摘 要 我國地域遼闊,畜牧業(yè)發(fā)達。很多地區(qū)種植著牧草,近年來由于土壤條件的變化,使得好多地區(qū)牧草生長狀況出現(xiàn)了不良效果。分析了草場不同土壤條件對牧草生長和草場生態(tài)恢復的影響;研究了退化草場機械化破土切根技術和模式;探討了高堅實度土壤條件的草場破土機理與根莖型或根莖疏叢型牧草橫走根莖切根方式,針對典型草場板結嚴重且橫走根莖錯節(jié)致使自繁促生能力下降等問題。根據(jù)研發(fā)要求,應用力學和機械運動學等理論,設計了牧草復壯促生破土切根機具。該機采用齒輪變速箱傳達改變動力,應用凸輪機構驅動直切刀對牧草進行垂直切根,減小了切根阻力和切縫寬度,通過簡單操作可實現(xiàn)對不同間距、不同深度牧草進行切根作業(yè),從而達到切斷亞表層下的橫走根莖、改良草地,擴繁促生的效果。經速度、加速度和受力分析證明,該機滿足了設計要求,切割速度快,破土能力強,對土壤表皮損傷小,是比較理想的牧草切根機械。
關鍵詞 牧草切根機 直切刀 凸輪 齒輪變速箱
Design of Rejuvenation and Acceleration Root-cutting
In order to counter the problem of reduced health promotion ability in typical grass with compacted roots, a root cutting machine was designed for pasture . The machine used came driven of direct cutter to cut root vertically, greatly reducing resistance and perturbations of soil surface while cutting the root,which reached easy work in varies of forage . The machine destroye- dsolid soil, improved grassland, and increased grass yield . Asproven by analyzing the velocity, acceleration and force of the machine was able
To meet the needs of designing . It is a more ideal agriculturalmachine for forage grass .
Keywords Forage grass Root cutting machine Direct cutter Design