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選修七 Unit 3重點短語句型。I my parents for help. 面對這么多困難。Unit4重點短語、重點句型。1.(be) dying to do sth.渴望做某事 [教材原句] I know you&#39。


1、高二人教新課標版選修七,Unit 4 Sharing,Learning about Language,1. ______ to change slightly to make something work better 2. ______ a metal shelf for cooking meat, toasting bread, etc 3. ________ connected with what is being done or discussed,Find words in the unit that have the following meanings.,adjust,grill,relevant,4. ________ an idea 5. _________ an honour 6. _____________ something that has been organized 7. ___________ written work in an office, such as writing reports or letters 8. _____。

2、Unit 4 Sharing,Listening and speaking (page 35),MSF stands for Medecins Sans Frontieres. It is called Doctors Without Borders.,Do you know anything about MSF?,MSF is an independent humanitarian medical aid agency . It provides medical aid wherever needed, regardless of race, religion, politics or sex and raises awareness of the plight (困境,情況) of the people we help.,http:/www.msf.org/,Pre-listening,The only tools I had were a stethoscope and my two hands stethoscope: a medical instrument for。

3、There are many volunteers working in different mountainous areas or developing countries, among which Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one.,Jo was a volunteer who worked in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for two years. The following photos were taken by Jo in PNG. Look at the photos and answer the questions.,高二人教新課標版選修七,Unit 4 Sharing,Reading,Papua New Guinea (PNG) (巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞),Rosemary, a friend of Jo in Australia is dying to know all about Jos life at Papua New Guinea.,Jo, a young Australian w。

4、高二人教新課標版選修七,Unit 4 Sharing,Using Language,ox,復數(shù)形式: oxen,New Words,trunk,箱式圖書館: trunk library,A trunk library 一個箱式圖書館,seed,seedling,tailor,sew,sewing machine,catalogue,anniversary,He is _________ the money to the poor children.,donating,donation n.,The _________ for education comes from taxpayers (納稅人).,finance,financial adj.,He gave his son some money for the _________ of his school books.,purchase,提示:purchase要比 buy正式,Reading and writing are two different ___。

5、Unit 4 Sharing,Whats your understanding of sharing?,Sharing means to have, use, pay, or take part in something with others among a group rather than singly.,Children should be told to share their toys. We all share the responsibility for terrible events. Its always better to share your worries and problems with others.,Sharing is helping,Have you ever helped your parents, or other relatives, or your friends, or people in your community, or people outside your community?,Who would be called。

6、高二人教新課標版選修七,Unit 5 Travelling abroad,Learning about Language,Learning about language,The Attributive Clause 2,在定語從句中, 當先行詞是表示時間、地點 或原因的名詞時, 就要分別用關(guān)系副詞 when, where, why來引導, 在從句中作狀語。關(guān)系 副詞 when, where, why 的含義相當于“介詞 + which”結(jié)構(gòu), 因此常??梢院汀敖樵~+ which”結(jié)構(gòu)交替使用。,1. I remembered the day when (on which) I first came to the school. 2. Beijing is the place where (in which) I was born. 3. Is this the reason why (for which) h。

7、高二人教新課標版選修七,Unit 5 Travelling abroad,Reading,Pre-reading If you are offered a chance to study abroad for a year, where would you like to go?,Harvard,Oxford,Cambridge,麻省理工學院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology,世界理工大學之最,耶魯大學 Yale University,斯坦福大學 Stanford University,普林斯頓大學 Princeton University,What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a foreign country?,Discussion:,1. Learn standard English. 2. Communicate with the local people 3. Know the m。

8、高二人教新課標版選修七,Unit 5 Travelling abroad,Using Language,Before you listen, look at the map of South America. Find the cities of Lima and Cuzco and the Andes Mountains. And then discuss with others what you already know about Peru.,Lima, the capital of Peru, lies in the north on the Pacific coast.,Cuzco, the ancient Inca capital, and now is a lively city where both Indian and Spanish culture and art can be seen.,Cuzco 庫斯科位 于秘魯南 部山區(qū), 是古老的 印加文化 的搖籃。,Sun Temple of Cusc。

9、The world is getting smaller and smaller. We have more and more opportunities to travel or study abroad. Travelling helps us learn a lot about local customs and broaden our views. Besides, it is relaxing and we can get rid of our anxiety and stress.,Travelling Abroad,Unit 5,What kind of things would you learn by being a tourist?,practise a foreign language,broaden our views,have fun,increase our experience,make new friends,Have you ever been abroad ?,How would you feel when you were in a new cou。

10、一、定語從句常易混淆句型分析,(1) I still remember the days _______ I worked with the farmers. (2) I still remember the days _______ I spent with the farmers A.which B. on which C. when D. what 2. (1) We were on the way ______ it began to rain. (2) I dont like the way _____ you speak to your parents. A. when B. that C. how D. which,C,A,A,B,3. (1) The teacher didnt know the reason _____ she was absent yesterday. (2)The teacher couldnt accept the reason ______ she explained yesterday. A. how B. wh。

11、不定式是動詞的一種非限定形式,由 “to+動詞原形” 構(gòu)成,沒有人稱和 數(shù)的變化,在句中不能獨立作謂語。 但不定式具有名詞、形容詞和副詞的特 征,在句中可以作主語、賓語、賓語 補足語、表語、定語、狀語等。,Grammar: the Infinitive,1. It is good to help others. 2. It is my ambition to make sure that the disabled people in our neighborhood have access to all public buildings. 3. My ambition is to work in the computer industry when I grow up.,辨別下面不定式在句子中充當?shù)某煞?,subject,subject,Predicative (表語)。

12、Living well,Unit 1,Lets enjoy a dance.,The dance Thousand-hand Bodhisattva creates an artistic image known to all on Spring Festival Eve TV Entertainment. Tai Lihua and her companions made the performance a great hit!,However, can you imagine how hard they practised as disabled dancers? Cheer for them!,Martys Story,Now lets read a text written by a student in Family Village website.,Read the text quickly and fill in the form.,a muscle disease that makes him very weak,clumsy and cant run or。

13、Do you like going to cinema or theatre with your family and friends?,Reading, speaking and writing,Suppose that you were disabled. If you feel that the cinema or the theatre is not so convenient for you to use, will you give some advice to the architect?,escalators,Solutions,people in wheelchairs,drive-in theatre,Read the letter and list the suggestions the writer put forward.,A Letter To An Architect,Reading,(Look at the words in italics at the beginning of each of the numbered paragraphs for t。

14、Living well,Unit 1,Lets enjoy a piece of music.,Do you know who composed it?,Warming up,His hearing began to deteriorate in the late 1790s, yet he continued to compose, conduct, and perform, even after becoming completely deaf.,Beethoven,Must block the throat of the destiny , lower the head in no way to it. - Beethoven,Physical handicap wont affect their life.,They are all disabled people, but they make some contribution to human beings.,Zhang Haidi: writer paralyti。

15、高二人教新課標版選修七,Unit 2 Robots,Reading,He was an American author and professor of biochemistry at Boston University, best known for his works of science fiction and for his popular science books.,Asimovs first law for robots: A robot must not injure human being or allow them to be injured.,Lets read a short story about a robot. It was originally written by Isaac Asimov, and published in 1951. Here the story has been retold by another writer.,In this case the injury is not a physical one bu。

16、Robots,Unit 2,What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a robot?,a computer,a fiction character,a movie star,a machine,a helper,Warming up,Who is she?,Who are dancing?,What do robots look like?,They may take various shapes to serve different functions.,What do you think a robot can do?,talk,cook,play a musical instrument,swim,lead the way,Robot!,driving,The robot can do rescue work in the snow.,The robot can fight in the war.,carry things,explore,汽車焊接機器人,消防滅火機器人,。

17、高二人教新課標版選修七,Unit 2 Robots,Using Language,Do you think the robots have feelings? Do you think a woman will fall in love with a robot?,That can happen in a fiction!,“Satisfaction Guaranteed” is a science fiction written by Isaac Asimov.,Science fiction stories, novels, etc. which describe events and people that dont exist, such as X File, Star War.,What do you think of the story “Satisfaction Guaranteed”? 1. Do you like the story? Why? 2. Do you think human will be able to make a ro。

18、高二人教新課標版選修七,Unit 3 Under the sea,Learning about Language,Some of the words in this unit can be used as both verbs and nouns. Look at these definitions and find the words in the text. Then write down how they have been used.,dive,1,witness,1,pause,2,urge,2,drag,2,2 Read these sentences. Then replace the words in italics with words that mean the same from the unit.,1. Some personal stories about Mark Twain are very amusing. 2. Working together is necessary to produce good results.,anecd。

19、高二人教新課標版選修七,Unit 3 Under the sea,Reading,Pre-reading,Do you know about whales?,Baby Blue Whale,Gray Whale,Killer Whale,Right Whale,White Whale,Sperm Whale,Minke,Different kinds of whales,killer whale (虎鯨),Killer whales are one of the top predators(食肉動物) in the sea. As a group, killer whales are known to eat fish, squid, seals, sea lions, penguins, even other whales.,虎鯨/ 殺手鯨,Baleen whales have no teeth but instead have baleen plates with which the whales can filter the food 。

20、高二人教新課標版選修七,Unit 3 Under the sea,Warming Up,Have you seen plants and animals that live under the sea? Lets enjoy some beautiful pictures.,Where did you see them?,on a snorkeling trip,at an aquarium,on a boat tour,in films,on TV nature programs,on the internet,Where can you see them?,in books,at an __________,aquarium,aquarium,on a __________ trip,snorkeling,1. If you have the chance to go on a snorkelling trip, how will you feel? 2. Can you guess what things you can see and what w。

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高二英語 新人教版選修7 unit 2《Robots》 Warming up and Pre-reading 教學課件
高二英語 新人教版選修7 unit 2《Robots》 Using Language 教學課件
高二英語 新人教版選修7 unit 3《Under the sea》 Learning about Language 教學課件
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