中考英語沖刺復(fù)習(xí) 語法 數(shù)詞課件.ppt
《中考英語沖刺復(fù)習(xí) 語法 數(shù)詞課件.ppt》由會(huì)員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《中考英語沖刺復(fù)習(xí) 語法 數(shù)詞課件.ppt(38頁珍藏版)》請(qǐng)?jiān)谘b配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。
考點(diǎn)精講精練 數(shù)詞 綜合測(cè)練 中考鏈接 考點(diǎn)精講精練 考點(diǎn)1專練 1 TherearepeopleinJack sfamily Theyliveinthebuilding A five fifthB five fiveC fifth fifthD fifth five 2 Sundayisdayoftheweek A thefirstB oneC theseventhD theseven A A 3 Septemberis monthoftheyear A nineB ninethC theninthD thenineth 4 BeijingislargestcityinChina A secondB thesecondC twoD thetwo 5 Theoldmanbegantolearntodriveacarattheageof A sixtyB thesixtiethC sixtyyearsoldD sixties C B A 1 讀數(shù)的單位 百hundred 千thousand 第1個(gè)逗號(hào) 萬tenthousand 百萬million 第2個(gè)逗號(hào) 十億billion 第3個(gè)逗號(hào) 2 百位和十位數(shù)之間要用 and 十位數(shù)和個(gè)位數(shù)之間要用連字符 如 3 115 687 891讀成 threebilliononehundredandfifteenmillionsixhundredandeighty seventhousandeighthundredandninety one 考點(diǎn)2專練 1 Onemillionsixhundredandseventy eightthousandninehundredandthirty twois A 1 678 932B 6 789 123C 1 698 723D 16 078 932 2 Therearestudentsinthisschool A fourhundredfifty twoB fourhundredsfifty twoC fourhundredandfifty twoD fourhundredandfiftytwo A C 名詞 首字母大寫 基數(shù)詞 首字母大寫 the 序數(shù)詞 小寫 名詞 小寫 名詞 首字母大寫 數(shù)字 如 LessonTwo thesecondlesson Lesson2 第二課 PageThree thethirdpage Page3 第三頁 ClassOne thefirstclass Class1 一班 BusNo 2 thenumbertwobus 第二路公共汽車 Room206 206號(hào)房 Row7 theseventhrow RowSeven 第七排 等 考點(diǎn)3專練 1 Ithinkisaseasyas A Lessontwo Lesson1B Lesson2 LessononeC Lesson2 Lesson1D lesson2 lesson1 2 Thebankisfarfromhere soyou dbettertake A BusNo 5B theno 5busC busofno 5D thebus5 C A 3 Dothetwinsstudyin A GradeThree ClassOneB ClassOne GradeThreeC GradeThird ClassFirstD classone gradethree 4 Pleasereadthepassageon A pagesfourB pagefourthC thefourthpageD fourthpage 5 TheGreenslivein A Room2208B 2208RoomC theRoom2208D Roomthe2208th B C A 1 順讀法 先讀小時(shí)后讀分鐘 如 6 25讀成sixtwenty five9 48讀成nineforty eight 2 逆讀法 先讀分鐘后讀小時(shí) 分鐘小于30用past 如 7 23讀成twenty threepastseven 分鐘大于30用to 且分鐘要用60減 小時(shí)要加1 如 8 50讀成ten 60 50 tonine 8 1 3 半小時(shí)用half 一刻鐘用quarter 如 2 30讀成halfpasttwo6 45讀成aquartertoseven 4 一個(gè)半小時(shí) 天 星期 月 年 的表達(dá)法有兩種 onehour day week month year andahalf oneandahalfhours days weeks months years 考點(diǎn)4專練 1 Ittookmetofinishthesummerhomework A ahalfandtwoweeksB twoweekandahalfC twoandahalfweeksD twoandahalfweek 2 It s11 45 Yes it s A fifteenpasttwelveB fifteenfromtwelveC fifteentotwelveD fifteentoeleven 3 Shallwemeetatatthezootomorrowafternoon A halfpasttwoB thirtytwoC halftotwoD twohalf C A C 1 月份一覽表 2 年 月連用時(shí) 月在前 年在后 中間可不用逗號(hào) 如 2011年7月寫成July2011 3 月 日連用時(shí) 有三種表達(dá)方式 如 9月10日寫成September10 Septemberthetenth thetenthofSeptember 4 年 月 日連用時(shí) 有三種表達(dá)方式 如 2009年3月9日寫成onMarch9 2009 常用 onMarchtheninth 2009 ontheninthofMarchin2009 5 世紀(jì)年代的表達(dá)法19世紀(jì)inthenineteenthcentury80年代intheeighties20世紀(jì)70年代inthe1970s 1970 s 1 TheGreenscametoChina A in1984October27B inOctober27 1984C on27 1984OctoberD onOctober27 1984 2 Thestorytookplacein A nineteencenturiesB nineteencenturyC thenineteenthcenturyD nineteenthcentury D C 考點(diǎn)5專練 3 ThePeople sRepublicofChinawasfounded 1949 A inOctober1B onOctober1stC inOctober1stD October1 4 Asupermanwhowasbornincenturycametotherealworldinthemovie A eighteenB theeighteenC eighteenthD theeighteenth 5 MarxbegantolearnRussianin A a1870B the1870C the1870 sD his1870 B D C 1 分?jǐn)?shù) 分子用基數(shù)詞 分母用序數(shù)詞 分子大于1時(shí) 分母加s 如 1 4讀成onefourth aquarter 3 4讀成threefourths threequarters 7 9讀成sevenninths或seven ninths 2 小數(shù) 百分?jǐn)?shù) 小數(shù)點(diǎn)讀成point 百分號(hào) 讀成percent 如 5 6讀成fivepointsix30 讀成thirtypercent 3 與名詞連用時(shí)常用表達(dá)方式為 分?jǐn)?shù) 百分?jǐn)?shù) 小數(shù) of 名詞 如 5 6的家庭作業(yè)fivesixthsofthehomework50 的工人50percentoftheworkers1 5個(gè)蘋果1 5ofapples 1厘米o(hù)necentimeter2英寸2inches3英尺3feet4公斤4kilograms kg 5磅fivepounds6公里sixkilometers km 7噸seventons8碼eightyards9米深9metersdeep10米寬10meterswide11米長(zhǎng)11meterslong 1 Inourschool ofthestudentsareboys A twothirdB threefourthC four fifthD foursevenths 2 ofthestudentswillingtohelpotherswiththeirpocketmoney That sthreefifthsofthem A 30 isB 40 isC 50 areD 60 are D D 考點(diǎn)6 7專練 3 oftheGradestudentsenteredforthesportsmeeting A Two fifths FiveB Two fifth FiveC Second five FifthD Two fifths Fifth 4 Howmuchmeatwouldyouliketobuy A 3metersB 6yardsC 5kilosD 4inches 5 Theriverisonly sowecanswimacrossit A 20meterslongB 20meterswideC 20 meterlongD 20 meterwide A C B 1 后接of時(shí) 這些詞都要加s 且前面不能有確定數(shù)字 但可以有不確定數(shù)字 many several afew等 如 dozensofeggs hundredsofstudents manythousandsofbooks等 2 這些詞前有確定數(shù)字時(shí) 不管數(shù)字多少 這些詞都不能加s如 1billioncars 2dozenapples 5hundredtrees 8thousanddesks等 倍數(shù)表示如下 1倍once 2倍twice 3倍以上由基數(shù)詞 times表示 如 3 5 倍three five times 1 在某人50 20 30 多歲時(shí) inone sfifties twenties thirties 2 10分鐘的路程 10minutes walk aten minutewalk 3 再多兩個(gè)小時(shí) twomorehours anothertwohours 1 Wecanseestarsatnightifitisfine A thousandofB twothousandsC threethousandsofD thousandsof 2 Haveyougotenoughbooks No Ineed A fourmoreB morefourC fouranotherD otherfour D A 考點(diǎn)8 10專練 3 Bytheendoflastyearwehadplantedabouttrees A fivehundredsB fivehundredsofC fivehundredofD fivehundred 4 Hebecameveryrich A inhisfortyB inthefortiesC inhisfortiesD intheforty 5 I dliketohavepens A twodozen sB twodozenC twodozensofD twodozens D C B 6 We llhaveaholiday WhataboutgoingtotheWestLake A twodaysB two dayC two daysD two days 7 TheygotothegymonWednesdayandFriday That stosaytheygotothegym aweek A onceB twiceC threetimesD fourtimes B B 1 BecauseoftheHopeProject childrenhavebetterlives A thousandB thousandsC thousandofD thousandsof 2 Igotabeautifulbikeonbirthday Ilikeitverymuch A fifteenthB fifteenC myfifteenD myfifteenth 3 Johnis180centimeterstall andhisdaughteris90centimeterstall Soheistwiceher A sotallasB astallasC muchtallerthanD lessthan D D B 綜合測(cè)練 4 Noweverybody pleaseturntoPageandlookatthepicture A Fifth fiveB Five fifthC Fifth fifthD Five five 5 Father sDayisonSundayofJune A firstB thirdC thethirdD thefirst 6 Bothofthetworulersarebroken Ihavetobuyaone A threeB thirdC forthD B C B 7 DoyouknowLincolnwasbornon A February12 1809B 1809 February12C 1809 12FebruaryD February1809 12 8 Whichlessonareyougoingover Lesson A tenB TenC tenthD Tenth 9 Billsaidtheywouldhaveholiday A atwo monthB twomonthsC two monthsD twomonth s A B A 10 Whattimeshallwemeetinthepark Whatabout 8 30 A eightthirteenB halfpasteightC halftoeightD thirtyeight 11 Therearestudentsinourschool A fivethousandthreehundredandthirtytwoB fivethousandsthreehundredandthirty twoC fivethousandthreehundredandthirty twoD fivethousandthreehundredthirty two 12 Lucybecameblind Nowshecan tseeanything A inhersixtyB inhersixtiesC inthesixtyD inthesixties B C B 13 Hehasbeenasoldierfornearly A halfandtwoyearsB twoandhalfyearC twoyearsandahalfD twoyearsandhalfayear 14 Ilivein Whataboutyou A theRoom501B 501RoomC Room501D the501Room 15 SeptemberisTeachers Day A thetenB thetenthC theten sD Ten C C B 16 Anotherwayofsayingelevenfortyis A twentytoelevenB twentytotwelveC twentypastelevenD twentypasttwelve 17 Maryisnowin A thefourgradeB GradeFourC GradeSecondD gradefour 18 ThemonthoftheyearisDecember A twelvethB twelfthC thetwelfthD thetwelfths B B B 19 Thereareminutesinanhour A thirtyB fortyC fiftyD sixty 20 Aboutoftheworkersinthefactorywereborninthe A twothirds 1980B twothirds 1980sC twothird 1980D twothird 1980s 21 Therearetenchildren butIonlyhaveeightbooks Ineed A moretwoB anothertwoC twoanotherD more D B B 22 TheYangtzeRiverislongestriverinChina It sabout A thefirst 3 219meterslongB thefirst 3 219meters longC thesecond 3 219meterslongD thesecond 3 219meters long 23 TheGreensmovedhere A in1990sB inthe1990sC onthe1990D onthe1990s A B 24 ThereisawrongwordinLine Where Theline A Two twoB Two secondC second twoD second second 25 Weshouldrememberpeoplearestillverypoor A millionsofB millionofC millionsD million B A 1 Therearemonthsinayear Octoberisthemonth 2009廣東 A twelve tenB twelfth tenthC twelve tenthD twelfth ten 2 ThisisMr White svisittoBeijing Hehasbeentheretwicebefore 2010廣東 A twoB secondC threeD third C D 中考鏈接 3 AftertheAsianGames peoplecametoGuangzhouforavisitduringholidays 2011廣東 A thousandB thousandsofC fivethousandsD fivethousandof 4 Howwasyourweekend Great Itwasmygrandfather sbirthday Weenjoyedourselves 2012廣東 A seventyB seventiethC theseventiethD seventeenth 5 Excuseme sir Here sapackageforLinTao Whichroomdoeshelivein 2013廣東 A 308RoomB Room308C TheRoom308D The308Room B B B 6 It snevertoooldtolearn KarlMarxbegantolearnEnglishinhis 2014廣東 A thefiftiethB fiftiethC fiftyD fifties 7 IliveinRoom403 Samlivesintheroomrightabovemine onthefloor 2015廣東 A thirdB threeC fifthD five D C 謝謝- 1.請(qǐng)仔細(xì)閱讀文檔,確保文檔完整性,對(duì)于不預(yù)覽、不比對(duì)內(nèi)容而直接下載帶來的問題本站不予受理。
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