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商務信函的翻譯,商務信函的定義與功能,不僅是用來溝通的媒介,還可以有效地取代面對面的登門拜訪,建構和維系彼此間的友誼,吸引與爭取客戶,以及為公司塑造良好的形象。 - 許建忠,以表情功能為主 感謝信 祝賀信 道歉信 慰問信,商務信函的分類,以信息功能為主 1. 建立業(yè)務關系函(cooperation intention) 2. 產(chǎn)品推銷函(promotion) 3. 資信查詢函(credit inquiry) 4. 詢盤函(inquiry) 5. 發(fā)盤還盤函(offer and counter-offer) 6. 訂購函(purchase) 7.裝運通知函(shipment) 8.支付結算函( payment ) 9. 索賠函(claim) 10. 保險函(insurance),商務信函的篇章結構,開頭部分(Opening Section) 主題命題部分(Propositional Section) 結尾部分(Closing Section),英文商務信函的結構,1. 信頭 (Heading),包括寄信人的地址和日期 2. 信內(nèi)地址(Inside address),即收信人的地址 3. 文檔號(Reference),如:Our ref:WFX/SQ, Your ref: JS201/SD707 4. 收函方主辦人或主要負責人, 如Attention: The Sales Manager 或 To: The Sales Manager 5. 稱呼(Salutation) 6. 事由標題(Caption/Subject/Reference),7. 正文(Body) 8. 結束語/函尾套語(Complimentary close) 9. 發(fā)信人姓名,先簽名再打印姓名(Signature&Printed Name) 10. 發(fā)信人職務(Position) 11. 發(fā)信人及打信人姓名縮寫,如ST/MS 12. 附件(Enclosure) 13. 副本/抄送(CC.,即Carbon Copy) 14. 附言/又及事項(P.S.,即Postscript),1117 The High Road 6 June 1996 Mr. David Patricks 3005 West 29th Suite 130 Waco, 77663 Our Ref: RI0606 Attention: International Trade Manager Dear Mr. Patricks, Subject: Heating Registers Location,信頭,信內(nèi)地址,文檔號,收函方,稱呼,事由標題,I received your June 6th letter requesting consultation and am providing my recommendation in the following. Sincerely Jane A. McMurry Jane A. McMurry Engineering Manager HVAC Consultants, Inc.JAM / dmc Encl. : invoice for consulting services C.C. Executive Manager of HVAC Consultants, Inc.,正文,客套語,公司名稱,打印姓名,簽名,職務,附件,抄送,發(fā)信人及打信人姓名縮寫,中文商務信函的結構,1.標題 2. 發(fā)函字號 3. 收函單位或收件人姓名 4. 正文 5. 結束套語 6. 發(fā)函單位或發(fā)函人姓名 7. 發(fā)函時間 8.附件,為請試制高密度尼絲紡事 (x x)x x 字第x x號 xx紡織廠: 經(jīng)雙方磋商,為保證出口羽絨制品面料尼絲紡量,你方同意試制新型高密度尼絲紡,現(xiàn)試樣需用的少量尼龍長絲已備,請你廠前來開料后,立即試制樣品,現(xiàn)將具體成品規(guī)格要求開列如下: 其余數(shù)量暫存你廠,由我公司安排染色、涂防水層等處理后,再進行紡絨實驗,特此函達,請洽。 此致 敬禮 xxxx公司(公章)x x年x月x日 附件:原料定額、工藝、規(guī)格參考值,合作原則和禮貌原則,Cooperative Principle(H.P. Grice, 1975),(1) The Maxim of Quality質(zhì)量原則 不要說自己認為是不真實的話 不要說自己認為缺乏證據(jù)的話 (2) The Maxim of Quantity數(shù)量原則 使自己所說的話達到交談的現(xiàn)在目的所要求的詳盡程度 不應使自己所說的話包含超出需要的信息 (3) The Maxim of Relevance關聯(lián)原則 說話要貼切 (4) The Maxim of Manner方式原則 避免晦澀的詞語 避免歧義 說話要簡練,避免贅述 說話要有條理,A: Do you love me? B: Im very fond of you. A: Yes, but do you love me? B: Uh.you mean a lot to me. A: Why wont you answer my question? B: What question? A: Do you love me? Come on! I want to know. B: I care for you very deeply. You know that. A: That isnt the same thing! B: What kind of answer do you expect? A: The truth! I want the truth! B: How can I possibly answer such a question?,禮貌原則,得體準則(Tact Maxim) 盡量少讓別人吃虧;盡量多使別人得益 慷慨準則(Generosity Maxim) 盡量少使自己得益;盡量多讓自己吃虧 謙遜準則(Modesty Maxim) 盡量少贊譽自己;盡量多貶低自己 一致準則(Agreement Maxim) 盡量減少雙方的分歧;盡量增加雙方的一致 同情準則(Sympathy Maxim) 盡量減少雙方的反感;盡量增加雙方的同情,A: What do you think? Do you like the dress? B: The color is really wonderful. A: We all miss Bill and Mary, wont we? B: Well, we will all miss Bill and Jim.,合作原則在會話中起著調(diào)節(jié)說話人說話內(nèi)容的作用,它使說話人在假設對方樂于合作的前提下能進行交際。 禮貌原則具有更高一層的調(diào)節(jié)作用,它維護了交談雙方的均等地位和他們之間的友好關系。,合作原則和禮貌原則在商務信函中的體現(xiàn),Correctness:正確(質(zhì)量準則) Completeness:完整(數(shù)量準則) Concretness:具體(關聯(lián)準則) Conciseness:簡潔 (方式準則) Clearness:清楚 (方式準則) Courtesy:禮貌 (禮貌原則) Consideration:體諒 (禮貌原則),1)完整Completeness 2)具體Concretness We wish to confirm our telex dispatched the other day. We confirm our telex of June 5th, 2002.,3)簡潔Conciseness Come to a decision decide in accordance with your request as your request for the amount of US $500 for US $500,4)清楚Clearness Being a registered accountant, Im sure you can help us. Being a registered accountant, you can certainly help us. 5)正確Correctness We assure you that this error will never occur. Well do all we can so that we may not repeat this error.,6)禮貌Courtesy 、體諒consideration We must refuse your offer. We regret that we are unable to accept your offer. We are extremely and sincerely sorry for the error and ask that you accept our humble and sincere apology for the undue inconvenience suffered by you. We are concerned about the inconvenience you have suffered, and apologize sincerely.,We are pleased to announce that. You will be pleased to know that. Apparently you misunderstood our order. Anyway you shipped the wrong thing. Apparently our instructions are not clear, with the result that the wrong article was shipped.,a. Your letter is not clear at all and I cannot understand it. b. If I understood your letter correctly, I would immediately accept your offer. 請貴方來函內(nèi)容更清楚些,這樣我方便可立即接受貴方報盤。,商貿(mào)信函翻譯原則,數(shù)量準則 1) 翻譯不要漏譯,力求完整。 2)翻譯時不得隨意增添信息,力求嚴謹 質(zhì)量準則 1)翻譯不可夸大其辭,力求真實 2)翻譯要使用套語, 力求規(guī)范 In reply to your inquiry of 25th March, we are pleased to offer you the following. 茲答復三月二十五日詢價, 并報盤如下。,收到對方來函時用: We are in receipt of your letter/ We acknowledge receipt of your letter/ We have received your letter 貴函敬悉/貴函收悉/來函收悉 表示通知對方時: We are pleased to inform you 特此奉告 Notice is hereby given that 特此函告,回復對方的來信時用: In reply to your letter of (+日期)/ Regarding your letter of (+日期)/ Referring to your letter of (+日期) 茲回復貴方(某日)來函 希望對方回復時用: Your kind reply will greatly oblige us. 如蒙答復,當不勝感激。/敬請回復。/盼復/望賜復。 Your (prompt)reply would be appreciated. 敬請(速)回復。 Looking forward to your positive/favourable/affirmative reply 敬候佳音,隨函附上某物時用: Enclosed we hand/ Enclosed please find/ We are enclosing 同函奉上/ 隨函附上 表示禮貌委婉的語氣用: Thank you for 感謝貴方 We are glad/ pleased to 很高興 We are grateful (obliged)for 對.深表感激 We regret to 非常遺憾 We are very sorry to 甚為遺憾,3)在翻譯時要注意商業(yè)術語和縮略語,力求準確 We shall cover TPND on your order. 我們將為貴方貨物投盜竊和提貨不著險。 Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery,CIF (cost, freight and insurance) 到岸價 FOB (free on board) 離岸價 proforma invoice 形式發(fā)票,方式準則 1)翻譯不能用陳腐、晦澀的語言,力求得體 2)翻譯避免使用產(chǎn)生歧義的語言,力求具體 3)翻譯要避免啰嗦,力求簡潔 We wish to draw your attention to the fact that our clients are in urgent need of the contracted good. 敬請注意,我方客戶急需合同貨物。,We confirm having cabled you a firm offer subject to your reply reaching us by October 10. 我們確認已經(jīng)以電報的方式給你們發(fā)出了一項實盤,該實盤成立的條件就是你們的答復在10月10日之前到達我們這里。 現(xiàn)確認已向貴方電發(fā)實盤,10月10日前復到有效。,4)長句翻譯要理清脈絡,力求條理簡潔 一則體現(xiàn)這種文體莊嚴的風格,嚴謹?shù)慕Y構和清晰的邏輯條理,二則可以完整地表達外貿(mào)業(yè)務進行的各種條件、方式或結果,使業(yè)務或協(xié)議不存在任何漏洞,避免今后可能發(fā)生的爭端,以維護雙方的利益。 廖七一,莫再樹,2004,In order to enable us to capture a part of the market for you, we sincerely hope that you will make us a further concession, for example, a discount of 15% instead of 10% as you planned to give us on an order worth approximately US$ 10,000. 為使我方替貴方打開一片市場,真誠希望貴方給予我方更多優(yōu)惠,譬如, 訂單總值約10000美元,給予我方15%的折扣,而非貴方原計劃的 10%。,關聯(lián)準則 1)翻譯要聯(lián)系上下文,力求通順 We are sending you under separate cover by airmail a copy of the latest catelogue. 茲另封航郵我最新目錄一封。 Short-covering is very prevalent in the financial market. 金融市場上空頭回補很盛行。 The goods under our Order No. 4580 are covered against All Risks. 4580號訂單下的貨物已投保了一切險。 Please ship us 2000 tons of Green Beans covered by our Order No. 3220 at an early date. 望你方能早日裝運我方第3220號訂單下的2000噸綠豆為宜。 The customer sent the faulty radio back to the shop, with a covering letter. 顧客退回有毛病的收音機,并附以詳函。,1. 我會很高興幫助您解決這個問題。 Ill be pleased to help you sort out this problem. 2. 我明白您的意思,并且理解您的顧慮。 I see what you mean and can appreciate your concern. Appreciate: to understand how serious a situation or problem is or what someones feelings are I dont think you appreciate the difficulties his absence will cause. Understand:to know the meaning of what someone is telling you, or the language that they speak 3. 我很高興在這種情況下向您提供5%的額外優(yōu)惠。 I am happy to offer you an extra discount of 5% in the circumstances.,感謝貴方七月九日的來函。按照貴方的要求,隨函附寄了產(chǎn)品目錄和價目表。 Thank you for your letter of 9 July. As requested we enclose our catalogue and price list. 我方將很高興提供貴方需要的任何其它信息。 We shall be pleased to send you any further information you may need. 如需要更多詳細情況,請通知我。 Please let me know if you need any further details. 感謝貴方8月15日的詢價,我方現(xiàn)隨函附上皮鞋及手提包的報價。 Thank you for your enquiry of 15 August. Our quotation for leather shoes and handbags is enclosed.,


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