2019-2020年四年級英語上冊 Unit 3 Lesson 19Birds教案 冀教版.doc
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2019-2020年四年級英語上冊 Unit 3 Lesson 19Birds教案 冀教版 一、 教學目標: 認識鳥身上的部位名稱: beak、feathers、wings. 二、 會話句型: This is same. This is different. 三、 情感目標: 通過本課教學教育具有保護身邊小動物的強烈意識,激發(fā)熱愛大自然的情感。 四、 教學重點: 句型This is same. This is different. 五、 教學難點: 在真實生活中運用句型。 六、 教學過程: 教師活動 學生活動 1. 做游戲“FIND THE CARD” 操練 cat,chicken,cow,dog,duck,goat,pig,sheep 2. 引導學習:任務呈現(xiàn) (1)舉著雞、鴨同卡,讓學生說出動物的名稱。要說明這兩個動物都是鳥類,問學生是否能用漢語說出別的鳥的名稱。 (2)讓一名學生在黑板上畫一只鳥并用箭頭指向身上所具有的特殊部位(wings、feathers、beak)。 3. 看圖指部位朗讀這些單詞。 4. 操練: 擦掉黑板上圖中的單詞和箭頭,師生合作,進行一個關于鳥身上各部位的問答操練: Is this a___ or a___? Yes/No. What’s this? It’s a___. 5. 任務呈現(xiàn) same/different (1)示范:通過比較教室的物體,用學過的單詞和句子來示范same and different 的意思。 T: What’s this?(舉起一本書) 舉起另一本書和第一本同樣的:What’s this? T: This is the same.(邊說邊用手勢表達意思) T: What’s this?(舉起第三本書,和另一本不同) T: This is different.(書并用手勢說明意思) (2)模仿練習:same, different(并用表示動物名稱的詞匯來重復這個練習) (3)播放錄音,學生看書朗讀。 (4)一對一練習。 學生拿著一些物品,合作問答:same different 6. Chant: “Two Little Blackbirds.” 《教科書》: 指著圖中的鳥,領著學生進行如下討論: T: What are these? T: What color are they? T: Very good. They are blackbirds. 播放錄音,讓學生看書跟讀。 讓學生在一張紙上寫出歌中他們已知道的詞。務必使他們把單詞bird包括進去。 讓學生再聽一次,以便讓他們聽出他們認識的詞。 再播放一次這首歌謠并和學生一起跟著唱。 Do the actions Do the exercises. 學生集體操練 Ss: It’s a book. Ss: It’s a book. Ss: It’s a book. Ss: This is same .邊說邊結合實物一起進行。 This is different. 學生:They are birds. 學生:They are black. 學生一邊做動作一邊唱英文歌曲。 附送: 2019-2020年四年級英語上冊 Unit 3 Lesson 19Birds教案2 冀教版 教學內(nèi)容:Lesson 19:Birds 課時 1 教學目標:1. 知識與技能:學生要掌握(正確地說、讀、寫、用)單詞bird, same, different. 練習說和寫單詞beak, feathers, wings. 學會chant: “Two Little Blackbirds.” 能夠在日常生活中靈活運用所學的詞匯。 2. 情感態(tài)度價值觀:通過游戲、歌曲等多種活動,激發(fā)和培養(yǎng)學生學習英語的興趣,為學生營造寬松、民主、和諧的課堂氛圍。 教學重點、難點:掌握本課重點單詞, 學會chant: “Two Little Blackbirds.” 教具準備:磁帶、單詞卡片 板書設計: Lesson19:Birds bird same beak different feathers wings 教學過程: 一、 Class Opening and Review 1. GREETING 2. PLAY “FIND THE CARD” Review cat, chicken, cow, dog, duck, goat, pig, sheep. 3. SING “OLD MACDONALD HAD A FARM” 二、New Concepts 1. DEMONSTRATE Draw a bird on the blackboard and put arrows pointing to the special parts (wings, feathers, weak). Point to each part as the teacher and the class say wing(s), feather(s) and beak a few times. Write the English names for the parts. Point to each word as the students say it a few times. 2. STUDENT BOOK: L19 N1 Point to each word in the picture as the students say it a few times. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books. 3. DRILL Lead a question-and-answer drill. Is this a or a ? 教學側記 What’s this? 4. DEMONSTRATE T: (hold up a book) What’s this? C: It’s a book. T: (hold up another same book) What’s this? C: It’s a book. T: They’re same. T: ( hold up a different book)What’s that? C: It’s a book. T: They’re different. Write same and different on the blackboard. Say them a few times with the class. 5. SUTDENT BOOK: L19N2 Point to each word as the students say it a few times. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their student books. 6. SUTEDNT BOOK: L19N3 Discuss the picture T: What are these? C: They are birds. T: They’re blackbirds. Play the audiotape as the students listen and follow in their books. Play the chant once more as the teacher and the students chant along. 三、Class Closing. 教學反思:- 配套講稿:
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- 2019-2020年四年級英語上冊 Unit Lesson 19Birds教案 冀教版 2019 2020 四年級 英語 上冊 19 Birds 教案
