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1、白朗寧夫人 十四行詩 四十四首中英雙譯我想起,當(dāng)年希臘的詩人曾經(jīng)歌詠:I thought once how Theocritus had sung年復(fù)一年,那良辰在殷切的盼望中Of the sweet years, the dear and wished-for years,翩然降臨,各自帶一份禮物Who each one in a gracious hand appears分送給世人年老或是年少。To bear a gift for mortals, old or young:當(dāng)我這么想,感嘆著詩人的古調(diào),And, as I mused it in his antique tongue,穿過

2、我淚眼所逐漸展開的幻覺,I saw, in gradual vision through my tears,我看見,那歡樂的歲月、哀傷的歲月The sweet, sad years, the melancholy years,我自己的年華,把一片片黑影接連著Those of my own life, who by turns had flung掠過我的身。緊接著,我就覺察A shadow across me. Straightway I was ware,(我哭了)我背后正有個(gè)神秘的黑影So weeping, how a mystic Shape did move在移動(dòng),而且一把揪住了我的發(fā),

3、Behind me, and drew me backward by the hair;往后拉,還有一聲吆喝(我只是在掙扎):And a voice said in mastery, while I strove, -“這回是誰逮住了你?猜!”“死,”我答話。Guess now who holds thee? - Death. I said. But, there聽哪,那銀鈴似的回音:“不是死,是愛!”The silver answer rang, - Not Death, but love.*02.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第二首可是在上帝的全宇宙里,總共才只But only three

4、 in all Gods universe三個(gè)人聽見了你那句話:除了Have heard this word thou hast said, - Himself, beside講話的你、聽話的我,就是他Thee speaking, and me listening! and replied上帝自己!我們中間還有一個(gè)One of us . _that_ was God, . and laid the curse出來答話;那昏黑的詛咒落上So darkly on my eyelids, as to amerce我的眼皮,擋了你,不讓我看見,My sight from seeing thee, -

5、that if I had died,就算我瞑了目,放上沉沉的“壓眼錢”,The death-weights, placed there, would have signified也不至于那么徹底隔絕。唉,Less absolute exclusion. Nay is worse比誰都厲害,上帝的那一聲“不行!”From God than from all others, O my friend!要不然,世俗的誹謗離間不了我們,Men could not part us with their worldly jars,任風(fēng)波飛揚(yáng),也不能動(dòng)搖那堅(jiān)貞;Nor the seas change us,

6、 nor the tempests bend;我們的手要伸過山嶺,互相接觸;Our hands would touch for all the mountain-bars有那么一天,天空滾到我倆中間,And, heaven being rolled between us at the end,我倆向星辰起誓,還要更加握緊。We should but vow the faster for the stars.*03.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第三首我們原不一樣,尊貴的人兒呀,Unlike are we, unlike, O princely Heart!原不一樣是我們的職司和前程。Unlik

7、e our uses and our destinies.你我頭上的天使,迎面飛來,Our ministering two angels look surprise翅膀碰上了翅膀,彼此瞪著On one another, as they strike athwart驚愕的眼睛。你想,你是華宮里Their wings in passing. Thou, bethink thee, art后妃的上賓,千百雙殷勤的明眸A guest for queens to social pageantries,(哪怕掛滿了淚珠,也不能教我的眼With gages from a hundred brighter e

8、yes有這份光彩)請求你擔(dān)任領(lǐng)唱。Than tears even can make mine, to play thy part那你干什么從那燈光輝映的紗窗里Of chief musician. What hast _thou_ to do望向我?我,一個(gè)凄涼、流浪的With looking from the lattice-lights at me,歌手,疲乏地靠著柏樹,吟嘆在A poor, tired, wandering singer, . singing through茫茫的黑暗里。圣油搽在你頭上The dark, and leaning up a cypress tree?可憐我,頭

9、上承受著涼透的夜露。The chrism is on thine head, - on mine, the dew, -只有死,才能把這樣的一對扯個(gè)平。And Death must dig the level where these agree.*04.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第四首Thou hast thy calling to some palace-floor,你曾經(jīng)受到邀請,進(jìn)入了宮廷,Most gracious singer of the high poems! where溫雅的歌手!你唱著崇高的詩篇;The dancers will break footing, from t

10、he care貴客們停下舞步,為了好瞻仰你,Of watching up thy pregnant lips for more.期待那豐滿的朱唇再吐出清音;And dost thou lift this houses latch too poor而你卻抽起我的門閂,你果真For hand of thine? and canst thou think and bear不嫌它褻瀆了你的手?沒誰看見,To let thy music drop here unaware你甘讓你那音樂飄落在我門前,In folds of golden fulness at my door?疊作層層金聲的富麗?你忍不忍?

11、Look up and see the casement broken in,你往上瞧,看這窗戶都被闖破The bats and owlets builders in the roof!是蝙蝠和夜鶯的窠巢盤踞在頂梁,My cricket chirps against thy mandolin.是啾啾的蟋蟀在跟你的琵琶應(yīng)和!Hush, call no echo up in further proof住聲,別再激起回聲來加深荒涼!Of desolation! theres a voice within那里邊有一個(gè)哀音,它必須深躲,That weeps . as thou must sing . a

12、lone, aloof.在暗里哭泣正象你應(yīng)該當(dāng)眾歌唱。*05.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第五首我肅穆地端起了我沉重的心,I lift my heavy heart up solemnly,象當(dāng)年希臘女兒捧著那壇尸灰;As once Electra her sepulchral urn,眼望著你,我把灰撒在你腳下。And, looking in thine eyes, I overturn請看呀,有多大一堆悲哀埋藏在The ashes at thy feet. Behold and see我這心坎里;而在那灰暗的深處,What a great heap of grief lay hid 1

13、in me,那慘紅的灰燼又怎樣在隱約燃燒。And how the red wild sparkles dimly burn要是那點(diǎn)點(diǎn)火星給你鄙夷地Through the ashen greyness. If thy foot in scorn一腳踏滅、還它們一片黑暗,Could tread them out to darkness utterly,這樣也好??墒?,你偏不,It might be well perhaps. But if instead你要守在我身旁,等風(fēng)來把塵土Thou wait beside me for the wind to blow揚(yáng)起,把死灰吹活;愛呀,那戴在The

14、grey dust up, . those laurels on thine head,你頭上的桂冠可不能給你做屏障,O my Beloved, will not shield thee so,保護(hù)你不讓這一片火焰燒壞了That none of all the fires shall scorch and shred那底下的發(fā)絲??煺具h(yuǎn)些呀,快走!The hair beneath. Stand further off then! go.1 hid = hidden*06.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第六首Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand舍下我

15、,走吧??墒俏矣X得,從此Henceforward in thy shadow. Nevermore我就一直徘徊在你的身影里。Alone upon the threshold of my door在那孤獨(dú)的生命的邊緣,從今再不能Of individual life, I shall command掌握自己的心靈,或是坦然地The uses of my soul, nor lift my hand把這手伸向日光,象從前那樣,Serenely in the sunshine as before,而能約束自己不感到你的指尖Without the sense of that which I forbor

16、e -碰上我的掌心。劫運(yùn)教天懸地殊Thy touch upon the palm. The widest land隔離了我們,卻留下了你那顆心,Doom takes to part us, leaves thy heart in mine在我的心房里搏動(dòng)著雙重聲響。With pulses that beat double. What I do正象是酒,總嘗得出原來的葡萄,And what I dream include thee, as the wine我的起居和夢寐里,都有你的份。Must taste of its own grapes. And when I sue當(dāng)我向上帝祈禱,為著我自

17、個(gè)兒God for myself, He hears the name of thine,他卻聽到了一個(gè)名字、那是你的;And sees within my eyes the tears of two.又在我眼里,看見有兩個(gè)人的眼淚。*07.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第七首The face of all the world is changed, I think,全世界的面目,我想,忽然改變了,Since first I heard of the footsteps of thy soul自從我第一次在心靈上聽到你的步子Move still, oh, still, beside me, a

18、s they stole輕輕、輕輕,來到我身旁穿過我和betwixt me and the dreadful outer brink死亡的邊緣:那幽微的間隙。站在Of obvious death, where I, who thought to sink,那里的我,只道這一回該倒下了,Was caught up into love, and taught the whole卻不料被愛救起,還教給一曲Of life in a new rhythm. The cup of dole生命的新歌。上帝賜我洗禮的God gave for baptism, I am fain to drink,那一杯苦酒

19、,我甘愿飲下,贊美它And praise its sweetness, Sweet, with thee anear.甜蜜甜蜜的,如果有你在我身旁。The names of a country, heaven, are changed away天國和人間,將因?yàn)槟愕拇嬖贔or where thou art or shalt be, there or here;而更改模樣;而這曲歌,這支笛,And this . this lute and song . loved yesterday昨日里給愛著,還讓人感到親切,( The singing angels know ) are only dear那

20、歌唱的天使知道,就因?yàn)锽ecause thy name moves right in what they say.一聲聲都有你的名字在蕩漾。*08.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第八首你那樣慷慨豪爽的施主呀,你把What can I give thee back, O liberal你心坎里金碧輝煌的寶藏、And Princely giver, who hast brought the gold原封地掏出來,只往我墻外推,And purple of thine heart, unstained, untold,任憑象我這樣的人去揀起,還是And laid them on the outside

21、 of the wall把這罕見的舍施丟下;教我拿什么For such as I to take or leave withal, 1來作為你應(yīng)得的報(bào)答?請不要In unexpected largesse? am I cold,說我太冷漠、太寡恩,你那許多Ungrateful, that for these most manifold重重疊疊的深情厚意,我卻High gifts, I render nothing back at all?沒有一些兒回敬;不,并不是Not so; not cold, - but very poor instead.冷漠無情,實(shí)在我太寒傖。你問Ask God wh

22、o knows. For frequent tears have run上帝就明白。那連綿的淚雨沖盡了The colours from my life, and left so dead我生命的光彩,只剩一片死沉沉的And pale a stuff, it were not fitly done蒼白,不配給你當(dāng)偎依的枕頭。To give the same as pillow to thy head.走吧!盡把它踏在腳下,作墊石。Go further! let it serve to trample on.1 withal, Original meaning is likewise, or at

23、 the same time. Here it means equally, with free choice.*09.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第九首我能不能有什么、就拿什么給你?Can it be right to give what I can give?該不該讓你緊挨著我,承受To let thee sit beneath the fall of tears我簌簌的苦淚;聽著那傷逝的青春,As salt as mine, and hear the sighing years在我的唇邊重復(fù)著嘆息,偶而Re-sighing on my lips renunciative浮起一絲微笑,哪

24、怕你連勸帶哄,Through those infrequent smiles which fail to live也隨即在嘆息里寂滅?啊,我但怕For all thy adjurations? O my fears,這并不應(yīng)該!我倆是不相稱的That this can scarce be right! We are not peers一對,哪能匹配作情侶?我承認(rèn),So to be lovers; and I own, and grieve,我也傷心,象我這樣的施主That givers of such gifts as mine are, must只算得鄙吝。唉,可是我怎能夠讓Be count

25、ed with the ungenerous. Out, alas!我滿身的塵土玷污了你的紫袍,I will not soil thy purple with my dust,叫我的毒氣噴向你那威尼斯晶杯!Nor breathe my poison on thy Venice-glass,我什么愛也不給,因?yàn)槭裁炊疾辉摻o。Nor give thee any love - which were unjust.愛呀,讓我只愛著你,就算數(shù)了吧!Beloved, I only love thee! let it pass.*10.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第十首EBB _Sonnets from

26、the Portuguese_ No. X不過只要是愛,是愛,可就是美,Yet, love, mere love, is beautiful indeed就值得你接受。你知道,愛就是火,And worthy of acceptation. Fire is bright,火總是光明的,不問著火的是廟堂Let temple burn, or flax. And equal light或者柴堆那棟梁還是荊榛在燒,Leaps in the flame from cedar-plank or weed.火焰里總跳得出同樣的光輝。當(dāng)我And love is fire. And when I say at

27、need不由得傾吐出:“我愛你!”在你的眼里,_I love thee . mark! . _I love thee_ - in thy sight那榮耀的瞬息,我忽然成了一尊金身,I stand transfigured, glorified aright,感覺到有一道新吐的皓光從我天庭With conscience of the new rays that proceed投向你臉上。是愛,就無所謂卑下,Out of my face toward thine. Theres nothing low即使是最微賤的在愛:那微賤的生命In love, when love the lowest: m

28、eanest creatures獻(xiàn)愛給上帝,寬宏的上帝受了它、Who love God, God accepts while loving so.又回賜給它愛。我那迸發(fā)的熱情And what I _feel_, across the inferior features就象道光,通過我這陋質(zhì),昭示了Of what I _am_, doth flash itself, and show愛的大手筆怎樣給造物潤色。How that great work of Love enhances Natures.*11.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第十一首Selected from EBB _The sonn

29、ets from the Portuguese_, No. XI這么說,把愛情作為我的名份,And therefore if to love can be desert, 我還不是完全不配承受。雖然, I am not all unworthy. Cheeks as pale你看,兩頰那么蒼白,那搖晃的As these you see, and trembling knees that fail雙膝仿佛負(fù)擔(dān)不了沉重的心房;To bear the burden of a heavy heart. -這疲乏的行吟生涯也曾想望過This weary minstrel-life that once w

30、as girt 把奧納斯山峰攀登,卻只落得一片 To climb Aornus, and can scare avail辛酸的哀吟,怎好去跟谷鶯競奏?to pipe now gainst the valley nightingale干嗎提這些來著?啊,親愛的,A melancholy music, why advert 不用講,我高攀不上,不配在你身邊To these things? O beloved, it is plain占一個(gè)位置??墒?,就因?yàn)槲覑勰?,I am not of thy worth nor for thy place!這片愛情提拔我,讓我抬起了頭、And yet, beca

31、use I love thee, I obtain承受著光明,許我繼續(xù)活下去,F(xiàn)rom that same love this vindicating grace, 哪怕是怎樣枉然,也要愛你到底;To live on still in love, and yet in vain, .也要祝福你即使拒絕你在當(dāng)面。To bless thee, yet renounce thee to thy face.*12.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第十二首說真的,就是這為我所夸耀的愛吧,Indeed this very love which is my boast,當(dāng)它從胸房涌上眉梢,給我加上And wh

32、ich, when rising up from breast to brow,一頂皇冠那一顆巨大的紅寶石,Doth crown me with a ruby large enow 光彩奪目,讓人知道它價(jià)值連城。To draw mens eyes and prove the inner cost, .就算我這全部的、最高成就的愛吧,This love even, all my worth, to the uttermost,我也不懂得怎樣去愛,要不是你I should not love withal, unless that thou 先立下示范,教給我該怎么辦Hadst set me an

33、example, shown me how,當(dāng)你懇切的目光第一次對上了When first time thine earnest eyes with mine were crossed我的目光,而愛呼應(yīng)了愛。很明白, And love called love. And thus, I cannot speak即使愛,我也不能夸說是我的美德。Of love even, as a good thing of my own.是你,把我從一片昏迷的軟乏中Thy soul hath snatched up mine all faint and weak抱起,高置上黃金的寶座,靠近在And placed

34、by thee on a golden throne, -你的身旁。而我懂得了愛,只因?yàn)锳nd that I love (O soul, we must meek!)緊挨著你我唯一愛慕的人Is by thee only, whom I love alone.*13.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第十三首EBB _Sonnets from the Portuguese_, No. XIII你可是要我把對你涌起的恩情,And wilt thou have me fashion into speech 形之于言詞,而且還覺得十分充裕;The love I bear thee, finding wor

35、ds enough,不管有多猛的風(fēng),高舉起火炬,And hold the torch out, while the winds are rough讓光輝,從兩張臉兒間,把我倆照明?Between our faces, to cast light on each? -我卻把它掉在你腳邊,沒法命令I(lǐng) drop it thy feet. I cannot teach我的手托著我的心靈,那么遠(yuǎn)距My hands to hold my spirit so far off自己;難道我就能借文字作契據(jù),F(xiàn)rom myself . me . that I should bring thee proof掏給你看

36、、那無從抵達(dá)的愛情In words, of love hid in me out of reach.在我的心坎?不,我寧愿表達(dá)Nay, let the silence of my womanhood女性的愛憑她的貞靜,而換來command my woman-love to thy belief, -你的諒解看見我終不曾軟化,Seeing that I stand unwon, however wooed,任你怎樣地央求,我只是咬緊著嘴,And rend the garment of my life, in brief,狠心撕裂著生命的衣裙;生怕By a most dauntless, voic

37、eless fortitude,這顆心一經(jīng)接觸,就泄露了悲哀。Lest one touch of this heart convey its grief.*14.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第十四首Elizabeth Barrett Browning _Sonnets from the Portuguese_, No. XIV如果你一心要愛我,那就別為了么,If thou must love me, let it be for nought只是為了愛才愛我。別這么講:Except for loves sake only. Do not say“我愛她,為了她的一笑,她的模樣,I love h

38、er for her smile . her look . her way她柔語的聲氣;為了她這感觸Of speaking gently, . for a trick of thought正好合我的心意,那天里,的確That falls in well with mine, and certes brought certes: certainly給我?guī)頋M懷的喜悅和舒暢?!盇 sense of pleasant ease on such a day -親愛的,這些好處都不能持常,F(xiàn)or these things in themselves, Beloved, may會(huì)因你而變,而這樣唱出的愛曲

39、Be changed, or change for thee, - and love, so wrought wrought: worked也將這樣啞寂。也別愛我因?yàn)槟鉓ay be unwrought so. Neither love me for又憐又惜地給我揩干了淚腮,Thine own dear pitys wiping my cheeks dry, -一個(gè)人會(huì)忘了哭泣,當(dāng)她久受你A creature might forget to weep, who bore溫柔的慰安卻因此失了你的愛。Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby!愛我,請只是

40、為了那愛的意念,But love for loves sake, that evermore那你就能繼續(xù)地愛,愛我如深海。Thou mayst love on, through loves eternity.Footnote:This sonnet is little more than a copy of the following poemwhich some two and a half centuries earlier.Love not me for comely grace,For my pleasing eye or face,Nor for any outward part,N

41、o, nor for my constant heart, - For those may fail, or turn to ill, So thou and I shall sever:Keep therefore a true womans eye,And love me still, but know not why - So hast thou the same reason still To doat upon me ever! ANON.Source: The Golden Treasury of The Best Songs and Lyrical PoemsIn The Eng

42、lish Language, Oxford University Press, 1929.*15.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第十五首EBB The sonnets from the Portuguese, No. XV請不要這樣指責(zé)我:我在你面前Accuse me not, beseech thee, that I wear露出一副太冷靜、憂郁的面容;Too calm and sad a face in front of thine;你我原是面朝著兩個(gè)不同的方向,F(xiàn)or we too look two ways, and can not shine那普照的陽光照不到兩人的前額。With t

43、he same sunlight on our brow and hair.你看著我,心中沒半點(diǎn)兒不踏實(shí),On me thou lookest with no doubting care,象看著一只籠罩在水晶里的蜜蜂;As on a bee shut in a crystalline, -哀怨把我密封在圣潔的愛情中,Since sorrow hath shut me safe in loves divine,想張開雙翼,撲向外面的空間、And to spread wing and fly in the outer air是絕不可能的失敗哪怕我狠著心Were most impossible fa

44、ilure, if I strove追求這顛撲和失敗。可是我向你看,To fail so. But I look on thee - on thee -我看見了愛,還看到了愛的結(jié)局,Beholding, besides love, the end of love,聽到了記憶外層的哪一片寂寥!Hearing oblivion beyond memory!就象從千層萬丈之上,你向下眺望,As one who sits and gazes from above,只見滾滾的浪濤盡向大海里流。Over the rivers of the bitter sea.*16.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第十六

45、首EBB Sonnets from the Portuguese, No. XVI然而,因?yàn)槟阃耆鞣宋?,And yet, because thou overcomest so,因?yàn)槟隳菢痈哔F、象尊嚴(yán)的帝皇,Because thou art more noble and like a king,你能消除我的惶恐,把你的Thou canst prevail against my fears and fling紫袍裹繞住我,直到我的心thy purple round me, till my heart shall grow跟你的貼得那么緊,再想不起Too close against thine

46、heart henceforth to know當(dāng)初怎樣獨(dú)自在悸動(dòng)。那宣撫,How it shook when alone. Why, conquering就象把人踐踏在腳下,一樣是May prove as lordly and complete a thing威嚴(yán)和徹底完滿的征服!就象In lifting upward, as in crushing low!投降的兵士捧著戰(zhàn)刀呈交給And as a vanquished soldier yields his sword把他從血灘里攙扶起來的主人;To one who lifts him from the bloody earth, -親愛的

47、,我終于認(rèn)了輸,承認(rèn):Even so, Beloved, I at last record,我的抗拒到此為止。假如你召喚我,Here ends my strife. If _thou_ invite me forth,聽著這話,我要從羞愧中站起。I rise above abasement at the word.擴(kuò)大些你的愛,好提高些我的價(jià)值。Make thy love larger to enlarge my worth.*17.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第十七首EBB Sonnets from the Portuguese, No. XVII我的詩人,在上帝的宇宙里,從洪荒My po

48、et, thou canst touch on all the notes到終極,那參差的音律,無一不能God set between His After and Before,從你的指尖彈出。你一揮手And strike up and strike off the general roar就打斷了人世間熙熙攘攘的聲浪,Of the rushing worlds a melody that floats奏出清音,在空氣里悠然蕩漾;In a serene air purely. Antidotes那柔和的旋律,象一劑涼藥,把安慰Of medicated music, answering for帶

49、給痛苦的心靈。上帝派給你Mankinds forlornest uses, thou canst pour這一個(gè)職司,而吩咐我伺候你。From thence into their ears. Gods will devotes親愛的,你打算把我怎樣安排?Thine to such ends, and mine to wait on thine.作為一個(gè)希望、給歡樂地歌唱?還是How, Dearest, wilt thou have me for most use?纏綿的回憶、溶化入抑揚(yáng)的音調(diào)?A hope, to sing by gladly? . or a fine還是棕櫚,還是松樹那一樹綠

50、蔭Sad memory, with thy songs to interfuse?讓你在底下歌唱;還是一個(gè)青冢,A shade, in which to sing . of palm or pine?唱倦了,你來這里躺下?請?zhí)舭伞 grave, on which to rest from singing? . Choose.*18.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第十八首我從不曾拿我的卷發(fā)送給誰,I never gave a lock of hair away除非是這一束,我最親愛的,給你;To a man, Dearest, except this to thee,滿懷心事,我把它抽開在指尖

51、,Which now upon my fingers thoughtfully拉成棕黃色的一長段;我說:“愛,I ring out to the full brown length and say收下吧。”我的青春已一去不回,Take it. My day of youth went yesterday;這一頭散發(fā)再也不跟著我腳步一起My hair no longer bounds to my foots glee,雀躍,也不再象姑娘們,在鬢發(fā)間Nor plant I it from rose- or Myrtle-tree,插滿玫瑰和桃金娘,卻讓它披垂,As girls do, any mo

52、re. It only may從一個(gè)老是歪著的頭兒由于Now shade on two pale cheeks the mark of tears憂郁的癖性披下來遮掩著淚痕。Taught drooping from the head that hangs aside原以為理尸的剪刀會(huì)先把它收去,Through sorrows trick. I thought the funeral-shears可不想愛情的名份得到了確認(rèn)。Would take this first, but Love is justified, -收下吧,那上面有慈母在彌留時(shí)給兒女Take it thou, . finding

53、 pure, from all those years,印下的一吻這些年始終保持著潔凈。The kiss my mother left here when she died.*19.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第十九首心靈跟心靈也有市場和貿(mào)易,The souls Rialto hath its merchandize;在那兒我拿卷發(fā)去跟卷發(fā)交換;I barter curl for curl upon that mart,從我那詩人的前額,我收下了And from my poets forehead to my heart這一束,幾根發(fā)絲,在我心里Receive this lock which

54、 outweighs argosies, -卻重過了飄洋大船。它那帶紫的烏亮,As purply black, as erst to Pindars eyes在我眼里,就象當(dāng)初平達(dá)所看見的The dim purpureal tresses gloomed athwart斜披在繆斯玉額前暗紫色的秀發(fā)。The nine white Muse-brows. From this counterpart, .為了媲美,我猜想那月桂冠的陰影The bay-crowns shade, Beloved, I surmise,依然逗留在發(fā)尖愛,你看它Still lingers on thy curl, it i

55、s so black!有多么黑!我借輕輕的一吻,吐出Thus, with a fillet of smooth-kissing breath,溫柔的氣息,綰住了那陰影,不讓它I tie the shadows safe from gliding back,溜走;又把禮品放在最妥貼的地方And lay the gift where nothing hindereth,我的心頭,叫它就象生長在你額上,Here on my heart, as on thy brow, to lack感受著體熱,直到那心兒有一天冷卻。No natural heat till mine grows cold in de

56、ath.*20.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第二十首親愛的,我親愛的,我想到從前Beloved, my Beloved, when I think一年之前,當(dāng)時(shí)你正在人海中間,That thou wast in the world a year ago,我卻在這一片雪地中獨(dú)坐,What time I sat alone here in the snow望不見你邁步留下的蹤跡,And saw no footprint, heard the silence sink也聽不見你的謦咳沖破了這死寂;No moment at thy voice, . but, link by link,我只是一環(huán)又一

57、環(huán)計(jì)數(shù)著我周身Went counting all my chains as if that so沉沉的鐵鏈,怎么也想不到還有你They never could fall off at any blow仿佛誰也別想把那鎖鏈打開。Struck by thy possible hand . why, thus I drink啊,我喝了一大杯美酒:人生的奇妙!Of lifes great cup of wonder! Wonderful,奇怪啊,我從沒感覺到白天和黑夜Never to feel thee thrill the day or night都有你的行動(dòng)、聲音在空中震蕩,With person

58、al act or speech, - nor even cull也不曾從你看著成長的白花里,Some prescience of thee with the blossoms white探知了你的消息就象無神論者Thou sawest growing! Atheists are dull,那樣鄙陋,猜不透神在神的化外!Who cannot guess Gods presence out of sight.*21.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第二十一首EBB Sonnets From the Portuguese No. XXI請說了一遍,再向我說一遍,Say over again, and

59、 yet once over again,說“我愛你!”即使那樣一遍遍重復(fù),That thou dost love me. Though the word repeated你會(huì)把它看成一支“布谷鳥的歌曲”;Should seem a cuckoo-song, as thou dost treat it.可是記著,在那青山和綠林間,Remember, never to the hill or plain,那山谷和田野中,縱使清新的春天Valley and wood, without her cuckoo-strain披著全身綠裝降臨、也不算完美無缺,Comes the fresh Spring

60、in all her green completed.要是她缺少了那串布谷鳥的音節(jié)。Beloved, I, amid the darkness greeted愛,四周那么黑暗,耳邊只聽見By a doubtful spirit-voice, in that doubts pain驚悸的心聲,處于那痛苦的不安中,Cry, . Speak once more . thou lovest! Who can fear我嚷道:“再說一遍:我愛你!”誰嫌Too many stars, though each in heaven shall roll, -太多的星,即使每顆都在太空轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng);Too many f

61、lowers, though each shall crown the year?太多的花,即使每朵洋溢著春意?Say thou dost love me, love me, love me - toll說你愛我,你愛我,一聲聲敲著銀鐘!The silver iterance! - only minding, Dear,只是記住,還得用靈魂愛我,在默默里。To love me also in silence with thy soul.*22.EEB白朗寧夫人抒情十四行詩集第二十二首 EBB Sonnets from the Portuguese, No. XXII當(dāng)我倆的靈魂壯麗地挺立起來,

62、When our two souls stan up erect and strong,默默地,面對著面,越來越靠攏,F(xiàn)ace to face, silent, drawing nigh and nigher,那伸張的翅膀在各自彎圓的頂端,Util the lengthening wings break into fire迸出了火星。世上還有什么苦惱,At each curved point, - what bitter wrong落到我們頭上,而叫我們不甘心Can the earth do to us, that we should not long在這里長留?你說哪。再往上,就有Be here contented? Think. In mounting higher,天使抵在頭上,為我們那一片The angels would press on us and aspire深沉、親密的靜默落下成串To drop some golden orb of perfect song金黃和諧的歌曲。親愛的,讓我倆Into our deep, dear silence. Let us stay就相守在地上吧人世的爭吵、熙攮Rather on earth, Beloved, - where the unfit都向后退隱,留給純潔的靈魂C

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