《TR 37.885 V1.0.0 (2018-05) Study on evaluation methodology of new Vehicle-to-Everything V2X use cases for LTE and NR》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《TR 37.885 V1.0.0 (2018-05) Study on evaluation methodology of new Vehicle-to-Everything V2X use cases for LTE and NR(35頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。
3GPP TR 37.885 V1.0.0 (2018-05)
Technical Report
3rd Generation Partnership Project;
Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network;
Study on evaluation methodology of new Vehicle-to-Everything V2X use cases for LTE and NR;
(Release 15)
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3GPP TR 37.885 V1.0.0 (2018-05)
Release 15
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Foreword 4
1 Scope 5
2 References 5
3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations 6
3.1 Definitions 6
3.2 Symbols 6
3.3 Abbreviations 6
4 Introduction 6
5 Regulation for ITS operation in frequency band above 6 GHz 7
5.1 International recommendation 7
5.2 European regulation 7
5.3 Korean regulation 8
5.4 Chinese regulation 8
6 Evaluation methodology 8
6.1 System level simulation assumptions 8
6.1.1 Evaluation scenarios 8
6.1.2 UE drop and mobility modeling 10
6.1.3 BS and UE-type RSU deployment 12
6.1.4 Antenna model 13
6.1.5 Traffic model 25
6.1.6 Performance metric 27
6.2 Channel model 27
6.2.1 Pathloss model 28
6.2.2 Shadowing model 29
6.2.3 Fast fading model 29
6.3 Link level simulation assumptions 31
6.4 Additional assumptions to evaluate vehicle positioning 32
Annex A: Road configuration for urban grid and highway 33
Annex B: Change history 35
This Technical Report has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:
Version x.y.z
x the first digit:
1 presented to TSG for information;
2 presented to TSG for approval;
3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control.
y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates, etc.
z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.
1 Scope
The present document captures the findings of the study item, "Study on evaluation methodology of new V2X use cases for LTE and NR" [2]. The purpose of this TR is to document the evaluation methodology to be used in evaluating technical solutions to support the full set of 5G V2X use cases as identified in [3] and the full set of 5G RAN requirements in [4].
This document addresses completion of the evaluation methodology in [4] and [5] to compare the performance of different technical options for the new 5G V2X use cases.
This document captures identification of the regulatory requirements and design considerations of potential operation of direct communications between vehicles in spectrum allocated to ITS beyond 6GHz in different regions.
This document is a living document, i.e. it is permanently updated and presented to TSG-RAN meetings.
2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.
- References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or nonspecific.
- For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
- For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document.
[1] 3GPPTR21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".
[2] 3GPPRP-170837: "New SI proposal: Study on evaluation methodology of new V2X use cases for LTE and NR".
[3] 3GPPTR22.886: "Study on enhancement of 3GPP Support for 5G V2X Services".
[4] 3GPPTR38.913: "Study on Scenarios and Requirements for Next Generation Access Technologies".
[5] 3GPPTR38.802: "Study on New Radio Access Technology; Physical Layer Aspects".
[6] ITU-R M.1452-2 (05/2012), “Millimetre wave vehicular collision avoidance radars and radiocommunication systems for intelligent transport system applications”
[7] ECC/DEC/(09)01 The harmonised use of the 63-64 GHz frequency band for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
[8] ETSI TR 102 400 v1.2.1(2006-07), "Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Short Range Devices (SRD); Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Road Traffic and Transport Telematics (RTTT); Technical characteristics for communications equipment in the frequency band from 63 GHz to 64 GHz; System Reference Document".
[9] ETSI EN 302 686 V1.1.1(2011-02), ” Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Radiocommunications equipment operating in the 63 GHz to 64 GHz frequency band; Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive”
[10] ERMTG37(17)026012, “ITS in 60GHz proposal ”, FBConsulting, ETSI ERM-TG37#26
[11] IEEE 802.18-17/0097, ITS in 60GHz - An updated proposal discussed in ETSI TC BRAN and TC ITS, Friedbert Berens, Markus Mueck
[12] Republic of Korea table of frequency allocations, https://spectrum.or.kr:5017/download.php?dnfile=%EC%A3%BC%ED%8C%8C%EC%88%98%EB%B6%84%EB%B0%B0%EB%8F%84%ED%91%9C%282015%EB%85%84+1%EC%9B%94%29.pdf&file=/www/spectrum_or_kr/webapp/../upload_dir/banner/175666235554bdd5483c499.pdf
[13] 3GPP TR 36.885: "Study on LTE-based V2X services".
[14] 3GPP TR 36.873: "Study on 3D channel model for LTE".
[15] 3GPP TR 38.901: "Study on channel model for frequencies from 0.5 to 100 GHz".
[16] 3GPP TR 36.872: "Small cell enhancements for E-UTRA and E-UTRAN - Physical layer aspects".
[17] 3GPP TR 36.814: "Further advancements for E-UTRA physical layer aspects".
[18] 3GPP TR 22.872: "Study on positioning use cases".
3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in 3GPP TR21.905[1] and the following apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in 3GPP TR21.905[1].
3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:
3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in TR21.905[1] and the following apply.
An abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in TR21.905[1].
B2R Base station to road side unit
P2B Pedestrian to base station
P2P Pedestrian to pedestrian
R2R Road side unit to road side unit
RSU Road side unit
V2B Vehicle to base station
V2P Vehicle to pedestrian
V2V Vehicle to vehicle
V2R Vehicle to road side unit
4 Introduction
To expand the 3GPP platform to the automotive industry, the initial standard on support of V2V services was completed in September 2016. Further enhancements that focusing on additional V2X operation scenarios leveraging the cellular infrastructure, also for inclusion in Release 14, is targeting completion in March 2017 as 3GPP V2X phase 1.
Currently, SA1 is working on enhancement of 3GPP support for V2X services in FS_eV2X. SA1 has identified 25 use cases for advanced V2X services and they are categorized into four use case groups: vehicles platooning, extended sensors, advanced driving and remote driving. The detailed description of each use case group is provided as below.
1) Vehicles Platoonning enables the vehicles to dynamically form a platoon travelling together. All the vehicles in the platoon obtain information from the leading vehicle to manage this platoon. These information allow the vehicles to drive closer than normal in a coordinated manner, going to the same direction and travelling together.
2) Extended Sensors enables the exchange of raw or processed data gathered through local sensors or live video images among vehicles, road site units, devices of pedestrian and V2X application servers. The vehicles can increase the perception of their environemnt beyond of what their own sensors can detect and have a more broad and holistic view of the local situation. High data rate is one of the key characteristics.
3) Advanced Driving enables semi-automated or full-automated driving. Each vehicle and/or RSU shares its own perception data obtained from its local sensors with vehicles in proximity and that allows vehicles to synchronize and coordinate their trajectories or manoeuvres. Each vehicle shares its driving intention with vehicles in proximity too.
4) Remote Driving enables a remote driver or a V2X application to operate a remote vehicle for those passengers who cannot drive by themselves or remote vehicles located in dangerous environments. For a case where variation is limited and routes are predictable, such as public transportation, driving based on cloud computing can be used. High reliability and low latency are the main requirements.
The consolidated requirements for each use case group are captured in TR 22.886. Based on the input from FS_eV2X, SA1 will generate a set of normative requirements for Release 15. Inline with these requirements, TSG RAN has been defining a set of corresponding 5G RAN requirements within 3GPP TR38.913.
In order to study technical solutions for the new V2X use cases, new evaluation methodology needs to be defined.
5 Regulation for ITS operation in frequency band above 6 GHz
5.1 International recommendation
ITU-R recommends technical and operational characteristics for millimeter wave radiocommunication systems for ITS applications for V2V and V2I in the frequency band 57.0-66.0 GHz [Annex 2 in 6]. Channel arrangements will be specified by regions or countries separately. ITU-R identifies the transmission parameter requirements for ITS with three types of system bandwidth as follows:
Table 5.1-1 Transmission parameter requirements in [6].
System A
System B
System C
System bandwidth
63-64 GHz
59-66 GHz
57-64 GHz
40 dBm
Transmit power
Antenna Gain
23 dBi or less
47 dBi or less
17 dBi or less
5.2 European regulation
CEPT states that 63-64 GHz frequency bands are allowed for ITS on harmonized use basis and the maximum radiated power should be limited to 40 dBm E.I.R.P [7]. ETSI also indicates that this frequency band can be used for ITS providing traffic safety and traffic efficiency applications (including V2V and V2I) all over Europe, and the following transmission parameters were considered in the analysis in [8, 9]:
- E.I.R.P
n 40 dBm (E.I.R.P. max mean power), 43 dBm (E.I.R.P. max peak power)
- Transmit power
n 27 dBm (max peak conducted power)
- Unwanted emission level
n Less than -30 dBm
- Antenna gain
n RSU : 23 dBi, Vehicle : 21 dBi (for V2V), 14 dBi (for V2I)
The definition of RF output power “the RF output power is the mean equivalent isotropic radiated power (e.i.r.p.) for the equipment during a transmission burst. The mean e.i.r.p. refers to the highest power level of the transmitter power control range during the transmission cycle if the transmitter power control is implemented” in [9] may need to be clarified, e.g., the notion of “transmission burst.”
It is noted that there is ongoing discussion in ETSI to adjust ITS spectrum at 63-64 GHz because this spectrum overlaps with two RLAN channels [10, 11]. Based on further progress, ITS frequency allocation above 6 GHz in Europe may be updated, e.g., shift the center frequency of ITS band to 62.64 or 64.80 GHz and enlarge its bandwidth up to 2.16 GHz.
5.3 Korean regulation
In Korean regulations, frequency band 57.0-66.0 GHz is currently assigned for the purpose of communications for earth exploration satellite(Passive), fixed and Inter-satellite [12], but no specific use cases are determined yet and the spectrum is being underutilized [Footnote K176C in 12].
5.4 Chinese regulation
There is no Chinese regulation for using ITS application in above 6GHz.
6 Evaluation methodology
The evaluation methodology in this document is used as a baseline for evaluating technical solutions and can be modified later as necessary.
6.1 System level simulation assumptions
6.1.1 Evaluation scenarios
For both below and above 6 GHz, the road configuration for urban grid and highway in [4] is used and the details are provided in Annex A.
Parameters regarding evaluation scenarios below 6 GHz are given in the following table:
Table 6.1.1-1: Evaluation scenarios below 6 GHz
Urban grid for eV2X
Highway for eV2X
Carrier frequency
Macro to/from vehicle/pedestrian UE : 4 GHz
Between vehicle/pedestrian UE: 6 GHz
Micro BS to/from vehicle/pedestrian UE : 4 GHz
UE-type-RSU to/from vehicle/pedestrian UE: 6 GHz
Note: Agreed value does not mean non-ITS band is precluded for real deployment for sidelink
Macro to/from vehicle/pedestrian UE : 2 GHz or 4GHz
Between vehicle/pedestrian UE: 6 GHz
Micro BS to/from vehicle/pedestrian UE : 4 GHz
UE-type-RSU to/from vehicle/pedestrian UE: 6 GHz
Note: Agreed value does not mean non-ITS band is precluded for real deployment for sidelink
Aggregated system bandwidth
Up to 200 MHz (DL+UL)
Up to 100 MHz (SL)
Up to 200 MHz (DL+UL)
Up to 100 MHz (SL)
Simulation bandwidth
20 or 40 MHz (DL+UL)
10 and 20 MHz (baseline for SL)
100 MHz (optional for SL)
20 or 40 MHz (DL+UL)
10 and 20 MHz (baseline for SL)
100 MHz (optional for SL)
BS Tx power
Macro BS: 49dBm PA scaled down proportionally with simulation BW when system BW is higher than simulation BW. Otherwise, 49dBm
Micro BS: 24dBm PA scaled down with simulation BW when system BW is higher than simulation BW. Otherwise, 24dBm
Note: 33dBm for RSU is not precluded
Macro BS: 49dBm PA scaled down proportionally with simulation BW when system BW is higher than simulation BW. Otherwise, 49dBm
Micro BS: 24dBm PA scaled down with simulation BW when system BW is higher than simulation BW. Otherwise, 24dBm
Note: 33dBm for RSU is not precluded
UE Tx power
Vehicle/pedestrian UE or UE type RSU: 23dBm
Note: 33dBm is not precluded
Vehicle/pedestrian UE or UE type RSU: 23dBm
Note: 33dBm is not precluded
BS receiver noise figure
UE receiver noise figure
9 dB
Note #1: Aggregated sidelink bandwidth of 100 MHz at 6GHz is not available in the current frequency allocations for ITS and its future availability is subject to the progress in the potential additional ITS spectrum allocation.
Note #2: Simulated sidelink bandwidth of 100 MHz is available in licensed spectrum at this moment and not supported in the current ITS spectrum allocation.
Parameters regarding evaluation scenarios above 6 GHz are given in the following table:
Table 6.1.1-2: Evaluation scenarios above 6 GHz
Urban grid for eV2X
Highway for eV2X
Carrier frequency
Macro to/from vehicle/pedestrian UE : 30 GHz
Between vehicle/pedestrian UE: 30 or 63 GHz
Micro BS to/from vehicle/pedestrian UE : 30 GHz
UE-type-RSU to/from vehicle/pedestrian UE: 30 or 63 GHz
Note: Agreed value does not mean non-ITS band is precluded for real deployment for sidelink
Macro to/from vehicle/pedestrian UE : 30 GHz
Between vehicle/pedestrian UE: 30 or 63 GHz
Micro BS to/from vehicle/pedestrian UE : 30 GHz
UE-type-RSU to/from vehicle/pedestrian UE: 30 or 63 GHz
Note: Agreed value does not mean non-ITS band is precluded for real deployment for sidelink
Aggregated system bandwidth
Up to 1 GHz (DL+UL)
Up to 1 GHz (SL)
Up to 1 GHz (DL+UL)
Up to 1 GHz (SL)
Simulation bandwidth
200 MHz (DL+UL)
200 MHz (SL)
200 MHz (DL+UL)
200 MHz (SL)
BS Tx power
Macro BS: 43dBm PA scaled down proportionally with simulation BW when system BW is higher than simulation BW. Otherwise, 43dBm. EIRP should not exceed 78 dBm and is also subject to appropriate scaling
Macro BS: 43dBm PA scaled down proportionally with simulation BW when system BW is higher than simulation BW. Otherwise, 43dBm. EIRP should not exceed 78 dBm and is also subject to appropriate scaling
UE Tx power
Vehicle/pedestrian UE or UE type RSU: 23 dBm for 30 GHz, 21 dB baseline for 63 GHz, 27 dBm optional for 63 GHz. For both 30 and 63 GHz, EIRP should not exceed 43 dBm.
Vehicle/pedestrian UE or UE type RSU: 23 dBm for 30 GHz, 21 dB baseline for 63 GHz, 27 dBm optional for 63 GHz. For both 30 and 63 GHz, EIRP should not exceed 43 dBm.
BS receiver noise figure
7 dB
7 dB
UE receiver noise figure
13 dB (baseline), 10 dB (optional)
Note #1: Further consideration is needed on how to scale the performance of sidelink.
6.1.2 UE drop and mobility modeling
Three vehicle types are defined as follows:
l Type 1 (passenger vehicle with lower antenna position): length 5 meters, width 2.0 meters, height 1.6 meters, antenna height 0.75 meters
l Type 2 (passenger vehicle with higher antenna position): length 5 meters, width 2.0 meters, height 1.6 meters, antenna height 1.6 meters
l Type 3 (truck/bus): length 13 meters, width 2.6 meters, height 3 meters, antenna height 3 meters
Vehicles are dropped according to the following process:
l The distance between the rear bumper of a vehicle and the front bumper of the following vehicle in the same lane is max {2 meter, an exponential random variable with the average of the speed * 2 sec}.
l All the vehicles in the same lane have the same speed.
l Vehicle type distribution is not dependent of the lane.
Clustered vehicle UE dropping is defined as follows:
l A cluster consists of a number vehicle UEs located in the same lane and having the same direction/speed. Two closest UEs belonging to the same cluster are separated with a fixed distance and no other UEs can be located between them.
l The distance between a platoon and a vehicle not belonging to the platoon follows the statistics of the distance between two vehicles not belonging to any platoon.
l Only Type 3 vehicles form a cluster.
l Clustered UE dropping is used only in the highway scenario.
The following UE dropping options are supported for the highway scenario:
l Option A
n Vehicle type distribution: 100% vehicle type 2.
n Clustered dropping is not used.
n Vehicle speed is 140 km/h in all the lanes as baseline and 70 km/h in all the lanes optionally.
l Option B
n Vehicle type distribution: [20]% vehicle type 1, [60]% vehicle type 2, [20]% vehicle type 3.
n Clustered dropping is not used.
n Vehicle speed in each lane is as follows:
u Speed in Lane 1: 80km/h
u Speed in Lane 2: 100km/h
u Speed in Lane 3: 140km/h
u Speed in Lane 4: 40