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1、國家開放大學(xué)電大本科《理工英語3》2021期末試題及答案(試卷號:1377) 盜傳必究 交際用語(共計(jì)10分,每小喧2分) 1-5?:選擇正碑的語句完成下列對話,井將答案序號寫在答題紙上。 I. — rtn snrry for breaking your glasses^ A. You are Terrible. B. That all righu C\ You arc wrongs 2. — If youfre shortlisted for the interviewf we'll ring you by Friday. H. It doesn't mat ten OKi

2、 Madnrn. I'm looking forward to hrAring from ydiu 3. 1 am worried ahaut this out-dated equipment. A< Youf re jo lucky, B. It won't be too old. (L Yraht it may bring u health hazard. L—tt im a little expensive. Can 1 have a discount? A. No> you can * x. Sorry, You see< wc arc a fronchiMcd stor

3、e. G It is not expensive nt all. 5. Could you please tel) me when will the promotion be? A. Maybe next month. B. Yes. ! cnn. C. Yes. itS my duty. 二, 伺匯與結(jié)構(gòu)(共計(jì)3Q分,每小題2分) 6—20題:閱讀下面的句子,從A.B.C三個選項(xiàng)中選出一個能填入空白處的正確選項(xiàng).井將答 案序號寫在答J8S紙上。 6. Mary can't help when she saw her parents. W xr/ing K to cry C.

4、 cry 7. I'm tired- 1 working very hard- A. have & 虹* been for? G had 8. Arr you still here? You were here half on hour ago. Wh。 A. were you wnitlng (\ di) you wmt K

5、ie nl lhe UniverMiy Theater. A. PH:. B. I mny C Pd IL rhr Ifiw requires thnt cvcryoiw hi* car checked nt Imm Mary h。、her hatuls,

6、A. free 尊思閥 (\ hu?y 】4. You dot/t hnve io nun over from ? A. again B. head C.心meh )5. Knhc ndmitn Uk nometinica uses* I V nn a 心 when her children nrr overly excited nnd if uwunlly ? A.i plnyii B- works C. nffectu: 】6. IMacui^ n jol? ndvcrtiMcrncni on nn online job bonrd in . A. expctttivr

7、ly B. co?t C. co*tly 17. Ench ( PU considered more than 6 billion hand^ of |X)kcr . rivit morr pukvr thnn been phyed by thr rntire huvn/m rwcr. A. nd?pt? to B. is u?ed to C. ii mount tn to IB. We will you luirn A? contiicl II contract C\ rofintruct I lc in I hr right person to nuch a Urge w

8、ine company. A? ncule B. Btrentflhm (:?

9、 134 countries ncross the world, including thr UK. turned off their light% far an h”ur on Sund/iy< The event is in hopCA of crrnting a sustninnblr fur tire for the planets EnvironnientAl charity World Wildlife Eund( WWF) hn. organized the Enrth I laur event. The event jmjw iconic hmldings wch as Bi

10、g lien, the BI Tower. Huckiriffhflm Palaeo, Wind*仃 C;Elt* ?nd ECdinburgh Cuntle blacking oul for nn hour. The event took place nt K,30 P? m. Sunday nround the world nnd n started in Fiji. New Zcnlnnd a nd AuMralin. The nini t> t0 ell on gavernmentSf organixAtionB nnd individualjt to lake octionx to

11、tncklc climate change. At the Royal Albert Hall in London> television presenter Kir^ty Gallacher led a team of 60 cyclists from the UK World Wildlife Fund. They aimed to appeal for the public ro pay atlrntion to endangered species including dolphins and tigers Colin Butfieldt hmd of campaigns. WWF-

12、UK, said; Pur even! at the Royal Albert Hall, alongside the hundreds of thousands of events across the world? shows global support for the need to tncklr climute change and protect the natural world. The challenge for our future well-being could not be greater WWF's Earth Hour is about to create a m

13、essage so powerful thiii governments and individuals cannot fail to take notice^ H Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney t Ausiralin> when 2. 2 million nidividuals nnd more than 2.000 businesses turned their lights off for onr hour to take a stand AgainM climate change. Thr following year. Earth Hou

14、r had become a global sustninability movement wit" more than 50 million peoplr across 35 countries participating. Four of the world s five tallz buildings turned off their lights with the tallest. the 828*metre Burg Khalifa in Dubai* switching off about half a million lights. Also darkening for the

15、occasion were floodlights at naturol wonders such as Nmgaru and Victonn 21. In PnrAKfApH 2. the underlined words could br replaced by? A. giani lowers B. famous landmarks C< conventional architecture 22. Which of the following could be the title of the passAge? A. The Story of Earth I lour. B.

16、 The Origin of Earth Hour. C. The Famous People of Earth Hour. 23. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A, The goal of Earth Hour is to arouse thr nutrition of the government in the world

17、tu save the energy. C? Earth Hour started from the countries in the Southern Hemijiphere< :!4. Which of thr following ?tntementH on WWF is Not TruE A. rhr World Wide Eund for Nwturt? (WWF) in nn internatianal Kovcrnmeninl orgoni^ntion. K WWF nnns nt protecting the nuturfil cnvifnnrnrni from huma

18、n impact. C. WWE work;! hnrd in thr field of the wildcrnen* prcMTvnti nmbiKuouK B> dmnpproved objective 26-30 BL謂橫!8短文內(nèi)容判斷松出的IB句是否正確,正確的可“「.11俱的寫并將答案 峰夜答n?±. h Ir nmnxmg to noir thnt the Internet in mill 5urh /i new clrvic

19、cHind yci it one of the huKd wnd niojkt powerful nirdin tools< But think nbout it for n moment. On the IntcrncttA bi。online company enn l)r run by only two nuy* in their Karngr. So it in only rcAHonahlc thefittluit pcoplr Rhopping nnlihc wuuld be a lurk Irrry n( thr Mfcunty levels Inlcrrirt Muini%

20、?uch Ah Microsoft knew conNiinirr confidence wtirt thr key to gcltini( vintinl( IftjU 的)?hopping off the ground? nnd they work h/ird to tnnkc peoplr (rel m仆 to nhop onlince Ctcda enrd rumpnnirnt too. quickly ?nw the pntrntidl for online chopping? nnd have iii5tnllrd thinH* like onlinr chopping insu

21、rance (or proplet If y(iu ever hnvc a problem with your onhnr errdit purchA?eMt many credit card coinpAnitR will hnpptly refund (i£j ij ) your nioncy ?(((! then Ml their clnwm on thr compnny th?t wronged you. Now thnl e h boying power | 1 hrrr

22、ne & shyi upH> for one Nd annoying mnU nhopptng mm wnh broken whrrls and kids crying brrnu^c their pnrrnt^ wanf i 心 them wluit they want. Wh「n ftluipping onlint?? catiMurner.s con nit down( h?ve n coffee? nnd wrnr then slippers* riot %、'inx to worry /ibout ihrn hair nr parking, nnd |ijbt clicking

23、through ?a)c after nale. (ompiinMon chopping couldnr! be uriy cn^icr. And thnnkn to courier cornputueN( tfe ifi KMlirix in on rhe net. y nrr Mhnking llitir hea

24、d、n\ trnditionnl retnilinK Hn

25、n* courier companies and credit rnrcl vompunicft hnvc rnndc coninbutiotK !a tlir pupubinty of online chopping. 29. I'hr author thinkn of thr current onlint shopping n、 convenient and 30. NowAdny> rnnny companies ?rc trying to cuoprrMle with the online choppers inntend of trndinonnl rrtmlers. 四, 耳

26、作(共20分) 31. 根據(jù)所憐內(nèi)容習(xí)一:W椎存值? 伽利中謂一所大學(xué)的博I學(xué)位研你以她現(xiàn)在就誼學(xué)院院長學(xué)教授的名義一她襯 只推#佝. 推彌內(nèi)g包痛楊撕F今年夏夭獲得我■的碩上學(xué)位?申業(yè)成何優(yōu)秀?在學(xué)習(xí)和匚作fiB h h面,排刷趣r般網(wǎng)學(xué).她下僅在學(xué)術(shù)研究領(lǐng)域很n缶m .n h與人交往也很好.擔(dān)任r 多個社團(tuán)的卸導(dǎo)1:作? 晴住意描禪信與H格式. 試題答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn) (僅供參考) 一、 交際用語(共計(jì)10分,每小題2分) 1-5題:選擇正確的語句完成下列對話,并將答案序號寫在答題紙上。 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 二、 詞匯與結(jié)構(gòu)(共計(jì)30分,每小題

27、2分) 6-20題:閱讀下而的句子,從A、B、C三個選項(xiàng)中選出一個能填入空白處的正確選項(xiàng),并將答案序 號寫在答題紙上。 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B 三、閱讀理解(共40分,每小題4分) 21-25題:閱讀短文,從A、13、C三個選項(xiàng)中選出一個正確答案,并將答案序號寫在答題紙上。 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. C 26-30題:請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷給出的語句是否正確,正確的寫“T” ,錯誤

28、的寫“F”,并將答案寫 在答題紙上。 26. F 27. T 28. F 29. T 30. T 四、寫作(共20分) 31.根據(jù)所給內(nèi)容寫一封推薦信。 (1) 評分原則: ① 本題總分為20分,按6個檔次給分。 ② 評分時,先根據(jù)文章的內(nèi)容和語言初步確定其所屬檔次,然后以該檔次的要求來衡量、確定或調(diào)整 檔次,最后給分。 ③ 評分時應(yīng)注意的主要內(nèi)容為:內(nèi)容要點(diǎn)、句型變化、詞匯運(yùn)用和語法結(jié)構(gòu)的準(zhǔn)確性,語意的連貫性、 邏輯性以及應(yīng)用文的格式要求。 ④ 評分時,如拼寫錯誤較多,書寫較差,以至影響交際,將分?jǐn)?shù)降低一個檔次。 (2) 各檔次的給分范圍和要求 完全完成了試題規(guī)定的任務(wù),

29、 覆蓋所有內(nèi)容要點(diǎn); 16一20 分 11-15 分 浴法結(jié)構(gòu)、句型和詞匯有變化了 語法結(jié)構(gòu)和用詞準(zhǔn)確h 語唐.連賀、邏輯性強(qiáng), 應(yīng)用文寫作格式規(guī)范. 較好地完成r試題規(guī)定的任務(wù), 廈蓋所有內(nèi)容要點(diǎn); 句型和詞匯有變化, 語法靖構(gòu)和詞il幕本腐確.些許錯誤主要是因?yàn)閲L試較夏栗浴法 結(jié)杓或詞匯所致; 語童基本連成,有?定的邏輯性, 應(yīng)用文寫作格式較為規(guī)范. 基本完成了試題規(guī)定的任務(wù), 矗蓋所有內(nèi)容要點(diǎn), 運(yùn)用語法結(jié)構(gòu)和伺匯方而能灑足任務(wù)的基本安求, 有一些語法結(jié)構(gòu)或伺匯方而的錯誤,但不*響理解; 沿意連奧性及邏輯性方面存在一定何題; 應(yīng)用文寫作格式基本觀范. 3—6分 ?拉屈力但不足以花成試冊現(xiàn)定的任務(wù), ?僅(SJ8部分右要內(nèi)容?或?qū)憆 一些無關(guān)內(nèi)容, ? 用能力很摒, ? 伸 務(wù),法的構(gòu)成訶n方血的帽做.影響r,呷件內(nèi)齊的理帕 ? ■不iTRJE料性方網(wǎng)間堿i大, ?:應(yīng)用文耳作格式不觀他. 1一2分 ?未完成技恩規(guī)定的任務(wù), ?旬子不宛魅或無法理》h ? ifi法W出或Mit M血冊諛-Mh影響心作內(nèi)齊的理Mli? A36III IK力新 ?訥愈不rt.4X?Wi ?應(yīng)用文N作格式不。0 。分 ?未答HI.或出作答但彳、知所云.

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