八下unit 5 and unit 6 復習題.docx

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1、Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 單元練習題一單項選擇()1. After my alarm clockevery morning . I get up and get dressed .A turns on B turns off C goes on D goes off( )2.Thank you ven* much J cant Ihc tcslyour help .A with B because of C because D without()3. - Look! The cat from the tree. Ye

2、s. It the tree just now.A. is jumping down; climbed up B. is jumping down; is climbing upC. jumps down: was climbing up D. jumps down; climbed( H. What were you doing la&t Sunday morning?A. ut B. in C. over D.,()5. While I was at the. I heard a nurse Davys name.A. doccoix*; call B. doctors; to call

3、C. doctors; calling D. doctors; called()6. The boy with Iwo dogsin the yard when the earthquake hit (be city.A. is playing B. arc playing C. were playing I), was playing()7. My fatlicr was reading a iiewspaper while my motherdinner.A. is cooking B. cooks C. was cooking D. will cook( 詔 AH the student

4、s were sleepingthey heard a manMhc!p,A. when shouting B. while; to shout C. when to shout D. while; sbouied()9 The rainstorm came while Annher puree in the chssroom.A. was looking fbr B. looked fbr C. is looking at D. looks at()10. I went to the moon and took a walk tl陀iv last night.A Good hick B Go

5、od idea C Youre kidding D Best wish()11.,They arc filling the bags with clothes/ means tlicyrcA putting their clollies awayB. putting tlieir clothes into the bagsC. putting down their clothes D. putting on their clothes()12.Mr. Black talked about his son with the teacher the phone.A. by B. on C. in

6、D. with()13 What arc you doing ?1 am thinking about at the class meeting.A. how say B. what say C. Imjw to say D. what to say()14. Dad, could you pka$e dnve ? No hurry. We have enough time beforethe plane takes offA. faster B. fastest C. more slowly D. inorc carefully()15.) tried sevx:nil jMkeb on,

7、but of (hem looked good.A. both B. either C. none D. neither()16. When the man downstairs knocked at the door. I.A. am doing housework B was doing housewortC. were doing housework D. am going to do housework()17. There is a blackboatdour classroom. Our teacher was standingthebbekboard al ihis lime y

8、xxstcrday.A. in front of: in the front of B. in the front of; onC. in the from of; in front of D. in front of; in(11 vr oclock now . My motherdinner in Ihc kitchen .A was making B is making C makes D made()!9.At dial time ,ihey needed some to make a fire .A light B match C wind D wood()20.My father

9、books in the room at this time yesterday .A was seeing B was reading C is reading D read()21.Ben and his friends walked silence .A hoinc in B to hoinc C to home at D hoinc()22.WhM your parents at this time yzerday ?A was; doing B did: do C were; doing D arc; doing()23.Wha a rain ! Its raining so.A h

10、eavily heavy B lieavy heavy C heavily Iwavily D luravy heavily()24.What were you &ing the time the storm ?A at of B in at C on of D at in()25.My mother was reading while I the bus .A waited tor B waited C am waiting tor D was waiting tbr()26.Thc thieves ran away when the alarm . A .went off B. came

11、oui C. went away D. left out()27.Thc train Mopped to the passengen;.A. look up B. catch up C. pick up D. clean up()28.The teacher will give 118 a (alk on bow English well.A. learning B. kam C. to learn D. learned()29.Pass me the glasses, Tony. 1 can watch TV dearly.A hardly B. really C rather D. cle

12、arly()30.Thc old man left his house a cold winter morning.A. in B. at C. on D. of句型轉換Did she do her homework last night?(用 at seven last night 林換 last night)she her lioincwoik at seven last night?1. Kate w然 $iill making her way I。&cbool when the basketball competition siarted.(就劃線潴分燮何)Kaie when the

13、basketball coinpetition started?2. They were in ihe library when I heir tnends came toIhcm (就劃淺局部提何)they when their friends came to see Ihcm?3. The neighborhood was m - mess a her the storm.(吃劃線潴分提問)(he neighborhood after the siorni?閱讀理解One day Mr and Mrs Green drove io a s!w)p. They stopped iIk car

14、 in front of the shop. An lu)uf laterthey came back to the car with a lot of things. They wanted to pit the things in the air, but Mn Grren could not open the car door. Then Mr Gnxn gave all things to Mrs Groen, he put the key into the lock and turned it, but he couldnt open ii! Oh dear,* said Mr Gr

15、een, wrnng with it? We cant open the door!. Lets ask the Policeman. Mn; Gnxn suid The policeman came and helped them. Soon he got th c door open. The Greens thanked him. At that time a man came up and shouted angrily. UTiat arc you doi ng with iny car?” Mr and Mrs Green looked at tle number of the c

16、ar. and their face turned ted. Their car is next (o the mans car!()1. The Greens went shopping.A. by bus B. by car C. on foot. D. by fbo( )2. They were in the shop and bought a lo4. Why was the man angry? Because.A. he couldnt 任nd his car.A. the policeman drove his car away.B. other people opened hi

17、s carthe man saw (he policeman()5. The Greens didnt open the car because.A. it wasn*t【heir carB there was something wrong with it.C. they had a lot of things in their hand.D. the lode brokeUnit 6單元的語法重點是狀語從旬.主要講述以卜:種狀語從句.so.that引導結果狀語從句句型I: 一主語+m語+50+形容訶倘訶That從句II The wind was so strong that we coul

18、d hardly move forward. 句型2i so +形字詞+ aan +小數(shù)名詞+ihat從句It was so ho,/ few + 復數(shù)名訓 +tha1從旬 He has so few friends dial he often feels lonely. 旬 型 4: so +much. little + 不可數(shù)名詞 + tliat 從句 I had so link money thal I couldnt buy a pen. remind 也起,make sb remember nnmnd 句型 remind of 使記起 pnind#.使某人id起某小rtmifnl #

19、.to do sih槌醒某人去做某人remind sb. + that從句get married 結妗(many v 愧娶)(1)A marry B. A 與 B 結給 IIA and B get mamed = Aand B arc mamed A 和 B 結婚 marry A g B 一把 A 嫁給 B II (4) be married to sb 與結婚wboleallwhole adj.第個的,全部的.用于冠詞之后the whole country 全國 the wlo!e school 令校(2) all adj.全體的全部的用于冠訶和所,其他限定詞之前常川詞組:abo,eall濘

20、先被甫要的是not. al all 一點也不 all the lime 一斑 all over the world 而及全世界 iirst “all ft先 work 短語總結: work on 從事 lie is working on a new novel.work for 為做事 Would you like to work for I be company?work as 作為 My sister worked as an actress.work out 解決:I worked out the inaih problem.()The builders arc workingbuild

21、ing a great building although its so hot today. A. onto C. as D. out款項通報.()I. the soldiers are wry tited, _ they keep on woiking.Theyiirc great. We must learn from themA. Because: / B. Though; / C. Because; so D. Though; but()2. Once upon a time, an old man tried _ (Iw mountains.A not move B not lo

22、moveC moving D to move()3. When I walked past (he park. I saw some old people Chinese Taiji.Ado B did C doing D are doing()4. Til phone yxni as soon as 1.A get to home B got to home C get home D got hoinc()5.You cant cross (he Mreenth.A come in B come on C come out D come into()7. Some parenu. nuke

23、tlieir children chores at home.A to do B do C doing D docs()8. We couldnt help when we Iward the funny $【oryA laugh B laughing C laughs D to laugh()9. -What about the food on the plate? Itdelicious.A smelling B inieic C smells D is smelt()10. May I have a rest? I have alrciidy finished the report.A.

24、 write B. writing C. to write D. written()11. Teresa i$nervous she cant talk in front of the class.A.such; that B. too; to C. so; that()12.1 asked two people the way to the station, butof them could help me.A. bothB. neither C. eitherD. all()13. I my homeworts as soon as 1 got home Iasi night.A. doB

25、. didC. will doD. am doing()14. Peter is seriously ill. So 1 will atteiKl the meeting.A. instoid B. mstaid him C. mstoid of D. inMeads of()15.-May 1 go co Jinba。Park with you next Sunday?.No. you can*t,you have a ticket. I have only one ticket.A. IfH. untilC.unlessD. as soon as閱讀理解(A)A long time dgo

26、. there was an emperw He had a bcauliAil garden In the garden, then: wis a little nightingale(夜學)singing very beautifully. One day the emperor heard about this little birds beautiful voice. He asked his guards to bring her (o him. As soon as (he emperor heard the nightingales voice, be said. Pul her

27、 in a golden cage, so she can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her. * The little birci was so unhappy about being kep old to smg.()34. What was happening when the nightingale began to sing her most beautiful songs again? A. Therobot bird was scry angry. B. The emperor was very angry.C Th

28、e robot bind became very woik. D. The emperor became better and better.()35. Which of the following statements is NOT true ?A. Both (Ik nightingale 3nd (Ik robot bird had a beautiful voice.B. The emperor kept the nightingale in a golden cage in order to hwr her sing at any time.C. The nightingale was very happy after she was kept in the golden cage.D. The emperor leamt from iie nightingale wlut love and kindness wax.

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