附錄: Micro-machine
From the beginning, mankind seems instinctively to have desired large machines and small machines. That is, large” and “small” in comparison with human-scale. Machine larger than human are powerful allies in the battle against the fury of nature; smaller machines are loyal partners that do whatever they are told.
If we compare the facility and technology of manufacturing larger machines, common sense tells us that the smaller machines are easier to make. Nevertheless, throughout the history of technology, larger machines have always stood out. The size of the restored models of the water-mill invented by Vitruvius in the Roman Era, the windmill of the Middle Ages, and the steam engine invented by Watt is overwhelming. On the other hand, smaller machines in history of technology are mostly tools. If smaller machines are easier to make, a variety of such machines should exist, but until modern times, no significant small machines existed except for guns and clocks
This fact may imply that smaller machines were actually more difficult to make. Of course , this does not mean simply that it was difficult to make a small machine; It means that it was difficult to invent a small machine that would be significant to human beings.
Some people might say that mankind may not have wanted smaller machines. This theory, however ,dies not explain the recent popularity of palm-size mechatronics products.
Some people might say that mankind may not have wanted smaller machines. This theory, however, does not explain the recent popularity of palm-size mechatronics products.
The absence of small machines in history may be due to the extreme difficulty in manufacturing small precision parts.
2. Why micromachine now
The dream of the ultimate small machine, or micro-machine, was first depicted in detail about 30 years ago in the 1966 movie “Fantastic Voyage”. At that time, the study of micro-machining of semiconductors had already begun. Therefore, manufacturing minute mechanisms through micro-machining of semiconductors would have been possible, even that time,. There was, however, a wait of over 20 years before the introduction, about 10 years ago, of electrostatic motors and gears made by semiconductor micromachining.
Why didn’t the study of micro-machining and the dream of micro-machines meet earlier? A possible reason for this is as follows. In addition to micro-machining, the development of micromachines requires a number of technologies including materials, instrumentations, control, energy, information processing, and design. Before micro-machine research and development can be started, all of these technologies must reach a certain level. In other words, the overall technological level, as a whole, must reach a certain critical point, but it hadn’t reached that point 30 ago.
Approximately 20 years after “Fantastic Voyage”., the technology level for micromachines finally reached a critical point. Micromotors and gears made by semiconductor micromachining were introduced at about that time, triggering the research on development of micromachines.
The backgroud of the micromachine boom, which started about 10 years ago, can be explained by the above.
3.micromachine as gentle machines
How do micromachines of the future differ from conventional machines? How will they change the relationship between nature and humans?
The most unique feature of micro-machine is, of course, its small size. Utilizing its tiny dimensions, a micromachine can perform tasks in a revolutionary way that would be impossible for conventional machines. That is, micro-machines do not affect the object or the environment as much as conventional machines do. Micromachines perform their tasks gently. This is a fundamental difference between micromachines and conventional machines.
The medical field holds the highest expectations for benefits from this feature of micromachines. Diadnosis and treatment will change drastically from conventional methods, and “Fantastic Voyage” may no longer be a fantasy. If a micromachine can gently enter a human body to treat illness, humans will be freed from painful surgery and uncomfortable gastro-camera testing. Furtherore, if micro-machines can halt the trend of ever-increasing size in medical equipment, it could slow the excess growth and complexity of medical technology, contributing to the solving of serious problems with high medical costs for citizens.
Micro-machines are gentle also in terms of machine maintenance, since they can be inspected and repaired without difficulty in reaching and overhauling the engine or plant. The more complex the machine, the more susceptible it is to malfunction due to overhaul and assembly. In addition, there have been more instances of human errors during overhaul and assembly. It is good for the machine if overhaul is not necessary. It is even better if maintenance can be performed without stopping the machine. Repeated stop-and-go operation will accelerate damage of the machine due to excess stress caused by thermal expansion.
Such gentleness of a mocromachine is an advantage, as well as a weakness in that a micromachine is too fragile to resist the object or the environment; this is the drawback of the micro-scale objects.
For example, a fish can swim freely against the current, but a small plankton cannot. This is result of physical laws and nothing can change it. Still, the plankton can live and grow in the natural environment by conforming to the environment.
Unlike conventional machines which fight and control natural, micromachines will probably adapt to and utilize nature. If a micromachine cannot proceed against the current, a way will be found to proceed with the flow, naturally avoiding collisions with obstacles.
4. Micro-electronics and mechatronics
The concept of micromachines and related technologies is still not adequately unified, as these are still at the development stage. The micromachines and related technologies are currently referred to by a variety of different terms. In the United States, the accepted term is “micro electro mechanical systems” (MEMS); in Europe, The term “Microsystems technology”(MST) is common, while the term “micro-engineering” is sometimes used in Britain. Meanwhile in Australia “micro-machine”. The most common term if it is translated into English is “micromachine”. The most common term if it is translated into English is “micromachine” in Japan. However “micro-robot” and “micro-mechanism” are also available case by case.
The appearance of these various terms should be items taken as reflecting not merely diversity of expression, but diversity of the items referred to. Depending on whether the item referred to is an object or a technology, the terminology may be summed up as follows:
Object: micro-robot, micro-mechanism
Technology: micro-engineering, MST
Object & technology: MEMS, micro-machine
With regard to technology, if we summarize the terms according to 1) where the technology for micromachine systems branched from, and 2) whether the object dealt with by the technology in question is an element or a machine system, the terms can be organized as follows. That is, MEMS and MST stem from mechatronics, and have developed dealing mainly with machine systems. In this sense, MEMS and MST on the one hand micromachines and microengineering on the other hand form two separate groups, but as former has started to move in the direction of machine systems, while the latter has already incorporated microelectronics, the difference between the two groups are gradually disappearing.
Looking at the areas in the two groups, given that the machine systems which are the main concern of micromachine include microelectronics, it would be natural to assume that micromachines inchude MEME and MST.
5 .the definition and development aim
It is difficult at present to give a unified definition of micromachines, but if these are taken to be machine systems as output of micromachine technology, the scope for variation of the definition narrows slightly.
The micromachine technology project being project being promoted under the Industrial Science and Technology Frontier Program Agency of Industrial Science and Technology of MITI, and the micro-machine Center, define micro-machines as follows:
Micro-machines are small machines composed of sophisticated functional elements less than a few millimeters in size, constructed to perform complex tasks on a small scale.
The above definition of micro-machines is in fact inseparable from the development aims for micro-machines. At present, debate on the definition of micro-machines is exactly the same as debating development aims, that is, the diversity of definitions of micromachines reflects the diversity of development aims.
Micromachines are unconventional artifacts with respects to their gentle features to people and nature. The current diversity of the definition of them is originated from development objectives and technological starting points. Micromachine technologies, in view of their development prospect, are expected as generic technologies for the twenty-first century to support industry and medicine as well as daily life. Micromachine technologies are essential also for improving the conventional machines in general.
Micro-machines are artifacts in tiny size, but they will exert a strong influence on our lifestyles and society.
微 型 機(jī) 器