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寫一篇120~150詞的短文介紹英國城市Cardiff。寫一篇120詞左右的英語短文。1.The trouble is that I can’t find my way.。請根據(jù)表中的內(nèi)容寫一篇短文。A. since B so that C. for D. because。A. did I be。


1、111【三維設計】高中英語 Unit 4 Section 語法講座 Grammar & Writing專題練習 新人教版必修3.選詞填空1That fashion differs from country to country may reflect a cultural difference.2What she couldnt understand was that fewer and fewer students showed interest in science.3Whoever has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.4Whatever book you borrow, you must return it in a week.5Who will go to the concert is not known.6Whatever he does for you is right.7Why he was turned down the inv。

2、111【三維設計】高中英語 Unit 5 Section 寫作講座 Grammar & Writing專題練習 新人教版必修3.選詞填空1He often asked me the question whether the work was worth doing.2I have no idea when the project will be finished.3The thought occurred to him that he left his notebook in the reading room.4The reason why he did it was not clear.5The problem which city we are going to is not decided.6The teacher had no idea what was going on in the classroom.7No one has any idea whose bag the red one is.8I。

3、111【三維設計】高中英語 Unit 5 Section 寫作講座 Grammar & Writing專題練習 新人教版必修3請根據(jù)下面所給的信息,寫一篇120150詞的短文介紹英國城市Cardiff。1英國第十大城市,威爾士的首府和最大的城市;2夏天晴朗、暖和,平均最高氣溫在1922;冬天比較潮濕,溫度在零度以上;3重要的旅游中心,每年接待1,830萬游客,主要景點有:千禧球場(Millennium Stadium)、卡迪夫城堡(Cardiff Castle)、威爾士國家博物館(Welsh National Museum);4由于多次舉辦國際體育賽事,2009年被授予“歐洲體育之城”的稱號。參考詞匯:最高的maximum參考。

4、111【三維設計】高中英語 Unit 4 Section 寫作講座 Grammar & Writing專題練習 新人教版必修3水是生命之源,而在現(xiàn)實生活中,浪費水的現(xiàn)象屢見不鮮。請你以“How to Save Water”為題,寫一篇120詞左右的英語短文,提出解決辦法。內(nèi)容包括:1說明節(jié)約用水的重要性;2提出節(jié)約用水的具體方法;3發(fā)出號召。_。

5、111【三維設計】高中英語 Unit 3 Section 寫作講座 Grammar & Writing專題練習 新人教版必修3根據(jù)下面的寓言故事,用英語編寫兩個場景的戲劇。一只獅子在草地上睡覺,一只老鼠來到草地上曬太陽。獅子醒來感覺有些餓,決定吃掉老鼠。老鼠懇請獅子饒他一命,并承諾日后報答他,獅子不屑一顧地放了老鼠。一天獅子掉進了獵人的羅網(wǎng)中,老鼠及時趕到,咬斷了繩子,救出了獅子。他們成了好朋友。_。

6、111【三維設計】高中英語 Unit 1 Section 語法講座 Grammar & Writing專題練習 新人教版必修3.用適當?shù)那閼B(tài)動詞填空1When you cross the street, you must be careful with the passing cars.2It cant be his mother, for she has been ill at home for a long time.3We enjoy good weather in January, but sometimes it can be terribly cold.4I may come to the party with you, but I am not sure.5When he was young, he would climb the small hill every morning.6May I take this seat?Yes, you may/can7Tom comes from Austr。

7、111【三維設計】高中英語 Unit 2 Section 寫作講座 Grammar & Writing專題練習 新人教版必修3假設一家名叫“阿南”的餐館即將開業(yè),為吸引外國顧客,提高其知名度,請你用英語為其寫一則廣告。要點如下:1地址:在泰山路和青島路交匯處;2該餐館菜肴種類豐富,色香味俱佳,而且每天推出一樣特價菜;3服務質(zhì)量上乘,歡迎惠顧。注意:詞數(shù)120詞左右。參考范文Welcome to A Nan RestaUrantA Nan Restaurant will be opened for business.A Nan Restaurant lies at the crossing of Taishan Road and Qingdao Road. We offer different kinds 。

8、111【三維設計】高中英語 Unit 2 Section 語法講座 Grammar & Writing專題練習 新人教版必修3.選詞填空1You mustnt go there alone; its too dangerous.(mustnt/neednt)2Its so near; we shouldnt have taken a taxi.(shouldnt/cant)3You oughtnt_to have spent so much time playing computer games.(mustnt/oughtnt to)4Shall I leave the room so that you two can talk?No, you neednt(mustnt/neednt)5He cant have missed the train;he arrived at the train station two hours early.(cant/mustnt)6Well b。

9、111【三維設計】高中英語 Unit 3 Section 語法講座 Grammar & Writing專題練習 新人教版必修3.用適當?shù)倪B接詞填空1The trouble is that I cant find my way.2We are discussing what we shall do to help the poor.3It depends on whether you can do the work well.4I wonder how you are getting on with your studies.5He got caught in the heavy traffic.That was why he was late.6Energy is what makes things work.7We didnt set out; it was because we wanted to wait until our mother came back.8We consider it necessar。

10、111【三維設計】高中英語 Unit 1 Section 寫作講座 Grammar & Writing專題練習 新人教版必修3假設你是北京新華中學的學生,你們班同學在暑假期間的某一天開展了“體驗一天低碳生活”的活動。請你根據(jù)以下四幅圖的先后順序,寫一篇英語短文,介紹同學們這一天的體驗活動。注意:1短文的開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù);2詞數(shù):120150。參考詞匯:一次性筷子 disposable chopsticksThe students in our class organized an activity of “Experience a Lowcarbon Day” during the summer vacation._。

11、111Unit1 Section 寫作講座 Grammar Writing 專題練習下面是你班同學對志愿工作看法的調(diào)查表,請根據(jù)表中的內(nèi)容寫一篇短文,最后闡述你自己的觀點。70%的同學贊成參加志愿工作為社會作貢獻,幫助別人是一件很有意義的事情,志愿工作會帶來很多好處,會為今后的工作積累技能和經(jīng)驗,可以增強自信心、自覺意識和培養(yǎng)良好的交際能力和領導才能30%的同學不贊成從事志愿工作無報酬,浪費時間,耽誤學習你自己的觀點詞數(shù):120左右。_。

12、111Unit1 Section 語法講座 Grammar Writing 專題練習.用適當?shù)年P系代詞或關系副詞填空1I shall never forget those years I lived in the country with the farmers, has a great effect on my life.2His parents wouldnt marry her to anyone family was poor.3Sometimes the earthquake is so violent that it can destroy the whole city, happened in Tangshan in 1976.4My most famous relative of all, the one really left his mark on America, was Rob Sussel, my great grandfather.5Fina。

13、教學無憂http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/專注中小學 教學事業(yè)!Unit4 Earthquakes-writing測試回歸課本,用本單元所學的單詞,詞組,句型翻譯下列短文。字數(shù)150詞以上。2008年5月12日,一場特大地震襲擊了我的家鄉(xiāng),四川省汶川。它作為21世紀發(fā)生在中國最可怕的災難之一而被人們所熟知。下午兩點二十八分,整個城市開始搖晃,似乎世界末日就要到了。在可怕的幾秒鐘里,汶川就成為一片廢墟。水和電的供應被切斷了。成千上萬的人員受傷或喪生,許多人被困在廢墟下。數(shù)以萬計的孩子沒有了父母。死亡人數(shù)達到六萬多。然而不是所有的希望都破滅了。

14、英語九年級全冊Lesson 24 Writing a Poem課時練習姓名:_ 班級:_ 成績:_一、單選題1 . He usually _ a blue coat at school.AwearBwearsCputs onDare in2 . - Mr. Wang, I have。

15、111Unit1 Sporting eventslistening,speaking and writing同步測試一、單項選擇1. Speak to the old man slowly _ he may understand your better.A. since B so that C. for D. because2. What do you think of the girl?- Not only _ hard but also _very charming.A. does she work; is she B. she works; she isC. does she work; she is D. she works; is she3. It was only when I read this story for a second time _ to appreciate its beautyA. did I be。

16、英語備課大師 無需注冊 自由下載Unit 2 Section Grammar Writing 精品練習1人教版必修1.直接引語變間接引語1Mum,please help me find my shirt,he said.He his mot。

17、111Unit1 Sporting eventslistening,speaking and writing同步測試一、單項選擇1. Speak to the old man slowly _ he may understand your better.A. since B so that C. for D. because2. What do you think of the girl?- Not only _ hard but also _very charming.A. does she work; is she B. she works; she isC. does she work; she is D. she works; is she3. It was only when I read this story for a second time _ to appreciate its beautyA. did I be。

18、111Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood Writing測試寫作訓練第一節(jié) 閱讀下文, 回答問題。Lets see what Marys daily life is like in the countryside.6:45 Looking east from my bedroom window, I can see clouds change from gray-to-pink-to-orange, ending the rainstorm in beautiful style. Temperature: 44 degrees on the porch. The air is sweetly humid. The first sound I hear is the San Pedro River. It flows so rarely these days that its always not。

19、冀教版英語九年級全冊Lesson 24 Writing a Poem課時練習姓名:_ 班級:_ 成績:_一、單選題1 . Do you like _ a car?ArideBdrivingCto byDto driving2 . He walks to school _。

高中英語 Unit1 Section Ⅳ 語法講座《Grammar Writing》專題練習 新人教版必修2
高中英語 Unit1 Section Ⅳ 寫作講座《Grammar Writing》專題練習 新人教版必修2
英語九年級全冊Lesson 24 Writing a Poem課時練習
Unit 2《Sporting events》listening,speaking and writing同步練習(牛津譯林版必修4)
Unit 2《Sporting events》listening,speaking and writing 同步練習(牛津譯林版必修4)
Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》writing 同步練習(外研版必修1)
冀教版英語九年級全冊Lesson 24 Writing a Poem課時練習
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