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Copyright by International OCSCO World Press. All rights reserved. 2007VOLUME 24ISSUE 1September2007Occasional paper405of Achievements in Materialsand Manufacturing Engineeringof Achievements in Materialsand Manufacturing EngineeringHigh precision machining on high speed machinesJ. Kopa* Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Askerceva 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia* Corresponding author: E-mail address: janez.kopacfs.uni-lj.siReceived 15.04.2007; published in revised form 01.09.2007Manufacturing and processingAbstrActPurpose: Modern Machines for precision products for three dimensional machining have by milling over 20.000 rpm. Differences between hard and soft machining have influences on concept of machines. Stiffness and rigidity are characteristics and variables which caused the precision and quality of machined part.Design/methodology/approach: This paper introduce some of interesting modern machine tools with different concept as DCG (Drive in Centre of Gravity - Mori Seiki), LAF (Look Ahead Function on machine - Sodick), high speed 20.000 60.000 rpm, linear drive, etc. The way from idea to machined part will be shown.Findings: To achieve high precision it is necessary to fill out many request function on machine. Results on machined part depend also from machined material (hardness, structure, size of crystals).Research limitations/implications: Engineers job is to prepare the optimal CNC (PNC) program on connection of CAD CAM softwares. After all mentioned factor test work piece is machined and measured.Originality/value: Comparison between results data on plan and measurement shows us the reality and give us decision around high precision product.Keywords: Manufacturing and processing; Machining; High speed machine tools; Precision machining; Precise products; Soft machining; Hard machining1. Introduction Some specifics of modern machine tool are included over modules, as rotation table, precise high RPM spindle, bar magazine, tools magazine, work pieces magazine, laser zero point measurement system, cutting forces dynamometer for diagnostic of process, frequencies sensor, acoustic sensors, etc., 1. To connect all modules in working action, the machine computer must be excellent. Softwares in computer as NN (Neural Network), GA (Genetic Algorithm), GP (Genetic Programming), LAF (Look Ahead Function), are assuring all time in machining process optimal cutting parameters 2, 3. Many of producers of cutting machine tools all over of the world provide machines in idle level of precision. To achieve precision production we need high level of machine quality. The highest quality caused also high price of machine. Top level ob machine price are 500.000 to 1.000.000 euros for more then three axis machine. 3axis milling machines and turn machines with driven tools are under 400.000 euros. Classical machining on little older machines - no modern high speed, is also very useful in individual production or in tool making industries. The prices of mentioned machines are under 200.000 euros. They are also mostly not able to achieve HS region. HS region is defined with more of elements, which will be shown in some of next chapter of this paper. 3D gravures polishing is very special job for achieving low surface roughness. Its time consumption technology, mostly handy made. That for it has to be automated with driven polishing tool and minimize with choice of special cutting technology. To ensure it is necessary to choice ball nose cutter, low depth of cut, small feed rate and very high speed. After technology are important maters software and controllers, where is include huge knowledge around complex optimization of cutting condition on base of self-learning controller 4,5. Automaticaly federate minimization is very usefull before finishing and polishing closing surfaces by 3D dies and moulds. 1. IntroductionOccasional paper406Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing EngineeringJ. KopaVolume 24 Issue 1 September 2007 2. Specifics of modern cutting machine tools Mentioned modules are also adaptable. Rotation table is more effective in the case of automated clamping device for work piece. Design and workmanship was realized 6. Figure 1 shows schematically concept to connect hydraulically control on clamping device - above. Below part of figure shows machine cell, powered and control over air and hydraulic medium. Fig.1. Schematically present of medium flow from source to palette on milling machine High productive are turn machines, which are shared in modern classical system on 60 support bed degree as horizontal and new concept of vertical turn machine, Figure 2. With driven tools equipped and both side spindle turn machine is high productive. With added axis as Z1, Z2 and C1, C2 is production 5-7x higher as on conventional lathe 7. Vertical turn machine is also new concept of intensive machining, where the chips have better flow away versus horizontal principle. On Figure 2 is concept with below the spindle with work piece. It is possible also opposite; to be spindle above and the cutting tools are moving over revolver and cascade tool clamping system. Machine like this is more rigid, more precise and high productive. Fig. 2. Horizontal turn machine tool with two revolvers, auxiliary spindle and Y axis and vertical turn machine tool Fig. 3. Robust horizontal machining centre Robust horizontal machining centre, Figure 3 shows rough concept of modules and structure more axis machine. B axis is so called axis nr.4. It gives possibility of complex shapes of 3D work piece. Machine is also more exacting and it is necessary to prepare effective programming engineer of machining. Simple managing from low educated worker gives not optimal machining time and also higher production costs. The latest turn machine bed is under angle 60 degrees. Angle like this on Figure 4, Figure 5 gives optimal solution for assumption of cutting force components 8. The vibrations are limited and chips flow is regulated as well. Schematically introduce below shows two spindles, two revolvers and driven cutters. With opposite side machining in same time make forces compensations. Fig. 4. Basic structure of horizontal lathe with two revolvers and auxiliary spindle revolver operation panelspindle revolver 2 opposite spindle chip transporter Fig. 5. Basic structure of horizontal lathe with two revolvers and opposite spindle Step more and the last model is multi axes machine. It is basically turn machine with all possible modules and axis. With right and left side of spindle is possible to finish the product on the same machine without logistics, double positioning and clamping. Milling spindle produce the shapes in complexity versus classical production on 7 different machines. milling spindle oposite spindle spindle revolver milling spindle Fig. 6. Multi axis turn- machining centre Working principles and controller of modern machine collect modules as shows Figure 7. Classical control was NC, after then CNC, but new one is CPU unit. All segments are connected with fast internet bus connection. High power electro motors are AC concept, digital servo motors. PLCfast internet bus conecton spindle drive digital AC servo motors axes drive X, Y, Z, B digital AC servo motors CAD/CAMethernet RS-232 memory card CNC CPU unit information machine server Fig. 7. Working principle of modern machine tool with CNC control with CPU technology 3. Precision machining; theory and principles Fine machining can be done on more ways, as classical fine cutting, smooth machining, rolling and finishing. Classical way was cutting with sharp cutting edge and small feed rate. Smooth 2. specificsofmoderncuttingmachinetools407Manufacturing and processingHigh precision machining on high speed machines 2. Specifics of modern cutting machine tools Mentioned modules are also adaptable. Rotation table is more effective in the case of automated clamping device for work piece. Design and workmanship was realized 6. Figure 1 shows schematically concept to connect hydraulically control on clamping device - above. Below part of figure shows machine cell, powered and control over air and hydraulic medium. Fig.1. Schematically present of medium flow from source to palette on milling machine High productive are turn machines, which are shared in modern classical system on 60 support bed degree as horizontal and new concept of vertical turn machine, Figure 2. With driven tools equipped and both side spindle turn machine is high productive. With added axis as Z1, Z2 and C1, C2 is production 5-7x higher as on conventional lathe 7. Vertical turn machine is also new concept of intensive machining, where the chips have better flow away versus horizontal principle. On Figure 2 is concept with below the spindle with work piece. It is possible also opposite; to be spindle above and the cutting tools are moving over revolver and cascade tool clamping system. Machine like this is more rigid, more precise and high productive. Fig. 2. Horizontal turn machine tool with two revolvers, auxiliary spindle and Y axis and vertical turn machine tool Fig. 3. Robust horizontal machining centre Robust horizontal machining centre, Figure 3 shows rough concept of modules and structure more axis machine. B axis is so called axis nr.4. It gives possibility of complex shapes of 3D work piece. Machine is also more exacting and it is necessary to prepare effective programming engineer of machining. Simple managing from low educated worker gives not optimal machining time and also higher production costs. The latest turn machine bed is under angle 60 degrees. Angle like this on Figure 4, Figure 5 gives optimal solution for assumption of cutting force components 8. The vibrations are limited and chips flow is regulated as well. Schematically introduce below shows two spindles, two revolvers and driven cutters. With opposite side machining in same time make forces compensations. Fig. 4. Basic structure of horizontal lathe with two revolvers and auxiliary spindle revolver operation panelspindle revolver 2 opposite spindle chip transporter Fig. 5. Basic structure of horizontal lathe with two revolvers and opposite spindle Step more and the last model is multi axes machine. It is basically turn machine with all possible modules and axis. With right and left side of spindle is possible to finish the product on the same machine without logistics, double positioning and clamping. Milling spindle produce the shapes in complexity versus classical production on 7 different machines. milling spindle oposite spindle spindle revolver milling spindle Fig. 6. Multi axis turn- machining centre Working principles and controller of modern machine collect modules as shows Figure 7. Classical control was NC, after then CNC, but new one is CPU unit. All segments are connected with fast internet bus connection. High power electro motors are AC concept, digital servo motors. PLCfast internet bus conecton spindle drive digital AC servo motors axes drive X, Y, Z, B digital AC servo motors CAD/CAMethernet RS-232 memory card CNC CPU unit information machine server Fig. 7. Working principle of modern machine tool with CNC control with CPU technology 3. Precision machining; theory and principles Fine machining can be done on more ways, as classical fine cutting, smooth machining, rolling and finishing. Classical way was cutting with sharp cutting edge and small feed rate. Smooth 3. Precisionmachining;theoryandprinciplesOccasional paper408Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing EngineeringJ. KopaVolume 24 Issue 1 September 2007 machining is modern way of cutting with big radius R on cutting edge. Fed rate is huge and remove rate is 8 x bigger. It is very important from view of machining time for achieve required surface roughness, Figure 8. required roughness Rth machining time t Fig. 8. Surface roughness quality versus machining time Cutting tool material has important influence on work piece surface roughness. Especially type of coating as TiN, TiCN, TiAlN caused lower toll wear, Figure 9. As result of minimal toll wear is toll life to achieve criteria of cutting edge changing. Movic as soft cutting caused good sliding phenomena, better tribology contact and better surface roughness. Ra achieved with mentioned tolls is significant lower as by inserts of tungsten carbides. Cutting speed m/min Tool life of cutter m no coating Fig. 9. Tool life of milling cutter carbide cutting tool material with different coatings Ball nose milling cutter is ideal cutting tool for fine machining. Phenomena of that pencil milling tools is possibility to cut work piece hardness to 62 HRc. Producers of cutting tools are able to produce diameter of cuter 0.5 mm with two flutes. Every cutting edge is very sharp and has very precise cutting angles. After machining time the cutting edges are weared, Figure 10. Normal, theoretical wear is on flutes, but middle part of cutter, it means central part can has also some breakages 9. The reason is in smaller cutting speed, where BUE is assist able 10. Tool wear and tool life depends of used cutting tool materials and Nr. of passes of tool over the machined surface. Tool wear W or VB is the best by coating TiAlN/TiN 11, Figure 11. Central wearTool flank wear Fig. 10. Different wear shapes on the pencil milling ball end nose Number of crossingsMedium wear W mm Fig. 11. Toll wear diagram based on middle of cutter After more experiments we carried out optimal solution for precise machining: It is multilayer coatings with last layer of TiN 12, which has very low tribological coefficient. Toll wear is minimal, as shows Figure 12. Normally the parameters of cutting must be defined as a= 0.1mm, f=0.05mm and cutting speed v = 150 - 200 m/ min. By small cutter diameter it is possible to achieve only on HS machine, which has 20.000 to 40.000rpm 13. Fig. 12. Tool wears on cutting edge Figure 13 shows toll wear of the free surface on the rounded tip of the milling tool which is quite big. The break down of the cutting edge is visible on the rounded tip of the milling tool. It is the case of wrong decision of machining parameters. Feed rate in this case was too high. To achieve bigger material remove is not feed rate right solution. It must stay small. Only with higher cutting speed we achieve bigger removal chip volume. Fig. 13.Toll wear on cutting edge by pencil cutter bed case 5. Polishing Last step by finishing of machined surface is polishing. It is useful only in the case, when geometry shape is not request to be in tolerances over 2 m. Polishing is very time consumption and using driven hand polishing tools is request. On this way polishing time is shorter, because vibrant power on polishing segment helped as well. Figure 14 shows last fine machining on closing surface by mould tool. With combination of precise milling, the polishing time was shorted from 16 hours to 3 hours. Fig. 14. Hand polishing of work piece with driving tool Using different diamante polishing gel help also to shorter the polishing time. Different gels are using for different materials. Hardness of polished surface and Ra request different size of diamante cons. Gel fluid and his viscosity is influencing on intensively/time of polishing, Figure 15. Fig. 15. Diamante polishing gel As mentioned above, vibrations powered polishing tools are very effective. Figure 16 shows polishing device with ultrasound powering frequency. It means from 14 to 21 KHz. Movements as this one can be danger for surface in case, when worker is not really concentrated on his obligation. Force on device has to be very gently in another case the surface can be damage over preheating, what caused recrystalization of surface layer. Fig. 16. Hand/driven/polishing of work piece with ultrasound device 6. Case study of precise and ability of machine Sodick Machining case study was carried out over the mould work piece product. Figure 17 shows schematically actions, which are necessary to achieve requested shape of product. As first was done design over one of CAD program. Input of design is new or old part with some changes. In that case RE Reverse Engineering is right way for quick preparing of CNC program. After CAD is CNC program created over CAM software. Missing is still jet post processing, where is for every machine tool controller a little bit another. Case of modern turn machine with integration of many modern modules shows Figure 18. Work pieces magazine is on left and strong control system is on right side of machine centre. Very right is toll magazine. 409Manufacturing and processingHigh precision machining on high speed machines machining is modern way of cutting with big radius R on cutting edge. Fed rate is huge and remove rate is 8 x bigger. It is very important from view of machining time for achieve required surface roughness, Figure 8. required roughness Rth machining time t Fig. 8. Surface roughness quality versus machining time Cutting tool material has important influence on work piece surface roughness. Especially type of coating as TiN, TiCN, TiAlN caused lower toll wear, Figure 9. As result of minimal toll wear is toll life to achieve criteria of cutting edge changing. Movic as soft cutting caused good sliding phenomena, better tribology contact and better surface roughness. Ra achieved with mentioned tolls is significant lower as by inserts of tungsten carbides. Cutting speed m/min Tool life of cutter m no coating Fig. 9. Tool life of milling cutter carbide cutting tool material with different coatings Ball nose milling cutter is ideal cutting tool for fine machining. Phenomena of that pencil milling tools is possibility to cut work piece hardness to 62 HRc. Producers of cutting tools are able to produce diameter of cuter 0.5 mm with two flutes. Every cutting edge is very sharp and has very precise cutting angles. After machining time the cutting edges are weared, Figure 10. Normal, theoretical wear is on flutes, but middle part of cutter, it means central part can has also some breakages 9. The reason is in smaller cutting speed, where BUE is assist able 10. Tool wear and tool life depends of used cutting tool materials and Nr. of passes of tool over the machined surface. Tool wear W or VB is the best by coating TiAlN/TiN 11, Figure 11. Central wearTool flank wear Fig. 10. Different wear shapes on the pencil milling ball end nose Number of crossingsMedium wear W mm Fig. 11. Toll wear diagram based on middle of cutter After more experiments we carried out optimal solution for precise machining: It is multilayer coatings with last layer of TiN 12, which has very low tribological coefficient. Toll wear is minimal, as shows Figure 12. Normally the parameters of cutting must be defined as a= 0.1mm, f=0.05mm and cutting speed v = 150 - 200 m/ min. By small cutter diameter it is possible to achieve only on HS machine, which has 20.000 to 40.000rpm 13. Fig. 12. Tool wears on cutting edge Figure 13 shows toll wear of the free surface on the rounded tip of the milling tool which is quite big. The break down of the cutting edge is visible on the rounded tip of the milling tool. It is the case of wrong decision of machining parameters. Feed rate in this case was too high. To achieve bigger material remove is not feed rate right solution. It must stay small. Only with higher cutting speed we achieve bigger removal chip volume. Fig. 13.Toll wear on cutting edge by pencil cutter bed case 5. Polishing Last step by finishing of machined surface is polishing. It is useful only in the case, when geometry shape is not request to be in tolerances over 2 m. Polishing is very time consumption and using driven hand polishing tools is request. On this way polishing time is shorter, because vibrant power on polishing segment helped as well. Figure 14 shows last fine machining on closing surface by mould tool. With combination of precise milling, the pol