2021-2022年五年級英語上冊 Unit1(1)教案 廣東版開心

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1、2021-2022年五年級英語上冊 Unit1(1)教案 廣東版開心 Objectives and Requirements: Review: Is this your dictionary? No, it’s not. It’s Tony’s dictionary. What does she do? She’s a doctor. Key Words: farmer, factory worker, aunt, uncle, cousin, calendar, dictionary, diary Sounds and words : sun , cut , fun , mot

2、her , son , month ---------[ ∧ ] Materials: Picture Cards of Gogo , Tony , Jenny , Picture Cards 1-8 Period 1 Step1: Warming up: listen to a song. Step2: Put Picture Cards of Gogo, Tony , Jenny on the board . Point to Gogo, ask: What’s his name? [Ss: His name’s Gogo.] Can he fly? [Ss: Yes, h

3、e can.] Then ask questions about Tony and Jenny’s names , relationships , …… What’s his name ? Is she Tony’s sister? Who’s she? Point to Gogo in the first picture. T: Gogo is flying in a hang glider. Let’s look at the pictures and listen to the tape. (Play the tape and point to each picture for Ss

4、 to follow.) And ask some questions: Gogo, where are you going? What are they doing? Then play the tape again, pausing after each sentence to let Ss repeat. Put Ss into groups of three and have them practice acting out the dialog. Ask volunteers to perform in front of the class. Step3: Ask the

5、 students: what do you want to be? a teacher or a doctor?(Ss :a teacher) Say out the whole sentence : I want to be a teacher. Then ask: Do you want to be a farmer? Take out the picture of farmer. (Point to farmer) Farmer. Repeat. (Ss: Farmer) And do you want to be a factory worker? (Continue with th

6、is word) Explain the words aunt, uncle and cousin, (My mother’s / father’s sister is my aunt.) Draw a family tree to help explain these new words. Take out the realia of calendar, dictionary and diary. Teach these three words. T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each words as you say it

7、. Play the tape and have Ss repeat. (Introduce the bonus vocabulary) Step4:Take out student1’s book, ask student2: Is this your book? S2: No, it’s not. It’s (S1’s name)’s book. The second time use “dictionary, diary, calendar”. (Practice more) Put picture care 1,2 on the board. T (show Ss one of

8、 the cards.) What does he/she do? (Ss: He’s a farmer.) Continue with the other cards. (Practice more) Ask four Ss to write the questions A—D on the board. Listen to the tape and answer the questions. Have Ss look at the pictures for A. Write---- He’s a _______. Underneath question A on the board

9、. T: (point to each picture.) What does he do? (Ss: He’s a _teacher_) Play the tape for A, and then pause. T: What does he do? Ss: He’s a factory worker. T: put a checkmark in the box for picture 2. Repeat the procedures with the other three questions. Answer key: A—2, B—3, C—3, D—1. Step5: Ho

10、mework: recite the new words. Do Practice 2. 附送: 2021-2022年五年級英語上冊 Unit1(10)教案 北師大版 課時進度 (第4課時) 課型特點 鞏固課 ? 教 學 目 標 技能目標 1.基本掌握名詞性物主代詞的用法,并能運用于詢問物丟失物品的歸屬。 2.比較名詞性物主代詞和形容詞性物主代詞的異同。 ? 知識目標 1.名詞性物主代詞mine,? ours, yours, his, hers, theirs,運用于詢問或回答物品的歸屬。 2.完成練習。 ? 情感、文化、策略目標 通過名詞性

11、物主代詞的學習,讓學生進一步體會漢、英兩種語言在表達方式上的異同。 ? 教學重點 名詞性物主代詞的用法 ? 教學難點 名詞性物主代詞的用法 ? 教具準備 錄音機、卡片 ? 教? 學? 過? 程 ? 活動進程 學 生 活 動 教 師 引? 導 設 計 意 圖 重點 關注 ? ? ? ? ? 復 習 ? ? ? 1)S指書小聲跟讀 2)同桌互相檢查讀的情況 3)S自創(chuàng)情景表演Talk? together ? ? 1)T放story的對話部分 2)T了解情況 ? ? 3)指導 通過復習調動學生已有知識為鞏固練習打下基

12、礎 S讀書情況即對已有知識掌握情況 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 練 習 Read and circle S: 用鉛筆完成練習 ? 同桌交流 ? 集體訂正練習 ? Listen and match ? S:聽音,完成練習 ? 集體訂正,一句一句聽 ? ? Let’s find out ? S明白要求 自己口頭描述 同桌交流 完成練習 集體訂正 T:要求 明白要求; 獨立完成; 圈出不懂 巡視 ? ? 教給做題方法 ? ? ? T:要求 獨立完成 給時間看圖

13、 ? ? ? 方法: 先看圖,聽時抓關鍵詞 ? ? ? ? T:引導讀例句 指導練習 ? 通過練習讓S學會用所學知識解決問題并通過T的指導點評鞏固本單元主要內(nèi)容 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 學習方法和策略的引導 S對知識和方法的掌握情況 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 學生有沒有理解老師講授的方法 ? 作業(yè)設計 1.熟讀story 2.閱讀P10-11習題 ? 板書設計 Unit1? Ann’dream Lesson4 Quiz time ,listen and match and write Assessment???????????????????? ????????????????????T1? T2? T3 ???? John? Amy? David? Mary? Mike John was at school yerterday… ? e.g.:Lily?? She was in Beijing. ? 人稱代詞主格:I,we,you,she,he,they and it ? 教學反思 ? ? ?

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