill let the students get a better understanding of the key structures. I give the studentssome tasks and arrange some kinds of activities, like talking, watch ing and readi ng in roles.In a word, I want to make the students the real masters in class while the teacher hims

12、elf acts as director.I also hope to combine the Ianguage structures with the Ian guage functions and let the stude ntsreceive some moral educati on while they are learning the En glish Ian guage.Part 6-Teach ing proceduresAs this less on plays an importa nt part in the En glish teachi ng of this un

13、it, I have decided the follow ingsteps to train their ability of liste ning, speak in g, readi ng and writing, especially writing and speakingability.The en tire steps are:Stepl :Warm-up and Lead-i n(2 minu tes)Show the students some pictures of com mon transportations, to review new words,phases an

14、d usefulstructures what they have learned in last lesson.And I also will ask the stude nts: What can you see fromthe pictures? Is there ano ther kind of tran sportati on around us?Do you know how to use the words?Purpose of my desig ning: In this part, have the stude nts discuss more abouttran sport

15、ati on. In this way, they will know todays less on has someth ing to do withtheir discussi on.Step2 :Prese ntati on1. Show some pictures to help them use new words in target structures.Purpose of my designing: After seeing the pictures, the students will know more about the key structuresand they ca

16、n learn them quickly and easily.2. Help them to master the key structures by matching the questions with the answers (3a)a nd usingthe words to make senten ces(3b)Purpose of my desig ning: By doing these exercises,ca n get stude nts really master the target Ianguage.3. Ask ing your classmate questio

17、 ns and write their n ame in the cha nt(Secti on A 3c ). Purpose of mydesig ning: This step is employed to make the stude nts get the gen eral idea of the text. At the sametime, let the stude nts have a cha nee to practice their liste ning and speak ing ability.AIso stude nts canknow more about each

18、 other byask ing and an sweri ng.psete精品資料僅供學習與交流,如有侵權請聯系網站刪除謝謝4Step3:PracticeWork in groups.First, I will let the students work in groups and make them have a discussion to find out the key poi ntsand difficult poi nts in this less on. The n en courage them to make a similar dialogue and know theme

19、aning.After that, I will help students to summarize the key points and difficult points. I will show themsome structures and help them master them.Purpose of my desig ning: By practici ng using these new words and phrases, the stude nts will knowhow to use them in En glish and master the use of them

20、 better.Step4:Product ionI will give the stude nts 3 minu tes to prepare, and get them make a dialogue andpractice it in groups . Then help the stude nts ask each other . And en courage them to say more.Purpose of my desig ning:(1) After this secti on, stude nts have man aged to use the key structur

21、es thus, in this step, I create acircumsta nee to exam ine their ability of appl ying the structures they have lear ned into daily conv ersations.(2) Whatmore, the retelli ng sessi on aims at training stude ntsability of talk ingabout transportation .By writing and speaking such things, get the stud

22、ents to practice their writing andspeaking ability .Step5:Summarize and HomeworkI will ask the stude nts such questi ons:What have we learned from this less on? What do you feel after lear ning thisless on? What new phrases have we lear ned today? Do you have eno ugh con fide nee to finish theseexer

23、cises? Now, let s try!Then show them some exercises and help them to finish them.At last, tell the students what today s homework is. While doing this, the teacher canhave the boys and girls have a competition to see who are better.Part 7- Blackboard desig nUn it3 How do you get to school?How do you get to school?I get to school by bike/.How far/How Ion g.?Thats all.Thank you!

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