畢業(yè)設計(論文)要求及原始數據(資料): 移動機器人的設計與研發(fā)涉及到多個領域,它的移動控制問題涉及到動力學、運動學等,它的定位導航問題需要結合信息論、概率論等學科方面的知識。設計一個可用穩(wěn)定的移動機器人路徑導航系統(tǒng)需要解決三個核心問題:定位、建圖和導航。由于移動機器人的研究起步較晚,很多標準都不統(tǒng)一,從而造成了很多重復的開發(fā)工作,隨著該領域的逐步發(fā)展,系統(tǒng)化、模塊化的開發(fā)標準將是必然的選擇。本次設計基于開源機器人操作系統(tǒng)?ROS?來設計一個模塊化、系統(tǒng)化、性能穩(wěn)定的移動機器人路徑導航系統(tǒng),在設計中需要對?ROS?的總體架構,以及導航系統(tǒng)總體設計方案進行詳細分析與探討。
畢業(yè)設計(論文)主要內容: 1、設計圖樣要求:
學生應交出的設計文件(論文): 設計成果要求:提交紙質資料(打印和部分手工繪制圖紙)和電子文檔資料。圖紙使用AutoCAD軟件繪制,文件為*.dwg格式。設計說明書資料為*.doc格式。
(1) 機器人總裝配圖(A0號)1張;
(2) 控制系統(tǒng)原理圖(A1號)1張;
(3) 傳感器零件圖(A3號)不少于2張;
主要參考文獻(資料): 1] 陳超,唐堅,靳祖光,等.一種基于可視圖法導盲機器人路徑規(guī)劃的研究[J].機械科學與技術,2014;
[2] 霍鳳財,遲金.移動機器人路徑規(guī)劃算法綜述[J].吉林大學學報,2018;
[3] 雷碧波,曾文彬,李晨曦.基于 ROS 二維地圖構建的方法[J].工業(yè)控制計算機,2017,09;
[4] 李明磊,趙杰,李戈.面向方形節(jié)點拓撲地圖下的移動機器人路徑規(guī)劃算法研究[J].機械與電子,2015;
[5] 彭勝軍,馬宏緒.移動機器人導航空間表示及SLAM 問題研究[J].計算機仿真 ,2006;
[6] 楊雪,夢姚敏,茹曹凱.移動機器人 SLAM 關鍵問題和解決方法綜述[J]計算機系統(tǒng)應用,2018;
[7] 張建偉,張立偉,胡穎,等.開源機器人操作系統(tǒng):ROS[M].北京:科學出版社,2012;
畢業(yè)設計(論文)題目:基于 ROS 的機器人路徑導航系統(tǒng)的設計畢業(yè)設計(論文)要求及原始數據(資料):
移動機器人的設計與研發(fā)涉及到多個領域,它的移動控制問題涉及到動力學、運動學等,它的定位導航問題需要結合信息論、概率論等學科方面的知識。設計一個可用穩(wěn)定的移動機器人路徑導航系統(tǒng)需要解決三個核心問題:定位、建圖和導航。由于移動機器人的研究起步較晚,很多標準都不統(tǒng)一,從而造成了很多重復的開發(fā)工作,隨著該領域的逐步發(fā)展,系統(tǒng)化、模塊化的開發(fā)標準將是必然的選擇。本次設計基于開源機器人操作系統(tǒng) ROS 來設計一個模塊化、系統(tǒng)化、性能穩(wěn)定的移動機器人路徑導航系統(tǒng),在設計中需要對 ROS 的總體架構,以及導航系統(tǒng)總體設計方案進行詳細分析與探討。
采用 ROS 機器人系統(tǒng);
SLAM 建圖,導航激光雷達檢測
全面了解設計任務書,掌握設計意圖,明確設計任務,根據設計基本內容,分析基于 ROS 情況下,機器人路徑導航系統(tǒng)的關鍵技術研究,包括即時定位與地圖生成。(SLAM)、詳細分析 ROS 平臺的架構以及移動機器人導航系統(tǒng)的關鍵技術, 最后分析設計整個系統(tǒng)的導航架構。制定基于 ROS 的仿真實驗、繪制機器人總裝配圖、控制系統(tǒng)圖。同時完成相應的計算說明過程。主要任務如下:
第 1 周
第 2 周
第 3 周
第 4-7 周
第 8 周
第 9-10 周
第 11 周
第 12 周
畢業(yè)設計說明書參考文獻 15 篇以上,原則上所涉及的參考文獻論文資料為近
5 年出版發(fā)表。
設計成果要求:提交紙質資料(打印和部分手工繪制圖紙)和電子文檔資料。圖紙使用 AutoCAD 軟件繪制,文件為*.dwg 格式。設計說明書資料為*.doc 格式。
2、畢業(yè)設計說明書 1 份,字數 2-2.5 萬字。按《山西能源學院本科畢業(yè)設計
(1) 機器人總裝配圖(A0 號)1 張; (2) 控制系統(tǒng)原理圖(A1 號)1 張;
(3) 傳感器零件圖(A3 號)不少于 2 張;
(1) 文獻綜述:字數不少于 3000 字;
(2) 外文翻譯:外文翻譯必須與畢業(yè)設計課題相關,字數不少于 5000 字,并標明文章出處。
在研究論文[1]中,作者使用Gmapping算法和ROS進行定位和導航。Gmapping算法使用激光雷達傳感器的激光掃描數據來生成地圖。該地圖由OpenCV人臉檢測和corobot技術持續(xù)監(jiān)控,以識別人并在工作環(huán)境中導航。研究論文[2]的作者解釋了2個基于ROS、建圖和定位的協(xié)作機器人。這些機器人是自主移動的,在未知的地區(qū)工作。對于這個項目,使用的算法也是SLAM。在這里,機器人的主要任務是撿起三塊積木,并以預定的方式排列它們。在ROS平臺的支持下,他們?yōu)榇酥圃炝藱C器人。在研究論文[3]中,作者創(chuàng)建了機械手的仿真實驗,并說明了在短時間內實現機器人控制的方法。使用ROS和Gazebo軟件包,他們建立了一個7自由度的取放機器人模型,并設法找到了一種花費更少時間的機器人控制器。一篇研究論文[5]通過仿真比較了3種SLAM算法核心SLAM、Gmapping和Hector SLAM。最佳算法用于在不同地形中測試無人地面小車(UGV),以執(zhí)行防御任務。通過模擬實驗,他們比較了不同算法的表現,并制作了一個執(zhí)行定位和建圖的機器人平臺。研究論文[6]的作者利用自動視覺和導航框架構建了一個導航平臺,利用ROS,將開源的GMapping捆綁包用于即時定位和地圖生成(SLAM)。使用Rviz的這個設置,turtlebot 2可以實現。用Kinect傳感器代替激光測距儀,降低了成本。該雜志[9]涉及基于智能手機中傳感器的室內導航。智能手機既是測量平臺,也是用戶界面。雜志[10]的作者實現了一個6自由度姿態(tài)估計方法和一個室內視覺障礙者尋路系統(tǒng)。地板平面從三維攝像機的點云中提取,并作為地標節(jié)點添加到6自由度SLAM的圖形中,以減少誤差。滾轉、俯仰、偏航、X、Y和Z是6個軸。用戶界面是通過聲音。期刊[11]解釋了為什么室內環(huán)境對自主四軸飛行器來說很困難。由于實驗是在室內進行的,他們不能使用全球定位系統(tǒng),他們使用激光測距儀、XSens IMU和激光鏡的組合來生成三維地圖,并在其中定位。四軸飛行器正在使用SLAM算法導航。在論文[12]中,作者描述了固定路徑算法和輪椅的特點,輪椅在模擬技術的幫助下使用該算法。論文[13]的作者解釋了Arduino制造的自動導航平臺,以及使用ani2c協(xié)議與數字羅盤和旋轉編碼器等組件接口來計算距離。在論文[14]中,作者利用Matlab中的模糊工具箱創(chuàng)建了一個自主移動機器人,并使用該機器人進行路徑規(guī)劃。對機器人執(zhí)行24條模糊規(guī)則。論文[15]的作者使用射頻識別超高頻無源標簽和閱讀器創(chuàng)建了室內空間的對象級建圖。他們說這種方法被用來以經濟有效的方式生成一個大的室內區(qū)域地圖。
ROS的故事始于2000年代中期,當時斯坦福大學正處于創(chuàng)建支持斯坦福 AI機器人和個人機器人項目的系統(tǒng)的階段。2007年,位于加州門洛帕克的公司Willow Garage通過提供大量資源參與了該系統(tǒng)的開發(fā),從而為機器人領域制造的靈活動態(tài)軟件系統(tǒng)的進一步開發(fā)做出了貢獻這也從無數涉及發(fā)展的研究中提供了更多的資源和專業(yè)知識。該系統(tǒng)是在BSD許可下開發(fā)的,并且漸漸地吸引了更多的專家去使用它。隨著時間的推移,它已經成為機器人研究界廣泛使用的平臺。2013年,ROS的核心開發(fā)和維護被轉移到開源機器人基金會,并一直運行到今天。目前,ROS由世界各地成千上萬的用戶使用,從愛好到大規(guī)模的工業(yè)自動化系統(tǒng)。
自主機器人應該能夠安全地探索周圍環(huán)境,而不會與人相撞或撞到物體。同步定位和映射(SLAM)使機器人能夠通過了解周圍環(huán)境的樣子(建圖)和它相對于周圍環(huán)境的位置(定位)來完成這項任務。SLAM可以使用不同類型的1D、2D和3D傳感器來實現,如聲學傳感器、激光測距傳感器、立體視覺傳感器和RGB-D傳感器。ROS可以用來實現不同的SLAM算法,比如Gmapping、Hector SLAM、KartoSLAM、Core SLAM、Lago SLAM。ROS中的Gmapping包提供了通過使用激光和里程計數據創(chuàng)建二維地圖的工具。SLAM算法通過在該區(qū)域執(zhí)行定位操作來創(chuàng)建未知環(huán)境的地圖。在未知區(qū)域被繪制成地圖并且機器人知道其相對于地圖的位置后便可以執(zhí)行路線規(guī)劃和導航。因此,SLAM算法是實現機器人自動導航的重要組成部分。激光器需要配備一個固定的水平安裝的激光測距儀。SLAM也是避免機器人行進中障礙物的重要功能。
KartoSLAM,Hector SLAM,Gmapping算法比其它都要好。從地圖精度的角度來看,這些算法具有非常相似的性能,但實際上在概念上是不同的。也就是說,赫克托SLAM是基于EKF的,Gmapping是基于RBPF占用網格建圖,KartoSLAM是基于圖形建圖。對于一個處理能力較低的機器人來說,Gmapping可以表現得很好。ROS中的建圖包提供基于激光的SLAM(即使定位和建圖),所以ROS節(jié)點稱為SLAM_Gmapping。
[1] International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 118 No. 7 2018, 199-205
ROS based Autonomous Indoor Navigation Simulation Using SLAM Algorithm
Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Chinta Ravi Teja, Sarath Sreekanth, Akhil Raj
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidaypeetham, Amritapuri, Kerala, India.
Abstract—In this paper, we are checking the flexibility of a SLAM based mobile robot to map and navigate in an indoor environment. It is based on the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework. The model robot is made using gazebo package and simulated in Rviz. The mapping process is done by using the GMapping algorithm, which is an open source algorithm. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the mapping, localization, and navigation of a mobile robotic model in an unknown environment. Keywords—Gazebo; ROS; Rviz; Gmapping; laser scan; Navigation; SLAM; Robot model; Packages.
In the modern world, the need for machines are increasing due to the probability of making mistakes by the robot is less. The research and application of robotics are from healthcare to artificial intelligence. A robot can’t understand the surroundings unless they are given some sensing power. We can use different sensors like LIDAR, RGB-D camera, IMU (inertial measurement units) and sonar to give the sensing power. By using sensors and mapping algorithms a robot can create a map of the surroundings and locate itself inside the map. The robot will be continuously checking the environment for the dynamic changes happening there. Our aim was to build an autonomous navigation platform for indoor application. In this paper, we are checking the efficiency of a SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) based robot model implemented in ROS (Robot Operating System) by measuring the travel time taken by the robot model to reach the destination. The test is done in a virtual environment created by Rviz. By placing different dynamic obstacles for different destinations in the map, the travel time is measured.
Working with the robots need a lot of sensors and every process needs to be handled in real time. To use the sensors and actuators which needs to be updated every 10-50 milliseconds we need a type of operating system that gives this kind of privilege. Robot Operating System (ROS) provides us with the architecture to achieve this. ROS is open source and there are a lot of codes available from good research institutes which one can readily use and implement in their own projects. Further robot’s engineers earlier lacked a common platform for collaboration and communication which delayed the adoption of robotic butlers and other related developments. The robotic innovation has quickly paced up since last decade with the advent of ROS wherein the engineers can build robotic apps and programs. Robot navigation is a very wide topic which most of the researchers are concentrating in the field of robotics. For a mobile robot system to be autonomous, it has to analyze data from different sensors and perform decision making in order to navigate in an unknown environment. ROS helps us in solving different problems related to the navigation of the mobile robot and also the techniques are not restricted to a particular robot but are reusable in different development projects in the field of robotics.
In the research paper [1], the Authors use ROS with a gmapping algorithm to localize and navigate. Gmapping algorithm uses laser scan data from the LIDAR sensor to make the map. The map is continuously monitored by OpenCV face detection and corobot to identify human and navigate through the working environment. The authors of research paper [2] explain about 2 cooperative robots which work based on ROS, mapping, and localization. These robots are self-driving and working in unknown areas. For this project also the algorithm used is SLAM. Here the main tasks of the robots are to pick up three block pieces and to arrange them in a predetermined manner. With the help of the ROS, they made robots for this purpose. In the research paper [3], the Authors created a simulation of the manipulator and illustrated the methods to implement robot control in a short time. Using ROS and gazebo package, they build a model of pick and place robot with 7 DOF. They managed to find a robot control which takes less time. A research paper [5] compares 3 SLAM algorithms core SLAM, Gmapping, and Hector SLAM using simulation. The best algorithm is used to test unmanned ground vehicles(UGV) in different terrains for defense missions. Using simulation experiments they compared the performance of different algorithms and made a robotic platform which performs localization and mapping. The authors of the research paper [6], made a navigation platform with the use of automated vision and navigation framework, With the use of ROS, the open source GMapping bundle was used for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). Using this setup with rviz, the turtlebot 2 is implemented. Using a Kinect sensor in place of laser range finder, the cost is reduced. The journal [9], deals with indoor navigation based on sensors that are found in smart phones. The smartphone is used as both a measurement platform and user interface. The Author of the journal [10] implemented a 6-degree of freedom (DOF) pose estimation (PE) method and an indoor wayfinding system for the visually impaired. The floor plane is extracted from the 3-D camera’s point cloud and added as a landmark node into the graph for 6-DOF SLAM to reduce errors. roll, pitch, yaw, X, Y, and Z are the 6 axes. The user interface is through sound. Journal [11] explains why the indoor environment is difficult for an autonomous quadcopter. Since the experiment is done indoor they couldn’t use GPS, they used a combination of a laser range finder, XSens IMU, and laser mirror to make 3-D map and locate itself inside it. The quadcopter is navigating using SLAM algorithm.In paper [12] the authors describe fixed path algorithm and characteristics of the wheelchair which uses this with the help of simulation techniques. The authors of paper [13] explain about an auto navigation platform made in Arduino and the use of ani2c protocol to interface components like adigital compass and a rotation encoder to calculate the distance. In the paper [14], using Fuzzy toolbox in Matlab the authors created an autonomous mobile robot and uses the robot for path planning. 24 fuzzy rules on the robot are carried out. The authors of the paper [15], creates an object level mapping of an indoor space using RFID ultra-high frequency passive tags and readers. they say the method is used to map a large indoor area in a cost-effective manner.
A. ROS Robotic Operating System (ROS) is a free and open-source and one of the most popular middlewares for robotics programming. ROS comes with message passing interface, tools, package management, hardware abstraction etc. It provides different libraries, packages and several integration tools for the robot applications. ROS is a message passing interface that provides inter-process communication so it is commonly referred as middleware. There are numerous facilities that are provided by ROS which helps researchers to develop robot applications. In this research work, ROS is considered as the main base because it publishes messages in the form of topics in between different nodes and has a distributed parameter system. ROS also provides Interplatform operability, Modularity, Concurrent resource handling. ROS simplifies the whole process of a system by ensuring that the threads aren't actually trying to read and write to shared resources, but are rather just publishing and subscribing to messages. ROS also helps us to create a virtual environment, generate robot model, implement the algorithms and visualize it in the virtual world rather than implementing the whole system in the hardware itself. Therefore, the system can be improved accordingly which provides us a better result when it is finally implemented it in the hardware.
B. Gazebo The gazebo is a robot simulator. Gazebo enables a user to create complex environments and gives the opportunity to simulate the robot in the environment created. In Gazebo the user can make the model of the robot and incorporate sensors in a three-dimensional space. In the case of the environment, the user can create a platform and assign obstacles to that. For the model of the robot, the user can use the URDF file and can give links to the robot. By giving the link we can give the degree of movement for each part of the robot. The robot model which is created for this research is a differential drive robot with two wheels, Laser, and a camera on it as shown in Fig. 1. A sample environment is created in the Gazebo for the robot to move and map accordingly. The sample map is shown in Fig. 2. In this environment, several objects were placed randomly where the map is created along with it the objects as these objects were considered as static obstacles.
C. SLAM Autonomous robots should be capable of safely exploring their surroundings without colliding with people or slamming into objects. Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) enable the robot to achieve this task by knowing how the surroundings look like (mapping) and where it stays with respect to the surrounding (localization). SLAM can be implemented using different types of 1D, 2D and 3D sensors like acoustic sensor, laser range sensor, stereo vision sensor and RGB-D sensor. ROS can be used to implement different SLAM algorithms such as Gmapping, Hector SLAM, KartoSLAM, Core SLAM, Lago SLAM. KartoSLAM, Hector SLAM, and Gmapping are better in the group compared to others. These algorithms have a quite similar performance from map accuracy point of view but are actually conceptually different. That’s, Hector SLAM is EKF based, Gmapping is based on RBPF occupancy grid mapping and KartoSLAM in based on thegraph-based mapping. Gmapping can perform well for a less processing power robot. The mapping package in ROS provides laser-based SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), as the ROS node called slam_gmapping.
D. Rviz Rviz is a simulator in which we can visualize the sensor data in the 3D environment, for example, if we fix a Kinect in the robot model in the gazebo, the laser scan value can be visualized in Rviz. From the laser scan data, we can build a map and it can be used for auto navigation. In Rviz we can access and graphically represent the values using camera image, laser scan etc. This information can be used to build the point cloud and depth image. In rviz coordinates are known as frames. We can select many displays to be viewed in Rviz they are data from different sensors. By clicking on the add button we can give any data to be displayed in Rviz. Grid display will give the ground or the reference. Laser scan display will give the display from the laser scanners. Laser scan displays will be of the type sensor msgs/Laser scans. Point cloud display will display the position that is given by the program. Axes display will give the reference point.
The environment for the robot model to perform the navigation is created in the gazebo and the robot model which was created is imported into the environment. The robot model consists of two wheels, two caster wheels for the ease of movement and a camera is attached to the robot model. Later the Hokuyo Laser is added to the robot and plugins were incorporated into the gazebo files. Hokuyo laser provides laser data which can be used for creating the map. Using the Gmapping packages a map is created in the Rviz by adding the different parameters that are necessary. The Fig. 3, shows the initial generation of the map when launched. Initially, the robot model is moved to every corner of the environment until a full map is created using the “teleop_key” package where the robot is controlled using the keyboard. As shown in the Fig. 4, the final generated map in the Rviz which is very much similar to the created environment in the gazebo. For visualization in Rviz, necessary topics were selected and added. The Hokuyo laser sensor which is used in this robot model publishes the laser data in the form of the topic “/scan” which is selected as a topic of laser scan in rviz. In a similar way for creating the map, “/map” topic is added. The generated map is saved using the map_server package that is available in the ROS. Once the map is generated and saved the robot is now ready for the incorporation of navigation stack packages
It is very important to note that a robot cannot be navigated without feeding the map to it. Navigation stack packages by using amcl were used which provides a probabilistic localization system for a robot to move in a 2D. Now, the robot is ready to navigate anywhere in the created map. The destination for the robot can be given using the 2D nav goal option in the Rviz which basically acknowledges the robot with a Goal. The user has to click on the desired area in the map and should also point out the orientation of the robot that it has to be in. The blue line is the actual path that the robot has to follow to reach the destination. The robot may not follow the exact path that is given to it due to some of the parameters but it always tries to follow it by rerouting itself constantly. The node graph that is shown in the Fig. 5, indicates the different topics that are being published and subscribed to the different nodes. The /move_base node is subscribed to several topics like odometry, velocity commands, map, goal, these topics gives the necessary data for the base of the robot to navigate in the environment.
In order to evaluate the performance of ROS and slam based Gmapping and navigation, specific environments were created. In each environment, different parameters like how well the SLAM generated maps represent reality, the time it took for the robot to reach the given destination. Also, the dynamic obstacles were placed in the robot's navigation path to