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1、人教版英語精品資料(精修版)Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.第1課時 Section A (1a-2c) 一、學習目標(一)知識目標 1. 口、筆頭掌握以下句型: A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: Im going to be a computer programmer.A: How are you going to do that? B: Im going to study computer science.A: What does Cheng Han want to be? B:

2、 He wants to be2. 熟練掌握以下詞匯:grow up, computer programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist3. 正確使用when 引導的時間狀語從句,并能用be going to 結構對將來的事做出計劃。(二)技能目標 能聽懂用be going to結構談論自己及他人理想職業(yè)的對話,并能用這種結構進行相關話題的會話。二、情感態(tài)度 通過談論將來的計劃打算和怎樣實現這一目標,引導學生思考自己的人生目標,及早為將來做準備,樹立正確的人生觀。三、課前準備I.

3、你熟悉下列人物嗎?通過學習,試著寫出他們職業(yè)的英文表達方式。Yang Liwei: _ Jackie Chen: _Jay Chou: _ Yao Ming: _II. 回憶并寫出我們學過的有關職業(yè)的英文表達方式:_你知道更多的職業(yè)的英文表達方式嗎?查資料寫下來與同伴分享吧(可參考41頁的1a)四、學習過程Before listening 1. 1a各組同學說出職業(yè)名稱并寫在黑板上。 讀出這些職業(yè)名稱,小組成員互相正音。2. 在這些職業(yè)中,選出你長大后想從事的職業(yè)并簡單談論一下。A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to b

4、e .A: How are you going to do that? B: Im going toWhile listening1. 1b Listen twice and fill in the blanks. Then match the items.2. 2a Listen twice. What is Cheng Han going to do? Check the correct boxes in the picture.3. 2b Listen twice again. What are Cheng Hans plans for the future? Complete the

5、chart.觀察與思考 1. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a computer programmer.在以上兩句話中,want 后跟動詞的哪種形式做賓語?_ 即:_(想要做某事)2. How are you going to do that? - Im going to study computer science.仔細觀察上面兩句話,他們都含有那種結構?這種結構表達什么含義。 “be going to+_”表示_(過去/現在/將要)發(fā)生的事或打算、計劃、決定要做的事情。翻譯下面句子:1)當你長大后你打算成為什么?

6、_ 2)我打算成為一名演員。 _3. 模仿秀:聽錄音并跟讀,注意語音語調。然后朗讀記憶。After listening 1. 1c Practice the conversation in the picture. Then make conversations about other jobs in 1a. -What do you want to be -I want to be -How are you going to do that? Im going to2. Pair work Talk about your future intentions. A: What do you w

7、ant to be when you grow up? B: I want to be A: How are you going to do that? B: Im going to A: Where are you going to work? B: Im going to A: When are you going to start? B: Im going to3. 2c Ask and answer questions about Cheng Hans plans. A: What does Cheng Han want to be? B: He wants to be 五、知識鞏固單

8、項選擇1. - Whats your brother going to_ when he_ up? -A soldier.A. do; grow B have; grows C. be; grows D. play; grow2. Her father is an _in a big factory.A. star B. engineer C. worker D. player3. - are you going to be a pianist in the future?-Im going to practice playing the piano every day.A. What B .

9、When C. How D. Why4. There an art exhibition this Sunday.A. have B. is going to have C. is going to be D. is going to hold5. He is going to to New York with his parents. A. take B. move C. bring D. stay六、課堂反思1. 描述未來的打算,可以用什么結構?_其后跟動詞的什么形式?_2. 本節(jié)課學到了那些職業(yè)名稱?_3. 你能用英語詢問你朋友未來的打算嗎?請寫出來吧!_七、家庭作業(yè) 第2課時 Sect

10、ion A (2d-3c)一、學習目標(一)知識目標1. 口、筆頭掌握以下句型:I know why youre so good at writing stories.How are you going to become a writer.Im going to keep on writing stories.Just make sure you try your best.2. 熟練掌握以下詞匯:be sure about, make sure, college, education, university, article, send3. 掌握并能正確使用本課時的重點短語和結構:want

11、 to do, be going to do, be good at, keep on doing, make sure, try ones best to do.(二)技能目標能讀懂用be going to結構談論理想職業(yè)以及為實現理想所做出計劃的文章,并能用這種結構談論自己的理想職業(yè)。二、情感態(tài)度引導學生理解要實現人生理想并不容易,要付出很多努力。三、課前準備1. 視野拓展美國人心目中最好的十大工作如下:1) 系統(tǒng)工程師(Systems Engineer) 7) 醫(yī)師助理(Physician Assistant)2) 大學教授 (College Professor) 8) 護士從業(yè)人員(N

12、urse Practitioner) 3) 信息技術項目經理(Information Technology Project Manager) 4) 有執(zhí)照的的會計師Certified Public Accountant) 9) 理療師(Physical Therapist)5) 計算機,網絡安全顧問Computer/Network Security Consultant); 6) 情報分析專家(Intelligence Analyst) 10) 銷售主管(Sales Director)II.你對自己的未來有一個初步打算嗎?想一想,填寫下表,準備上課時交流。WhatIm going to beW

13、hereHow四、學習過程Before reading兩人一組交流課前準備II。While reading1. 2d Read the conversation and answer: What does Ken want to be? How is he going to do that? What does Andys parents want her to be?2. Role-play the conversation.觀察與思考:1) 對話中be good at的意思是_, =_2) keep on 后跟_(動詞原形/動詞ing形式/動詞不定式),意思是_3) Just make s

14、ure you try your best.make sure意思是_; try ones best (to do sth.)意思是_2. 模仿秀:跟讀,模仿語音,語調。然后大聲朗讀、并背誦對話3. 兩人一組表演對話。After reading1. 3a Match what these people want to do with what they are going to do.2. 3b Fill in the blanks. Then practice the conversation aloud in pairs.3. 3c Complete the chart and discu

15、ss it with your partner.4.writing and speaking: 你知道什么職業(yè)最適合你嗎?請先填好下表,然后聽一聽同學的建議吧!Personal InformationName :_-_Hobby_Be good at:_Appearance :_Personality:_My ideal job:_Suitable jobs:_Your friendssuggestions:_Your resolutions:_聽了同學的建議后,你的職業(yè)目標應該更明確了吧。那就說一說自己未來的打算吧!五、知識鞏固單項選擇1. -What do they want to do

16、to _ so much money? -They want to travel around the world.A. give B. save C. cost D. cut2. -Where are you going for vacation? -_. I dont like cold weather.A. Somewhere warm B.Something warm C. Somewhere cold D.Something cold3. - What are you going to do this evening?-Im not sure _. Maybe watch TV or

17、 go to the movies.A. Just B. ever C. yet D. never六、課堂反思1. 在談到未來打算時,我們可以說到哪些方面的內容呢? 2.通過本課的學習,你還有哪些疑問? 七、家庭作業(yè)第3課時 Section B (1a-1e)一、學習目標(一)知識目標1. 口、筆頭掌握以下句型:-What are you going to do next year? Well, Im going to take guitar lessons.2. 熟練掌握以下詞匯: resolution, team, foreign3. 進一步熟練掌握be going to結構的用法。(二)

18、技能目標能聽懂用be going to結構談論未來打算的對話,并能用該結構談論未來的打算。二、情感態(tài)度通過談論未來的打算,引導學生學會給自己制定目標,并能為之付出努力。三、課前準備預習44頁的1a,根據圖片和文字信息,New Years resolutions的漢語意思是 。把圖片和相應的New Years resolutions搭配好,大聲朗讀這些短語,同伴互相正音。II你是個有目標的人嗎?有目標才會有動力,請為自己設計近期和遠期的奮斗目標吧! Next week, Next term, Next year, 四、學習過程Before listening1. 小組交流、檢測課前準備I。2.

19、根據課前準備II,兩人一組談論下周、下學期或明年的打算。A: What are you going to do next week/term/year?B: Im going toA: Sounds interesting/excitingWhile listening1. 聽兩遍錄音,在1a中圈出你聽到的新年打算,完成1a。2. 1b Listen again. Write what they are going to do.3. 模仿秀:聽錄音并跟讀,注意語音語調。然后大聲朗讀5分鐘。4. 1c Listen and circle the resolutions you hear in 1

20、a. After listening1. 1d 角色扮演,三人一組,分別扮演Lucy, Kim和Mike,練習對話。2. 1e Make a list of other resolutions and how you are going to make them work. Then discuss them with your group.3. 假設Lucy, Kim和Mike下周要作為交換生(exchange students)到你們學校來。小組討論:你們要做些什么來歡迎新同學,讓他們盡快適應新環(huán)境呢?What are you going to do with the new studen

21、ts?At schoolAfter schoolWe are going to have a welcome party.完成任務所需要的語言結構: -What are you going to do with the new student? -Were going to -Sounds interesting./Good idea Report like this: In our group, we are going to_五、知識鞏固單詞拼寫1. Its important for a student to learn a f language well.2. All the stud

22、ents should make their New Years r at the beginning of the year.3. Everyone should s water.4. What i do you play in the band?5. Toms family isnt r . But he believes he can make much money by himself in the future.六、課堂反思1. “做新年的打算”用英語可以表示成 2. 想一想,你決心下學期做哪些事情呢? 3. 通過本課學習,你還有哪些疑問? 七、家庭作業(yè) 第4課時 Section B

23、 (2a-2e)一、學習目標(一)知識目標 1. 口、筆頭掌握以下句型:Most of the time, we make promises to other people.Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year.Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement.Some people say theyre going to take up a hobby likeMost resolutions have one thing in commo

24、n.For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions!2. 熟練掌握以下詞匯:be able to, question, meaning, discuss, promise, beginning, improve, write down, physical, themselves, self-improvement, hobby, weekly, schoolwork, agree 3. 掌握并能正確使用本課時的重點短語:have to do with, make promises, h

25、avein common, write down, for this reason, take up(二)技能目標能讀懂難度相當的用be going to結構描述未來打算的短文,并能用這種結構寫出未來打算。二、情感態(tài)度通過談論個人的未來打算,增強學生的目標意識和責任意識。三、課前準備I. 你有什么打算呢?請列舉出五條。Im going to_ _II. Discuss the questions with your partner.1. Did you make any resolutions last year?2. Were you able to keep them? Why or wh

26、y not?四、學習過程Before reading小組交流課前準備I和II,讀出新年愿望,并找到與自己目標一致的同學。While reading1. 2a 小組討論2a 的問題。 Did you make any resolutions last year? Were you able to keep them? Why or why not?2. 2b Read the passage and match each paragraph with its main purpose in the box.3. 2c Read again and write the letters in the

27、 correct places in the passage.4. 2d Answer the questions with short sentences.觀察與思考:在文中找出下列短語,根據上下文猜測詞義并造句。1) a kind of_2) make promises_3) get back from_4) at the beginning of_5) write down_6) someothers_7) have to do with_8) take up_9) havein common_10) hardly ever_11) tooto_12) for this reason_5

28、. 模仿秀:跟讀錄音,注意語音語調,并注意長句子的正確斷句。6. 朗讀并復述。After reading1. Make a survey每位小組成員到其他組調查一位同學的新年打算,匯總后,寫出調查報告。完成任務所需結構如下:What are you going to do next year? We asked six students about their New Years resolutions. Some-_2. 2e Find these phrases in the passage. Then write your own sentences with them.五、知識鞏固單項

29、選擇1. I want to learn English well to communicate foreigners A. to B. with C. for D. on2. We are you going to a big bigger bridge in five years.A. do B. make C. build D .be3. We do running every morning .A .be healthy B. to fit C. to keep fit D. to be health 4. You must keep your eyes when you do eye

30、 .A. close; exercise B. close; exercises C. closed; exercise D. closed; exercises5. I find a job a babysitter in my last summer vacation.A like B. as C. for D. with六、課堂反思1. 你對New Years Resolutions 有什么認識?你現在的New Years Resolution是什么?你還在堅持它嗎? 2. 通過本課的學習,你還有哪些疑問? 七、家庭作業(yè)第5課時 Section B (3a-Self Check)一、學習

31、目標(一)知識目標 熟練掌握并運用be going to 結構。(二)技能目標用本單元所學詞匯和句型描述將來的打算。二、情感態(tài)度談論未來的打算,引導學生學會給自己制定目標,并能為之付出努力。三、課前準備I. 總結be going to結構的用法_II. 背誦并復述2b 部分。III. 用學過的句型談論各自的New Years Resolution。四、學習過程Before writing1. 小組之間核對課前準備I和II。并大聲朗讀、背誦。2. 3a Complete the first two paragraphs about resolutions with the words in th

32、e box.Then read aloudWhile writing1. Write your resolutions under the following headings. (3b)2. Use your notes to write three more paragraphs about your resolutions. In each paragraph, write what you are going to do and why (3b).After writing1. Ask two students to write their resolutions on the bla

33、ckboard. Then check the answers.2. Hand in their writings.3. 3c Use your notes to write three more paragraphs about your resolutions. In each paragraph, write what you are going to do and why.4. Part 4: Imagine you work for your city. Think of a plan to make it cleaner and greener.5. Finish Self Che

34、ck.五、知識鞏固情景交際,從方框中選擇合適的選項完成對話(其中兩項多余)。A. How about you?B. Im going to play the violin as hard as you play basketball. C. Im going to Nanjing for a vacation.D. Im going to be a violinist when I grow up. E. How are you going to do that?F. What are you going to be when you grow up? G. Did you make a Ne

35、w Years resolution?A: 1. B: Yes, I did.A: What are you going to do?B: Im going to be on the school basketball team.A: 2. B: Im going to play basketball every day and ask some players for help.A: Great! B: 3. A: I want to learn to play an instrument.B: Oh, why? A: 4. B: Fantastic! How are you going to do that?A: 5. 六、課堂反思在談論我們將來打算時,可以從哪些方面寫?要用什么時態(tài)?七、家庭作業(yè)

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