河北省2019年中考英語一輪復習 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第14課時 Units 9-10(八下)課件 人教新目標版.ppt
《河北省2019年中考英語一輪復習 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第14課時 Units 9-10(八下)課件 人教新目標版.ppt》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《河北省2019年中考英語一輪復習 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第14課時 Units 9-10(八下)課件 人教新目標版.ppt(21頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。
第14課時Units9 10 八下 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 peaceful peacefully Germans Germany memorize scarves scarfs Japanese foxes society unbelievable belief safely safety honesty truthful truth simply certainly unusual mostly collector collection inventor invention performer performance held held maker checkout clearout partwith searchfor teaset breadmaker softtoy juniorhighschool closeto tobehonest ontheonehand ontheotherhand thousandsof allyearround boardgame nolonger asfor accordingto acoupleof Themostinterestingmuseum thousandsoftouristsfromChina wonderfulandsafeplacetotakeaholiday Onegreatthing allyearround wheneveryoulike withgreatinterest cannotalwaysstaythesame asymboloftheplace softandsweetmemories regardv 將 認為 把 視為 看待 題1 連詞成句regards teacher us his own as our children Ourteacherregardsusashisownchildren 歸納拓展 regardAasB把A看作BAisregardedasB A被看作B Weallregardedhimasahero 我們都把他看作英雄 considerv 注視 仔細考慮 題2 1 Whydoyouconsiderthejobasateacher BecauseIlikeitandateacherisoftenconsideredagardener A totake tobeB totake beingC taking tobeD taking being 2 Weshouldallaspectsbeforewemakethisprogram A regardB findC understandD consider 題3 根據(jù)句意 用適當?shù)慕樵~填空MaYunisconsideredthegodfatherofAlibabaGroup C D as 歸納拓展 havebeento havegoneto havebeenin 題4 1 NeitherJimnorTomAustraliabefore buttheyknowthecountryverywell A hasgonetoB hasbeentoC havegonetoD havebeento 2 Whereisyourfather HeAustraliaandheSydneyfortwoweeks A hasbeento hasbeeninB hasgoneto hasbeeninC hasbeenin hasbeentoD hasgoneto hasbeento B B 歸納拓展 1 havebeento havegoneto和havebeenin at后接表示地點的副詞there here等時 介詞to in或at常省略 Youhaveneverbeentherebefore haveyou 你以前從未去過那里 是嗎 Theyhavegonethere 他們已經(jīng)去那里了 2 havebeenin后面還可接表示組織 團體的名詞 表示 加入某組織 團體 HehasbeeninthePartyfortwoyears 他入黨已經(jīng)兩年了 Italsoencouragesgovernmentsandsocialgroupstothinkaboutwaystoimprovetoiletsinthefuture 它也鼓勵政府和社會團體想出辦法 以便未來改進廁所 題5 Myteacheroftenencouragesmeatleastonehouradayreadingbooks A topayB payC tospendD spend C 歸納拓展 encouragesb todosth 意為 鼓勵某人做某事 Mr WangalwaysencouragesmetospeakEnglishasmuchaspossible 王老師總是鼓勵我盡可能多地說英語 Ontheonehand morethanthreequartersofthepopulationareChinese soyoucansimplyspeakPutonghuaalotofthetime 一方面 超過四分之三的人口是華人 因此多數(shù)時間你可以只說普通話 題6 ofthelandinthattowncoveredwithtreesandgrass A Twofifth isB Twofifth areC Twofifths isD Twofifths are C 歸納拓展 threequarters意為 四分之三 英語中分數(shù)的表達法 分子是基數(shù)詞 分母是序數(shù)詞 如果分子大于1 分母要加 s 分數(shù)與名詞搭配時 常用介詞of連接 即 分數(shù) of 名詞 結(jié)構(gòu) 此結(jié)構(gòu)作主語時 謂語動詞的數(shù)依名詞的數(shù)而定 若名詞是單數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞 謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式 若名詞是復數(shù) 謂語動詞用復數(shù)形式 Twothirdsofthewaterinthetownisfromthelake 這個城鎮(zhèn)三分之二的水來自這個湖 Fourfifthsofthestudentsinourclassridebikestoschool 我們班五分之四的學生騎自行車上學 I vehadthismagazineforacoupleofmonths 我買了這本雜志幾個月了 題7 Theshoppingmallfortwoyears butIthereonlyonce A hasopened havegoneB hasopened havebeenC hasbeenopen havegoneD hasbeenopen havebeen D 歸納拓展 1 此句中的had表示 買 buy是短暫性動詞 不與時間段連用 若要與時間段連用則要改為延續(xù)性動詞have 他買了這本書兩周了 Hehasboughtthebookfortwoweeks Hehashadthebookfortwoweeks 2 其他有類似用法的詞 語 borrow keepdie bedeadbegin beonopen beopenleave beaway from finish beoverwakeup beawake 用所給單詞的適當形式填空1 Johnisconsidering change hisjobbecauseit sboring 2 Wehavebeautifulbagsandcolorful scarf inthestore 3 Jessica sparentsalwaysencourageher speak outheropinions 4 Three four ofhistime have beenspentonstudieseveryday 5 These German aretalkingabouttheirschoolsandfriends 6 Hehasafine collect ofstamps 7 TheagingofpopulationinChinaisbecominga society problem 8 It san believable storythatshesavedsixpeople 9 Alipay namedbyforeignersasoneofthenew great invent ofChina savesusthetroubleofcarryingwallets 10 Haveyouevertried Japan food changing scarves scarfs tospeak fourths has Germans collection social unbelievable inventions Japanese 根據(jù)句意及首字母提示填空11 IntwentydaysI llgosomewherepandrelaxmyself 12 Thekidsaretoottolieaboutanything 13 Coutthepricesatournewstore 14 HaveyouseenthefilmLet sGoWrestling Dad IritasoneofthebestfilmsI veeverwatched 15 Frankisanhboyandhenevertellslies 16 Workhard Ibelieveallofyoucanmakepintheend 17 Themountainwascoveredwithsnowallyearr 18 Seriouslydamaged thebridgeisnolinuse 19 Shewonderedwyouwerefreethatmorning 20 Ourschoolisctoasupermarket peaceful truthful Check regard honest progress round longer whether close 連詞成句21 three were thebuildings destroyed fourths of 22 have since here I 2015 lived 23 as we him regard friend our 24 am my changing I considering job 25 playedfootball you have ever Threefourthsofthebuildingsweredestroyed Ihavelivedheresince2015 Weregardhimasourfriend Iamconsideringchangingmyjob Haveyoueverplayedfootball- 配套講稿:
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- 河北省2019年中考英語一輪復習 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第14課時 Units 9-10八下課件 人教新目標版 河北省 2019 年中 英語 一輪 復習 一篇 教材 梳理 14 課時 10 課件 新目標
