2019-2020年高中英語 Unit24 The science of farming教案 北師大版必修2.doc
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2019-2020年高中英語 Unit24 The science of farming教案 北師大版必修2 一、教學目標與要求 通過本單元教學,繼續(xù)學習、鞏固有關直接引語和間接引語的內(nèi)容。學生應能熟練地把直接引語轉(zhuǎn)換為間接引語。復習有關談論天氣的話題,能熟練的描述各種天氣。通過對課文的學習,讓學生了解我國歷史上農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)展的情況,并能用英語進行簡單描述。 二、教學重點與難點 1.重點詞匯develop;experience;knock out of;point out;turn over;go against;a-gree to do ;now and then 2.重要句型 1)The soil should also be turned over with a fork so that the weedswould be destroyed.2)The book,which has 110 000 characters,is about both farming andgardening. 3.語法 間接引語:1)He said that the best seed-heads should be hung up to dry.2)They asked him if it was a good idea to sow wheat close together.3)They asked him whenhe harvested the wheat.4)He advised/told farmers to do things at the right time of year. 4.日常交際用語 談論天氣(Talking about the weather):1)It’s a beautiful day today.2)It’s going to be dry and sunny for the next two days.3)What’s the weather going to belike at the weekend?4)They say it’s going to be wet and windy. 三、課型 (一)對話課 Ⅰ.教具 錄音機,投影儀。 Ⅱ.課堂教學設計 1.教師通過以下步驟導入本課:向?qū)W生提出下列問題:1)Have you ever been to a farmbefore?2)When we talk about the farm,what words can you think of? 可將學生給出的詞語列在黑板上,借以復習相關詞匯。如學生沒提及天氣情況,教師可用問題加以引導:Good!You’ve given me a lot of words that have something to do with farm-ing.What about the weather?Do you think that weather is important in farming?Why? 2.準備放對話錄音。借助投影片打出以下聽前提問:1)What’s the weather like for thenext two days?2)What’s the weather going to be like at the weekend? 放錄音一至兩遍,請學生回答上述問題,教師予以必要訂正。 Key:1)It’s going to be dry and sunny for the next two days.2)It’s going to be wet andwindy. 3.再次放對話錄音,學生跟讀。將學生分為兩人一組練習對話。數(shù)分鐘后,請兩、三組同學到前面表演。 教師指導學生歸納在本課中有關談論天氣情況的常用語句(見日常交際用語部分),并提供新的情景,由學生編小對話。 情景1:You are supposed to plant trees with your classmates tomorrow.Now you aretalking about the weather reports with your classmates and discuss what to do if it rains to-morrow. 情景2:You and your friends are planning a trip to the country by bike this ing Sun-day.From the weather reports you already know that it is going to be fine in the morningand there will be a strong wind in the afternoon. Talk with your friends and make a careful plan about your trip. 經(jīng)數(shù)分鐘練習后,教師可請幾位同學到前面進行表演,教師予以講評。 4.要求學生將該課對話以狄克為第一人稱的角度,改寫為一篇短文。教師可給予必要的提示。 提示語:1)a farmer,living in England;2)beautiful day,working in the fields;3)talk-ing about the weather;4)decide what to do for farm work 給出首句:I am a farmer,living in the west of England. 要求學生根據(jù)對話,參照老師所給提示及首句,編寫短文。 Model: I am a farmer,living in the west of England.I am always busy with my farm work.It’sa beautiful day today and I’m now working in the fields with Tim.Tim is helping me at themoment.We’re talking about the weather for the next two days and also for the ingweekend.And we’ve decided to sow carrot seed tomorrow and pick the rest of the cabbagesbefore the weather changes. 當堂要求學生完成,如時間允許,可請幾位同學朗讀自己的短文,教師予以講評。 5.布置作業(yè)1)預習第94、95課;2)完成練習冊中安排的練習 (二)閱讀理解課(Ⅰ) Ⅰ.教具 錄音機,投影儀。 Ⅱ.課堂教學設計 1.檢查生詞及短語。 2.教師通過以下提問導入正課:Every day people need a lot of food.And the food main-ly es from the corn,the wheat,the rice and so on.Farmers grow them year after yearand provide us with enough food.In our country we still have a lot of people who are farm-ers.And many farmers still work with their hands though lots of machines are used every-where.If I ask you what you have already known about farming,maybe few of you can an-swer this question well.Now we’ll learn something about farming in old China, 3.教師給出讀前提問:1)What were the people in other countries doing while the farm-ers in China were developing the science of farming?2)What book did he write?What is thebook about? 教師給學生數(shù)分鐘,要求學生快速閱讀課文。之后請同學回答上述問題。 Key:1)People in other countries were trying to catch wild animals and birds and werestill collecting seeds and nuts while farmers in China were developing the science of agricul-ture.2)He wrote a book called Qi Min Yao Shu and the book is about both farming and gar-dening. 4.放課文錄音,學生跟讀一至兩遍。教師就課文內(nèi)容提問,檢查學生的理解程度(可參閱練習冊中所列出的問題) 5.教師用投影儀打出以下statements,要求學生判斷其正誤。并對錯誤的statements 進行修改。 1)China was the first country in the world to study the science of farming.2)The textdoes not tell us where the earliest research centre for agriculture was.3)Both Yidu andGaoyang where Jia Sixie once lived and worked are in Shandong Province.4)He didn’t wantto work in the government.So he returned home and spent his time on agriculture.5)He ad-vised the farmers to choose the best seed-heads,which were much bigger than others.6)Af-ter the seeds were sown,they should be knocked out of the seed-heads.7)He pointed out itwas important that wheat should be planted with space between the plants.8)He did experi-ments to show his way was better.9)The book called Qi Min Yao Shu was written overyears ago. Key:1)False(China was one of the first countries in the world to study the science offarming.)2)False(China was the earliest research centre for agriculture.)3)True 4)False(After years of working in the government,he returned home and spent his time on a-griculture.)5)False(The best seed-heads were those with the best colour.)6)False(Be-fore the seeds were sown,they should be knocked out of the seed-heads.)7)False.(Hesaid that it was important to plant wheat close together.)8)True 9)False(The book waswritten during the years 533~544,that is,over 1 400 years ago.) 6.請學生利用課文所提供的內(nèi)容,挑出有關描寫賈思勰研究農(nóng)業(yè)的詞語: 1)spent his time on research into agriculture;2)collected information,studied it,didexperiments and learnt from the experiences of farmers;3)studied ways of keeping seeds;4)studied how to improve soil conditions;5)learnt how to clean rough ground before plant-ing crops… 學生先在小組內(nèi)交流并相互啟發(fā)、補充,然后請學生在班上交流。 7.布置作業(yè)1)復述課文;2)完成練習冊中所安排的練習。 閱讀理解課(Ⅱ) Ⅰ.教具 錄音機,投影儀。 Ⅱ.課堂教學設計 1.通過提問溫習第一部分課文內(nèi)容:1)Which country was the earliest research centrefor agriculture?2)Farmers in China were developing the science of agriculture while peoplein other countries were still trying to catch wild animals and birds and were still collectingseeds and nuts.What does it show?3)Who was Jia Sixie and where was he born?4)Whatdid he do after Jia Sixie returned home after working many years for the government?5)Canyou tell us something about his advice to the farmers?6)When did he write his book calledQi Min Yao Shu?And what is the book about?Please give an example. 2.檢查第一部分課文復述。 3.教師用投影儀打出以下表格,要求學生在閱讀第95課的同時,利用課文中所提供的信息填寫表格,介紹賈思勰在《齊民要術》中有關種莊稼的一些建議: Say something about Jia Sixie’s pieces of advice from his book“Qi Min Yao Shu” 學生先在小組內(nèi)交流并相互啟發(fā)、補充,然后請學生在班上交流。 4.布置作業(yè) 1)復述課文,重點介紹賈思勰在《齊民要術》中有關種莊稼的建議;2)完成練習冊中所安排的練習。 (三)語言訓練課 Ⅰ.教具 投影儀。 Ⅱ.課堂教學設計 1.教師檢查課文復述。 2.教師從本單元詞語中選擇部分常見詞語,配以例句介紹給學生。要求學生反復練習這些例句,并請同學造句,教師予以講評訂正。 詞語:loaf;experience;knock…out of;condition;rough;point out;turn over;go a-gainst;plough;year after year 例句:1)Here are four people but I’ve got only three loaves of bread.What shall I do?2)Have you had any experience in this kind of work?3)Jia Sixie told the farmers to knockthe seeds out of the seed-heads before sowing them.4)She was knocked out by the sadnews.5)What are conditions like in your country now?6)Look at his hands.They are roughwith work.7)He pointed out that it was very foolish to do that.8)The soil must be turnedover before planning.9)He turned over a page or two.10)He went against his mother’swishes.11)Farmers plough their fields in autumn or spring.12)Year after year I got a letterfrom him on New Year’s Day. 3.書面表達練習 中文提示(用投影片打出):1)周蘭生在城市,去年去農(nóng)村經(jīng)歷難忘;2)建議教師去農(nóng)村學農(nóng);3)周蘭響應,乘火車前往老家;4)設想農(nóng)村生活艱苦;5)后來發(fā)現(xiàn)機械化程度高,農(nóng)村大變樣 英文提示(用投影片打出):1)experience;2)point out;3)farming;4)advise somebodyto do something ;5)conditions ;6)remove 將首句給出:Zhou Lan was born in a big city. 七、八分鐘后,請幾位同學朗讀自己的短文,教師予以講評。 Model: Zhou Lan was born in a big city.She had never been to the country until last summervacation.It was a wonderful experience for her. Before the vacation,her teacher pointed out that it was important for the students tolearn something about farming,and advised them to go to the countryside for a visit.SoZhou Lan took a train to her hometown---a small village in Sichuan Province.Before sheleft,she had thought that the conditions there must be very bad:the road must be rough;and the farmers will do nothing but remove weeds every day.When she got there,she wassurprised to see that machines were used a lot in the fields and the living conditions therewere much better than she had thought.She stayed there for two weeks and was very muchinterested in farming. 4.布置作業(yè) 1)預習第25單元;2)完成練習冊中安排的練習。 四、難句分析 1.He is always busy with his farm work.他總是忙于他的農(nóng)場工作。 be busy with的意思是“忙于……”。例如: Mother is always busy with her housework.媽媽總是忙于家務。 They pretended to be busy with preparation for the exam.他們裝著忙于備考的樣子。 busy也常用于be busy doing sth.意思是“忙于做某事”。例如: They are busy making paper flowers.他們忙著做紙花。 Mother is always busy doing her housework.媽媽總是忙于做家務。 2.In the following spring,the seeds should be knocked out of the seed-heads and sown.到第二年春天把種子從谷穗里打出來,然后再播種。 knock out of是動詞短語,“從……中敲出”。例如: The sudden blow knocked two teeth out of his mouth.這突然的一擊把兩顆牙齒從他的嘴里打出來了。 The diamond was knocked out of the ring when I dropped it.我的戒指掉下來時,鉆石被敲出來了。 knock構(gòu)成的短語動詞還有:knock at(敲……),knock against(撞擊),knock down(撞倒),knock over(撞翻)等。 Who is knocking at/on the door?誰在敲門? The car knocked the bike over.汽車把自行車撞倒了。 The child knocked his head against the wall.那小孩把頭撞在墻上了。 The cow knocked down a small tree and ate the leaves.那頭牛把一棵小樹撞倒了,把樹葉吃了。 3.The soil should also be turned over with a fork so that the weeds would be de-stroyed.還應當用耙子翻地,以除掉雜草。 1)turn over的意思是“翻轉(zhuǎn)”。例如: The doctor turned him over and looked at his back.醫(yī)生把他翻轉(zhuǎn)身來看看他的背部。 When the telephone rang,he just turned over and went to sleep again.電話鈴響的時候,他翻了一下身,又睡著了。 2)關于turn的用法小結(jié)。 A.不及物動詞,作“轉(zhuǎn)動、轉(zhuǎn)身、拐彎”解。例如: The wheel turned slowly.車輪慢慢地轉(zhuǎn)動。 B.及物動詞,作“轉(zhuǎn)動、翻動”。例如: He turned his car to the left.他把汽車向左開。 C.連系動詞,作“變得”。例如: The leaves turn yellow in autumn.樹葉在秋天變黃。 D.構(gòu)成短語。 turn on/off開/關(電燈,收音機);turn into變成,譯成;turn out關掉,熄滅;turn to翻動,轉(zhuǎn)向 4.Do not plant,for example,rice year after year in the same field.例如,在同一塊地里,不要年復一年地種稻谷。 year after year是“年復一年地”意思,表示每年重復。例如: We used to go to the mountain village for a holiday year after year.我們以前年年都去那個山村度假。 Year after year we have had a Christmas card from Dick.我們年年都收到迪克寄來的圣誕卡。 注意,還有一個詞組year by year的意思是“逐年(變化)”。例如: The boy grows taller year by year.這男孩長得一年比一年高了。- 配套講稿:
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- 2019-2020年高中英語 Unit24 The science of farming教案 北師大版必修2 2019 2020 年高 英語 farming 教案 北師大 必修
