七年級英語下冊 Module 11 body language Unit 3 Language in use課件 (新版)外研版.ppt
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11 Bodylanguage Module Unit3Languageinuse 關注生活中的 祈使句 1 定義 用于表達命令 請求 勸告 警告 禁止等的句子叫做祈使句 祈使句最常用于表達命令 因此又叫做命令句 祈使句因對象 即主語 是第二人稱 所以通常都省略 祈使句的動詞都為一般現(xiàn)在時 句末則使用句號或感嘆號來表示結束 例 Goandwashyourhands 去洗你的手 命令 Bequiet please Pleasebequiet 請安靜 請求 Bekindtooursister 對姊妹要和善 勸告 祈使句小結 Watchyoursteps 走路小心 警告 Lookout Danger 小心 危險 強烈警告Keepoffthegrass 勿踐草坪 禁止 Noparking 禁止停車 禁止 祈使句也常把主語 You 表達出來 使對方聽起來覺得柔和些 例如 Yougoandtellhim Tom Tom 去告訴他 2 相關口令祈使句無主語 主語you常省去 動詞原形謂語當 句首加don t否定變 朗讀應當用降調 句末常標感嘆號 3 表現(xiàn)形式 肯定結構 Do型 動詞原形開頭即 動詞原形 賓語 其它成分 如 Pleasehaveaseathere 請這邊坐 有的祈使句在意思明確的情況下 動詞可省略 如 Thisway please Gothisway please 請這邊走 Be型 動詞Be開頭即 Be 表語 名詞或形容詞 其它成分 如 Beagoodboy 要做一個好孩子 Let型 動詞Let開頭 即 Let 賓語 動詞原形 其它成分 如 Letmehelpyou 讓我來幫你 3 表現(xiàn)形式 否定結構 Do型和Be型的否定式都是在句首加don t構成 如 Don tforgetme 不要忘記我 Don tbelateforschool 上學不要遲到 Let型的否定式有兩種 Don t let 賓語 動詞原形 其它成分 Let 賓語 not 動詞原形 其它成分 如 Don tlethimgo Lethimnotgo 別讓他走 No開頭 用來表示禁止性的祈使句 如 Nosmoking 禁止吸煙 Nofishing 禁止釣魚 練習 將下列漢語翻譯成英語 1 請照看好您的包 2 讓我們去學校吧 3 親愛的 高興點兒 4 不要把書放這兒 5 不要讓貓進來 Pleaselookafteryourbag Let sgotoschool Beglad dear Don tputthebookhere Don tletthecatcomein Letthecatnotcomein Languagepractice Givethemmorepersonalspace Wavetosaygoodbye Becareful Don tstandtooclosetoNorthAmericans 1workinpairs Talkaboutdo sanddon tsinaforeigncountry 2Makealistofdo sanddon tstohelpvisitorstoBritain Standinline Don ttouchpeoplewhenyoutalktothem Doshakehandswhenyoumeetafriend Dostandinline Doexpectrain Pleasetalkabouttheweather DoSay please and thankyou Dolookatpeoplewhenyoutalk Don ttouchpeople Don taskpeoplepersonalquestion Don taskwomen sage Don ttalkwithfoodinyourmouth Don tbelate 3Rewritethesentences It simportanttolistentotheteacher Listentotheteacher Youcannotshoutintheclassroom Don tshoutintheclassroom 1 It simportanttobecareful 2 It simportanttocleanandtidythelab 3 Youcannottouchanythingiftheteacherdoesn taskyouto 4 Youcannotbringfoodordrinkintothelab 5 Youcannotenterthelabalone 1 It simportanttobecareful 2 It simportanttocleanandtidythelab 3 Youcannottouchanythingiftheteacherdoesn taskyouto 4 Youcannotbringfoodordrinkintothelab 5 Youcannotenterthelabalone Becareful Cleanandtidythelab Don ttouchanythingifteacherisn taskyouto Don tbringfoodordrinkintothelab Don tenterthelabalone Answerthequestions Usethewordsandexpressionsfromtheboxtohelpyou allrightarminarmclosedifferentholdontokissthreetimespointatshakehandswithwave 1 HowdotheBritishsayhellotoeachotherwhentheyfirstmeet 2 Doesbodylanguagemeanthesamethingindifferentcountries Theyshakehandswitheachother No itdoesn t 3 HowdotheRussianssayhellotoeachotherwhentheymeet 4 IsitpolitetostandclosetoNorthAmericans 5 IsitallrighttowavegoodbyeinGreece 6 Howdoyouusuallysaygoodbyewithbodylanguage Theyusuallykissthreetimes No itisn t No itisn t Iwavemyhand Aroundthewrld TheJapanesebowInJapan peoplebowtosay thankyou sorry hello goodbye you rewelcome excuseme andmanyotherthings Childrenandyoungpeoplebowlowerwhentheygreetolderpeople It sawayofbeingpoliteandshowingrespect Workinpairs TalkaboutdifferentwaysofsayinghelloandbodylanguageinChina Writetheinformationonyourposter Findordrawsomepicturestoaddtoyourposter 8Showyourpostertothewholeclass 1 thiskindofpeach andyouwilllikeit A TotryB TryingC TryD Tried2 oryou llbelate A HurryupB TakeitdownC TohurryupD Hurriesup3 Ssh talkloudly Thebabyissleepingrightnow DoB DoesC Don tD Doesn t 選擇 4 exerciseeveryday mychild It sgoodforyourhealth Fathersaid A TakingB TotakeC TakeD Takes5 Don t toomuchTV It sbadforyoureyes A watchB watchedC watchingD towatch6 sleeptoolate It sbadforyourhealth A DoB NotC Don tD Pleasenot- 配套講稿:
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- 七年級英語下冊 Module 11 body language Unit in use課件 新版外研版 年級 英語 下冊 use 課件 新版 外研版
