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1、,1. Do you know that there is more than one kind of English? (P9) 你知道世界上不止有一種英語嗎? China Daily is more than a paper (不僅僅是一份報紙); it helps us to improve our English. All the income of his family adds up to no more than (僅僅)300 dollars a month.,By the year 2020, Yancheng will have a populationit is toda

2、y. , the government is trying to improve the city public construction to be in tune with the times. A. more than twice what; Thus B. twice more than what; Therefore C. more than twice as big as; So D. twice larger than that; Therefore,【解析】選A。句意為:到2020年,鹽城人口將有今天的兩倍之多。因此,政府正努力促進城市公共設施建設以適應時代的要求。第一個空考查

3、“more than + 名詞性從句(what it is)”, twice what it is today意為“今天人口的兩倍”;第二個空thus“因此”也符合句意。,More than one studentpraised since Christmas in our class. A. wasB. has beenC. wereD. have been 【解析】選B。more than one 后跟可數(shù)名詞單數(shù),在概念上表示復數(shù)意義,但它作主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)。句意為:自從圣誕節(jié)以來,我們班許多學生被表揚過。,Mr. Brown isa teacher to us; we look

4、on him as our friend. 2011遵義高一檢測 A. more thanB. more or less C. less than D. more and more 【解析】選A。more than不僅僅,不止。句意:布朗先生遠不止是我們的老師;我們把他當作我們的朋友。more or less或多或少; less than少于;more and more越來越多。,more than超過;過于;不僅僅;非常 more than+基數(shù)詞“數(shù)量上超過” more than+名詞“不只是,不僅僅” more than+形容詞“非常,很”,(1)more than one +名詞“不止

5、一個”,作主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù); (2)more +可數(shù)名詞的復數(shù)+than one作主語,其謂語動詞用復數(shù)。,2. . . . because of that, English began to be spoken in many other countries. (P9)因為那一切(通過航海征服世界其他地方),英語開始在許多其他國家被說。 由于全國人民的努力和支持,第六次全國人口普查終于成功結(jié)束了。 The sixth national census came to an end successfully at last because of the efforts and suppor

6、t of all people all over the country.,The old man asked Lucy to move to another chairhe wanted to sit next to his wife. 2011長沙高一檢測 AalthoughBunlessCbecauseDif 【解析】選C。句意為: 那個老人請露西換個位子,因為他想和他的妻子挨著坐。空格后是一個句子,所以要用從屬連詞because引導原因狀語從句。although 表讓步,unless和if表條件。,多虧他的幫助, 我們提前完成了這項工作。 Thanks to his help, we

7、finished the work ahead of time.,because of 因為 表原因的短語還有: due to,owing to,thanks to,on account of,as a result of 等。,3. Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English. (P10) 以英語作為母語的人,即使他們所講的語言不盡相同,他們也可以相互理解。 He will come on time even though it rains

8、(即使下雨).,The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities, they have the interest. 2010安徽高考 A. whereverB. wheneverC. even ifD. as if 【解析】選C。考查狀語從句。句意為:工程師們非常繁忙,即使有戶外體育活動的興趣也沒有時間去做。,you make a promise, you should keep it. 2011漳州高一檢測 A. ThoughB. UnlessC. OnceD. Even if 【

9、解析】選C??疾檫B詞。句意:一旦你許下諾言,你就應當遵守。once一旦;though盡管;unless如果不;除非;even if即使。,(1)even if“即使,盡管”是連詞短語,引導讓步狀語從句。 (2)even if從句的謂語動詞要用一般現(xiàn)在時, 表示對將來的假設。 (3)even if=even though, 用法和意義相同。 引導讓步狀語從句的連詞和短語主要還有:though, although; as; while; whoever. . . ; no matter who. . . 等。,4. Id like to come up to your apartment. (P1

10、0)我愿意到你住的公寓里去。 閱讀下列句子,在括號中標注出come up的漢語意思 Mr. Smith came up(走過來)and said, “Glad to meet you. ” A number of questions came up(被提出)at the meeting. Ill let him know in time if anything comes up(發(fā)生). The seeds I sowed last week havent come up(發(fā)芽) yet. I like to get up early and watch the sun come up(上升)

11、.,Many questionsin todays English class, which was more than the new teacher had expected. 2011長春高一檢測 A. came upB. raisedC. roseD. was come up 【解析】選A。句意:許多問題在今天的英語課上被提出了,這一點超出了這位新老師的預料。come up(被)提出; raise提出, 撫養(yǎng),raise在句中應用被動語態(tài);rise 上升,上漲。,Yesterday Ian old college friend in the restaurant, who is a g

12、overnment. A. came up; officialB. came to; office C. came out; office D. came across; official 【解析】選D。句意:昨天在飯店我碰見一位大學時的老朋友,他現(xiàn)在是一名政府官員。come across碰見;come up走近,(被)提出;come to總計,達到;come out 暴露,出版,結(jié)果是。official(adj. )正式的;官方的;公務的; (n. )官員;公務員。,come up 走近;上來;發(fā)芽;(被)提出;發(fā)生;上升 come to 總計;達到 come on 加油;(催促)快點來吧

13、come out暴露;出版;結(jié)果是 come about發(fā)生;造成 come across 碰見;(偶然)發(fā)現(xiàn),5. It was based more on German than the English we speak at present . (P10) 比起現(xiàn)在我們所說的英語,它更大程度上是基于德語的。 The news report about Shanghai building fire is based on some facts (是以事實為根據(jù)的). On 2011 Spring Festival, my grandmother presented a computer t

14、o me/presented me with a computer (送我一臺電腦).,The world market price of coal is quite low, but it is certain to change in the future. A. at presentB. at the present C. in presentD. for present 【解析】選A。句意:世界煤炭市場價格目前相當?shù)?,但未來一定會變化。at present現(xiàn)在。,All the peopleat the party were his supporters. A. presentB. t

15、hankfulC. interestedD. important 【解析】選A。句意:所有出席晚會的都是他的支持者。present adj. “出席的”作后置定語。,在括號內(nèi)寫出present的漢語意義。 Not many important people want to be present ( 出席的,到場的 )at the meeting in the present ( 目前的 )situation, so most of the people present ( 到場的, 出席 ) here are not very important.,你知道present有幾種詞性嗎?它們的含義

16、分別是什么? present adj. 現(xiàn)在的;出席的n. 禮物;目前,現(xiàn)在vt. 贈送; 介紹; 呈遞,1)base (vt. ) 以為根據(jù) (n. )基部;基地;基礎 base. . . on/upon. . . 把建立在之上 be based on/upon基于;以為基礎 2)at present 現(xiàn)在;目前 for the present 目前;暫時 be present at 出席;參加 present sth. to sb. 向某人出示/贈送某物 present sb. with sth. 把某物贈送/交給某人,形容詞present表示“現(xiàn)在的,目前的”時,可作前置定語;表示“出席

17、的;在場的”時,可作表語或后置定語。,6. So by the 1600s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before. (P10) 所以到十七世紀時,莎士比亞所用的詞匯量比以往任何時期都大。 We must make use of every minute to study. (英譯漢) 我們必須利用每一分鐘去學習。,The National Day holiday is coming. Lets it and have a good relaxation. 2011臨沂高一檢測 A. be

18、made up ofB. make up our minds to C. make full use of D. be made from 【解析】選C。句意:國慶長假就要來了。讓我們充分利用它好好放松一下。make full use of“充分利用”;be made up of“由組成,由構成”;make up ones mind to do sth. “下決心去做某事”; be made from“由制成”。,make good use of 好好利用 make full use of 充分利用 make the best(use)of善用;充分利用 make the most(use)o

19、f 盡量利用;最大限度地利用 take advantage of 利用;運用,7. The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling. (P10) 后者賦予了美國英語拼寫的自我特色。 簡和瑪麗是雙胞胎,前者是老師,后者是護士。 Jane and Mary are twins;the former is a teacher,and the latter is a nurse. Of the two,the latter (后者)is better than the former. His drivers licens

20、e showed his identity (身份).,請?zhí)詈眠@張表格,并把您的身份證給我。 Please fill out this form. And give me your ID card. People usually call unidentified flying object UFO. 人們通常把不明飛行物叫做UFO。,Nobody knows the man killed in the accident, so it is difficult for the police to find out his. 2011溫州高一檢測 A. thoughtB. heightC. we

21、ightD. identity 【解析】選D。名詞辨析。句意:沒有人認識事故中遇難的這個人,因此警察要查清他的身份是困難的。identity身份;thought思想;height高度;weight重量。,1)latter adj. 較后的;(兩者中)后者的 反義詞: former以前的;兩者中前者的 2)identity n. 本身;本體;身份 identify v. 確認;證明;鑒定 ID card=identity card 身份證 unidentified adj. 不明身份的,8. English is also spoken in Singapore and Malaysia and

22、 countries in Africa such as South Africa. (P10) 英語還在新加坡和馬來西亞以及像南非這樣的非洲國家使用。 辨析填空:such as/ for example/ that is Children like sweet foods such as chocolate. My father can speak many languages, for example , French and Italian.,He has been to many countries such as Singapore,Canada and Australia. My

23、daughter chose two subjects on Sunday,that is ,Chinese dancing and piano.,English is spoken in many countries, Canada, Australia and so on. A. such asB. just asC. that isD. for example 【解析】選A。句意:英語在許多國家被說,例如加拿大,澳大利亞等。such as和for example都有“例如”之意,for example用于舉例說明,前后多用逗號;such as直接跟列舉事物,無需逗號。that is“即”

24、和just as“正如”均不合題意。,9. Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly. (P10) 現(xiàn)在在中國學習英語的人數(shù)正在迅速增加。 我們學校學生的數(shù)量是2 000。 The number of students in our school is 2, 000. 大量的大學畢業(yè)生成為了有專業(yè)技能的普通勞動者。 A large number of university graduates have become ordinary workers of professional ski

25、lls.,The zoo keepers are worried because the number of visitorssmaller and smaller. 2011福州高一檢測 A. becomeB. became C. is becoming D. have become 【解析】選C。句意:由于游客越來越少,動物飼養(yǎng)員擔憂了?!皌he number of + n. ”作主語,謂語動詞用單數(shù)。,1. In some important ways they are very different from one another. (P9) 在一些重要方面,它們彼此差別很大。 In

26、some ways , the guitar fits him perfectly rather than me. 從某些方面看,這把吉他很適合他而不適合我。,If we solve the problem, it may do more harm than good to the future. 2011襄樊高一檢測 A. in the wayB. in this way C. in no way D. in a way 【解析】選B。in this way用這種辦法;in the way 擋道;in no way 決不;in a way 在某種程度上。句意為:如果我們用這種方法解決這個問題

27、,對未來會弊大于利。,she didnt help me with my business. Instead, just. A. In a way; in the wayB. On a way; on the way C. In the way; on the wayD. By the way; on my way 【解析】選A??疾橛嘘Pway的短語。句意:在某種程度上,她非但沒有在生意上幫助我,反而擋我的道。in a way在某種程度上;in the way擋道,擋路;on the way(to)在去的路上;by the way順便說一下。,I dislike the way that/in

28、 which/不填 you speak to your father. 我不喜歡你用那種方式和你爸爸說話。,in some ways在一些方面 in this/that way用這/那種辦法 in a way在某種程度上 in the way 擋道; 擋路 in no way 決不 by the way順帶說一下,way后接定語時有三種方式: (1)way to do sth. ; (2)way of doing sth. ; (3)waythatin which省略clause(關系詞都在定語從句中作狀語),2. Which country do you think has the most

29、 English learners? (P9) 你認為哪個國家學英語的人最多? 單句改錯 Where do you think has he put the dictionary? has he改為 he has,你認為他明天會什么時間離開北京去上海? When/What time do you think he will leave Beijing for Shanghai? When/What time will he leave Beijing for Shanghai, do you think?,do you think作插入語用于特殊疑問句 (1)可放句中也可放句末 (2)放句中時

30、其后用陳述句語序 (3)放句末時,句子仍然用疑問句語序,. 根據(jù)首字母及釋義補全單詞 1. She has received several official (官方的)letters lately. 2. The ship sank on its long voyage (航行)to Europe. 3. He had lost his identity (身份)card and was being questioned by the police. 4. He appears to be doing nothing, but actually (事實上) he is thinking of

31、 lots of things. 5. Do you want to take the elevator (電梯)or use the stairs?,6. In America“a flat”is called “an apartment (公寓)”. 7. You can look up this word in the vocabulary (詞匯表)of Book One. 8. She can speak French fluently (流利地)and correctly. 9. After staying together for a long time, the student

32、s began to know each other gradually (逐漸地). 10. Celebrations are planned for the latter (較后面的) part of November.,. 根據(jù)括號內(nèi)的漢語提示完成句子。 1. He is always ready to help us even if he is very busy (即使他很忙). (even) 2. The headmaster who was present at the meeting yesterday (昨天出席會議的)was my uncle. (present) 3. H

33、e suggested that we should make good use of (我們應好好利用)the reading materials of the library. (make),4. Because the film is based on a real story (因為這部電影是以一個真實的故事為依據(jù)的), it is exciting to the audience. (base) 5. Who do you think will get (你認為誰會得到) the job? (think),. 單項填空 1. 90, 000 people were reported

34、to have entered the Guangzhou Olympic Center to watch the opening ceremony(開幕式) of the 16th Asian Games. A. Other thanB. Rather than C. Less than D. More than 【解析】選D。more than超過,多于;other than 除了;rather than 而不是;less than 少于。句意:據(jù)報道,有九萬多人進入廣州奧林匹克中心觀看第16屆亞運會的開幕式。,2. She became the first woman to enter

35、the school but dropped out after a few dayspoor health. A. because ofB. instead ofC. becauseD. since 【解析】選A。考查because of的用法。句中空格后為名詞短語,可知應用介詞(短語),根據(jù)句意“她是第一個進入這所學校的女性,但幾天后就因為身體不好而中途退學了?!笨芍獞xA。,3. A girland asked me the way to Chinese Pavilion. A. came up withB. came about C. came up D. came across 【解

36、析】選C??疾橛嘘Pcome的短語。come up 走近;come up with 提出(問題等);come about 發(fā)生;come across sb. 偶遇某人。句意: 一個女孩走近問我到中國館怎么走。,4. Actually, his new novel more his own experience. 2011天津高一檢測 A. is based; onB. was based; at C. based; onD. bases; at 【解析】選A。句意:事實上,他的新小說更多的是以自己的親身經(jīng)歷為基礎的。be based on以為基礎,建立在之上。,5. A lot of coun

37、tries have gained excellent achievements in space technology, China, . A. such asB. for example C. namely D. and so on 【解析】選B。such as和for example 都有“例如”的意思。for example用于舉例說明,可位于句首、句中、句末,前后多用逗號隔開; such as直接跟列舉事物,無需逗號; namely相當于that is,意為“即”; and so on“等等”用于列舉事物的末尾。,6. she doesnt like the teacher, she

38、 shouldnt stay away from the class. A. HoweverB. Because C. AsD. Even though 【解析】選D。句意:即使她不喜歡老師,她也不應該逃課。even though“即使”, 引導讓步狀語從句, 正合句意。,7. It is reported that many a new houseat present in the disaster area. 2010陜西高考 A. are being built B. were being built C. was being builtD. is being built 【解析】選D。

39、考查動詞時態(tài),語態(tài)及主謂一致。由時間狀語at present可知此處動詞表示的動作正在進行,主語與所填詞是被動關系;many a+名詞單數(shù)作主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式,由此可知本題選D。,8. They keep horses and pigs, the former for riding, for food. A. latterB. the latterC. laterD. the later 【解析】選B。句意:他們飼養(yǎng)了馬和豬,前者是為了騎,后者是為了吃肉。the latter表示“(兩者中的)后者”。,9. Every minutespoken English. A. was made

40、 use of to practising B. was made use of practising C. was made use to practise D. was made use of to practise 【解析】選D。句意:每一分鐘都被利用練習英語口語了。make use of 表示“利用”,其邏輯賓語是句子的主語every minute。make use of sth. to do sth. “利用來做某事”,不定式在此表示目的。,10. The number of people invitedfifty, but a number of themabsent for di

41、fferent reasons. 2011福州高一檢測 A. were; wasB. was; wasC. was; wereD. were; were 【解析】選C。the number of. . . 指“的數(shù)量”,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式;a number of. . . 指“許多”,謂語動詞用復數(shù)形式。,【規(guī)律方法】 “許多”的學問 表示 “許多”概念的詞語有很多,但它們的用法不盡相同,具體如下: (1)只修飾可數(shù)名詞復數(shù):a number of, many, a good /great many, quite a few等; (2)只修飾可數(shù)名詞單數(shù):many a, more than o

42、ne;,(3)只修飾不可數(shù)名詞:a great deal of, a large amount of, much; (4)可數(shù)不可數(shù)名詞都可修飾:a lot of/lots of, a large quantity of/large quantities of, plenty of。, Do you know about the differences between American English and British English? How did these differences come about? There is no quick answer to this quest

43、ion. At first the language in Britain and America was the same. In 1776 America became an independent (獨立的)country. After that,the language slowly began to change. For a long time, the language in America stayed the same, while the language in England changed. For example, 300 years ago the English

44、talked about “fall”. Today most British people talk about “autumn”, but Americans still talk about “fall”.,At the same time, British English and American English started borrowing words from other languages. For example, the British took “typhoon” from Chinese, while the Americans took “tornado” fro

45、m Spanish.,Noah Webster was the most important person in the history of American English. In 1828 Noah Webster published the first American dictionary. He wanted to make American English different from British English. So he changed the spelling of many words. Except for these differences in spellin

46、g, written English is almost the same in both British and American English.,With the economic developing, the USA is playing an important part in the world. The differences between American English and British English is much greater in the spoken language. However, most of the time people from the

47、two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other.,1. America stopped being a part of England in . A. 1707B. 1828C. 1776D. 1991 【解析】選C。 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段第五句In 1776 America became an independent country. 可知。,2. British English is different from American English because. A. Britain decide

48、d to change the spelling of many American words B. American English changed but British English stayed the same C. the Americans and British people took different words from other languages D. America is a bigger country,【解析】選C。細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段可知美國英語和英國英語都引進了許多外來詞。,3. Noah Webster. A. published the first

49、 English dictionary B. changed some English grammar C. improved the written English D. changed the spelling of some words 【解析】選D。細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段中第四句內(nèi)容便知。,4. From the passage we can infer A. American English and British English will always stay the same. B. in the future American English will change but

50、British will not. C. British English will change later but American English will not. D. British English and American English will continue to change in the future.,【解析】選D。推理判斷題。文章講述了美國英語和英國英語的分化及發(fā)展,因此,我們推斷,將來兩種語言將會繼續(xù)發(fā)展變化。,5. Whats the best title of this passage? A. American English and British Engl

51、ish B. American English and Chinese English C. English and Noah Webster D. Noah Webster and American English 【解析】選A。主旨大意題。文章主要講述了美國英語和英國英語的不同及發(fā)展。, 2011寧波高一檢測 Starting from April, 2010, you wont be hearing the word “NBA” on sports programs on CCTV. Instead, sport host will give the full Chinese name

52、when they refer to,the NBANational Basketball Association. You also wont hear any other English abbreviations (縮略詞) on CCTVs Chinese programs, such as GDP (gross domestic product), or WTO (World Trade Organization). You will hear their Chinese translations.,CCTV received a notice from the State Admi

53、nistration of Radio, Film and Television telling it to avoid using English-language abbreviations in their reports to protect the “purity” of the Chinese language. A few other TV stations also received the notice.,Fu Zhenguo, an editor of Peoples Daily, is one of the people who suggested the change.

54、 “Firstly, using English in a Chinese-speaking environment is against Chinese law, ” he said. “Then, using English on Chinese TV programs is unfair to people who dont understand English. Whats worse, it will have a bad language influence on kids and teenagers. ” A lot of netizens(網(wǎng)民) have criticized

55、 the move, saying that it will cause problems for them.,“I understand what CD, VCD and DVD mean when I hear them. But I wont know what the TV programs are talking about if I hear those products full Chinese names, ” a netizen wrote in a BBS post. Following the same post, another netizen wrote joking

56、ly: “Im not listening to my MP3 now. Im listening to my Moving Picture Experts Group-1 Audio Layer 3 (動態(tài)影像專家壓縮標準音頻第三層面). ”,6.What does the underlined word “purity” in the second paragraph mean? A. 純正B. 高貴C. 時髦D. 潮流 【解析】選A。詞義猜測題。中央電視臺收到國家廣播電視局的通知,要求避免使用英文縮寫,目的是保護漢語的純正不受到其他語言的影響。,7. How many reasons d

57、id Fu Zhenguo list to show his support for the change? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 【解析】選C。細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“Firstly, using English in a Chinese-speaking environment is against Chinese law, ”he said. “Then, using English on Chinese TV programs is unfair to people who dont understand English. Whats worse, it will have

58、 a bad language influence on kids and teenagers. ” 可知有三個原因。,8.Some netizens went against the change because the application of abbreviations will A. make Chinese popular. B. attract the youth. C. not simplify the understanding. D. not bring Chinese to an end. 【解析】選C。 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第一段可知一些人反對是因為他們有可能并不知道一些縮寫的全稱,使用全稱他們會不知道是什么。另外,也有可能給生活帶來不便。,9. What can be the full name of CCTV mentioned in the text? A. Close Closet Top Video B. China Central Television C. China Common Time Voice D. Closed-Circuit Television 【解析】選B。推理判斷題。根據(jù)國家廣播電視局的通知CCTV也只能使用全稱那就是China Central Television。,

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