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學前兒童藝術教育(音樂)作業(yè)指導(2) 電大學前兒童藝術教育(音樂)作業(yè)評講(1)(第1至2章)學前兒童藝術教育(音樂)是中央廣播電視大學學前教育專業(yè)(??疲┑囊婚T專業(yè)基礎理論課程,同時也是一門統(tǒng)設必修課程。為幫助大家更好地把握作業(yè)中的內(nèi)容,我將作業(yè)中的重點、難點問題整理如下,供同學們學習時參考。本門課程的作業(yè)評講分4次進行,今天先評講第1次。下文中,黑色部分是問題和答案,其他顏色是解釋和說明。一、簡答題1幼兒節(jié)奏感發(fā)展特征是什么?考核知識點:第一章 學前兒童音樂心理的發(fā)展特征 第二節(jié) 二、學前兒童音樂知覺與制作的發(fā)展特征 (二)節(jié)奏知覺與身體動作的發(fā)展答案要點:3歲-4歲的幼兒可以通過大量的身體動作表演與打擊樂表演獲得穩(wěn)定的節(jié)拍感。4歲-5歲的幼兒可以通過快與慢的配合理解節(jié)拍,通過歌謠朗誦理解節(jié)奏型。5歲-6歲的幼兒已經(jīng)能夠理解歌曲的節(jié)奏型。2幼兒速度知覺的年齡特征是什么?考核知識點:第一章 學前兒童音樂心理的發(fā)展特征 第二節(jié) 二、學前兒童音樂知覺與制作的發(fā)展特征 (三)音色、力度、速度知覺與制作的發(fā)展 答案要點:3歲-4歲的幼兒能夠用簡單的身體動作合中速偏慢、中速稍快的音樂。4歲-5歲的幼兒可以辨別漸快、漸慢的音樂,并能夠調(diào)節(jié)身體動作去合速度。5歲-6歲的幼兒能夠辨別與理解快慢的所有變化關系。3符合幼兒趣味的歌曲特點有哪些?考核知識點:第二章 學前兒童音樂特性(一)第一節(jié) 學前兒童音樂作品的本體特征 二、學前兒童音樂作品的再現(xiàn)特性 (二)學前兒童再現(xiàn)特性音樂作品的類型答案要點:(1)歌詞本身生動、具有兒童語言的口味,幼兒容易朗誦;(2)歌詞所描述的主題突出、故事性強、幼兒容易動作表演;(3)旋律音調(diào)與詞調(diào)吻合,幼兒容易歌唱。4學前兒童再現(xiàn)性音樂作品的類型有哪些?考核知識點:第二章 學前兒童音樂特性(一)第一節(jié) 學前兒童音樂作品的本體特征 二、學前兒童音樂作品的再現(xiàn)特性 (二)學前兒童再現(xiàn)特性音樂作品的類型答案要點:(1)句式規(guī)整、童趣盎然的再現(xiàn)性器樂曲;(2)句式規(guī)整的再現(xiàn)性成人器樂曲;(3)句式不規(guī)整的再現(xiàn)性器樂曲。5簡述大腦神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)發(fā)展領域?qū)σ魳穼W習關鍵期的二種解釋。考核知識點:第一章 學前兒童音樂心理的發(fā)展特征 第三節(jié) 學前兒童音樂學習的意義與制約條件 一、學前兒童音樂學習的意義答案要點:一種解釋:神經(jīng)元軸突的髓鞘化過程對兒童早期的發(fā)展非常重要,也正是神經(jīng)元軸突髓鞘化是產(chǎn)生學習關鍵期的基礎。另一種解釋:在生命的早期,許多神經(jīng)元尚未被確定今后負責、控制什么,10歲之前,所有關于運動的經(jīng)歷和經(jīng)驗決定皮層上究竟有多少神經(jīng)元控制身體的各個具體部位。二、音樂材料分析題分析“未出殼雛雞的舞蹈”的曲式結(jié)構(gòu)與再現(xiàn)主題內(nèi)容。考核知識點:第二章 學前兒童音樂特性(一)第一節(jié) 學前兒童音樂作品的本體特征 二、學前兒童音樂作品的再現(xiàn)特性(三)學前兒童音樂作品再現(xiàn)特性的挖掘參考答案:對幼兒園教師來說,挖掘音樂作品的再現(xiàn)內(nèi)容一般可以采取以下兩個步驟:第一部,曲式分析,旨在捕捉再現(xiàn)內(nèi)容的音樂主題;第二步,動作表現(xiàn),旨在全市再現(xiàn)內(nèi)容。句式規(guī)整、童趣盎然的器樂曲再現(xiàn)特性的挖掘步驟一:畫出此圖的結(jié)構(gòu)圖,確認音樂內(nèi)容主題。對再現(xiàn)性樂曲作出句式分析后,往往比較容易得出曲子的主題內(nèi)容。但是,需要特別強調(diào)的是用語言表達的樂曲的主題內(nèi)容是音樂之外的東西,對教師的備課來說很重要,但對音樂教學過程來說只是附帶的內(nèi)容。步驟二:把音樂的再現(xiàn)內(nèi)容用動作詮釋出來。這個階段是教師的理性分析階段。理性分析是感性表演的前提,當進入音樂課堂時理性進入隱性,呈現(xiàn)在幼兒面前的是教師的感性表演。未出殼雛雞的舞蹈的句式結(jié)構(gòu)圖:, A . B A / , a b . a 段尾 a b c a b a 尾聲 (由于輸入法等問題,詳細請見教材p27)未出殼雛雞的舞蹈主要表現(xiàn)了小雞努力從蛋殼里鉆出來的情景,通過用嘴啄、扭屁股、扇翅膀等動作表現(xiàn)??蓯鄣男‰r雞跳起了滑稽可笑的舞蹈,加上裝飾音樂的輕巧、活潑的音調(diào)。維妙維肖地刻劃出雛雞嘰嘰喳喳亂叫,活蹦亂跳的形態(tài)。我們從中不僅可以聽到雛雞的叫聲,還可以聽到它奮力地啄食蛋殼,力圖破殼而出的聲音。(見教材p27)學前兒童藝術教育(音樂)作業(yè)指導(2)學前兒童藝術教育(音樂)作業(yè)評講(2)(第3至4章)責任教師 洪雅君學前兒童藝術教育(音樂)是中央廣播電視大學學前教育專業(yè)(專科)的一門專業(yè)基礎理論課程,同時也是一門統(tǒng)設必修課程。為幫助大家更好地把握作業(yè)中的內(nèi)容,我將作業(yè)中的重點、難點問題整理如下,供同學們學習時參考。本門課程的作業(yè)評講分4次進行,今天評講第2次。下文中,黑色部分是問題和答案,其他顏色是解釋和說明。一、簡答題1在柯達伊歌唱教學中,準確音調(diào)歌唱的三個條件是什么?考核知識點:第三章 學前兒童音樂特性 第一節(jié) 學前兒童的音樂制作 二、學前兒童的演唱(四)柯達伊以演唱為主的音樂教學法 2.幼兒歌唱教學的要點參考答案:一是選擇適合幼兒智力和身體發(fā)展程度的音域合適的短小歌曲進行教學。二是選擇的歌曲具有合適的音高;三是教師要為幼兒提供具有準確音調(diào)、準確發(fā)音吐字和帶有愉快情緒的范唱。對幼兒歌唱的要求是:適中的音量、準確的音調(diào)、清晰的吐字與伴隨簡單的動作。2簡述引發(fā)幼兒自發(fā)詠唱的策略??己酥R點:第三章 學前兒童音樂特性 第一節(jié) 學前兒童的音樂制作 二、學前兒童的演唱(四)柯達伊以演唱為主的音樂教學法 2.幼兒歌唱教學的要點參考答案:(1)在日常生活中教師經(jīng)常與幼兒進行喧敘調(diào)式的對話;(2)當引導幼兒創(chuàng)編完整曲子時,要求幼兒最起碼說三件事。3進入音樂思維遷移環(huán)節(jié)有哪四種情況?考核知識點:第三章 學前兒童音樂特性 第二節(jié) 學前兒童的音樂即興 三、學前兒童的演奏即興 (二)進入音樂思維的遷移環(huán)節(jié)參考答案:(1)歌曲的動作表演與歌唱活動完成后進入音樂思維的遷移環(huán)節(jié);(2)舞曲的動作表演完成后進入音樂思維的遷移環(huán)節(jié);(3)器樂曲的動作表演完成后進入音樂思維的遷移環(huán)節(jié);(4)身體打擊樂完成后進入音樂思維的遷移環(huán)節(jié)。4學前兒童音樂經(jīng)驗獲得的三個條件是什么?考核知識點:第四章 學前兒童音樂經(jīng)驗 第二節(jié) 學前兒童音樂經(jīng)驗獲得的機制 參考答案:(1)在聽音樂的同時讓幼兒“見”到音樂的再現(xiàn)內(nèi)容;(2)用一種制作方式讓幼兒去感知與其音樂經(jīng)驗相符的音樂形式樣式;(3)用其它類型的制作方式讓幼兒去解釋他們對音樂形式樣式的理解。5再現(xiàn)音樂內(nèi)容的三項標準是什么?考核知識點:第四章 學前兒童音樂經(jīng)驗 第二節(jié) 學前兒童音樂經(jīng)驗獲得的機制 一、在聽音樂的同時讓幼兒“見”到音樂的再現(xiàn)內(nèi)容 (二)再現(xiàn)音樂內(nèi)容的標準參考答案: (1)形式規(guī)限標準;(2)意象思維標準;(3)以身體動作呈現(xiàn)方式為主,以其它呈現(xiàn)方式為輔標準。二、音樂材料分析題分析“喜洋洋”的曲式結(jié)構(gòu)與再現(xiàn)主題內(nèi)容??己酥R點:第二章 學前兒童音樂特性(一)第一節(jié) 學前兒童音樂作品的本體特征 二、學前兒童音樂作品的再現(xiàn)特性(三)學前兒童音樂作品再現(xiàn)特性的挖掘參考答案:對幼兒園教師來說,挖掘音樂作品的再現(xiàn)內(nèi)容一般可以采取以下兩個步驟:第一部,曲式分析,旨在捕捉再現(xiàn)內(nèi)容的音樂主題;第二步,動作表現(xiàn),旨在全市再現(xiàn)內(nèi)容。句式規(guī)整、童趣盎然的器樂曲再現(xiàn)特性的挖掘步驟一:畫出此圖的結(jié)構(gòu)圖,確認音樂內(nèi)容主題。對再現(xiàn)性樂曲作出句式分析后,往往比較容易得出曲子的主題內(nèi)容。但是,需要特別強調(diào)的是用語言表達的樂曲的主題內(nèi)容是音樂之外的東西,對教師的備課來說很重要,但對音樂教學過程來說只是附帶的內(nèi)容。步驟二:把音樂的再現(xiàn)內(nèi)容用動作詮釋出來。這個階段是教師的理性分析階段。理性分析是感性表演的前提,當進入音樂課堂時理性進入隱性,呈現(xiàn)在幼兒面前的是教師的感性表演。曲式結(jié)構(gòu): A , B . A / a ab c 過渡 a b c d a ab c(由于輸入法等問題,詳細請見教材p28)再現(xiàn)主題內(nèi)容:在糧食豐收后的一個晚上,農(nóng)村男女青年喜氣洋洋地敲鑼打鼓、跳舞歡慶。有幾個男青年敲起了鼓(第一段ab兩句),有幾個男青年敲起了鈸(第一段c句),有幾個男青年敲起了吊釵(第一段d句);然后所有的女青年拿著綢帶跳起了綢帶舞,先是把綢帶往頭頂甩(第二段ab句),然后把綢帶往身旁甩(第二段cd句);最后男青年又出來了(第三段重復第一段)。學前兒童藝術教育(音樂)作業(yè)評講()(第5至7章)責任教師 洪雅君學前兒童藝術教育(音樂)是中央廣播電視大學學前教育專業(yè)(??疲┑囊婚T專業(yè)基礎理論課程,同時也是一門統(tǒng)設必修課程。為幫助大家更好地把握作業(yè)中的內(nèi)容,我將作業(yè)中的重點、難點問題整理如下,供同學們學習時參考。本門課程的作業(yè)評講分4次進行,今天評講第3次。下文中,黑色部分是問題和答案,其他顏色是解釋和說明。一、簡答題1以音樂教育內(nèi)容為結(jié)構(gòu)框架的目標體系中組成體系的四部分內(nèi)容結(jié)構(gòu)與三個目標緯度各是什么?考核知識點:第五章 學前兒童音樂課程編制原理(一)目標、內(nèi)容與評價 第一節(jié) 學前兒童音樂課程目標的確定 三、學前兒童音樂課程目標體系 (一)學前兒童音樂課程目標體系的類型參考答案:以音樂教育內(nèi)容為結(jié)構(gòu)框架的目標體系中組成體系的四部分內(nèi)容結(jié)構(gòu)分別為:歌唱,韻律活動,打擊樂器演奏,欣賞;三個目標維度為:認知,情感與態(tài)度,操作技能。2音樂表現(xiàn)性評價設計的三個步驟是什么?考核知識點:第五章 學前兒童音樂課程編制原理(一)目標、內(nèi)容與評價 第三節(jié) 學前兒童音樂課程的評價參考答案:第一步,確定表現(xiàn)性任務;第二步,設計表現(xiàn)性任務的情境;第三步,確定評價標準。3簡述教育心理學的學習理論觀。考核知識點:第六章 學前兒童音樂課程編制原理 第二節(jié) 幼兒園音樂教學中的經(jīng)驗鋪墊策略 一、幼兒園音樂鋪墊教學的理論基礎 (二)教育心理學的學習理論觀參考答案:教育心理學的學習理論認為,學習者原有的經(jīng)驗是學習的基礎,知識或信息的獲得過程是學習者的新舊知識反復地、雙向交互的過程。只有針對學習者已有經(jīng)驗和興趣的教學,才能激發(fā)學習者的學習積極性,學習才有可能是主動、有效、深入的。幼兒已有的知識是教學活動的起點,基于和利用幼兒已有的知識是教學成功的重要策略。但幼兒已有的知識是有限的,當幼兒與教學內(nèi)容的對話因已有知識不夠而無法有效的進行,教師應努力激活幼兒已有的知識,為新舊知識的連通鋪平道路;當幼兒與教學內(nèi)容的對話因缺乏生活經(jīng)驗的積累而無法有效的進行時,教師需要在幼兒現(xiàn)有的水平和不可能的水平之間搭上支架,創(chuàng)立最近發(fā)展區(qū),為幼兒學習新的知識掃清障礙。4器樂曲動作意象有哪三種方式?考核知識點:第六章 學前兒童音樂課程編制原理(二)幼兒園音樂教學原理 第四節(jié) 幼兒園器樂曲教學的準備與一般步驟 一、幼兒園器樂曲教學的準備參考答案:(1)依據(jù)作品原意進行情節(jié)性的動作意象;(2)離開作品原意,進入幼兒能理解的生活情節(jié)的動作意象;(3)帶有舞蹈意味的無情節(jié)的動作意象。二、論述題1闡述幼兒年齡階段音樂關鍵經(jīng)驗目標中第一、二個層次的音樂形式經(jīng)驗目標??己酥R點:第五章 學前兒童音樂課程編制原理(一)目標、內(nèi)容與評價 第一節(jié) 學前兒童音樂課程目標的確定 三、學前兒童音樂課程目標體系 (一)學前兒童音樂課程目標體系的類型參考答案:節(jié)奏:穩(wěn)定的節(jié)拍;疏密節(jié)奏型。旋律:聲音的高低;旋律的上行與下行;旋律的跳進與級進。音色:日常音色、打擊樂音色、人聲、樂器音色。速度:快與慢;漸快與漸慢??楏w:打擊樂、舞蹈中聲音的多層次;有伴奏無伴奏比較;聲音厚薄比較;多聲部歌唱。力度:輕與重;漸強與漸弱。結(jié)構(gòu):模仿句;重復句;喊答句;主副歌;三段體、回旋曲;引子。風格:搖籃曲、舞曲、進行曲。三、音樂材料分析題1分析“水族館”的曲式結(jié)構(gòu)與音樂內(nèi)容主題??己酥R點:第六章 學前兒童音樂課程編制原理 (二)幼兒園音樂教學原理 第四節(jié) 幼兒園器樂曲教學的準備與一般步驟 參考答案:曲式結(jié)構(gòu):A B C D EAbcd abcd ab ab abcd(由于輸入法等問題,詳細請見教材p166)音樂主題內(nèi)容: 小朋友在水族館先看見魚兒尾巴打著圈、輕盈地游著;再看見水草由高到低地漂游;又看見波浪在翻騰或者看見一圈一圈的魚群;然后看見水中的大泡泡和小泡泡;最后看見水草。學前兒童藝術教育(音樂)作業(yè)評講()(第8至15章)責任教師 洪雅君學前兒童藝術教育(音樂)是中央廣播電視大學學前教育專業(yè)(專科)的一門專業(yè)基礎理論課程,同時也是一門統(tǒng)設必修課程。為幫助大家更好地把握作業(yè)中的內(nèi)容,我將作業(yè)中的重點、難點問題整理如下,供同學們學習時參考。本門課程的作業(yè)評講分4次進行,今天評講最后一次。下文中,黑色部分是問題和答案,其他顏色是解釋和說明。一、簡答題1簡述節(jié)拍音樂經(jīng)驗獲得機制。考核知識點:第八章 學前兒童音樂經(jīng)驗(一)節(jié)奏 第二節(jié) 節(jié)奏型參考答案:(1)幼兒通過模仿老師的身體動作制作方式來感知拍子。(2)用同樣的身體制作方式在不同的音樂作品中表達對拍子的理解。(3)對同一音樂作品通過打擊樂制作方式來表達對拍子的理解。2“雨落在草地上,雨落在樹上,雨落在房頂上,就不落在我身上。”寫出這首童謠的節(jié)奏型與節(jié)拍??己酥R點:第八章 學前兒童音樂經(jīng)驗(一)節(jié)奏 第二節(jié) 節(jié)奏型參考答案:由于輸入法等原因,無法正常顯示,具體參見教材p2083簡述打擊樂器音色經(jīng)驗的獲得機制??己酥R點:第十章 學前兒童音樂經(jīng)驗(三)音色 第二節(jié) 打擊樂器的音色參考答案:(1)用打擊樂器模擬日常生活音色;(2)探索錄音中的打擊樂聲音是如何發(fā)出來的,并實踐嘗試;(3)即興創(chuàng)作打擊樂器作品的演奏。4簡述人的音色經(jīng)驗的獲得機制??己酥R點:第十章學前兒童音樂經(jīng)驗(三)音色 第三節(jié) 人聲參考答案:(1)運用模擬日常生活中的音色;(2)繪聲繪色地表演故事中的角色,尤其是需要使用頭聲的角色。(3)努力進行頭聲歌唱。四、論述題1論述幼兒提煉樂曲節(jié)奏型可能使用的四種方法??己酥R點:第八章 學前兒童音樂經(jīng)驗(一)節(jié)奏 第二節(jié) 節(jié)奏型 五、與拍子重音重疊的節(jié)奏型參考答案:幼兒提煉樂曲節(jié)奏型可能使用的四種方法:(1)提煉出節(jié)拍,用打擊樂器演奏出來。(2)提煉出音符簡化后的節(jié)奏型,即去掉附點、切分等難的音符,只留下二分、四分、八分等簡單的音符,并組成節(jié)奏型。(3)基本上也是提煉節(jié)拍,但在延續(xù)音上有保留了節(jié)奏。(4)完全根據(jù)重拍提煉節(jié)奏型。五、音樂材料分析題寫出單圈舞“彩帶”的動作說明??己酥R點:第六章 學前兒童音樂課程編制原理 (二)幼兒園音樂教學原理 第五節(jié) 幼兒園集體舞的類型與教學的一般步驟 (二)單圈舞參考答案:圈舞“彩帶”的動作說明全體圍成圈,手拉手。A段:第1-4小節(jié)、第9-12小節(jié),第17-20小節(jié),右腳起步逆時針方向走四步,特別關照第四步身體轉(zhuǎn)向圈心,腳步調(diào)節(jié),準備左腳的起步。第5-8小節(jié)、第13-16小節(jié),第21-24小節(jié),左腳起步順時針方向走四步,特別關照第四步身體轉(zhuǎn)向圈心,腳步調(diào)節(jié),準備右腳的起步。B段:第1-4小節(jié)、第9-12小節(jié),右腳起步朝圓心走四步。第5-8小節(jié)、第13-16小節(jié),右腳起步退回圈中原位。請您刪除一下內(nèi)容,O(_)O謝謝!2015年中央電大期末復習考試小抄大全,電大期末考試必備小抄,電大考試必過小抄Shanghais Suzhou Creek has witnessed much of the citys history. Zhou Wenting travels this storied body of water and finds its most fascinating spots. Some lucky cities can boast a great body of water, like London with the river Thames and Paris with the river Seine. Shanghai is privileged enough to have two great bodies of water: Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek.Huangpu River became famous when colonists established clusters of grand buildings on its banks on what became known as the bund. Today, the bund overlooks the breathtaking skyline of Lujiazui financial district. Shanghais other body of water, however, Suzhou Creek, has been somewhat overshadowed. Suzhou Creek links the inland cities of Jiangsu province with Shanghai. When the British colonists, who arrived in the city after it was opened as a commercial port in 1843 found they could reach Suzhou, Jiangsu province, via the creek, they named it Suzhou Creek. Thanks to its location, a large amount of cargo and travelers were transported via the creek before rail links were established. But after a century of being utilized as a waterway to transport goods and labor, the creek grew dark and smelly. Industrial factories were established along the banks. In the 1990s it became a key task of the city government to clean the creek. Suzhou Creek, which snakes 17 km from the iconic Waibaidu Bridge downtown to the outer ring road in west Shanghai, maps the changing periods of the citys history, including the imprints of the concessions, the beginning of industrialization and the improvement in peoples living conditions. Where the Bund began In-between the shopping street of East Nanjing Road and the Bund, are a cluster of streets that give me the illusion that I am no longer in modern Shanghai. The streets are narrow and old and criss-cross each other. Any old residential house may turn out to be a former office of the British, constructed in the 1880s. Pawnshops and hardware stores that are hard to find elsewhere, are plentiful here. This area, at the confluence of Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek, is called the Bund Origin. Countless tour buses stop at the site every day and visitors from around the world get off to see this place, the starting point of the concessions in the city. It all started in 1872, when the former British Consulate General was constructed and the Bund began its transformation into an the financial street of the East. Now the site of the former consulate is called “No 1 Waitanyuan”, which translates to “the Bund Origin”, to honor its beginnings. The entire complex of this historical site comprises of five buildings, the former British Consulate General, the official residence of the consul, the former Union Church, the church apartments and the former Shanghai Rowing Club. The size of the courtyard is equivalent to that of four standard soccer fields. The building of the former consulate is a two-storey masonry building on an H-shaped plan in typical English renaissancestyle. The building is designed with a five-arch verandah on the ground floor with a raised terrace facing the garden, while the facade features an entry portico beneath a colonnaded loggia. It has been turned into a caf where dinner and afternoonteaare available. Visitors can choose to sit indoors or outdoors to enjoy the magnificent gardens with nearly 30 ancient trees.Yuanmingyuan Road behind the complex is also a historical site. The road has been revamped as a pedestrian shopping street and high-end brands have seized the best spots. Altogether, 14 old buildings, including those used for offices and residences constructed during 1920s and 1930s, remain. Today, it is a popular location for commercialfashionphoto shoots. New Tianan Church, or Union Church, stands at the intersection of Yuanmingyuan Road and Suzhou Creek. The church, designed in the style of the English countryside, has a capacity of 500 people. It was very popular during the concession period but was converted into factory offices after 1949. The church we see today is a replica, the original burned down in 2007. There used to be an outdoor swimming pool, the first of its kind in Shanghai, beside the church but has been filled-in and is now a small garden. Bridge of romance There is perhaps no other place thats more representative of Shanghai than this bridge, which appears in quite a lot ofmovies about the city. Dozens of couples visit every day to pose for their pre-wedding photos on the bridge where Suzhou Creek begins and interconnects with Huangpu River. This is Waibaidu Bridge, or the Garden Bridge. The soon-to-be-wed couples pose in splendid attire on the bridge, leaning against the railing or sitting on the wooden floor. Some even risk walking into the middle of the road to get the perfect shot.Colorful lights illuminate the bridge throughout the night, making it a picturesque place for pre-wedding portraits and lovers to meet. Constructed in 1873 and designed by a British company, the 106-meter-long bridge was the first-ever major bridge in Shanghai. In 1856, the first large wooden bridge, Wells Bridge, was built over Suzhou Creek but the bridge toll led to complaints from citizens. So 17 years later, another wooden bridge, which did not require tolls, was built. People called it Waibaidu, which means “going across for free”. The bridge was renovated as a steel truss structure in 1907. Because nearly 40 bridges have now been built over Suzhou Creek, the bridge is no longer a traffic artery but is more of an observation deck for tourists. It is a tradition in Shanghai for a grandmother to walk across a bridge with their grandchild when he or she reaches one month. This represents that the newborn has overcome all the twists and turns and its journey will be safe and smooth throughout his or her life. Waibaidu Bridge is always the best option because its the icon of Shanghai. The picture of my daughter when she was a baby held by her grandmother was also taken here. Its like a family tradition, says Wang Xuefen, a Shanghai native who has a newborn grandson. Changning Riverside There is a 5-km stretch of waterfront by Suzhou Creek in Changning district on Changning Road from the intersection of Hami Road to Jiangsu Road. It has become a popular place to take a walk and sunbathe on the lawn. There is an overpass at the intersection of Changning Road and Gubei Road for people to enjoy the view of the creek and a 3-km plastic runway on both sides of Changning Road, which attracts people of all ages, Chinese and expat. Jogging on the two sides gives a different feeling because the north side is next to the creek, and the south side is adjacent to the residential highrises, which is like jogging in the jungle, says Xiao Xu, a 27-year-old woman who lives nearby. The riverside used to be completely different. Dozens of textile mills, chemical plants and machine manufacturing factories were set up along the creek in the 1920s. They brought industrialization but also pollution. From the 1930s the creek could no longer be used as a source for tap water, and no living fish or shrimp could be found. Suzhou Creek in my memory is dark and smelly. I used to go to the riverbank to watch the sewage disposal running out from the chemical plants when I was a little girl. We didnt know it was pollution. We thought it was a red waterfall, says Huang Qi, a 57-year-old Shanghai resident. So the residential houses along the creek were unpopular, and only migrants with low incomes would live in that area, she says. However, things have changed. The plants were closed and turned into riverside parks and the apartments in the new highrises, especially those facing the creek, are much sought after. East China University of Political Science and Law This is the famous former Saint Johns University, Chinas first-ever modern institution of higher education established by missionaries from the United States in 1879. The buildings combine Chinese and Western elements. Address: 1575 Wanhangdu Road, Changning district The old residential area After you leave the university from its east gate you will enter a shabby neighborhood that retains its original look. The alleys are narrow and the houses are overcrowded. Some things have not changed for many generations, such as raising chickens at home. Address: West Guangfu Road Moganshan Road This is anartsy street that has become very popular among artists and fashionistas in recent years. Graffiti covers the walls on the winding street, where you can find a cluster of art galleries and creative industry offices. Sihang Warehouse Four banks jointly funded the construction of this warehouse, so it is named sihang, or four banks. The warehouse, built in 1931, was used for the storage of food, first-aid supplies and ammunition during the years of war. The building, which is also a masterpiece left by the Hungarian architect Laszlo Hudec in the 1930s, has been recently transformed into a center of creative industry workshops. Address: 1 Guangfu Road, Zhabei district整理范文,僅供參考歡迎您下載我們的文檔資料可以編輯修改使用致力于合同簡歷、論文寫作、PPT設計、計劃書、策劃案、學習課件、各類模板等方方面面,打造全網(wǎng)一站式需求覺得好可以點個贊哦如果沒有找到合適的文檔資料,可以留言告知我們哦


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