五年級上冊英語教案Unit 12 The Spring Festival湘少版

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1、Unit 12The Spring Festival第一課時課時目標1.詞匯:能聽懂、會說、認讀有關春節(jié)的詞匯the Spring Festival,eve of the Spring Festival,a family reunion dinner,get red packets,light firecrackers,watch lion dances,enjoy,have great fun;聽得懂、會說單詞relative。2.句型:能用句型“We/They/”表達春節(jié)的一些風俗;能聽懂句型“What do you/people do during the Spring Festival




5、:提出問題分析問題解決問題,但真正動起筆來就犯難了。知道“是這樣”,就是講不出“為什么”。根本原因還是無“米”下“鍋”。于是便翻開作文集錦之類的書大段抄起來,抄人家的名言警句,抄人家的事例,不參考作文書就很難寫出像樣的文章。所以,詞匯貧乏、內容空洞、千篇一律便成了中學生作文的通病。要解決這個問題,不能單在布局謀篇等寫作技方面下功夫,必須認識到“死記硬背”的重要性,讓學生積累足夠的“米”。教學內容Step 1熱身/復習(Warmup/Revision)1.Greetings2.Sing a song:Happy New Year3.Free talkStep 2新課呈現(xiàn)(Presentation

6、)1.Watch a short flash(課件播放一段有關春節(jié)的短片。)(說明:喚起學生已有的過節(jié)的經驗,為后面的教學做鋪墊。)T:What holiday is it?Ss:春節(jié).T:Yes,its the Spring Festival.Teach “Spring Festival”festivalfestival,分音節(jié)教授。2.Say something about the Spring FestivalT:The Spring Festival is an important festival in China.Do you like the Spring Festival?Ss

7、:Yes.T:But why?Can you tell me something about the Spring Festival?When is the Spring Festival?S1:Its on the 1st day of the first lunar month.Its in January or February.T:Can you say something about the Spring Festival?Ss:We go shopping/eat dumplings/clean the house/wear new clothes/cook delicious f

8、ood/have a big meal/visit relatives and friends/借助圖片讓學生說出與春節(jié)有關的各種活動和事物。3.New words通過課件或圖片,教學生認讀新單詞或短語。eve of the Spring Festival,a family reunion dinner,light firecrackers,get red packets,watch lion dances,have great fun。4.The dialogue(1)引入課文學習,快速閱讀A部分,了解文章大意。T:Different people have different ways t

9、o celebrate the Spring Festival.Now please read Part A and answer the questions:Whats Mrs Zhang doing?Who enjoys the Spring Festival most?學生帶著問題快速瀏覽課文,初步整體感知課文。(2)教授單詞relative,enjoy。通過上面的問題引出新單詞relative,enjoy。Teach:relativerelativeT:The word “relatives” means your parents,uncle,aunt,cousin,grandpare

10、nts and so on.It means?Ss:(引導學生說出答案)It means親戚!Teach:enjoyT:Who enjoys the Spring Festival most?Ss:Children enjoy the Spring Festival most.(3)再次分組閱讀課文,討論合作完成下列任務。Discuss how Mrs Zhangs family celebrates the Spring Festival.閱讀前給出學法指導,找出文章中的關鍵動詞。T:Now please read Part A and underline the key verbs.Ste

11、p 2新課呈現(xiàn)(Presentation)(續(xù))請先完成的幾個同學將關鍵動詞板書在黑板上。然后與全班同學一起檢查核對板書內容,并進行詞組學習。Peoplego homeMrs Zhangis cookingAll of Mrs Zhangs relativesmeethave a big and delicious mealChildrenenjoy the Spring Festival mostwear new clothesget red packetslight firecrackerswatch lion danceshave great fun(4)細讀課文,完成下列問題。What

12、 do they do before the Spring Festival?What do they do on the eve of the Spring Festival?What do children do during the Spring Festival?判斷:People go home to join their families.They have a family reunion dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival.The children get red packets from their teachers.(5)Ret

13、ell Part A according to the chart.根據(jù)上述結構圖,嘗試復述A部分內容。Step 3鞏固拓展(Consolidation)兩人一組互相介紹春節(jié)。T:Work in pairs.Please introduce the Spring Festival to your partner.T:S1 and S2,tell the class what you know about the Spring Festival.S1:We have a family reunion dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival.S2:We w

14、ear new clothes.T:Very good.S3 and S4,try yours.第二課時課時目標1.詞匯:鞏固B部分的詞匯;能聽懂、會說新單詞Lunar New Year,wish,happiness。2.句型:能運用“What do you do during the Spring Festival?”“Do you?”“What do people do during the Spring Festival?”“We/They/People”談論春節(jié)的習俗。3.語篇:能理解課文D部分短文,完成相關練習。4.了解并尊重不同文化習俗;5.能理解課文D部分短文,完成相關練習。6.

15、能綜合運用所學語言知識介紹自己家鄉(xiāng)的新年風俗。重點難點1.重點:在D部分教學中復習和鞏固已學的詞匯和句型,擴充詞匯量。2.難點:使用與春節(jié)有關的詞匯來談論春節(jié)的活動。教學準備單詞卡片、教學磁帶、教學掛圖等(有條件的學校可利用幻燈片、多媒體課件)。教學步驟教學內容Step 1熱身/復習(Warmup/Revision)1.Greetings2.Free talk3.Review the short phrases of Part BLabel the pictures with the phrases.(1)Read the phrases.(2)Ask the Ss to label the

16、pictures with the phrases.(3)Make some sentences with the phrases.Step 2趣味練習(Practice)1.New phrase:the Lunar New YearT:The Spring Festival is Chinese New Year.We also call it the Lunar New Year.2.Review Part AT:People do many activities to celebrate the Spring Festival.Can you find out how Mrs Zhang

17、s family celebrates the Spring Festival?3.Brain stormLet the Ss imagine what the people do during the Spring Festival.Talk about the Spring Festival.(設計說明:通過討論今天的主題The Spring Festival,并從整體到小組再到個體進行操練,讓學生基本掌握今天的內容。)4.Talk about customs you have in your hometown.借助多媒體欣賞不同地域的不同春節(jié)習俗,然后讓來自不同地方的學生分享各自不同的春

18、節(jié)風俗。T:What do you do during the Spring Festival?Do you?S:WeT:What do people do during the Spring Festival?S:They春節(jié)習俗英語表達貼春聯(lián)paste Spring Couplets看春晚watch the Spring Festival Gala貼年畫paste New Year paintings 買年貨do shopping for the Spring Festival敬酒propose a toast 放鞭炮light firecrackers給紅包give red packet

19、s 收紅包get red packets看舞獅watch lion dances 看舞龍watch dragon dances看戲watch operas 掃塵sweep the dust吃餃子have dumplings 吃團圓飯have a family reunion dinner拜年pay a New Year call 穿新衣wear new clothes看煙花enjoy the fireworks 點燈籠light up the lanterns貼窗花和“福”字paste papercuts and “Upsided Fu”給學生提供圖片或春節(jié)常用語進行對話。Step 3閱讀拓展

20、(Lets read)1.聽讀激趣,整體感知語篇聽D部分錄音。教師充分利用多媒體調動學生的閱讀興趣,并在播放錄音前提出問題,引導學生根據(jù)問題抓住短文的主旨。T:What do people do during the Spring Festival?Please listen to the passage and put a tick to the activities that have been mentioned in the passage.Step 3閱讀拓展(Lets read)(續(xù))buy many flowerssweep the floorlight firecrackers

21、eat mooncakeswear new clothescook delicious foodgive red packets2.合作閱讀,共同解決問題。(1)采用小組合作的方式閱讀D部分短文,在語篇中尋找關鍵動詞,并完成D部分的填空練習。T:Please open your book and read Part D with your partners.Then find out the key verbs and fill in the blanks.What do people do during the Spring Festival?They buy many_flowers.Th

22、ey cook delicious_food.They light firecrackers.They wish each_other_happiness_and_good_luck.They give red_packets_to_the_children.(2)再次閱讀課文,完成D部分的判斷題。(3)采用各種方式朗讀課文。3.讀后活動,提升鞏固成果(1)讓學生根據(jù)上面的圖表復述短文。(2)說說春節(jié)你最喜歡的活動是什么??梢砸孕〗M的形式進行,先在組內說,然后教師抽查。T:Whats your favorite activity during the Spring Festival?第三課時課

23、時目標1.語音:了解字母組合oy,ay,ear在單詞中的發(fā)音。2.詞匯:鞏固并能初步運用B、C部分的詞匯;能聽懂、會說新單詞joy;能根據(jù)文字的提示填寫相關詞匯,將E部分短文補充完整。3.句型:熟練地運用“Do you usually?”“What do you do during the Spring Festival?”“What do people do during the Spring Festival?”“We/They/People”談論人們的節(jié)日活動。4.能綜合運用本單元詞匯和句型談論春節(jié)習俗。5.能根據(jù)文字的提示口頭完成小作文My Spring Festival,并填寫相關詞

24、匯,將E部分短文補充完整。重點難點1.重點:能熟練地運用本單元所學詞匯和句型談論春節(jié)習俗;能根據(jù)圖片及文字的提示口頭完成小作文,并填寫相關詞匯。2.難點:能靈活運用所學詞匯和句型談論節(jié)日。教學準備單詞卡片、教學磁帶、教學掛圖等(有條件的學??衫没脽羝⒍嗝襟w課件)。教學步驟教學內容Step 1熱身/復習(Warmup/Revision)1.Greetings2.Free talkStep 2新課呈現(xiàn)(Presentation)1.Talk about the Spring Festival.(1)T:The Spring Festival is coming.There are many a

25、ctivities during the Spring Festival.Can you say some activities about it?(說明:詞匯是構成篇章的基石,啟發(fā)學生構思和尋找與主題相關的信息。)S:Cook delicious food./Wear new clothes.(2)T:Now discuss with your classmates in groups.Write down these phrases about the activities.學生分組討論春節(jié)的活動,把活動寫下來。(說明:通過小組活動充分調動學生的興趣,讓他們盡可能多說、多練、多思考。)(3

26、)T:Now,the leader of each group reads your words list to the class.S:Sing and dance,wear new clothes,light firecrackers,play games學生向老師匯報春節(jié)活動,老師將活動板書在黑板上。(說明:此環(huán)節(jié)教師引導學生學會對信息進行處理、分析、綜合,從他人那里得到更多有用的信息,擴展了英語詞匯。)2.Make a modelT:You can ask me some questions about my Spring Festival.S1:Do you usually wear

27、 new clothes during the Spring Festival.T:Yes,we usually wear new clothes during the Spring Festival.S2:Do you學生根據(jù)動詞短語提問,教師回答,并在黑板上寫出作文模板。DURING THE SPRING FESTIVALsing and dancehave a party with your friendshave a big dinnervisit our friends or relativesplay games at homeenjoy ourselves3.學生根據(jù)提示,將E部

28、分短文補充完整,并朗讀短文。Step 3歌謠演練(Lets chant)1.聽F部分的歌謠,感受語音和韻律。2.歸納字母組合oy,ay,ear在單詞中的發(fā)音。oyboy,toy,joy,enjoyayday,say,wayearear,hear,near(說明:利用已學單詞boy,toy歸納oy的發(fā)音,然后學習新單詞joy,enjoy的發(fā)音。)3.說歌謠。教師先做示范,再分組練習。4.全班一起舉行一個小型的新年晚會。教師先放歌曲Happy New Year,讓學生感受節(jié)日的氣氛。然后學生們一起誦讀歌謠。Step 4鞏固拓展(Consolidation)1.創(chuàng)設情境,自由會話。過年。讓學生們自由

29、組合,組成“家”,各“家”討論如何歡度即將到來的春節(jié)。然后挑選其中一家,將他們過年的情形表演出來。2.寫信告訴你的外國朋友中國人怎樣過春節(jié)。T:Now please write a letter to tell your foreign friend how Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival.Dear _,Im very glad to hear from you.The Spring Festival is coming.The Spring Festival is a big festival in China.We have gre

30、at fun during the Spring Festival.We usually_We enjoy ourselves during the Spring Festival.Do you like our Spring Festival?Best wishes to you.Yours,_教師提供一個英文書信作文模板,讓學生根據(jù)模板完成作文。Assessment 課時目標1.詞匯:能夠聽、說、讀、寫第1012單元所學單詞。2.句型:能夠在已經熟悉的情境中理解并說出第1012單元所學句型。3.能夠在實際交際場景中比較熟練地運用所學句型進行自然交流,如公共場所的標志、自己或他人的不同感受、

31、春節(jié)的文化習俗等話題。重點難點能聽、說、讀、寫第1012單元所學單詞和句型,并能比較熟練地在情境中進行自然交流;學會自我總結和檢測。教學準備公共場所的各種標志、人物表情、春節(jié)習俗的圖片,單詞卡片,教學磁帶等(有條件的學校可以利用幻燈片、多媒體課件)。教學步驟教學內容Step 1熱身(Warmup)1.師生問候。2.歌曲熱身:The Happy SongStep 2復習主題活動I(個人感受)1.Game:快速反應教師說出表示各種情緒的單詞,學生快速變臉,做出各種表情;或者教師做出各種表情,學生快速說出單詞。2.教師出示詞卡,學生快速說出單詞:happy,proud,excited,sorry,a

32、ngry,sad,shy。3.句子接龍練習:教師出示詞卡,學生依次用句型“I feel/Im”造句。Step 3復習主題活動II(公共場所的標志)1.A部分練習:Listen and number學生完成A部分聽力練習,然后教師講評和核對答案。錄音材料:(1)What does the sign mean?It means “Do not eat and drink here”.(2)What does the sign mean?It means “Do not smoke here”.(3)What does the sign mean?It means “Do not pick flow

33、ers”.(4)What does the sign mean?It means “Do not use a mobile phone”.(5)What does the sign mean?It means “No pets”.(6)What does the sign mean?It means “Do not fish here”.2.教師出示句卡,學生快速說出句子:Do not use a mobile phone.Do not talk.Do not fish.Do not pick flowers.Do not smoke.Do not spit.Step 4趣味練習(Practi

34、ce)1.B部分練習:Listen and circle學生完成B部分聽力練習,然后教師通過問和答的形式講評和核對答案。錄音材料:(1)Jim has a birthday party with his friends.How does he feel?He feels happy.(2)Anne is standing before the class.How does she feel?She feels shy.(3)Do you have a family reunion dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival?Yes,we do.2.C部分練

35、習:Read and choose學生完成C部分練習,然后教師檢查、講評。答案:16 F C A E B D3.D部分練習:Read,choose and write(1)自由問答:What do you do during the Spring Festival?What special food do you have on the Spring Festival?Do you like the Spring Festival?Why?(2)學生完成D部分練習,教師講評和核對答案。答案:shopping,dinner,food,welcomeStep 5自主評價(SelfAssessment)1.E部分:我能做。如果你能完成就畫,如果你不能完成就畫。(1)學生兩人一組談論各種公共場所的標志。(2)學生兩人一組談論關于春節(jié)的文化習俗。2.F部分:我愛做。如果你喜歡就畫,如果你不喜歡就畫。(1)學生四人一組表演并描述自己或他人的感受。(2)唱已學歌曲:The Happy Song。

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