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1、2009中國移動通信集團公司技術(shù)部 /研究院 2010年 4月 長沙 目錄 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 總體 業(yè)務網(wǎng) 接入網(wǎng) 傳送網(wǎng) 核心網(wǎng) 終端和卡 2 移動 &移動互聯(lián)網(wǎng)戰(zhàn)略 移動網(wǎng)和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)深度融合, 催生移動互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 強大的管理控制和隨 強大的信息庫和創(chuàng)新業(yè)務 時隨地的接入能力 但是網(wǎng)絡開放性不夠, 業(yè)務較為單一 移動網(wǎng) 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 能力 無法做到隨時隨地移動接 入和缺乏良好管理控制 240k) 引入 3G/2階段一 階段二 階段 1 階段 2 階段一 階段二 提供互聯(lián)網(wǎng)接入能力 手機上網(wǎng)、手機報和手機郵箱 業(yè)務豐富,業(yè)務體驗趨同 11M)與 2G/3G 移動電子商務、移動社 。

2、中國移動技術(shù)發(fā)展路標( 2008版) 中國移動通信集團公司技術(shù)部 /研究院 2009年 4月 內(nèi)部資料,注意保密 2/52 主要內(nèi)容 內(nèi)部資料,注意保密 3/52 以統(tǒng)一、融合為原則,完善 現(xiàn)統(tǒng)一客戶服務、統(tǒng)一服務開通、統(tǒng)一資源管理和全網(wǎng)業(yè)務融合計費 業(yè)務支撐系統(tǒng) 分組域: 推動向 引入 步實現(xiàn)固定、移動多種接入的統(tǒng)一控制,提升網(wǎng)絡多媒體及融合業(yè)務提供能力 核心網(wǎng) 擴大城域規(guī)模,加強數(shù)據(jù)業(yè)務承載能力 建設業(yè)務控制子層,加強集團和家庭業(yè)務的控制和管理能力 匯聚 /接入層建設融合傳送和數(shù)據(jù)能力的一 /二層網(wǎng)絡,滿足全業(yè)務接入目標 城域網(wǎng) 無線。

3、n in a vi is to of is In NC as on NC so on of is is he is is 1. he of to is is 0,000 100000r/to At to be as as to to be to of in is 2. he so on as as to on 1 of to be to to to be if is to to be to = to be as of by as of s NC 0050of 45000r/a XY =1.5 of a 4. n in (to to to of in to on by is 5. to NC up NC in on on NC to to so on up NC to be to in to in to is on so on so on of to In at in by so on LC or In be to on In of to so on is is to 00 300m/he is to be to on to of to be on At of 0mm。

4、外文翻譯資料1, of an of a in a of a (1) of . of 2. a 3. 4. a (B) . of by of of of of is is of 2. of an is in of s to in be In s to of of a of 3. of is in In of a is 4. Of a of of on of is in a in a is is to in of a of of to to be of to of - It of is a to 5. At in of in is no be PU be of a of a of of of . s by to to of in is to (1) s of . s to of . s of 3. by of s a In s is a it to is in is of a to of do of of to At of to of。

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6、天津科技大學外文翻譯 1 s in he is an is in ur to USs in to is is to to S to ur to is 995 1976to 80,000,000 US 60,000,000 US 5,000,000 US 65,000,000 US 16,000,000 US 00,000,000 US In 5to 5to 0% to to to 972 ,000,000,000 US 995 1,700,000,000 US % to %. to (1) 津科技大學外文翻譯 2 in is is in to is in to on is is a is to is to is to on USs to in 0s 997 0s to in 0s. in to in (2) in to 1. s to a of 19854% 0%. to s 5%. 1985 995, he so on in 6% to s in is 997, 7% 50s At 津科技大學外文翻譯 3 of in a 2. 。

7、參閱外文資料節(jié)選 of In of of in is of in is of a AM to of of of at a to by to to it is to to to be it is to In is is an is of of at a 3% - 15% of of of is In of of is up on of is s in of of of of by in is of to do 2316 is to on as of of On do a a of to on by of of at of in s to a of to a s so in in of By of it is of is in in a to a of in of of of to is It is to of to to of of to , to on of a 00 it is to to of of t is in in as of of by of is to of to to at 0% - 45% 0% - 80。

8、報告名稱】 2010 年云計算技術(shù)發(fā)展研究報告 【關(guān)鍵詞】 云計算,信息技術(shù),互聯(lián)網(wǎng),通信,商業(yè)模式,行業(yè)趨勢 【內(nèi)容提要】 自 2007 年提出以來,云計算的概念被眾多的參與者和市場業(yè)界炒得炙手可熱。云計算的本質(zhì),在于基于互聯(lián)網(wǎng)傳輸能力和網(wǎng)絡資源調(diào)配運算能力相對于單一終端運算能力的提高,從而實現(xiàn)以互聯(lián)網(wǎng)為環(huán)境實現(xiàn)用戶運算和任務處理能力的運作模式。云計算這一特質(zhì),使得其不僅僅在技術(shù)層面上實現(xiàn)了質(zhì)的飛躍,也對商業(yè)應用模式和產(chǎn)業(yè)市場結(jié)構(gòu)產(chǎn)生了根本性質(zhì)的影響。其帶來的變革和變化 所產(chǎn)生的巨大的全新潛在市場,吸引了多個。

9、附 錄 n in a vi is to of is In NC as on NC so on of is is he is is 1. he of to is is 0,000 100000r/to At to be as as to to be to of in is 2. he so on as as to on 1 of to be to to to be if is to to be to = to be as of by as of s NC 0050of 45000r/a XY =1.5 of a 4. n in (to to to of in to on by is 5. to NC up NC in on on NC to to so on up NC to be to in to 孔加工技術(shù)發(fā)展動向 在機械零件加工作業(yè)中,孔加工所占比例相當大,與高速銑削相類似的高速、高精度鉆削加工已提上議事日程,高效率孔加工對于促使零部件。

10、天津科技大學外文翻譯 1 s in he is an is in ur to USs in to is is to to S to ur to is 995 1976to 80,000,000 US 60,000,000 US 5,000,000 US 65,000,000 US 16,000,000 US 00,000,000 US In 5to 5to 0% to to to 972 ,000,000,000 US 995 1,700,000,000 US % to %. to (1) 津科技大學外文翻譯 2 in is is in to is in to on is is a is to is to is to on USs to in 0s 997 0s to in 0s. in to in (2) in to 1. s to a of 19854% 0%. to s 5%. 1985 995, he so on in 6% to s in is 997, 7% 50s At 津科技大學外文翻譯 3 of in a 2. 。

11、參閱外文資料節(jié)選 of In of of in is of in is of a AM to of of of at a to by to to it is to to to be it is to In is is an is of of at a 3% - 15% of of of is In of of is up on of is s in of of of of by in is of to do 2316 is to on as of of On do a a of to on by of of at of in s to a of to a s so in in of By of it is of is in in a to a of in of of of to is It is to of to to of of to , to on of a 00 it is to to of of t is in in as of of by of is to of to to at 0% - 45% 0% - 80。

12、n in a vi is to of is In NC as on NC so on of is is he is is 1. he of to is is 0,000 100000r/to At to be as as to to be to of in is 2. he so on as as to on 1 of to be to to to be if is to to be to = to be as of by as of s NC 0050of 45000r/a XY =1.5 of a 4. n in (to to to of in to on by is 5. to NC up NC in on on NC to to so on up NC to be to in to in to is on so on so on of to In at in by so on LC or In be to on In of to so on is is to 00 300m/he is to be to on to of to be on At of 0mm。

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14、物聯(lián)網(wǎng)的技術(shù)發(fā)展 中國移動通信有限公司 2010年 10月 1 2 3 4 物聯(lián)網(wǎng)概念及介紹 物聯(lián)網(wǎng)的技術(shù) 物聯(lián)網(wǎng)國內(nèi)外現(xiàn)狀及趨勢 物聯(lián)網(wǎng)應用及發(fā)展趨勢演進 物聯(lián)網(wǎng)的概念:不同的定義 國際電信聯(lián)盟( 005:物聯(lián)網(wǎng) 報告指出,“物 聯(lián)網(wǎng)”通信時代 即將來臨:世界上所有的物體從輪胎到牙刷、從房屋到紙 巾都可以通過因特網(wǎng)主動進行交換。射頻識別技術(shù)( 傳感器技 術(shù)、納米技術(shù)、智能嵌入技術(shù)將到更加廣泛的應用。 物聯(lián)網(wǎng),英文為: 字面含義是“物物相連的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)”,最初是 由麻省理工學院 1999年提出的,其原始含義是指把 所有物品通過射頻識別等信息。

15、保護性耕作是國際農(nóng)業(yè)技術(shù)發(fā)展 保性耕作是國際農(nóng)業(yè)技術(shù)發(fā)展的重要趨勢 ,秸稈還田技術(shù)是機械化保護性耕作中關(guān)鍵的一項技術(shù)。使用機械化秸稈還田技術(shù)可以有效地解決農(nóng)忙期間爭農(nóng)時、爭勞力的矛盾 ,有力推動秸稈還田的農(nóng)業(yè)全程機械化進程 ,避免由于焚燒秸稈產(chǎn)生的環(huán)境污染。本著一機多用、降低生產(chǎn)成本的原則 ,研制了既能滿足玉米秸稈、根茬直接粉碎還田 ,又能單獨實現(xiàn)旋耕作業(yè)的新型多功能玉米秸稈還田機。 (1)在對秸稈粉碎及滅茬基本理論分析的基礎上 ,提出多功能玉米秸稈還田機總體結(jié)構(gòu)設計方案。 采用臥式結(jié)構(gòu) ,主要由懸掛裝置、變速箱、。

16、外文翻譯資料1一、機電一體化技術(shù)發(fā)展歷程及其趨勢自電子技術(shù)一問世,電子技術(shù)與機械技術(shù)的結(jié)合就開始了,只是出現(xiàn)了半導體集成電路,尤其是出現(xiàn)了以微處理器為代表的大規(guī)模集成電路以后,機電一體化技術(shù)之后有了明顯進展,引起了人們的廣泛注意.(一)機電一體化的發(fā)展歷程1.數(shù)控機床的問世,寫下了機電一體化歷史的第一頁;2.微電子技術(shù)為機電一體化帶來勃勃生機; 3.可編程序控制器、電力電子等的發(fā)展為機電一體化提供了堅強基礎;4.激光技術(shù)、模糊技術(shù)、信息技術(shù)等新技術(shù)使機電一體化躍上新臺階.(二)機電一體化發(fā)展趨勢 1.光機電一體化.一般的機。

17、組合機床和自動線的技術(shù)發(fā)展組合機床和組合機床自動線是一種專用高效自動化技術(shù)裝備,目前,由于它仍是大批量機械產(chǎn)品實現(xiàn)高效、高質(zhì)量和經(jīng)濟性生產(chǎn)的關(guān)鍵裝備,因而被廣泛應用于汽車、拖拉機、內(nèi)燃機和壓縮機等許多工業(yè)生產(chǎn)領域。其中,特別是汽車工業(yè),是組合機床和自動線最大的用戶。如德國大眾汽車廠在 Salzgitter 的發(fā)動機工廠,90 年代初所采用的金屬切削機床主要是自動線(60%)、組合機床(20%)和加工中心(20%)。顯然,在大批量生產(chǎn)的機械工業(yè)部門,大量采用的設備是組合機床和自動線。因此,組合機床及其自動線的技術(shù)性能和綜合自動。

18、保護性耕作是國際農(nóng)業(yè)技術(shù)發(fā)展保性耕作是國際農(nóng)業(yè)技術(shù)發(fā)展的重要趨勢,秸稈還田技術(shù)是機械化保護性耕作中關(guān)鍵的一項技術(shù)。使用機械化秸稈還田技術(shù)可以有效地解決農(nóng)忙期間爭農(nóng)時、爭勞力的矛盾,有力推動秸稈還田的農(nóng)業(yè)全程機械化進程,避免由于焚燒秸稈產(chǎn)生的環(huán)境污染。本著一機多用、降低生產(chǎn)成本的原則,研制了既能滿足玉米秸稈、根茬直接粉碎還田,又能單獨實現(xiàn)旋耕作業(yè)的新型多功能玉米秸稈還田機。(1)在對秸稈粉碎及滅茬基本理論分析的基礎上,提出多功能玉米秸稈還田機總體結(jié)構(gòu)設計方案。 采用臥式結(jié)構(gòu),主要由懸掛裝置、變速箱、皮帶傳動。

19、附 錄Hole processing technological development trendIn the machine parts processing work, the hole processing accounts for the proportion quite in a big way, with high speed vi state similar is high speed, the high accuracy drills truncates the processing to propose the agenda, the high efficiency hole processing regarding urges the spare part rationalization of production is the indispensable important technological process. In recent years, the spare part production mostly used take the CNC e。

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