
1、熔接 fusion welding 壓接 the inclined position 打底焊 backing weld pressure welding 焊接 對接焊 butt welding 封底焊 back sealing weld 過程 welding process 角焊 fillet welding 蓋面焊 cosmetic welding 焊接技術 welding technique 搭接焊 lap welding 深熔焊 deep penetration weld 焊接工藝 welding technology/ 船形焊 fillet welding i
2、n the d ing procedure ownhand position/fillet weld 擺動焊 welding with weaving/ 焊接操作 welding operation ing in the flat position weave bead welding 焊接順序 welding sequence 平角焊 horizontal fillet weldin 前傾焊 foreward welding ( 英 焊接方向 direction of welding g 國 )/ forehand welding ( 美國 ) 焊接位置 weld
3、ing position 立角焊 fillet welding in the v 后傾焊 backward welding( 英 熔敷順序 build-up sequence/d ertical position 國 )/ backhand welding( 美國 ) eposition sequence 仰角焊 fillet welding in the o 分段退焊 backstep welding 焊縫傾角 weld slope/inclinatio verhead position 跳焊 skip welding n of weld axis 坡口焊 groo
4、ve welding 對稱焊 balanced welding/ bal 焊縫轉角 weld rotation/angle I 形坡口對接焊 square butt we anced welding sequence of rotation 平焊位置 flat po lding 左焊法 leftward welding foreh sition of welding 喇叭形坡口焊 flare groove we and welding 橫焊位置 horizontal position o lding 右焊法 rightward welding/bac f weldi
5、ng 立焊位置 vertic 卷邊焊 flanged edge welding khand welding al position of welding 縱縫焊接 welding of longitudi 挑弧焊 whipping method 仰焊位置 overhead position o nal seam 自動焊 automatic welding f welding 平焊 downhand wel 橫縫焊接 welding of transvers 手工焊 manual welding/hand ding/flat position welding e sea
6、m welding 橫焊 horizontal position weldi 環(huán)縫焊接 girth welding/ circu 車間焊接 shop welding ng mferential 工地焊接 site welding( 英國 )/ f 立焊 vertical position welding 螺旋縫焊接 welding of spiral s ield welding (美國 ) 仰焊 overhead position weldi eam/welding of helical sea 拘束焊接 restraint welding ng m 堆焊 s
7、urfacing/building up/ov 全位置焊 all position welding : 環(huán)縫對接焊 butt welding of ci erlaying 熔焊時, 焊件接逢所處空間位置包 rcumferential seam 隔離層堆焊 buttering 括平焊、 橫焊、 仰焊等位置所進行 定位焊 tack welding 端部周邊焊 boxing/end return 的焊接。 如水平固定管所進行的環(huán) 單面焊 welding by one side 返修焊 rewelding 縫焊接 雙面焊 welding by both sides 補焊
8、repair welding 向下立焊 vertical down weldi 單道焊 single pass welding/si 塞焊 plug welding ng/downward welding in th ngle run welding 槽焊 slot welding e vertical position 多道焊 multi-pass welding 襯墊焊 welding with backing 向上立焊 vertical up welding/ 單層焊 single layer welding 焊劑墊焊 welding with flux ba
9、upward welding in the verti 多層焊 multi-layer welding cking cal position 分段多層焊 block sequence/ b 窄間隙焊 narrow-gap welding 傾斜焊 inclined position weldi lock welding 強制成形焊 enclosed welding ng 分層多道焊 multi-layer and m 脈沖電弧焊 pulsed are weldin 上坡焊 upward welding in th ulti-pass welding g e incl
10、ined position 連續(xù)焊 continuous welding 電弧點焊 arc spot welding 下坡焊 downward welding in 斷續(xù)焊 intermittent welding 螺柱焊 stud welding 熱風焊 hot gas welding 預熱溫度 preheat temperatur 單面坡口 single groove 高能焊 high grade energy we e 雙面坡口 double groove lding 層間溫度 interpass temperatu 坡口形式 groove type
11、固態(tài)焊接 solid-state welding re I 形坡口 square groove 單面焊雙面成形 one-side weldi 焊接終了溫度 finishing temper V 形坡口 single V groove ng with back formation ature Y 形坡口 single V groove with 焊接條件 welding condition 后熱溫度 postheating temper root face 焊接工藝參數(shù) welding parame ature 雙 Y 形坡口 double Vgroove wi t
12、er 焊絲伸出長度 wire extension th root face 極性 polarity 弧長 arc length 帶鈍邊 U 形坡口 single U groo 正接 electrode negative/strai 熔化速度 melting rate ve ght polarity 熔化時間 melting time 帶鈍邊雙 U 形坡口 double U gr 反接 electrode positive/rever 熔化系數(shù) melting coefficient oove sed polarity 熔敷速度 rate of depositio
13、n/d VY 形坡口 single compound a 運條方式 manipulation of elec eposition rate ngle groove trode 熔敷系數(shù) deposition coefficien 帶鈍邊 J 形坡口 single J groov 焊接電流 welding current t e 焊接電流增加時間 welding curr 熔敷效率 deposition efficiency 帶鈍邊雙 J 形坡口 double J gro ent upslope time 損失系數(shù) loss coefficient ove 焊接
14、電流衰減時間 welding curr 飛 spatter 單邊 V 形坡口 single bevel gro ent downslope time 飛濺率 spatter loss coefficien ove 電流密度 current density t 雙 V 形坡口 double V groove 短路電流 short circuit current 融合比 fusion ratio 不對稱雙 V 形坡口 asymmetric 脈沖電流 pulse level/pulse cu 稀釋 dilution double V groove rrent level
15、 稀釋率 rate of dilution 雙單邊 V 形坡口 double bevel 脈沖電流幅值 pulse current a 合金過度系數(shù) transfer efficien groove/K groove mplitude cy/recovery (of an element) 帶墊板 V 形坡口 V groove wit 基值電流 background level 坡口 groove h backing/ single V groove 脈沖頻率 pulse frequency 坡口面 groove face with backing 脈沖焊接電流占
16、空比 duty cycle 坡口面角度 angle of bevel ( 英 喇叭形坡口 flare groove of pulse duration 國 )/ bevel angle (美國 ) 鎖底坡口 single bevel groove 電弧電壓 arc voltage 坡口角度 included angle( 英國 ) with backing locked 再引弧電壓 reignition voltage /groove angle( 美國 ) 坡形板邊 tapered edge 焊接速度 welding speed 坡口高度 groove depth
17、 焊縫 weld 行走速度 rate of travel/travel 鈍邊 root face 接逢 seam speed 鈍邊高度 thickness of root fa 焊縫符號 welding symbol 送絲速度 wire feed rate ce/width of root face 焊縫金屬 weld metal 線能量 heat input/energy inp 根部間隙 root gap( 英國 )/root 填充金屬 filler metal ut opening (美國 ) 熔敷金屬 deposited metal 熱輸入 heat i
18、nput 根部半徑 root radius/groove r 焊縫表面 weld face/ face of 預熱 preheat adius weld 后熱 postheat 根部銳邊 root edge 焊縫背面 back of weld 焊后熱處理 posweld heat trea 卷邊高度 height of flange 焊縫軸線 axis of weld tment/postheat treatment 卷邊半徑 radius of flange 焊縫尺寸 size of weld 焊縫寬度 weld width/ width o eld
19、 超強匹配接頭 overmatching w f weld 斷續(xù)角焊縫 intermittent fillet eld joint 焊縫長度 weld length/ length weld 接頭根部 root of joint of weld 交錯斷續(xù)角焊縫 staggered inte 對接接頭 butt joint 焊縫有效長度 effective length rmittent fillet weld I 形對接接頭 square butt joint of weld 并列斷續(xù)角焊縫 chain intermitt V 形對接接
20、頭 single V butt joi 焊縫厚度 throat depth/ throa ent fillet weld nt t thickness 端接焊縫 edge weld U 形對接接頭 single U butt joi 焊縫計算厚度 theoretical throa 卷邊焊縫 flanged edge weld nt t 塞焊焊縫 plug weld J 形坡口接頭 single J butt join 焊縫實際厚度 actual throat 縱向焊縫 longitudinal weld t 熔深 penetratio
21、n/ depth of p 橫向焊縫 transverse weld 雙 V 形對接接頭 double V butt enetration 環(huán)行焊縫 girth weld/ circumfe joint 焊縫成形 appearance of weld rential weld 雙單邊 V 形對接接頭 double be 焊縫成形系數(shù) form factor of w 螺旋形焊縫 spiral weld/ helica vel butt joint/ K groove but eld l weld t joint 余高 reinforcement
22、/ excess 密封焊縫 seal weld 帶鈍邊 U 形對接接頭 double U weld metal 承載焊縫 strength weld butt joint 背面余高 root reinforcement 聯(lián)系焊縫 connective weld 帶鈍邊 J 形坡口接頭 double J j 削平焊縫 flush weld/ weld m 定位焊縫 tack weld oint achined flush 焊道 bead/ run/ pass 角接接頭 corner joint 對接焊縫 butt weld 焊波 r
23、ipple T 形接頭 T joint 角焊縫 fillet 焊根 weld root/ root of weld 斜 T 形接頭 inclined T joint 焊腳 leg/ fillet weld leg 焊趾 weld toe/ toe 十字接頭 cruciform joint/ cros 角焊縫斷面形狀 profile of fillet 封底焊道 sealing run (after m s-shaped joint weld aking main weld)/ back wel 三聯(lián)接頭 joint among three
24、 平形角焊縫 flat fillet d members 凸形角焊縫 convex fillet weld 打底焊道 backing weld (befor 搭接接頭 lap joint 凹形角焊縫 concave fillet weld e making main weld)/ back 套管接頭 muff joint/ sleeve j 角焊縫凹度 concavity weld oint 側面角焊縫 side fillet weld/ fil 根部焊道 root pass/ root run 雙蓋板接頭 double strapped
25、 j let weld in parallel shear 填充焊道 filling bead oint 正面角焊縫 front fillet weld/ fi 蓋面焊道 cosmetic bead/ cov 蓋板接頭 strapped joint llet weld in normal shear er pass 端接接頭 edge joint 立角焊縫 fillet weld in the ve 回火焊道 temper bead/ anne 卷邊接頭 flanged edge joint rtical position aling b
26、ead 鎖底對接接頭 lock butt joint 橫角焊縫 fillet weld in the ho 熔透焊道 penetration bead 斜對接接頭 oblique butt joint rizontal position 焊層 layer 混合接頭 mixed joint/ compo 平角焊縫 fillet weld in the fla 焊接接頭 welded joint site joint t position 接頭形狀 joint geometry 有間隙接頭 open joint 斜角焊縫 oblique fill
27、et weld 等強匹配接頭 equalmatching 無間隙接頭 closed joint 連續(xù)焊縫 continuous weld weld joint 焊接電弧 welding arc 斷續(xù)焊縫 intermittent weld 低強匹配接頭 undermatching 電弧形態(tài) arc shape 連續(xù)角焊縫 continuous fillet w weld joint 電弧物理行為 arc physics beh aviour 電磁力 electromagnectic forc 渣系本目圖 slag system diagra
28、 引弧 striking arc e m 引弧電壓 striking voltage 電磁收縮效應 pinch effect 堿性渣 basic slag 電弧氣氛 arc atmosphere 電弧飄移 wandering of arc 酸性渣 acid slag 陰極 cathode 電弧穩(wěn)定性 arc stability 堿度 basicity 熱陰極 hot cathode 電弧靜特性 static characterist 酸度 acidity 冷陰極 cold cathode ic of arc 長渣 long slag 陰極斑點cathode
29、spot 電弧動特性 dynamic characte 短渣 short slag 陰極區(qū) cathode region ristic of arc 粘性熔渣 viscous slag 陰極區(qū)電場強度intensity of th 最小電壓原理 principle of min 氧化物型熔渣 oxide melting s e electric field in the catho imum voltage lag de region 電弧挺度 arc stiffness 鹽型熔渣 salt melting slag 陰極壓降cathode drop 電弧偏吹
30、arc blow 鹽-氧化物型熔渣 salt-oxide m 陽極anode 磁偏吹 magnetic blow elting slag 陽極斑點anode spot 陰極清理作用 cleaning action 熔渣流動性 fluidity of the sla 斑點壓力spot pressure of the cathode g; slag fluidity 陽極區(qū) anode region 電弧自身調節(jié) arc self-regulati 熔渣 solidified slag 陽極區(qū)電場強度intensity of th on 多孔焊渣 porous sl
31、ag e electric field in the anode 挖掘作用 digging action 玻璃狀焊渣 vitreous slag region 極性效應 polarity effect 自動脫落焊渣 self-releasing sl 陽極壓降anode drop 熔滴 droplet ag 弧柱 arc column/ arc stream 熔滴比表面積 specific surface 脫渣性 slag detachability 弧柱壓降 voltage drop in arc of droplet 焊接設備 welding equipmen
32、t; column 熔滴過渡 metal transfer welding set 弧柱電位梯度 potential gradie 過度頻率 transition frequenc 焊機 welding machine; weld nt in the arc column y er 弧焰 arc flame 粗滴過渡 globular transfer; dr 電焊機 electric welding mach 弧心 arc core op transfer ine; electric welder 硬電弧 forceful arc/ hard arc 短路過
33、渡 short circuiting tran 焊接電源 welding power sour 軟電弧soft arc sfer ce 旋轉電弧 rotating arc 噴射過渡 spray transfer 脈沖電弧pulsed arc 旋轉噴射過渡 rotating spray t 焊接熱循環(huán) weld thermal cycl 脈沖噴射電弧 pulsed spray ar ransfer e c 脈沖噴射過渡 pulsed spray tr 焊接溫度場 field of weld tem 起皺現(xiàn)象 puckering phenome ansfer
34、 perature; weld temperature na 爆炸過渡 explosive transfer field 起皺電弧 puckering arc 渣壁過渡 flux wall guided tra 準穩(wěn)定溫度場 quasi-stationary 起皺臨界電流 puckering critic nsfer temperature field al current 熔池 molten pool 焊接熱源 welding heat sourc 間接電弧indirect arc 沸騰狀熔池 boiling molten po e 壓縮電弧 compress
35、ive arc ol 點熱源 point heat source 磁控電弧 magnetic controllin 弧坑crater 線熱源 linear heat source g arc 熔渣slag 面熱源 plane heat source 電弧力 arc force 渣系 slag system 瞬時集中熱源 instantaneous c oncentration heat source 針狀鐵素體 acicular ferrite re 熱效率 thermal efficiency 條狀鐵素體 lath ferrite 斷 口形貌 frac
36、ture apperance 熱能集中系數(shù) coefficient of h 側板條鐵素體 ferrite side-plat 斷 口試驗 fracture test eat flow concentration e 宏觀斷口分析 macrofractogra 峰值溫度 peak temperature 晶界欣素體 grain boundary f phy 瞬時冷卻速度 momentary coo errite; polygonal ferrite; pro 放射區(qū) radical zone ling rate -entectoid ferrite 纖維區(qū) fib
37、rous zone 冷卻時間 cooling time 粒狀貝氏體 granular bainite 剪切唇區(qū) shear lip aone 置換氧化 substitutionary oxy 板條馬氏體 lath martensite 焊接性 weldability dation 過熱組織 overheated structur 使用焊接性 service weldabilit 擴散氧化 diffusible oxydation e y 脫氧 desoxydation 魏氏組織 Widmannst?tten str 工藝焊接性 fabrication welda
38、 先期脫氧 precedent desoxyd ucture bility ation M-A 組元 martensite-austenit 冶金焊接性 metallurgical wel 擴散月^氧 diffusible desoxydat e constituent dability ion 焊件失效分析 failure analysis 熱焊接性 thermal weldability 沉淀脫氧 precipitation desox of weldments 母材 base metal; parent me ydation 冷裂判據(jù) criterion
39、of cold cr tal 擴散氫 diffusible hydrogen acking 焊接區(qū) weld zone 初始擴散氫 initial diffusible h 冷裂敏感系數(shù) cold cracking s 焊態(tài) as-welded (AW) ydrogen usceptibity coefficient 母材熔化區(qū) fusion zone 100 C殘余擴散氫 diffusible hy 脆性溫度區(qū)間 brittle temperat 半熔化區(qū) partial melting regi drogen remained at 100 ℃ ure ran
40、ge on 殘余氫 residual hydrogen 氫脆 hydrogen embrittlemen 未混合區(qū) unmixed zone 去氫 dehydrogenation t 熔合區(qū) bond area 去氫熱處理 heat treatment f 層狀偏析 lamellar segregatio 熔合線 weld junction (英);bo or dehydrogenation n nd line (美) 脫硫 desulphurization 愈合 healing effect 熱影響區(qū) heat-affected zone 脫磷 dephos
41、phorization 斷口金相 fractography (HAZ) 滲合金alloying 斷口 fracture 過熱區(qū) overheated zone 微量合金化 microalloying 延性斷口 ductile fracture 粗晶 區(qū) coarse grained regio 一次結晶組織 primary solidific 韌窩斷口 dimple fracture n ation structure 脆性斷口 brittle fracture 細晶區(qū) fine grained region 二次結晶組織 secondary solid 解理斷
42、口 cleavage fracture 過渡區(qū) transition zone ification structure 準解理斷口 quasi-cleavage fr 硬化區(qū) hardened zone 聯(lián)生法吉晶 epitaxial solidificati acture 碳當量 carbon equivalent on 氫致準解理斷口 hydrogen-em 銘當量 chromium equivalent 焊縫結晶形態(tài) solidification m brittlement induced 銀當量 nickel equivalent ode in weld-b
43、ead 沿晶斷口 intergranular fractu 舍夫勒組織圖 Schaefflers dia 結晶層狀線ripple re gram 多邊化邊界 polygonization bo 穿晶斷口 transgranular fract 德龍組織圖 Delong s diagram undary ure 連續(xù)冷卻轉變圖(CCT圖)conti 結晶平均線速度 mean solidific 疲勞斷 口 fatigue fracture nuous cooling transformatio ation rate 滑移面斷口 glide plane fractu
44、 n 裂紋敏感性 cracking sensibilit y 分塊形槽熱裂紋試驗 segmente d circular groove cracking t t 剛性拘束裂紋試驗(RRC試驗)r 焊接裂紋 weld crack est igid restraint cracking test 焊縫裂紋 weld metal crack H形裂紋試驗 H-type cracking 插銷試驗 implant test 焊道裂紋 bead crack test Tigamajig 薄板焊接裂紋試驗 T 弧坑裂紋crater crack 魚骨形裂紋試驗 fi
45、shbone crac igamajing thin plate crackin 熱影響區(qū)裂紋 heat-affected z king test g test one crack 指形裂紋試驗 finger (cracking) 焊道縱向彎曲試驗 longitudinal 縱向裂紋 longitudinal crack test -bead test 橫向裂紋 transverse crack T形裂紋試驗 Tee type cracki 柯麥雷爾彎曲試驗 Kommerell 微裂紋 micro-crack; micro-fi ng test bead ben
46、d test ssure 環(huán)形槽裂紋試驗 circular-groov 肯澤爾彎曲試驗 Kinzel test 熱裂紋hot crack e cracking test 缺口彎曲試驗 notch bend test 凝固裂紋 solidification crack 可調拘束裂紋試驗 varestraint 熱朔性試驗 hot-ductility test 晶 間裂紋 intercrystalline crac test 熱影響區(qū)沖擊試驗 impact test k BWRA奧氏體鋼裂紋試驗 BWR of HAZ 穿晶裂紋 transcrystalline cr
47、a A cracking test for austeniti 熱影響區(qū)模擬試驗 synthetic h ck e steel eat-affected zone test 多邊化裂紋 polygonization cr 圓棒裂紋試驗 bar type cracki 最高硬度試驗 maximum hard ack ng test; round bar cracking ness test 液化裂紋 liquation crack test 落錘試驗 NRL (Naval Resear 失延裂紋 ductility-dip crack 里海裂紋試驗 Lehigh
48、restraint ch Laboratory) 冷裂紋cold crack cracking test 測氫試驗 Hydrogen test 延遲裂紋 delayed crack 圓形鑲塊裂紋試驗 circular-pat 焊接材料 氫致裂紋 hydrogen-induced c h cracking test 電極 rack 十字接頭裂紋試驗 cruciform c 焊接材料 welding consumable 焊道下裂紋 underbead crack racking test s 焊根裂紋 root crack Z向窗口拘束裂紋試驗 Z-direc
49、ti 電極 electrode 焊趾裂紋 toe crack on window type restraint cr 熔化電極 consumable electrod 鋸"^^裂紋 chevron cracking acking test e 消除應力處理裂紋 stress relief G-BOP焊縫金屬裂紋試驗 G-BO 不熔化電極 nonconsumable el annealing crack (SR crack) P weld metal crack test ectrode 再熱裂紋 reheat crack 巴特爾焊道下裂紋試驗 Battelle
50、鴇電極 tungsten electrode 焊縫晶間腐蝕 weld intercryct type underbead cracking t 焊絲 welding wire. Welding r alline corrosion est od 刀狀腐蝕 knife line attack U形拉伸試驗 U-tension test 實心焊絲solid wire 敏化區(qū)腐蝕 weld decay 繆雷克期熱裂紋試驗 Murex ho 渡銅焊絲 copper-plating weldi 層狀撕裂 lamellar tearing t cracking test ng
51、 wire 焊接性試驗 weldability 菲斯柯裂紋試驗 FISCO (type) 自保護焊絲 self-shielded weldi 裂紋試驗 cracking test cracking test ng wire IIW 裂紋試驗 IIW cracking te CTS 裂紋試驗 controlled ther 藥芯焊絲 flux-cored wire st mal severity 復合焊絲 combined wire 丫形坡口裂紋試驗 slit type cra 拉伸拘束裂紋試驗(TRC試驗)t 堆焊焊絲 surfacing welding ro
52、cking test ensile restraint cracking tes d 填充焊絲filler wire ctrode armfulless electrode/ 焊條 electrode/ covered elect 珠光體耐熱鋼焊條 pearlitic hea low-fume and low-toxic elec rode t resistant steel electrode trode 焊芯 core wire 低溫鋼焊條 low temperature s 堆焊焊條 surfacing electrode 藥皮 coating (of
53、 an electrode) teel electrode/ steel electro 耐磨堆焊焊條 hardfacing elect / covering (of an electrode) de for low temperature rode 涂料 coating flux/coating ma 鋁合金焊條 aluminum alloy ar 鉆基合金堆焊焊條 cobalt base terial c welding electrode alloy surfacing electrode 齊U gas forming constitue 銅合金焊條 coppe
54、r-alloy arc 碳化鴇堆焊焊條 tungsten carbi nts welding electrode de surfacing electrode 造渣齊U slag forming constitue 銅芯鑄鐵焊條 cast iron electro 高鎰鋼堆焊焊條 high mangane nts de with steel core se steel surfacing electrode 合金齊U alloying constituent 純銀鑄鐵焊條 pure nickel cast 雙芯焊條 twin electrode 脫氧齊1J diox
55、idizer iron electrode 絞合焊條 stranded electrode 穩(wěn)弧齊U arc stabilizer 球墨鑄鐵焊條 electrode for we 編織焊條 braided electrode 粘接劑binder lding spheroidal graphite ca 雙層藥皮焊條 double coated e 水玻璃 water glass st iron lectrode 水玻璃模數(shù) modules of water 鑄芯焊條 electrode with cast 管狀焊條 flux-cored electrode gla
56、ss core wire 氣渣聯(lián)合保護型藥皮 semi-volat 酸性焊條 acid electrode 銀基合金焊條 nickel base allo ile covering 高鈦型焊條 high titania (type) y covered electrode 焊條工藝性 usability of the el electrode 蒙乃爾焊條Monel electrode ectrode/ technicality of the 鈦鈣型焊條lime titania type 純鐵焊條 pure iron electrode electrode elec
57、trode 滲鋁鋼焊條 alumetized steel e 焊條使用性 running characteri 鈦鐵礦形焊條ilmenite type el lectrode stics of an electrode/ opera ectrode 高效率焊條 high efficiency ele ting characteristics of an el 氧化鐵型焊條iron oxide type ctrode ectrode electrode/ high iron oxide t 鐵粉焊條 iron powder electro 焊條熔化性 melting
58、characteri ype electrode de stics of an electrode 高纖維素型焊條 high cellulose 底層焊條 backing welding ele 焊條直徑 core diameter (type) electrode ctrode 焊條偏心度 eccentricity (of an 石墨型焊條 graphite type elec 深熔焊條 deep penetration el electrode) trode ectrode 藥皮重量系數(shù) gravity coefficie 堿性焊條 basic electr
59、ode/ lim 重力焊條 gravity electrode nt of coating e type covered electrode 立向下焊條 electrode for verti 焊條藥皮含水量 percentage of 低氫型焊條low hydrogen typ cal down position welding moisture for covering e electrode 節(jié)能焊條 saving energy electr 焊條夾吃持端 bare terminal (o 高韌性超低氫焊條 high toughn ode f an elect
60、rode) ess super low hydrogen ele 水下焊條 underwater welding 焊條引弧端 striking end (of a ctrode electrode n elcetrode) 奧氏體焊條 austenitic electrod 耐海水腐蝕焊條 seawater corr 焊劑 welding flux/ flux e osion resistant steel electro 熔煉焊劑fused flux 鐵素體焊條 ferritic electrode de 粘結焊劑bonded flux 不銹鋼焊條 stain
61、less steel ele 低塵低毒焊條 low-fume and h 燒結焊劑 sintered flux/ agglo merated flux ence (submerged-arc weldin 活性氣體保護電弧焊 metal acti 窄間隙埋弧焊焊劑 flux for narr g) ve-gas arc welding ow-gap submerged arc wel 橫列多絲埋弧焊 series subme 混合氣體保護電弧焊 mixed ga ding rged arc welding (SAW-S) s arc welding 低氫型焊
62、劑low hydrogen typ 橫列雙絲并聯(lián)埋弧焊 transvers 二氧化碳氣體保護電弧焊 carbo e flux e submerged arc welding n-dioxide arc welding; CO2 高速焊劑 high speed welding 熱絲埋弧焊 hot wire submerg arc welding flux ed-arc welding 細絲 CO2 焊 CO2 arc welding 無氧焊劑 oxygen-free flux 窄間隙埋弧焊 narrow-gap sub with thin wire 低毒焊劑 low
63、 poison flux merged arc welding 粗絲 CO2 焊 CO2 arc welding 磁性焊劑magnetic flux 弧壓反饋電弧焊 arc voltage f with thick wire 電弧焊 arc welding eedback controlling arc wel 磁性焊劑CO2焊unionarc wel 直流電弧焊 direct current arc ding ding welding 自調節(jié)電弧焊 self-adjusting a 約芯焊絲 CO2焊 arcos arc pr 交流電弧焊 alternating
64、 curre rc welding ocess; dual shield arc weldi nt arc welding 適應控制焊接 adaptive contro ng 三相電弧焊 three phase arc l welding 氣電立焊 electrogas (arc) we welding 焊劑層 burden; flux layer lding 熔化電弧焊 arc welding with 氣體保護電弧焊 gas shielded 氮弧焊 nitrogen-arc welding consumable arc welding 水蒸氣保護電弧焊
65、water vapo 金屬極電弧焊 metal arc weldi 保護氣體 protective atmosph ur arc welding ng ere 原子氫焊 atomic hydrogen w 不熔化極電弧焊 arc welding 惰性氣體 inert-gas elding with nonconsumable 活性氣體 active-gas 沖器室中電弧焊 controlled at 碳弧焊 carbon arc welding 惰性氣體保護焊 inert-gas (arc) mosphere arc welding 明弧焊 open arc w
66、elding welding 旋轉電弧焊 rotating arc weldi 焊條電弧焊 shielded metal ar MM焊 argon arc welding ng c welding (SMAW) 熔化極惰性氣體保護電弧焊 met 短路過渡電弧焊 short circuitin 重力焊 gravity welding al inert-gas arc welding g arc welding 躺焊 fire cracker welding 鴇極惰性氣體保護電弧焊 tungs 焊絲橫擺頻率 weaving speed 電弧堆焊 arc surfacing ten inert-gas arc welding of wire 自動堆焊 automatic surfacing 鴇極氫弧焊 argon tungsten a 焊絲停擺時間 electrode keep 躺板極堆焊 surfacing by fire rc welding time of slider cracker welding 脈沖氫弧焊 pulsed ar
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