中英文翻譯 外文資料翻譯 中小企業(yè)融資 融資的中英文翻譯

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《中英文翻譯 外文資料翻譯 中小企業(yè)融資 融資的中英文翻譯》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《中英文翻譯 外文資料翻譯 中小企業(yè)融資 融資的中英文翻譯(6頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、1 本 科 生 畢 業(yè) 論 文 外 文 資 料 翻 譯 財務管理(財務管理方向) 管理學院 1.外文資料翻譯譯文2.外文原文 2 改革開放30 年來,我國的中小企業(yè)得到了迅速的發(fā)展,占企業(yè)總數(shù) 99的中小企業(yè)對我們國家GDP 貢獻超過了60,稅收超過了50,提供了70的進出口貿(mào)易和80的城鎮(zhèn)就業(yè)崗位。中小企業(yè)同樣是我們國家自主創(chuàng)新的一個重要力量,66的發(fā)明專利,82的新產(chǎn)品開發(fā)都來自于中小企業(yè),中小企業(yè)已經(jīng)成為繁榮經(jīng)濟、擴大就業(yè)、調(diào)整結(jié)構(gòu)、推動創(chuàng)新和形成新的產(chǎn)業(yè)的重要的力量。 自0 8 年國際金融危機爆發(fā)以來 我國實施了積極的財政政策和寬松的貨幣政策 但廣大中小企業(yè)至今沒有從積極的財政政策和適

2、度寬松的貨幣政策當中直接受益例如08 年全國新增小企業(yè)貸款只有225 億,比上年只增長了1.4,可是全國的貸款增加了14.9,09 年頭三個月全國的信貸規(guī)??偭吭黾恿? .8萬億,其中給中小企業(yè)貸款增加的額度只占不到5。目前融資難、貸款難已經(jīng)成為制約中小企業(yè)發(fā)展的瓶頸 中小企業(yè)生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營面臨著嚴峻困難,據(jù)國家統(tǒng)計局和工信部統(tǒng)計到08 年底,全國中小企業(yè)中歇業(yè)停產(chǎn)或者倒閉的大約占7 .5,城鎮(zhèn)就業(yè)更加困難,這個狀況不僅影響我國經(jīng)濟的復蘇,而且直接影響保增長、保民生、保穩(wěn)定的發(fā)展目標。從這個意義上說,國際金融危機沖擊下的我國經(jīng)濟能否真正的走出低谷,關鍵是廣大中小企業(yè)的活力能否得到完全恢復。 中小企業(yè)

3、融資難、貸款難應該說也是一個世界性的難題,從我國看,既有體制機制問題,也有中小企業(yè)自身的問題,主要有三個方面的原因:第一個,中小企業(yè)自身的問題 中小企業(yè)一般規(guī)模小,實力弱,它的信譽不是太高。中小企業(yè)普遍誠信意識薄弱,類似的一家企業(yè)幾套報表的現(xiàn)象屢見不鮮,可能在稅務這邊報表難看一些 少交點稅,在銀行這邊可能表好看一些,多貸點款,這樣信息是否真實可靠就成了問題。而這種做法對企業(yè)反而是很不利的,對中小企業(yè)的發(fā)展是不健康的,我們試想一下,如果幾個部門把這些表全拿在一起,那首先這個企業(yè)是不誠信的,他就沒有立足之地了。我們的制造型和外向型中小企業(yè)在人才、技術、資金、市場環(huán)境等方面面對著金融危機,存在著巨大

4、的發(fā)展壓力,它的根本原因是企業(yè)的科技含量不夠高,創(chuàng)新的能力比較弱,進入市場的門檻比較低,市場競爭的激烈也增加 這些都不利于中小企業(yè)的發(fā)展壯大。第二個,從銀行方 3 面來看,對于中小企業(yè)的貸款條件更加嚴格,因為我們的銀行大部分是商業(yè)銀行,它也考慮自身的風險,自身的利潤。到2008 年末,小企業(yè)不良貸款率是11.6,高于整個銀行業(yè)七八個百分點 像國有的大企業(yè),一旦出了問題,國家還會來并購重組,解決一些貸款難的問題,但是這些中小型的企業(yè),特別小企業(yè),一旦產(chǎn)生問題破產(chǎn)的話,就沒人管,所以銀行的貸款質(zhì)量就沒有辦法得到保證,因此在這樣的經(jīng)營體制下,銀行為降低風險,必然會要求中小企業(yè)在提供了足夠的抵押物后才

5、敢放款。另外銀行從運營成本考慮,做中小企業(yè)貸款將付出更多的人力物力,因此也不愿意向中小企業(yè)發(fā)放貸款。一個銀行經(jīng)營的成本,有一半左右是勞動力成本,做中小企業(yè)特別是做小企業(yè)的勞動力成本非常高,無論是五百萬還是五千萬,是五個億還是五十個億的一筆貸款,它的工作量是相同的,但是它所產(chǎn)生的效益是成百倍的不同。第三個,中小企業(yè)融資渠道太窄,中小企業(yè)在資本市場上直接融資的途徑有證券市場、包括中小板和創(chuàng)業(yè)板;還有私募股權基金、產(chǎn)業(yè)投資基金、創(chuàng)業(yè)投資基金、風險投資基金,以及債券市場等等。而自從2008 年9 月25 日,中小板市場華昌化工發(fā)行之后,證監(jiān)會便關閉了IPO 大門, 近日才重啟新股發(fā)行。而創(chuàng)業(yè)板也是“十

6、年磨一劍”,到現(xiàn)在才呼之欲出。盡管符合創(chuàng)業(yè)板上市條件的中小企業(yè)不少,但真正能夠上市融資,對于很多企業(yè)來說,仍然是一種奢望。在海外,中小企業(yè)成長過程中的融資不僅僅依靠銀行的貸款,很多時候是獲得風險投資或者創(chuàng)投的幫助,然而我國的中小企業(yè)在成長中,基本無法獲得這樣的融資。深圳擁有3000 家創(chuàng)投公司,注冊資金達6000 億,但沒有公司愿意投資給創(chuàng)業(yè)初期的企業(yè)。這些公司更多的時候只是看中比較成熟、能上創(chuàng)業(yè)板和證券市場的企業(yè)。 1、政府應該放松管制,降低市場準入壁壘,讓更多的小銀行,以服務中小企業(yè)為戰(zhàn)略定位的那些小銀行能夠蓬蓬勃勃的發(fā)展起來。現(xiàn)在我國有大概一百多家村鎮(zhèn)銀行,村鎮(zhèn)銀行的成立對改善縣經(jīng)濟投資

7、的瓶頸,包括改善中小企業(yè)和支持三農(nóng)發(fā)展將會起到非常重要的作用。對現(xiàn)有五大國有銀行 應鼓勵其大力發(fā)展自己有利于小企業(yè)融資的專門機構(gòu),放松其下設分支機構(gòu)的審批環(huán)節(jié),鼓勵它們在地、縣,甚至鄉(xiāng),來提供更接近、更方便的金融服務。 2 、政府應該幫助銀行建立一個信用體系,進一步降低他們的信息成本,在我國,央行從1998 年起就開始啟動了企業(yè)征信體系建設,由專門機構(gòu)采集、保存、懟治觥褂悶笠檔男龐瞇畔苑婪緞龐梅縵眨紙鶉謔諧榷?4 2006 年開始,央行又著手建立中小企業(yè)信用體系,希望把征信體系覆蓋到那些和金融機構(gòu)沒有信貸關系的中小企業(yè)。當然,信用體系也不是只靠政府,現(xiàn)在有一些網(wǎng)絡公司,比如阿里巴巴在嘗試用網(wǎng)上

8、交易的信息變成中小企業(yè)的信用指標,這個信用指標如果出來了以后,可以進一步降低銀行的信息成本。 3 、政府應該多方面的對銀行進行風險補償 目前各地出臺的利益補償機制和風險補償基金政策,僅僅是解決中小企業(yè)融資難的一種辦法,并不能從根本上解決。例如到去年末為止,福建省小企業(yè)貸款的不良貸款率是6.71,而整個銀行業(yè),平均的水平是百分之二點一幾, 而風險補償金,只是給0.8 個百分點, 只解決一小部分。因此需要多方面的對銀行進行風險補償。例如凡是給中小企業(yè)貸款的,那么就根據(jù)銀行的貸款量,減少它的稅收,減少營業(yè)稅、所得稅 國家可以幫助企業(yè)貼息,提高銀行風險收益 如果貸款形成損失,政府用風險補償基金把它補起

9、來,這就使大企業(yè)的貸款和中小企業(yè)的貸款能夠達到比較收益率是基本平衡的。 4 、政府應該積極推進多層次資本市場體系建設 以更好的滿足包括中小企業(yè)在內(nèi)的各類企業(yè)的融資需求。中小企業(yè)類型不一,所處的發(fā)展階段不盡相同,決定了中小企業(yè)的融資需求也不一樣。因此中小企業(yè)群體的差異化決定了企業(yè)融資需求的多元化,那么滿足中小企業(yè)融資需求也需要形式多樣的資金提供方式,比如銀行貸款、債券融資、股權融資等等。我國2 0 0 4 年深圳交易所創(chuàng)立中小板通過推動資本、科技、管理等要素有效的結(jié)合,中小板既培育了一批優(yōu)質(zhì)企業(yè),也為促進產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)的升級發(fā)揮了積極的作用。 09 年10 月,創(chuàng)業(yè)板正式啟動。創(chuàng)辦板推出將為自主創(chuàng)新的

10、企業(yè)提供有效的監(jiān)管機制,推動一批中小企業(yè)邁上新的發(fā)展臺階。但對于更多中小企業(yè)而言還達不到上市的條件,解決這類企業(yè)股權融資、股份流轉(zhuǎn)需要一個有效的場外市場。在2006 年開始,我國啟動了非上市股份公司進入證券公司掛牌交易的試點工作。此外政府應大力推動債券市場的發(fā)展,為中小企業(yè)債券融資提供更多的便利,在發(fā)達市場國家,債券融資是企業(yè)主要的融資方式,以美國為例,2008 年,美國的公司債券發(fā)行額是同期股票發(fā)行額的5倍,與美國、歐洲等國家和地區(qū)相比,我國債券市場還有很大拓展的空間。 如果依靠我國銀行業(yè)的現(xiàn)有金融產(chǎn)品和對中小企業(yè)貸款的相關規(guī)定,要想解決中小企業(yè)融資難問題是不可能的,我們改變不了中小企業(yè)的現(xiàn)

11、狀,那么我們就改變我們銀行的信貸方式,金融創(chuàng)新迫在眉睫。目前銀行業(yè)正在通過組織架構(gòu)創(chuàng)新,風險管理技術創(chuàng)新,擔保抵押創(chuàng)新,和產(chǎn)品創(chuàng)新等多種途徑改變中小企業(yè)融 5 資難的現(xiàn)狀。 1、擔保抵押創(chuàng)新。抵押品不足是中小企業(yè)最大軟肋 他們不可能買一堆房子然后準備做擔保,這是不現(xiàn)實的,對于高新企業(yè)而言核心的資產(chǎn)應該是他們的知識產(chǎn)權, 專利權和一個在技術、在市場上創(chuàng)新的團隊,是最重要的資產(chǎn),可以使他們每年高速增長,但是資金就像血液一樣支撐其發(fā)展,這幾塊都需要資金,而抵押物不足,銀行不給放貸。目前全國很多省份的中小銀行都開展了面向中小企業(yè)的金融創(chuàng)新實驗,如江蘇農(nóng)信社廣泛推廣倉單質(zhì)押,通過庫存產(chǎn)品作為抵押取得貸款

12、;天津濱海農(nóng)村商業(yè)銀行積極開展企業(yè)股權質(zhì)押貸款 北京銀行新近推出知識產(chǎn)權作為質(zhì)押從銀行獲得貸款。 2、信用評級創(chuàng)新。大銀行做業(yè)務的時候,通常看資產(chǎn)負債表、損益表、現(xiàn)金流量表,中小企業(yè)有的連這三表都沒有,銀行信息成本很高,導致惜貸 浙江泰隆商業(yè)銀行進行創(chuàng)新 他們就看水表、電表、海關報關表,大量降低成本,使得小額貸款還能夠有錢可賺。又如深圳發(fā)展銀行 他們通過關注企業(yè)交易對手的信用,關注企業(yè)的真實性, 選擇了一種新的對企業(yè)的信用評級方式。在對企業(yè)的信用評級方法里邊,對企業(yè)自身的信用評級權重只有15,更加關注交易對手和交易的真實性。大部分企業(yè)都是在貿(mào)易鏈中,在供應鏈中生存的,它一定有上游的原材料供應和

13、下游的產(chǎn)品或者是半成品的服務或者是運輸或者是物流的管理,那么在這個過程當都能夠檢索到企業(yè)的信用記錄,用這些東西就可以比較容易的選擇到好的重信用的有真實貿(mào)易背景的這些企業(yè),向其提供足夠好的服務,調(diào)動各種各樣的金融工具,在企業(yè)發(fā)展的過程中,深發(fā)展也創(chuàng)造了利潤。 3、業(yè)務流程創(chuàng)新。我國商業(yè)銀行大都是官辦的銀行,習慣在房子里坐等客戶,一筆貸款要審批一個月、三個月,這樣一種管理、這樣一種審批效果是不可能適應中小企業(yè)金融服務,也不可能來改善中小企業(yè)的融資困難。銀行一方面要降低門檻,另一方面必須簡化程序、減少環(huán)節(jié),建立高效的審批機制 這樣才能適應小企業(yè)對信貸資金短、平、快的要求。中國銀行四月底推出了信貸工廠

14、。就是把銀行當作工廠,中小企業(yè)是原材料,進入流水線后經(jīng)過營銷、銷售、業(yè)務申報、審批、支用、客戶維護和貸后管理,獲得貸款。而銀行也不是一個人從頭到尾完成所有環(huán)節(jié),而是派出7組工人,每人把住流水線上的一個環(huán)節(jié),批量生產(chǎn)。通過這樣的方式簡化審批的流程。通過這種流程安排使其對于中小企業(yè)信貸審批的周期從過去2、3 個月,縮短到現(xiàn)在的3、5 天。 4、加強人員培訓。在機制建設以后就要有一批人能夠做這件事情,而且把它做得很好,這就要加強員工的培訓,進一步加強對中小企業(yè)、微小企業(yè)貸款以及高新技術的中小企業(yè)的貸款工作的培訓和交流的力度,加大整個產(chǎn)品應變研發(fā)的力度,用新的激勵約束的辦法來培養(yǎng)一支專業(yè)的隊伍和新的服

15、務文化。 6 1、企業(yè)應加強管理、提高素質(zhì)。要正確認識當前形勢,正視風險,樹立靠管理求效益、謀發(fā)展的觀念 要更加注重技術改造、科技創(chuàng)新,注重新產(chǎn)品研發(fā)、質(zhì)量改進和品牌建設,不斷拓展新產(chǎn)品,提高產(chǎn)品附加值,以內(nèi)在質(zhì)量的提高,贏得市場。努力節(jié)能降耗、降本增效、增收節(jié)支。加大市場開拓能力,降低“產(chǎn)成品、應收賬款”兩項資金占用,加快資金周轉(zhuǎn)。通過轉(zhuǎn)變發(fā)展方式,不是單靠產(chǎn)量的擴張,而是靠質(zhì)的提高實現(xiàn)工業(yè)增加值的較快增長。 2、企業(yè)應加強誠信體系建設,建立規(guī)范透明的管理制度,建立真實可信的財務報表,積累企業(yè)的信用制度。 綜上所述 中小企業(yè)的融資是一個全球性的難題,也是一項系統(tǒng)工程,需要各方的共同努力,也更

16、需要中小企業(yè)自身的管理進步,這件事情不管它的前進道路上有多大的困難,只要我們大家共同努力,為破解中小企業(yè)的融資難題貢獻自己的智慧和力量,轉(zhuǎn)變觀念,進行大膽創(chuàng)新,找到解決中小企業(yè)融資難的正確途徑 那么在這一條道路上面我們就會越走越寬廣,我們的前景也會越來越美好。 7 Sme financing problems related to the analysis First small and medium-sized enterprise financing status Reform and opening up China for 30 years of small and medium-si

17、zed enterprises obtained a rapid development of enterprise 99 of the small and medium-sized enterprises of our country more than 60 GDP contribution tax over 50 provides 70 of import and export trade and 80 of urban jobs. Small and medium-sized enterprises in our country is also an important power o

18、f independent innovation 66 of invention patent 82 of new product development of small and medium-sized enterprises from small and medium-sized enterprises has become the economic prosperity expanding employment adjusting structure promote innovation and new industries of important strength. From 80

19、 years since the outbreak of the international financial crisis the implementation of the positive fiscal policy and looser monetary policy but no small and medium-sized enterprises from the proactive fiscal policy and moderate looser monetary policy benefit directly for instance of the new 2008 225

20、 million small loan only more than the previous year but rose 1.4 only the loans increased 14.9 09 year three months of national total credit increased 4 8 trillion including loans to small and medium-sized enterprises increased amount only less than 5. Current loan financing difficult has become th

21、e bottleneck of restricting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprise production and management faced difficulties according to the state statistical bureau of statistics and letter until the end of 2008 in the small and medium-sized enterprises of p

22、roduction or collapse closed accounts for about 7. 5 the urban employment this situation is not only more difficult economic recovery influence and directly affect the growth and development of peoples livelihood stable target. In this sense the international financial crisis under the impact of Chi

23、nas economy could not really low the key is out of small and medium-sized enterprises vitality can be fully recovered. Second the sme financing reason analysis Sme loans and financing is a cosmopolitan should say see both from China and 8 mechanism of medium and small-sized enterprises there are thr

24、ee main reasons: first the medium and small-sized enterprises small and medium-sized enterprises generally small weak strength its not too much credit. Small and medium-sized enterprises generally weak awareness of honesty similar to a few of the common phenomenon may report on tax on some less ugly

25、 statements in Banks this intersection some may form good-looking such loans point is reliable became a problem. But this approach is very adverse instead of enterprises the development of small and medium-sized enterprises are not healthy we imagine if several departments with all these together th

26、e first this enterprise is not sincere he will have a foothold. We manufacture and export-oriented smes in human resources technology capital market environment faced financial crisis there was a huge pressure the development of it is the root cause of the scientific and technological content of the

27、 enterprise the innovation ability of high enough to enter the market is weak the low threshold the fierce competition in the market will increase these are not good for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Second from the bank for small and medium-sized enterprise credit condition

28、s stricter because we are most Banks it is also considered commercial bank the risk of their own profits. To the end of 2008 the small bad loans is higher than that of the entire banking industry relies low percentage of state-owned enterprises like a big problem once countries will still come mampa

29、 solving some problems but the loans of the small and medium-sized enterprises especially those small problems once the bankruptcy nobody tube so the bank loan quality cannot guaranteed so in this management system to reduce the risks the bank will demand of small and medium-sized enterprises in pro

30、viding enough after pawn dare loan. Another bank from the operation cost of small and medium-sized enterprises do loans will pay more manpower so also does not want to extend loans to small and medium-sized enterprises. A bank operating costs the half is labor cost small and medium-sized enterprises

31、 especially do small very high labor costs is five million or 50m or fifty billion billion a loan it is the same as the workload but it is the benefit of different times. Third the sme financing channel is too narrow and small and medium-sized enterprises in the capital markets have direct financing

32、 ways of securities market including small plate and gem And private equity funds industrial investment funds venture investment funds risk investment funds and the bond market etc. But since the sept. 25 2008 the small plate market securities issued after huachang chemical and closed the door just

33、recently IPO to restart the IPO. But gem is quotten yearsquot good sword.people until now only be vividly 9 portrayed. Although with gem listing conditions but a lot of small and medium-sized enterprises to financing for many enterprises it is still a luxury. In overseas small and medium-sized enter

34、prises in the process of growing only rely on bank loan financing many times is a venture investment risk or the help of small and medium-sized enterprises in China however can grow in the basic of financing. Shenzhen has 3000 venture company with a registered capital of 6000 billion but no company

35、is willing to startup investment enterprise. The company is more mature can the fancy of the securities market and gem. Third the sme financing difficulty in solving the problem a from the Angle of the government 1 the government should relax market access control reducing barriers let more smaller

36、Banks small and medium-sized enterprises in service for the strategic positioning of those small Banks to bitter fleabane bitter fleabane. Dynamic development Now China is probably more than a hundred villages and towns of the bank bank established to improve the bottleneck of the economic investmen

37、t county including improving agriculture development of small and medium-sized enterprises and support will play a very important role. For existing five state-owned Banks should be encouraged to develop their own businesses for the financing of the specialized agencies relax its has branches and en

38、courage them in the land and county township even closer to provide financial services and more convenient. 2 the government should help Banks to establish a credit system further reducing their information cost in our country the central bank since 1998 enterprise credit system construction was sta

39、rted by the specialized agencies collection and storage sorting analysis and use of enterprise credit information to guard against credit risks maintain stable financial markets. In 2006 the central bank and small and medium-sized enterprise credit system to establish the credit system hope to cover

40、 those and financial institutions have no credit relations of small and medium-sized enterprises. Of course the credit system is not only by the government and now have some network company for example try to use in online transaction information into small and medium-sized enterprise credit index the index of credit if out of the bank to further reduce t.

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