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2019年高考英語 考綱解讀與熱點難點突破 專題21 書面表達教學(xué)案.doc

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2019年高考英語 考綱解讀與熱點難點突破 專題21 書面表達教學(xué)案.doc

專題21 書面表達【破解高分錦囊】1.卷面書寫很重要。卷面的美觀直接影響評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。每天練習(xí)一張16開高考形式的練字紙,背誦書面表達范文后默寫到練字紙上,集中訓(xùn)練34周,養(yǎng)成良好的書寫習(xí)慣后注意保持。字體先摹后臨,用0.5以上的中性筆或者鋼筆書寫。書寫時,適當(dāng)降低占上中格的輔音字母的高度,這樣寫出來的字母飽滿圓潤,美觀大方。寫錯了的單詞畫一條線或兩條線,切勿涂抹。2.背誦積累是硬道理。學(xué)英語就是模仿,英語句子是背誦模仿出來的,不是自己創(chuàng)造出來的,因此加強篇章、語段、句式以及銜接詞的背誦仿寫非常重要。3.強化限時訓(xùn)練。平日訓(xùn)練時間要少于考場上的寫作時間,考試時才能從容不迫。4.養(yǎng)成修改習(xí)慣。養(yǎng)成自我檢查的習(xí)慣,加強自我檢查能力的訓(xùn)練。有些錯誤學(xué)生能自我糾正,因此寫完后一定要再次檢查。5.運用寫作小技巧。如果詞數(shù)不夠,增加上下過渡強調(diào)的萬能句式,可以用短語代替單詞,學(xué)會替換表達?!痉椒记伞考记梢辉~匯高級,“語”眾不同高級詞匯就像一顆顆耀眼的明珠,為作文添彩,從而使考生穩(wěn)拿高分。選詞時應(yīng)注意兩點:1不“人云亦云”原則寫作時恰當(dāng)使用其他考生可能想象不到的詞匯會給閱卷老師耳目一新的感覺。如attractappeal to吸引Its certain that the amazing scenery along the river will appeal to you.河沿岸美麗的風(fēng)景肯定會吸引你。be active inget actively involved in積極參與I will get actively involved in the volunteer work for the 13th National Games to be held in Tianjin.我將積極參與即將在天津舉行的第13屆全運會。be busy withbe absorbed/engaged in忙于With the college entrance examination drawing near,Im engaged in/absorbed in preparing for it.隨著高考的臨近,我正忙于準(zhǔn)備考試。chanceopportunity機會I wish you could take advantage of this opportunity to learn Chinese traditional culture further.我希望你能利用這次機會進一步學(xué)習(xí)中國傳統(tǒng)文化。do well inhave a good mand of做得好(陜西卷滿分作文)I have such a good mand of English that Im elected as assistant to my English teacher.我精通英語被選為英語老師的課代表。helplend a helping hand幫助I wonder if you could lend me a hand to polish my application.我想知道你是否能幫我潤色我的申請信。2短語優(yōu)先原則短語的意思往往比單個單詞的意思更為飽滿,因此考生宜利用短語巧妙表達文章的意思。如besidesin addition/whats more另外In addition,there are famous artists who will perform how to cut paper on the spot.另外,著名藝術(shù)家會現(xiàn)場表演如何剪紙。considertake.into consideration/account考慮I would really appreciate it if you could take my request into consideration.如果您考慮我的請求我將不勝感激。manya large number of許多I remembered you showed me a large number of photos on the theme the last time you visited our school.我記得你上次來我們學(xué)校時給我看了許多關(guān)于這個主題的照片。rememberkeep/bear in mind記住What you should keep in mind is that you have to apply for membership before the deadline.記住在截止日期前申請會員資格。understandhave a better understanding of理解nly through the activity can you have a better understanding of the Chinese traditional culture.只有通過這個活動你才能理解這個節(jié)日。verymore than非常Im more than delighted to receive your letter and know youre ing to China.收到你的信,知道你要來中國我很開心。技巧二句式生動,文采卓然書面表達中的句子如果都是簡單句一定得不了高分,精彩句式的合理使用會使文章讀起來抑揚頓挫。因此應(yīng)多使用一些高級句式和復(fù)合句,讓句子“靚”起來。1陳述不如倒裝妙倒裝句是一種簡單易行的使句子呈現(xiàn)亮點的方法。開頭用否定詞、地點狀語、only狀語,so形容詞/副詞that,形容詞as主語So diligent are you that Im more than delighted to teach you.你這么勤奮我很樂意教你。2強調(diào)省略很精彩強調(diào)句可以突出強調(diào)某一部分內(nèi)容,吸引讀者的注意,而省略句可以使句子更簡潔、明快。(福建卷滿分作文)It is the sprit that the story conveys that really matters.這個故事所傳遞的精神最為重要。As scheduled,an art exhibition will be held next Sunday in the local museum.按照計劃,下周日將在當(dāng)?shù)夭┪镳^舉行藝術(shù)展。3主動不如被動巧被動語態(tài)符合英語表達習(xí)慣,如在文章中利用兩個被動語態(tài)的句子,會使整篇文章句式豐富。Your timely help will be very much appreciated by me.我會非常感激你及時的幫助。4分詞結(jié)構(gòu)不可少To get admitted,I have made good preparations,trying to know as much as I could about my city.為了被錄取,我做了充分準(zhǔn)備,努力深入了解天津。5虛擬語氣最委婉虛擬語氣在寫作中的使用可以使表達更委婉,更吸引閱卷老師的注意力。Without your kindness and generosity,I would not have enjoyed myself so much when visiting England.沒有你的善良和慷慨,在英國旅行時我就不會玩得這么開心。6各類從句添亮點(陜西卷滿分作文)You mentioned youd like to teach English in return,which is exactly what Im dying for.(定語從句和名詞性從句)你提到作為回報你可以教英語,這是我一直期望的。My advice is that you should take this opportunity to participate in our school team.(名詞性從句)我建議你利用這次機會加入我們校隊。技巧三過渡巧妙,完美文章過渡詞語就像紐帶一樣把文章緊緊連接起來,更像潤滑劑,使文章銜接流暢。1文章或段落起始常用的過渡詞語to begin with(首先),first of all(第一,首先),in the first place(首先),as you know(如你所知),as is known to all (眾所周知),as is shown in(正如展示的那樣)2文章或段落結(jié)尾常用的過渡詞語therefore/thus(因此),in conclusion(總之,最后),in brief(簡言之),to sum up(總而言之),in a word(總之),generally speaking(總體上講),on the whole(總的說來)3常用的表示先后次序的過渡詞語first(第一),second(第二),next(其次,然后),last but not least(最后但同樣重要),after that(之后),eventually(最后,最終),since then(從那以后),afterwards(以后,后來),meanwhile(同時),immediately(立刻),finally(最后,最終)強烈推薦以下組合適用于兩點的情況:on the one hand,on the other hand;for one thing,for another。適用于三點或以上的情況:to begin with,then,furthermore,finally;to start with,next,in addition,last but not least;most important of all,moreover,finally。4常用的表示因果關(guān)系的過渡詞語accordingly/consequently(因此,所以),for this reason(由于這個原因),as a result of(作為結(jié)果),in this way(這樣),due to/thanks to(由于),therefore/thus(因此),because of(由于)5常用的表示比較和對比的過渡詞語in contrast with(與相比),similarly(同樣),on the contrary(相反),different from(與不同),on the other hand(另一方面)6常用的表示舉例的過渡詞語a case in point(恰當(dāng)?shù)睦?,that is to say(也就是說),for instance/example(例如)7常用的表示強調(diào)的過渡詞語furthermore/moreover(而且),besides(此外),in fact(實際上),also(而且,也),indeed(的確),in particular(尤其,特別),naturally(當(dāng)然)【題型示例】題型一 書信郵件類 【題型特點】1.書信和電子郵件是全國卷書面表達最熱門的考查形式2.??碱愋停貉埿?、道歉信、詢問信、建議信、求助信、約稿信、申請信等9組不可不記的書信類萬用句式1道歉信(1)吸引閱卷人開頭句Im writing to apologize for./I am writing to say sorry for.我寫這封信是因道歉。I am writing to express/convey my heartfelt apology to you.我寫信向你表達真切的歉意。(2)吸引閱卷人篇中句I am sorry for my not being able to attend your party due to the fact that.我非常抱歉不能參加晚會是因為The reason why I fail to show up is that I have something urgent to attend to.我未能出現(xiàn)的原因是我有急事要處理。(2)吸引閱卷人結(jié)尾句I sincerely hope you can understand my situation/think in my position and accept my apologies.我真心希望你能理解我的處境/設(shè)身處地地為我考慮,并接受我的道歉。Once again,Im sorry for any inconvenience caused.對于造成的不便我再次表示歉意。2求助信(1)吸引閱卷人開頭句Im writing to you to ask whether you could do me a favor.我寫信是想問您能否幫助我。Im sorry to bother you,but I have some difficulties here and I need your help.很抱歉打擾您,但我有些困難需要得到您的幫助。I have some difficulty in doing.which bothers me a lot.So I have no choice but to turn to you for help.我在做方面有困難,這很困擾我。所以我別無選擇只能向您求助。(2)吸引閱卷人篇中句I cant concentrate on my lessons these days,and I failed in the last exam,which worries me a lot.這些日子我不能專心學(xué)習(xí),上次考試我沒有及格,這使我很著急。Facing/Faced with so many difficulties,I have to turn to you for help.面對如此多的問題,我不得不向您求助。(3)吸引閱卷人結(jié)尾句I will be very grateful if you could help me./I would appreciate it if you could do me a favor and.如果您能幫助我我會非常感激。Id appreciate it if you could take my request into consideration/account.如果您能考慮我的請求,我將不勝感激。3感謝信(1)吸引閱卷人開頭句Im extremely grateful/thankful to you for your unselfish assistance during.感謝你在期間給予我無私的幫助。Im writing to convey/express my gratitude for your kind/generous help during.我寫信感謝您在期間對我友好/慷慨的幫助。I would like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your timely help and assistance.我想,借此機會表達對您給予我們及時的幫助和支持的感謝。(2)吸引閱卷人篇中句Many thanks for all the things you have done in helping us to.非常感謝您為幫助我們所做的一切。Thanks to your generous/selfless/kind help,without which I wouldnt have made such great progress.多虧你慷慨的/無私的/友好的幫助,沒有你的幫助,我就不會取得這么大的進步。(3)吸引閱卷人結(jié)尾句It was kind and generous of you to do this for me,and I appreciate it more than I can say.你對我如此慷慨,我真是感激不盡。I wish there were a better word than“thanks”to express my appreciation for your generous help.任何語言都不能表達我的真摯謝意。I will be more than pleased if I have the opportunity to repay your kindness by.如果我有機會通過報答你的好意,我會非常高興。4建議信(1)吸引閱卷人開頭句I have learned that you have some trouble in.and I would like to give/offer you the following suggestions.我知道你在方面有困難,因此我想給你提如下一些建議。Youve asked me for advice with regard to/regarding.and Ill try to make some useful/helpful/practical suggestions here.關(guān)于你向我征求建議,在此,我盡量提出一些有用的/有幫助的/實用的建議。When it es to/As for.,the following are my suggestions./My suggestions are as follows.當(dāng)涉及/關(guān)于,我的建議如下。Im writing to give you some suggestions/give you a hand.我寫這封信的目的是給你一些建議/幫助。(2)吸引閱卷人篇中句In my opinion/As far as Im concerned/Personally,it would be wise to take the following action.在我看來,采取如下行動是明智的。When it es to/As for.,I would like to suggest/advise/remend you should.當(dāng)涉及/關(guān)于,我建議你應(yīng)該I think it would be of great benefit/very beneficial if you.我認為如果,將會受益。Doing.is a good/great/better choice.做是一個好的/棒的/更好的選擇。(3)吸引閱卷人結(jié)尾句I will be glad if you will take my advice/suggestions into consideration.如果你能考慮我的建議我將非常高興。I hope you will find my suggestions/advice helpful/useful/practical/beneficial.我希望你認為我的建議有幫助/有用/實用/有益。5邀請信(1)吸引閱卷人開頭句Its my pleasure/a great honour for me to invite you to join us.非常榮幸地邀請你加入我們。I wonder if I/we have the honor to invite you to the party.我想知道我/我們是否能有幸邀請你參加派對。Id like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival.我想邀請您一起去參觀(2)吸引閱卷人篇中句We are having/planning.On.(date)and we feel it would be a great idea if you can join us.我們定于(日期)(活動),如果你能來參加就太好了。The following are some details about./Here are some details about./Some details about.are as follows.的細節(jié)如下。To begin with,we will.Besides,there will be a number of/various activities such as.which will.首先,我們將,此外,將會有許多活動,例如這將(3)吸引閱卷人結(jié)尾句I do hope you will accept our/my invitation if it is convenient to you.我真心希望你方便的話能接受我們/我的邀請。We/I would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your early/earliest convenience.如果你能盡早在你方便時確認參加,我們/我將不勝感激。6咨詢信(1)吸引閱卷人開頭句I have seen your advertisement and Id like to know something more about your sixweek English course.我看了你們的廣告,我想更多地了解Im writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding/concerning.我寫信想看看你是否能提供一些關(guān)于的具體信息。I am.I wonder if you could provide some specific information about.我是我想知道你是否能提供一些關(guān)于的具體信息。I wonder/am wondering if you could/would let me know something about.不知道你是否能夠告知有關(guān)的情況。(2)吸引閱卷人篇中句I would like to know how much I have to pay for the course and whether acmodation is included.我想知道是否Another point I am not certain about is.我還不確定的另外一點是(3)吸引閱卷人結(jié)尾句Could you be so kind as to send me some.on the above mentioned aspects?能否針對上述問題寄些相關(guān)的給我?Thank you for your kindness,and your timely attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.謝謝你的善意,對于你對這封信的及時關(guān)注我將不勝感激。7活動介紹信(1)吸引閱卷人開頭句I feel delighted that you are so interested in.(活動),so Im writing to give you a brief introduction of it.我很高興你對很感興趣,所以我寫信向你簡要介紹一下它的情況。I feel greatly honored to be asked to contact you,informing you of our arrangements.我感到很榮幸受委托與您聯(lián)系,告知您我們的安排。In reply to your letter about the activity,I would like to inform you of some details about it.你來信中提到了活動,我想告知你該活動的一些細節(jié)。(2)吸引閱卷人篇中句Aimed at promoting/improving/providing.,the activity is to be held/was held.(時間).致力于促進/改善/提供,活動將于/于(時間)舉行。The.(活動)will be scheduled to start on.(具體日期).活動安排在(具體日期)開始。(3)吸引閱卷人結(jié)尾句Not only does the activity broaden my horizons but also inspires me to work harder.活動不僅讓我大開眼界而且激勵我更加努力。Through the activity,weve realized the importance of.通過活動,我們意識到的重要性。The activity offered us a chance to.and helped us learn.活動給我們提供了一個的機會,并幫助我們學(xué)會8投訴信(1)吸引閱卷人開頭句Im writing to make a plaint about your standard service.我寫信是為了投訴。Im.a customer who bought.from your website several days ago.I am writing to you to plain about.我是你們的一位顧客,幾天前我從你們的網(wǎng)站上購買了我寫信向你投訴I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with/at your unfriendly attitude to customers.我寫信表達我對你們對顧客不友好的態(tài)度的不滿。(2)吸引閱卷人篇中句To improve the situation,it is advisable for you to take the following measures.為了改進這種情況,建議你采取以下措施。I do hope that someone will take effective measures to deal with this matter.我真的希望有人能采取有效措施解決這個問題。I sincerely hope you can better your service and that mistake wont arise again in the future.我真誠希望你能改進你們的服務(wù)并且此類錯誤將來不會再出現(xiàn)。(3)吸引閱卷人結(jié)尾句I would appreciate it if you could give due attention to this matter.如果你能對此事給予足夠的重視,我將非常感謝。I am really annoyed about it.I trust/have great faith that you will take my plaints seriously.我對這件事真的很惱火。我相信你會認真對待我的投訴。9求職/申請信(1)吸引閱卷人開頭句Learning from.that you are looking for a(n).,I would like to apply for the position.從那兒得知您需要一名,我想申請這個職位。I saw your advertisement on the Internet/in the newspaper and I show great interest in.我看見你們在網(wǎng)上/報紙上登的廣告而且我對極感興趣。Im writing to request a valuable chance to be.The following are my advantages.我寫信申請的寶貴機會。以下是我的優(yōu)勢。(2)吸引閱卷人篇中句I have teamwork spirit and can get on well with other people.我有團隊精神,善于和別人相處。Not only am I good at.but also I am experienced in.我不僅擅長而且在方面有經(jīng)驗。I have been working in.since.,and have therefore gained rich knowledge and experience in this field.自從后,我一直從事,因此獲得了與這個領(lǐng)域相關(guān)的知識和經(jīng)驗。(3)吸引閱卷人結(jié)尾句I am sure I will do it well if you give me the chance to be a member of your pany.如果您給我一個機會成為公司的一員的話,我相信自己會做得很好。I would greatly appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.如果你能考慮我的申請,我將不勝感激。例1.(2018全國)假定你是李華,你的新西蘭朋友Terry將去中國朋友家做客,發(fā)郵件向你詢問有關(guān)習(xí)俗。請你回復(fù)郵件,內(nèi)容包括:1到達時間;2合適的禮物;3餐桌禮儀。注意:1.詞數(shù)100左右;2可以適當(dāng)增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。_【答案】Dear Terry,How are you doing? Learning that you are about to pay a visit to a Chinese friend and confused about the Chinese customs, I am writing to inform you of some relevant details.Firstly, I would like to suggest that you arrive 5 to 10 minutes earlier, which is mon in Chinese traditional culture. Secondly, if I were you, I would bring some gifts with me, such as souvenirs from my own country. Besides, table manners are also what you should pay attention to. For example, you are not supposed to stick your chopsticks into your food. Instead, laying them on your dish is a smart choice.Hopefully, these suggestions will be helpful for you.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua【舉一反三】【2018全國III】假定你是李華,你的英國朋友Peter 來信詢問你校學(xué)生體育運動情況。請給他回信,內(nèi)容包括:1. 學(xué)校的體育場館;2. 主要的運動項目;3. 你喜歡的項目。注意:1. 詞數(shù)100左右:2. 可以適當(dāng)增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。_【答案】Dear Peter, I am exceedingly delighted to hear from you. You asked me in your last letter about the physical exercise in our school and the following information may give you a rough sketch.To begin with, a fabulous new stadium has been built up, which has bee the new landmark in our school. Moreover, with the stadium set up, a wide range of sports events are able to be held, of which ping-pong, football as well as running petitions enjoy great popularity. As for me, Im intoxicated with basketball since it has been giving me strength to confront the challenges in my life.All in all, I sincerely invite you to e to our school and see for yourself.Yours, Li Hua【舉一反三】【2018北京】假設(shè)你是紅星中學(xué)高三學(xué)生李華,你的英國朋友Jim在給你的郵件中提到他對中國文化感興趣,計劃明年來北京上大學(xué)。他向你咨詢相關(guān)信息。請給他回郵件,內(nèi)容包括:(1) 表示歡迎;(2) 推薦他上哪所大學(xué);(3) 建議他做哪些準(zhǔn)備工作。注意:(1). 詞數(shù)不少于50;(2). 開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。Dear Jim,_Yours,Li Hua【答案】Dear Jim,Im so glad to hear your future education plan in Beijing in your last letter. First I would like to express my warmest wele to you and I am sure you will have the most unforgettable experience during your college in Beijing.Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture, I suggest you apply for Peking University, one of the best universities in China. Its Chinese Literature major is perfect for you where you can be pletely soaked in Chinese profound history and rich culture. As for preparation, some reading in advance is needed like The Story of the Stone while some online courses of spoken Chinese can be helpful for you to adapt into the Chinese language environment.I sincerely hope your dream will e true and its my pleasure to show you around in Beijing when that day es. If you have further questions, please feel free to let me know.Yours,Li Hua【變式探究】(2017全國)假定你是李華,想邀請外教Henry一起參觀中國剪紙(papercutting)藝術(shù)展。請給他寫封郵件,內(nèi)容包括:1展覽時間、地點;2展覽內(nèi)容。注意:1詞數(shù)100左右;2可以適當(dāng)增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。_【答案】Dear Henry,I am writing to invite you to attend the Chinese papercutting art exhibition to be held in the art gallery from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm next Sunday in our city center.Papercutting is a traditional art form in China,which has a history of more than 1,500 years. People often beautify their home with papercutting during festivals and weddings. In this exhibition,you can see papercutting with all kinds of patterns. In addition,there are famous artists who will perform how to cut paper on the spot. I wish that you could grasp this opportunity to learn traditional Chinese culture further.Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua 題型二 通知、留言、演講稿一、通知高考中的通知通常有兩種:一種是以布告的形式把事情通知給有關(guān)人員;另一種是以書信形式把相關(guān)事情傳達給有關(guān)人員。寫通知類書面表達時一般要注意:1通知正文上面正中的地方往往有Notice(或NOTICE)一詞。2發(fā)出通知的人或單位的名稱一般寫在右下角。3主要時態(tài)一般為將來時。書面通知中的常用表達:1All are requested to.通知要求所有人2Every one of you is expected to be part of the event.每個人都要參加這個活動。3An exciting event.is around the corner.最近要開展一項精彩的活動。4Have an active part in it,and wish you good luck!快來積極參加吧,祝你們好運!5e on,everybody!Its your show time!大家快來吧!展示你們自己的時間到了!二、演講稿演講稿包括發(fā)言稿、致辭等。發(fā)言稿總是以第一人稱的口吻寫,開頭往往有稱呼語,如“Boys and girls”,“Ladies and gentlemen”,或問候語,如“Hello!”“Good afternoon/morning!”等。致辭一般開頭要有稱呼語。最后要以“Thank you”來致謝。致辭的常見開頭:1歡迎辭:(1)Its my special pleasure to wele.特別高興地歡迎(2)Its really an honor for me to give a speech here.在此發(fā)表演講很榮幸。2歡送辭:(1)We enjoyed every minute you spent with us.我們和你在一起的每一分鐘很開心。(2)Time flies and we have to say goodbye because you.soon.時間飛逝,我們不得不道別,因為你很快考生在寫作時要能夠使文章內(nèi)容完整、要點齊全,要用具有感染力和號召力的語言。三、留言留言包括留言條,請假條等,可以是書面的,也可以以微信、短信的形式發(fā)給接收者。12個特點(1)留言條一般是在比較熟悉的人之間使用,因此稱呼、署名比較隨便。(2)正文內(nèi)容應(yīng)簡明扼要,要盡量避免語法結(jié)構(gòu)很復(fù)雜的句子。24個技巧(1)審題到位:根據(jù)題目要求弄清人稱、時態(tài),及相關(guān)事件。(2)要點清楚:用相關(guān)的詞或短語完整地列出要點。(3)連詞成句:注意英語的習(xí)慣表達,根據(jù)提綱擴展句子。必要時適當(dāng)添加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。(4)組句成篇:注意語氣并使用適當(dāng)?shù)倪^渡詞。例2、(2018全國)你受學(xué)生會委托為校宣傳欄“英語天地”寫一則通知,請大家觀看一部英文短片Growing Together,內(nèi)容包括:1短片內(nèi)容:學(xué)校的發(fā)展;2放映時間、地點;3歡迎對短片提出意見。注意:1.詞數(shù)100左右;2可以適當(dāng)增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。_


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