Data Warehousing and Decision SupportJianlin FengSchool of SoftwareSUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITYIntroductionThree Complementary TrendsWarehousing IssuesMOLAP vs.ROLAPOLAP QueriesOLAP Queries(Contd.)Comparison with SQL QueriesThe CUBE OperatorDesign IssuesImplementation IssuesView MaterializationnView Materialization means we physically pre-compute a view and use the materialized view to speed-up queries.nPre-computation of a Data Cube is a special kind of view materialization.nMaterialized views need maintenance.SummarynDecision support is an emerging,rapidly growing subarea of databases.nInvolves the creation of large,consolidated data repositories called data warehouses.nWarehouses exploited using sophisticated analysis techniques:complex SQL queries and OLAP“multidimensional”queries(influenced by both SQL and spreadsheets).nNew techniques for database design,indexing,view maintenance,and interactive querying need to be supported.