初中英語課堂常用口語集錦 Any more?? Put up your hands.? You,please.? Stand up,please.? Sit down,please.? Give me your answer.? Very good.? Boys and girls...? Let's read the words together.? Quickly and loudly. 1.cood morning boys and girls. 2.open your book to page xx. 3.show your hands please. 4.follow me/read after me. 5.spell ( teacher t-e-a-c-h-e-r teacher) 6.check your answer. 7.Do you have any questions? 8.show me your homework/picture. 9.let me see your exercise books now 10.speak louder and repeat. 11.look at the blackboard. 12.I say words,and you spell it. 13.look at me do action,and you guess it. 14.together. 15.triangle"one two begin". Assessment: very good!Ecactly,completely correct;you're right;good answer;wonderful;excellent. sorry,i don't think you're right. I don't think so. art 1??課前用語 一.?準(zhǔn)備活動 1. 請大家進來坐好。????????????????Everyone, please come in and sit down. 2. 我想先講個小故事。??????????????I’d like to start with a short story. 3. 我要檢驗一下大家的背景知識。????I’m going to check your background knowledge. 4. 請為上課做好準(zhǔn)備。??????????????Please get everything ready for class. 5. 快點,馬上就要上課了。??????????Hurry up. It’s nearly for class. 6. 你最好快一點兒。????????????????You’d better get a move on. 7. 請回到座位。????????????????????Go back to your seat, please. 8. 大家準(zhǔn)備好了么?????????????????Are you ready to begin? 9. 我將等你們安靜下來,好么???????I’ll wait for you to be quiet. OK? 10. 請保持安靜,馬上就要上課了。???Be quiet, please. Class will soon begin. 11. 還有幾分鐘開始上課?????????????How many minutes are there to go ? 12. 正好打鈴呢,你剛好趕上。???????There goes the bell, you’re just in time. 13. 各位坐好。?????????????????????Get seated, everyone. 14.?請坐好。???????????????????????Sit straight, please. ? 二.?開始上課 1. 我們開始上課好嗎???????????????Shall we begin today’s lesson ? 2. 書歸正傳,咱們開始上課吧。??????Time to get to the point. 3. 現(xiàn)在,咱們開始學(xué)習(xí)新課。????????Now, let’s start today’s lesson. 4. 上課時間到了。??????????????????It’s time for class. 5. 讓我們開始上課。????????????????Let’s start our class. 6. 我們學(xué)習(xí)新的一課。??????????????Let’s begin a new lesson. 7. 快點,我們開始上課。????????????Hurry up, so that we can stet the lesson. 8. 鈴聲響了,讓我們上課。??????????The bell is ringing, let’s have a class. 9. 鈴聲已經(jīng)響過了,請保持安靜。????The bell has already gone, keep silence please. 10. 現(xiàn)在咱們上課吧。???????????????Now, let’s get down to work. 11. 咱們上課了,請安下心來。???????Settle down now and let’s start. 12. 我想大家現(xiàn)在準(zhǔn)備好開始了。?????I think we are ready to start now. 13. 大家準(zhǔn)備好上課了嗎????????????Is everyone ready to start the lesson ? 14. 好了,可以開始新課了嗎????????Alright, can we start now? 15.請舉手。????????????????????????Put your hands up. 16.請到前面來。????????????????????Come to the front.. 17.請看黑板。?????????????????????Look at the blackboard. 18.請注意。???????????????????????Attention, please. ? 三.日常問候 1. 很高興見到你們。??????????Glad to meet you. 2. 我真的很高興見到你們大家。 I’m really happy to meet you all. 3. 你們很快就會適應(yīng)一切的。???You’ll soon get used to everything. 4. 同學(xué)們早上好。???????????Good morning, class. 5. 各位早上好。???????????Good morning, everybody. 6. 孩子們,你們好。?????Hi, children. / Hi, kids. 7. 你們今天好嗎????????How are you today ? 8. 你們或許有點緊張,因為一切都是全新的。You might be a little nervous because everything is new to you. 9. 我希望你們在這里過得開心。I hope you’ll spend a great time here today. 10. 你們好嗎?????????????How have you been ? 11. 你們都充滿了活力。????You are full of energy. 12. 非常高興我們又見面了。It’s really good to see you again. 四.課堂考勤 1. 咱們看一下是否大家都到齊了。????Let’s see if everyone is here. 2. 咱們核對一下出席情況吧。?????Let’s check the attendance. 3. 當(dāng)聽到自己的名字,請舉手。 When you hear your name, please raise your hand. 4. 當(dāng)我叫到你的名字時請回答。?????Please answer when I call your names. 5. 下面我點名。?????I’m going to call the row. / call your names. 6. 下面我將檢查簽到。??Now, I’ll check the register. 7. 共有多少人在班級里???How many students are there in our class ? 8. 每個人都到齊了么??????Is everyone / everybody /here present ? 9. 出席多少人??????How many students are present ? 10. 有人缺席嗎??????Is anyone / anybody away / not here ? 11. 今天誰沒來學(xué)校?????Who is missing today ? 12. 今天誰沒在學(xué)校???????Who isn’t at school today ? 13. 誰缺席了??????Who’s absent / away / not here ? 14.???我們來點名。???Let’s check the attendance. ? 五.缺席記錄 1. 咱們看看是否有人缺席。???Let’s see if anyone is missing. 2. 沒人缺席嗎??????????No one is absent ? 3. 今天有人沒來嗎?????Is anybody absent today ? 4. 我看見有兩個座位空著。????I see two empty seats. 5. 他 / 她在哪??????Where is he / she ? 6. 有人知道莉莉在哪嗎???????Does anyone know where Lily is ? 7. 你知道他怎么了嗎?????What’s the matter with him ? Do you Know ? 8. 誰知道湯姆去哪了????Can anyone tell me where Tom has gone ? 9. 誰知道她什么時候回來?????Who knows when she will be back ? 10. 艾米今天怎么了??????What’s wrong with Amy today ? 11. 誰知道瑪麗在哪兒????Has anybody got an idea where Mary is ? 12. 他 / 她請假了嗎?????Has he / she asked for a leave ? 13. 盡量不要缺課。?????Try not to miss school. 六.遲到記錄 1. 請解釋一下遲到的原因。????Please give your reason for being late. 2. 我們五分鐘前就上課了。????We started the class five minutes ago. 3. 這次你有什么借口?????What excuse will you make up this time? 4. 下次早點來。??????Come earlier next time. 5. 回到座位上,不要再遲到了。????Go back to your seat, don’t be late any more. 6. 下次不要再發(fā)生這樣的事情。???Don’t let it happen again. 7. 如果再遲到,就按曠課處理。I’ll count you as cutting class, if you’re late again. 8. 下次請按時來。?????Try to be on time next time. 9. 好吧,我們開始上課了。???That’s all right, and we can start. 10. 我們沒有多余的時間了。????We have no time to lose. 七.詢問值日生 1. 今天誰值日??????Who’s on duty today ? 2. 到誰了????Whose turn is it ? 3. 今天早上誰值日?????Who’s on duty today ? 4. 今天是幾號?????What’s the date today ? 5. 今天星期幾? What day is it today ? 6. 現(xiàn)在幾點????What time is it ? 7. 今天天氣怎么樣???What’s the weather like today? / How’s the weather today ? 8. 今天很熱,是嗎???It’s very hot, isn’t it ? 9. 外面天氣怎么樣????What’s it like outside ? 10. 今天誰做值日報告?????Who will give us a daily report today? 八、關(guān)照新生 1.你是新來的嗎??????Are you new? 2.你是新生嗎???????Are you a new pupil? 3.你剛來這個班,是嗎?????You have just come to this class,haven’t you? 4.你從哪里來?????Where do you come from ? 5.你叫什么名字??????What’s your name?/Your name, please. 6.你喜歡我們學(xué)校嗎??????Do you like our school? 7.歡迎你來我們班.??????Welcome to our class. 8.讓我把你介紹給同學(xué)。???Let me introduce you to the class. 9.你能介紹你自己嗎??????Will you introduce yourself? 10.你覺得我們班怎么樣?????How do you think of our class? 九.?問候病愈同學(xué) 1.你現(xiàn)在感覺如何??????How are you feeling now? 2.你今天感覺好多了嗎?????Do you feel better today? 3.今天你怎么樣? ??How are you all today? 4.怎么了? ?????????What’s the matter? 5.上節(jié)課你走了,是嗎? ??You were away last lesson,weren’t you? 6.這幾天你缺席了,是嗎?????You’ve been absent for days,haven’t you? 7.上周你缺課了,是嗎?????You were absent from class last week,weren’t you? 8.你感冒了嗎?????Did you catch a cold? 9.最好問問同學(xué)所學(xué)的知識。??You’d better ask your classmate what we’ve learned. 10.下課后找我,好嗎??????Come and see me after the lesson,OK? 11. 我們希望你能感覺好些。???We hope that you’ll feel better soon. ??? Part 2 ?課堂用語 一.?進度確認(rèn) 1. 我們上次學(xué)到哪里了? Where are we at ? / Where are we up to ? 2. 上次課我們學(xué)到哪兒了?Where did we leave off? 3. 我們學(xué)了多少了?How far have we gone ? 4.我們上一課學(xué)到哪兒了? Where did we stop? 5. 我們今天應(yīng)該從哪開始?Where do we have to start from today? 6. 我們學(xué)到哪一頁了?Which page are we on ? 7. 我們學(xué)到第20頁了。We’re on page 20. 8. 今天我們要開始學(xué)習(xí)新課。Today, we’re going to start a new lesson. 9. 我們完成聽力部分的學(xué)習(xí)了嗎?Did we finish the listening section ? 10.上次課我們學(xué)完了第15頁。We finished page 15 last time. 11.請翻到第10頁。Open your books to page10. 12.請翻到下一頁。Turn to the next page. 13.?我們來復(fù)習(xí)上節(jié)課的內(nèi)容。Let’s review the last lesson. 14.上節(jié)課我們做什么了?What did we do last time? ? 二、授課安排 1. 把教材拿出來,并翻到第10頁。Take out your books and open them at page 15. 2.這些是本學(xué)期要學(xué)習(xí)的課程,分為必修課和選修課。 These are the courses we are going to take this term. There are compulsory courses and optional courses. 3.本課程所分配的時間是每周4學(xué)時。 ?The time allotted for the course is four periods a week. 4.以下是本節(jié)課的安排:首先復(fù)習(xí)上堂課學(xué)習(xí)的內(nèi)容,然后學(xué)習(xí)生詞和課文,最后做一些替換練習(xí)。 The class will be conducted in this way:first we shall review what we learned last time,then the new words and the text,and finally we will do some substitution drills. 5.今天我們學(xué)新課,首先讀生詞和短語,然后逐一講解。 ??We will take up a new lesson today.I am going to read some new words and expressions first and then explain them one by one.??? 6.今天我們要完成兩個任務(wù):先通過問答來復(fù)習(xí)第六單元,然后進行快速閱讀。 ?We will finish two tasks today.We will review Unit Six by questions,and answers and then we will do fast reading。 7.這節(jié)課主要學(xué)對話。學(xué)完后,請回答我的問題。 ??In this class,most of the time will be devoted to dialogues.After that,answer my questions. 8.第一節(jié)課做句型練習(xí),第二節(jié)課我們做筆頭練習(xí)。 ???In the first period,we will practice pattern drills and in the second period we will do some written exercises. 9.今天我們上復(fù)習(xí)課。首先我將短文讀三遍,然后你們用自己的語言復(fù)述。 ?We will do a revision lesson today. I will read a short passage three times first,and then you will retell it in your own words. 10. 我們今天要做的第一件事是,我想讓你們通讀一遍文章,然后針對文章提出一些問題。完成后,我們將繼續(xù)做練習(xí)。 ??For the first thing today.I’d like you to read through the passage.After that 1 will ask you some questions on it.When we have done that,we’ll go on to the exercise. ? 三.?授課順序 1. 咱們確定以下先后次序吧, Let’s decide the turns. 2.首先,讓我們復(fù)習(xí)一下。First, let’s do some review. 3.我們先復(fù)習(xí)上次講的內(nèi)容。First we shall review what we did last time. 4.首先,我們進行發(fā)音練習(xí)。To begin with,we’ll ?do some drills in pronunciation. 5. 現(xiàn)在你們應(yīng)該在做最后一道題了。You should be working on the last question by now. 6. 首先,讓我們來聽對話。????First,1et’s 1isten to the dialogue. 7. 接下來,我想讓你們按照這些單詞不同的詞性把它們重新排列。 Next,1 would like you to rearrange these words according to their different parts of speech. 8. 接下來,我想請你們做練習(xí)。????For the next thing,1 want you to do exercise. 9. 做完每個部分,你們可以檢查答案。??After each part, you can check the answers. 10. 最后,但也是很重要的一件工作,我們要聽一個廣播。 Last but not the least,we have a radio program to listen to. 11. 最后,就下周的考試簡單地說幾句。 Finally,1 want to say something briefly about next week’s test. 四、檢查作業(yè) 1. 檢查作業(yè)的時間到了。Time to check homework. 2. 請把你們的作業(yè)給我看看。Please show me your homework. 3. 請把作業(yè)放在我的桌子上。Please put your homework on my desk. 4. 你們完成作業(yè)了嗎? ?Have you all finished your homework? 5.你們練習(xí)本交上了嗎? Have you all finished your homework? 6.你們必須按時交作業(yè)。You must hand in your work on time. 7.請把讀本收上來放好。Collect the readers in and put them away. 8.把作業(yè)傳到第一排來。Pass your homework to the front. 9. 別忘了在試卷上面寫名字。Don't forget to write your names on the papers. 10. 每排的第一位 / 最后一位收一下答題紙,好嗎? Could the first / last student in each row collect the answers,please? 11.你們出去時,將試卷放在講臺上。 Leave your test sheets on the desk as you go out. 12. 還有人沒交卷嗎? Is there anyone who hasn't returned the test paper? 13.請收一下卷子,交給我,以便我能批改。 Would you please collect in the papers and bring them to me so that I can score them? 14. 你們作業(yè)都完成得很好。You all did a good job on your homework. 15.?我要檢查作業(yè)。I’ll check your homework now. ? 五、復(fù)習(xí)功課 1. 開始新課之前,我們要先完成一件事。There’s something we have to do before we start today’s lesson. 2. 讓我們復(fù)習(xí)一下上一課吧。 Let’s review our last lesson. 3. 咱們再復(fù)習(xí)一下學(xué)過的知識。 Let’s run through it again. 4. 首先讓我們復(fù)習(xí)一下課文。????Now,1et’s review our 1essons first. 5.我們進行問答。We shall have questions and answers. 6.請背課文。Please recite the text. 7. 你背得很好,但是丟了兩句。You did quite well,but you missed out two sentences. 8.我們進行拼讀檢查。Now,we shall have a spelling check. 9. 你能拼寫出這課所有單詞嗎? Can you spell all the new words in this lesson? 10.請用學(xué)過的短語翻譯句子。 Let’s translate some sentences using the phrases we have learned. 11. 你們倆上黑板上寫,其他同學(xué)寫在自己的作業(yè)本上。 You two come to the blackboard;the others please write in your exercise—books. 12.他犯了一個嚴(yán)重的拼寫錯誤,你能指出來嗎? He made a serious mistake in spelling.Can you point it out? 13.今天我們就復(fù)習(xí)到這兒吧。 That’s all for revision today. 六.導(dǎo)入新課 1. 我們了解一下今天要做的事情吧。Let’s preview what we’re going to do today. 2. 今天我們要學(xué)習(xí)第六頁上的內(nèi)容。 Today we are going to go on to page 6. 3.現(xiàn)在讓我們把書翻到第十二頁。Now 1 want you to turn to Page 12. 4. 今天我們將表演課文內(nèi)容。We’ll make a role play with the text. 5.我將簡單介紹一下本節(jié)課的文化背景。 I’ll briefly introduce the cultural background of the text.? 6.我將詳細地介紹本課的主題。 I will give you a full account of the theme of this text. 7.請大家合上書,下面我將對課文作簡要介紹。 Close your books and listen to me.I will give you a simple introduction about the text. 8.我將介紹作者生平。I will say something about the author’s life. 9. 這篇課文選自一部偵探小說。This text is selected from a detective story. 10. 這篇課文是由一部英文小說改編的。This text is adapted from an English novel. 11. 這篇課文是原書的節(jié)錄本。 This text is abridged from the original work. 12. 本節(jié)課我們將從這里開始學(xué)習(xí)。 We’ll start from here today. 七.學(xué)習(xí)詞匯 1. 讓我們學(xué)習(xí)生詞吧。 Let’s learn the new words. 2. 這是我們今天要學(xué)習(xí)的生詞列表。 This is the list of new words we’re going to learn today. 3. 如果有不認(rèn)識的單詞請告訴我。 Tell me if there’s any word that you don’t know. 4.讓我們看生詞和短語。Let’s look at the new words and expressions. 5.讓我們首先通讀單詞表。Let’s read through the vocabulary list first. 6. 這個單詞怎么讀? How do we read this word? 7.請按音標(biāo)試讀這些生詞。 Please try to read the new words with the help of the phonetic transcriptions. 8. 這個詞對我們來說是全新的,怎樣發(fā)音? This word is totally new to us. How to pronounce it? 9.現(xiàn)在,我來講解這些單詞的詞義。??Now, I’ll explain the meaning of these words. 10.你能想出一個意義相同的單詞或短語嗎? Can you think of a word or expression that has the same meaning? 11.你能用英語解釋這個短語嗎? Can you explain the phrase in English? 12.請在字典中查一下這個詞。Please look up this word in the dictionary. 13.讓我用圖片來解釋詞義。 Let me use the picture to show its meaning. 八、分析詞匯 1. 你能找到這個單詞的線索嗎? Can you find a clue for this word? 2. 讓我們通過看這個句子來猜測它的意思。 Let’s guess the meaning by looking at the sentence. 3.這是一個派生詞,你能說出它的詞根、前綴/后綴嗎? This word is a derivative.Can you point out its root and prefix/suffix? 4..這是一個褒義詞/貶義詞。一定根據(jù)上下文進行正確使用。 This word has a positive/derogative connotation.Be sure to use it only in its right context. 5.這是一個集合名詞,單數(shù)的形式但是表示復(fù)數(shù)意義。 This is a collective noun,singular in form but plural in meaning . 6.這個詞單復(fù)數(shù)同形。 This word has the same form in the singular as in the plural. 7.這個詞的近義詞和反義詞是……。 ?The synonym and antonym of this word are... 8.你能給出這個單詞的漢語對應(yīng)詞嗎? Can you give the Chinese equivalent for this word???? 9.如果你認(rèn)為單詞的意思與上下文毫無關(guān)系,你就完全錯誤了。 ?If you think the meaning of a word is totally context-free,you are completely wrong . 10.這個詞作名詞時重音在第一音節(jié),作動詞用時重音在第二音節(jié)上。????. When the word is used as a noun, the accent is on the first syllable;if it is as a verb,the accent shifts to the second syllable. 11.這是一個及物動詞還是不及物動詞? ?Is this a transitive or an intransitive verb? 12.你們不知道它的意思,但是知道它的詞性。 ??You don’t know the meaning, but you know its part of speech. 九.朗讀示范 1. 首先,我來讀給大家聽。First, I’ll read it to you. 2. 我用正常語速來朗讀一遍。Let me read it at a normal speed. 3. 這次我會讀得更自然一些。This time, I’ll read it more naturally. 4. 略讀時不要讀出聲。????Don’t read out loud when you’re skimming. 5.咱們一起讀課文吧。?????????Let’s read the text. 6.首先,我給你們朗讀前兩段。?????First of a11, I will read the first two paragraphs. 7.我先朗讀一下第五頁上的對話。 ??To start with,1 will read the dialogue paragraphs on Page Five. 8.Peter,請從第一行開始讀。????Peter,please start reading from Line 1· 9.從Amy開始,每人讀十行。???Read ten lines,starting with Amy. 10.一直讀到課文結(jié)尾。????Read as far as the end of the text. 11.請大點聲慢點讀,因此大家都能聽到。 ?????Read loudly and slowly so that everybody can hear you. 12.當(dāng)我們讀課文的時候,注意句子重音,句群,不完全爆破和連讀。 ??When we read a text,you should pay attention to sentence stress,sense groups,incomplete ??explosion and liaison. 13.讓我們輪流朗讀課文。 ??Let’s take turns to read the text. 14.每個同學(xué)讀一段。 Read one paragraph each. 十、文章分析 1. 你愿意來講下一段嗎? Would you like to talk about the next part ? 2. 請把剩余部分討論完。 Please finish the left part. 3.我認(rèn)為你們都預(yù)習(xí)了課文。誰愿來講講課? I think you’ve all previewed the text.Who would like to say something about the text? 4. 先讓我將這一段讀一遍,然后再解釋難句和語言點。 Let me read this paragraph first and then explain the difficult sentences and language points 5. 這篇課文的主題是什么? What is the theme of this text? 6.你能闡述一下這篇文章的中心思想是什么嗎? Can you expound the general idea of this passage? 7.你對這個故事有什么印象? What is your impression of the story? 8.主題句是介紹一段文章中心中思想的句子,它可能出現(xiàn)在一段的開頭、中間或結(jié)尾。 ??A topic sentence is one that introduces the central idea of a paragraph.It may appear at the Beginning,or in the middle,or at the end of a paragraph. 9.這段的中心詞是什么? What is the key word of this paragraph? 10.這個故事發(fā)生在什么時間什么地點? When and where did the story take place? 11.談?wù)勀銖墓适轮魅斯砩蠈W(xué)到了什么。 ???Say something about what you have learned from the hero. 12.請對這篇課文作一個簡明的內(nèi)容概述。 ???Give me a brief summary of the contents. 十一、語句詮釋 1. 練習(xí)找出中心思想。Practice finding the main idea. 2. 你為什么認(rèn)為這是主題句呢? Why do you think this is the topic sentence? 3.我們來解決一下本課的幾個難點。 We will deal with some difficult points in this lesson. 4.讓我們首先看一下本單元的幾個復(fù)雜結(jié)構(gòu)。 Let’s start with a look at some complicated constructions in this unit. 5.當(dāng)主語是復(fù)數(shù),同復(fù)數(shù)謂語動詞一致。 When the subject is plural and agrees with the plural verb. 6.這個題的關(guān)鍵是找出簡單的主語和謂語動詞。 ??The key to the question like this is finding the simple subject and verb first. 7.當(dāng)一個系列中有兩個或更多的單詞或詞組時,這些詞或詞組的結(jié)構(gòu)必須一致。 ???When there are two or more words or phrases in a series,the structure of the words or phrases must be the same. 8.通常單音節(jié)的形容詞、副詞的比較級和最高級加-er和-est的詞尾,長的單詞和以ly結(jié)尾的單詞用more和most。有些形容詞和副詞,如good,bad,little,well和far的比較級和最高級形式不規(guī)則變化,需要記憶。 ???Generally, the“-er”and“-est”endings are added to one syllable adjectives and adverbs. “More”and“most”are used with longer words and with adverbs ending in“-ly”.Some adjectives and adverbs such as good,bad,little,well and far have irregular comparisons and superlative degrees,and they must be memorized. 9.動詞時態(tài)必須保持一致。??Verb tense must be consistent 10.如果你看第三行,會注意到關(guān)系詞在這里被省略了。 ?If you look at Line 3,you will notice that the relative pronoun is omitted here. 11.請給出這個動詞的四種形式,即現(xiàn)在式、過去式、現(xiàn)在分詞和過去分詞。 ?Please give four forms of this verb.namely the present tense,the past tense,the present participle and the past participle. 12. 我會根據(jù)句子給出一些問題。 I’ll give out some questions based on the sentence. 十二、檢查反饋 1. 讓我們來檢查答案吧。 Let’s check the answers. 2. 有沒有答案超過一個的問題? Were there any questions with more than one answer? 3.這一部分有問題嗎? Have you got any questions about this part? 4.大家都清楚了嗎? Is everything clear? 5.你們還有不確定的地方嗎? Are there any points you’re not sure of? 6.有什么單詞和詞組需要我?guī)兔? Can I help you with any words or phrases? 7.關(guān)于課文還有人要問什么嗎? Has anybody got anything to ask about the text? 8.還有什么需要解釋的嗎? Would you like anything explained? 9.有什么不懂的嗎? Is there anything you don’t understand? 10.關(guān)于課文還有什么問題? Are there any questions on the text? 11.如果跟不上我,請舉手。Please raise your hands if you can’t follow me. 12.第二個不可能是答案。Number 2 can’t be the answer. ??- 1.請仔細閱讀文檔,確保文檔完整性,對于不預(yù)覽、不比對內(nèi)容而直接下載帶來的問題本站不予受理。
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- 關(guān) 鍵 詞:
- 初中 英語課堂 常用 口語 集錦
