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2019-2020年高考英語 Unit 5 Music要點梳理+重點突破教案 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高考英語 Unit 5 Music要點梳理+重點突破教案 新人教版必修2.doc

2019-2020年高考英語 Unit 5 Music要點梳理+重點突破教案 新人教版必修2要 點 梳 理高效梳理知識備考重點單詞1roll vt. & vi. 滾動;(使)搖擺 n搖晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈2pretend vt.假裝;假扮3attach vt. & vi.系上;縛上;附加;連接4form vt.(使)組成;形成;構成5earn vt.賺;掙得;獲得6instrument n工具;器械;樂器7passerby n過路人;行人passersby (pl.)8perform vt. & vi.表演;履行;執(zhí)行performance n表演;演奏9broadcast n廣播;播放 vi. & vt.廣播;播放10humorous_ adj.幽默的humor n幽默11familiar adj.熟悉的;常見的;親近的12attractive adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的attract vt.吸引attraction n吸引,吸引力13afterwards adv.然后;后來14sensitive adj.敏感的;易受傷害的;靈敏的15confident adj.自信的;確信的confidence n自信重點短語1dream of夢見;夢想2to be honest 說實在的3attach.to 附上;認為有(意義)4in cash 用現金5play jokes on 戲弄6rely on 依靠;依賴7be/get familiar with 熟悉8or so 大約9break up 打碎;分裂10in addition 另外,也11sort out 分類12above all 最重要;首先13be based on 以為基礎14be serious about 對認真15by cheque 用支票16stick to 堅持重點句型1Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed弗雷迪和他的樂隊走到哪里都會有人跟隨。2At last feeling very upset and sensitive,_Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country before it became too painful for them.最后,由于深感苦惱,神經高度緊張,弗雷迪和他的樂隊意識到他們必須在自己感到太痛苦之前離開這個國家。3Music is more than just sound.音樂決不僅僅是聲音。高考范文(xx廣東卷)你是校報小記者,最近進行了一次采訪。以下是這次采訪的情況: 時間: 上周末對象: 眼科醫(yī)生(eyedoctor)王教授主題: 我國中小學生近視(shortsightedness)問題基本信息: (1)發(fā)生率: 略高于50%(2)人數: 世界第一專家解讀: (1)原因: 很復雜(2)治療: 沒有哪一種藥物能治愈近視(3)建議: 不要過度用眼;多參加戶外活動(4)特別提示: 如何握筆也和近視有關_范文Last weekend, I had an interview with Professor Wang, an eyedoctor, concerning the issue of shortsightedness of school children in China. According to Professor Wang, slightly more than half of the school children in our country are shortsighted, ranking the first in the world. He also pointed out that the causes of shortsightedness are so plicated that no medicine can cure shortsightedness. He suggested that school children avoid overuse of their eyes and do more outdoor activities. He particularly reminded us that how to hold a pen is also related to shortsightedness.考 點 探 究互動探究能力備考.詞匯短語過關1pretend vt. 假裝;假扮pretend sth. 偽稱某事物(尤用做借口)pretend to do.假裝做pretend to ben. (adj.) 假裝是pretend to be doing.假裝正在做pretend to have done. 假裝已做pretend thatclause 假裝即學即練1(1)He _ yesterday.昨天他假裝頭疼。(2)We mustnt _ what we dont know.我們不應不懂裝懂。(3)He _ when he met a bear.當他遇到熊時就裝死。pretended a headachepretend to knowpretended to be dead2attach vt. 系;貼;附加;認為有(重要性等)attached adj. 依戀的,留戀的attachment n. C附件C,U依戀;眷戀;深愛attach sth. to sth. 把某物系到某物上attach yourself to sb./sth. 參加,和在一起attach to sb./sth.與有聯(lián)系,與有關聯(lián)be attached to sb./sth. 依戀,留戀即學即練2(1)She _ a cheque _ the order form.她在訂貨單上附了一張支票。(2)Dont worrythere are no strings _.不用擔心沒有附加的條件。(3)She _ the regular exercise.她對常規(guī)訓練極為重視。(4)No blame _ him for the accident.這次事故的責任與他無關。(5)I am deeply _ this novel.我非常喜歡這部小說。attachedtoattachedattaches great importance toattaches toattached to3form vt. & vi. 形成;組織;養(yǎng)成;培養(yǎng)n. 形式;表格;形狀,外形;狀況;精神form(set up) a club 成立俱樂部form a good habit 養(yǎng)成好習慣form the habit offall/get into the habit of養(yǎng)成的習慣form an organization 成立一個組織fill in the form 填表格in the form of 以的形式in/out of form 狀況良好/不佳即學即練3(1)The footballers been _.這個足球運動員的狀態(tài)不好。(2)He is _ the application _.他正在填申請表。(3)His research _ the basis of the new book.他的研究成果是這本新書的基礎。(4)The teacher _ the students _ a line.老師讓學生排成一行。out of formfilling informformedformedinto4earn vt. 賺得;掙得;獲得earn ones livingmake a living 謀生earn ones own living 自食其力earn moneymake money 掙錢即學即練4(1)His courage _of his classmates.他的勇敢博得了同學們的贊揚。(2)Do you know how much he _ a month?你知道他一個月賺多少錢嗎?(3)He _ by teaching at a language school.他在語言學校教書以維持生計。earned him the admirationearnsearns his living5perform vt.&vi 表演;履行;執(zhí)行performance n. 履行,執(zhí)行;表演performer n. 執(zhí)行者;表演者perform ones promise 守信;履行諾言perform duty 盡職perform a part in. 在中扮演角色perform an experiment 做實驗give/put on a performance 演出即學即練5(1)The students will _ next Friday.這些學生下星期五將演出一場歌劇。(2)The police _ in our society.警察在我們的社會中起著極其重要的作用。(3)You shall _ the way they do.你們要按照他們的方法去做實驗。(4)Our team _ in the match.我們隊在比賽中表現很出色。perform an operaperform a vital roleperform the experimentperformed well6familiar adj. 熟悉的;常見的;通曉的;親密的(1)be familiar with 對熟悉。其主語通常是指“人”的名詞;with后的賓語是主語所通曉的事物。(2)be familiar to 為所熟悉。其主語通常是人們所通曉的人或事物, to后的賓語常是指“人”的名詞。(3)sb. be familiar with sb. 某人與某人親密無間即學即練6(1)Yao Ming is _ to us.姚明是我們大家所熟悉的明星。(2)Are you _ the puter software they use?你熟悉他們使用的計算機軟件嗎?(3)This nursery rhyme is very _ me.我對這首童謠很熟悉。a familiar starfamiliar withfamiliar to 7to be honest 說實在的;實話說honestly speaking 老實說to tell the truth 說實話,老實說to be honest with you 跟你說實話be honest with sb. about sth. 關于某事對坦誠be honest in doing sth. 在做某事方面坦誠It is honest of sb. to do sth. 在干方面誠實。即學即練7(1)_, I dont agree with you.對你說實話,我不同意你的看法。(2)I think she is _ what she is telling me.我認為她很誠實地告訴我一切。(3)It is _ to tell the truth.你講實話是誠實的。(4)_, I hate the student wearing long hair.說實在的,我討厭那位留著長發(fā)的學生。To be honest with youhonest inhonest of youHonestly speaking8play jokes/a joke on 戲弄;和開玩笑have a joke with sb. 和某人開玩笑make a joke/jokes about sb./sth. 關于某人/某事說笑話play tricks on sb.make fun of sb. 和開玩笑;捉弄某人make a fool of 愚弄laugh at 嘲笑即學即練8(1)Its not proper to _ others in public.在公眾場所捉弄別人是不恰當的。(2)She was _ you.她在跟你開玩笑。(3)Dont _ the handicapped.不要說關于殘疾人的笑話。play jokes onhaving a joke withmake jokes about9rely on 依靠,信賴;指望(1)依靠,依賴。同live on 或 depend on “依賴”。rely on ones own efforts 依靠自己的努力(2)信任,依賴。同 believe in, depend on。rely on/upon sb. to do sth. 指望某人做某事rely on/upon sb. doing sth. 相信某人會做某事rely on/upon it that. 相信(事情),指望即學即練9(1)Nowadays we _ increasingly _ puters _ help. 現今我們越來越依賴計算機協(xié)助工作。(2)You can _ me _ your secret.你盡管相信我一定為你保密。(3)I _ early.我指望你早來。(4)You can _ he will e.你放心 ,他會來的。relyonforrely onto keeprelied on your/you ingrely upon it that10break up 分解;驅散,拆散;打碎;結束;散會;(關系)破裂;停課,放假即學即練10寫出下列break up的意思。(1)The ice will break up when the warm weather es._ (2)The police came and broke up the crowd._ (3)The meeting broke up at eleven oclock._ (4)Some sentences can break up into clauses._ (5)Their marriage is breaking up._破裂驅散結束分解破裂拓展:(1)break away from 脫離(2)break down 分解,出毛病,(計劃、談判)失??;(談話、通訊)中斷(3)break into 闖入(4)break in 強行進入,插話(5)break off 打斷,折斷(6)break out 爆發(fā),發(fā)生(不用于被動語態(tài))(7)break through 突破11above all 首先;最重要的是;特別是;尤其above allmost important of all(強調地位上的重要性)first of all “首先,第一”,強調順序at all 根本,全然in all 總共,共計after all 終究,畢竟all in all 總之即學即練11(1)He longs _ to see his family again.他尤其渴望再見到家里的人。(2)_, let them introduce themselves to us.首先,讓他們向我們作自我介紹。(3)_, he didnt agree with what his son said.總之,他沒同意他兒子所說的話。(4)He has done it well. _, he is only a learner.這件事他做得很好了,畢竟,他只是個初學者。above allFirst of allAll in allAfter all.重點句型詳解1At last feeling very upset and sensitive, Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country before it became too painful for them.最后,由于深感苦惱,神經高度緊張,弗雷迪和他的樂隊意識到他們必須在自己感到太痛苦之前離開這個國家。before做連詞表示時間時,根據其在句中的實際情況,譯法有多種,具體可譯為:(1)在之前(2)(之后)才(3)(不多久)就(4)以免(5)還沒來得及就(6)(寧愿)也不愿We lived in Paris before moving to London.我們搬到倫敦之前住在巴黎。It was a long time before I got to sleep again.很長一段時間之后我才重新入睡。 It wasnt long before she came back.不久她就回來了。Lock your bike before it gets stolen.鎖好你的自行車,以免被偷。Before John stopped her, she ran out.約翰還沒來得及阻止她,她就跑了出去。Id shoot myself before I apologized to her.我寧死也不向她道歉。即境活用1(xx上海卷)You cant borrow books from the school library _ you get your student card.AbeforeBifCwhile Das解析:句意:在你沒有學生卡之前,你不能在學校圖書館借書。before在之前;if如果;while當時候;as隨著,因為。答案:A 2Music is more_than just sound.音樂決不僅僅是聲音。more than數詞,“以上;多于”,等于 over名詞,“不僅僅;不只;超過;遠不止”動詞,“十分;大大地;遠遠地;不僅僅”.can/couldv.“不能”adj./adv.,“非常;十分;更加”By then he was more than fifty.那時他已經50多歲了。Peace is much more than the absence of war.和平不僅僅意味著沒有戰(zhàn)爭。He more than smiled; he laughed out.他豈止是微笑,他簡直是大笑了。Thats more than I can tell you.這一點我是不能告訴你的。He is more than selfish. 他非常自私。拓展:(1)moreadj./n.thanadj./n.與其說倒不如說(2)no more thannum.only 僅僅(3)not more thannum.at most 至多(4)no moreadj./adv.than.和一樣不(5)not moreadj./adv.than. 不如(6)more than one “不止一個”,做主語或修飾主語時,謂語動詞用單數。即境活用2(1)Lizzie was _ to see her friend off at the airport.Aa little more than sad Bmore than a little sadCsad more than a little Da little more than sad解析:more thanadj./adv. 意為“非常,很”。本句意為“Lizzie很傷心地在機場為她的朋友送行”。答案:B(2)Tom is very stupid. He failed to pass the exam once again.He is _ than stupid.Alazier Bno lazierCmore lazy Dlazier rather解析:moreadj.than 意為“與其說倒不如說”。答句句意為:“與其說他笨倒不如說他懶。”答案:C易 錯 點 撥自我完善誤區(qū)備考1. earn/gain/win(1)如果為了錢(或任何其他報酬)而工作,這就是earn,而且含有這些報酬是應得的意思。(2)win指在競賽、戰(zhàn)爭、比賽中獲勝,并可能由此得到獎賞。(3)gain指獲得有用或需要的東西,而且與win和earn不同,它用在與錢沒有關系的場合。應用1(1)She _ experience while working for the newspaper.(2)She _ 1 000 a month.(3)Who is going to _ the election?gainedearnswin2. above all/first of all/first(ly)/at first(1)above all是從重要性上講的,指重要性在若干事物中位列第一。(2)first of all雖也強調重要性,但更多的還是側重于順序或次序,譯做“首先,第一”。(3)first(ly)用于列舉若干事物時引出第一項,指次序,但語氣不及first of all強。(4)at first指時間,譯作“開始,起初”,相當于in the beginning。應用2(1)_, I didnt like him, but afterwards I came to appreciate him.(2)_, make sure you keep in touch.(3)_, lets wele our honoured guest, Mr Smith.(4)I cant go. _ I have no time; _I have no money.At firstAbove allFirst of allFirstlysecondly3. before引導時間狀語從句應用3(1)How long do you think it will be_China sends a manned spaceship to the moon?Perhaps two or three years.A. when B. untilC. that D. before(2)Its a long time _I last saw you.Yes, and it will be another month _we can meet again.Abefore; since Bwhen; beforeCsince; when Dsince; before(3)(xx北京四中)She was so angry that she rushed out into the rain _I could stop her.A. until B. beforeC. when D. unless (1)It will be long/some time before sb. do/does sth.是典型句式。意為“要過很久/一些時間某人才”。答案:D(2)第一空表示“自上次見到你已有很久不見了”,用 since;第二空表示“再過一個月又會見面的”,用 before。答案:D(3)考查 before引導時間狀語從句,意為“在之前;還沒來得及”。答案:B高 效 作 業(yè)自我測評技能備考.單詞拼寫1He is busy sending out _ (請?zhí)?2Have you heard the news _(廣播) on the radio?3The famous band from the US will give their_(表演) in the Capital Concert Hall.4Beethoven was one of the greatest _(音樂家)5Your proposal sounds very _(吸引人的)invitationsbroadcastperformancemusiciansattractive6Now many children are learning to play different kinds of musical i_.7He knew nothing about the matter, but he p_ to know it.8In mon with most educated people he prefers c_ music to jazz.9He asked me if I had e_ pay besides salary.10He stopped driving and went out of his car as if to find a p_ and to ask the way.instrumentspretendedclassicalextrapasserby .單項選擇1I know you dont like _ music very much. But what do you think of _ music in the film we saw yesterday?A/; /Bthe; the Cthe; / D/; the答案:D解析:考查冠詞。第一空泛指音樂,不填冠詞;第二空特指電影中的音樂,用 the。2The boy pretended _ when his mother came in.Ato fall asleep BsleepingCasleep Dto be asleep答案:D解析:pretend 后需接不定式,故排除B、C項;且此處表示狀態(tài)而不是動作,故選D。3Tom put his heart into the wildlife research, and finally, his efforts _ him great success and fame.Asaved BearnedCmade Doffered答案:B解析:earn sb. sth. 意為“為某人贏得某物”。4During the busiest season like National Day, the Spring Festival, the traffic pany provides _ buses for the travelers.Aextra BspareCvarious Dunusual答案:A解析:extra buses指“額外多增加的車”。5In order to continue to learn by ourselves when we have left school, we must _ learn how to study in the school now.Ain all Bafter allCabove all Dat all答案:C解析:above all首要的,特別重要的是。6I _ being a pilot when I was at school.Really? Do you still think it will _?Awas dreaming; e truthBwas dreaming of; e trueCwas dreaming; e trueDwas dreaming of; e truth答案:B解析:dream of doing sth. “夢想做”。e true “(夢想)成真”。7In many countries, packets of cigarettes e with a government health warning _ them.Aattaching with Battached withCattaching to Dattached to答案:D解析:過去分詞做后置定語,attach sth. to sth.把某物附在某物上。8What do you think of their marriage?_, if I were Kate, I wouldnt marry him.AGenerally speaking BI have no ideaCTo be honest DTo my surprise答案:C解析:根據答語可知,答話人并不看好這樁婚事。To be honest“實話實說”,合語境。9He is _ my English teacher; he is one of my good friends.Amore than Bless thanCno more than Dnot more than答案:A解析:考查 more than“不僅僅;超過”。10_by the famous band, the piece of music sounded _.APerform; attractionBPerforming; attractingCPerformed; attractiveDBeing performed; attracted答案:C解析:第一空應填過去分詞 performed做狀語表被動;第二空 sound為感官動詞后接形容詞 attractive。11The hurricane damaged many houses and business buildings; _, it caused 20 deaths.Aor else BthereforeCafter all Din addition答案:D解析:in addition “此外”,強調附加。12The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, _ the sailing time was 226 days.Aof which Bduring whichCfrom which Dfor which答案:A解析:本題考查定語從句。關系代詞 which指代 the journey。定語從句恢復為獨立句子應是:The sailing time of the journey was 226 days. 故選 of which。13To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it _ into parts.Adown BupCoff Dout答案:B解析:“把句子拆成成分”用 break up。14When I moved into the new house, I felt that the happy life I had been dreaming of _ at last.Aing Bhaving eCcame Dwould e答案:C解析:句意為:當我搬進新房時,我感到我一直夢想的幸福生活終于來了。 I had been dreaming of是定語從句修飾the happy life。空缺處缺少謂語動詞。故選C項。15(xx甘肅天水一中)We had to be patient because it _ some time _ we got the full results.Ahas been; since Bhad been; untilCwas; after Dwould be; before答案:D解析:在“itbe一段時間before/after/since從句”句型中,before從句中的動作經過一段時間后才會實現;after從句中的動作發(fā)生后已經過去了一段時間;since從句中的動作完成后到現在已經有一段時間了。結合題意可知,答案為D。 .閱讀理解AWhen you have a question about something, where do you go? For many people the answer is simple. They go online to a search engine like Google or Yahoo. But what about people in rural or underdeveloped areas who may have no way to get on the Internet? Luckily, Rose Shuman, a business and international development consultant in California, has found a way for them. Her amazing solution is “Question Box”Question Box is a service that provides answersfree of chargefor people who cannot search the Internet directly. They might not be able to read, or they simply have no access.Question Box began two years ago in India. People use a metal call box with a pushtotalk button to connect to a live operator, as Rose Shuman explains, “You just push a button, a big green button, and that will connect you directly to our operators who are sitting in front of puters, and speak your language. And you can ask them any sort of question you want, and theyll look it up in English or in Hindi, or whatever the main language is, and translate the answer right back for you.”The service is currently offered in two villages. The latest version of the box uses mobile phone technology and solar panels in case the electrical power fails. Rose Shuman says the aim was to make the box as easy as possible for users.“Rather than try to bring a lot of infrastructure to them and expect them to learn how to use the Internet, the idea was to make a technology that even Grandma could use, figuring that Grandma could probably walk up to a box and push a button,” added Shuman. In April, Question Box expanded to Uganda. Forty munity workers with mobile phones connect villagers to call center operators in Kampala. The munity workers go around telling people about the service. They wear Tshirts that say “Ask Me.” But Internet service in Uganda proved slow and undependable. So Question Box teamed up with a local technology pany to store information on a local server. That way, the researchers in Kampala can quickly search the database for answers when users ask about current events and many other subjects.Rose Shuman continued, “When was Mahatma Gandhi born and how long is the Nile River? Whats the tallest mountain? The funniest one I think we got was, Did the pyramids ever move to another place?, which we found pretty funny. But we did look it up, and they havent moved.”1. According to the passage, “Question Box” is a service intended to_. A. help improve the living standard of the people in poor areas B. promote the puter technology C. provide answers raised by the people who have no access to the Internet D. enrich the local peoples life答案及解析:1. C。根據第二段可知。2. Which of the following is true about Question Box according to the passage? A. Uganda is the original place where the service started. B. Some modern technologies have been used for improving the service. C. Question Box wont be able to work if there is no electrical power. D. It was impossible for a grandma to use Question Box.答案及解析:2. B。C選項可以根據第四段The latest version of the box uses mobile phone technology and solar panels in case the electrical power fail.判斷,A選項根據第三段的第一句Question Box began two years ago in India.判斷,D選項根據第五段“the idea was to make a technology that even Grandma could use”判斷。3. We can learn from the passage that in Uganda _. A. forty call center operators helped make Question Box known to villagers B. it was very convenient for villagers to have access to Internet service C. users are very interested in current events D. a local technology pany cooperate with Question Box 答案及解析:3. D。 根據倒數第二段的第二句可知。4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. All the questions asked by people are pretty funny.B. Workers of Question Box know the answer to any question.C. Question Box alwa


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