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1、Welcome to the unit,Unit,1,Building the future,Unit 1,課件描述:,1. Get Ss to know something about the development of the world, the issue of poverty, the causes of poverty as well as the possible solutions to the problem. 2. Practise listening and speaking by sharing information. 3. Get ready for the learning of this unit.,Brainstorming,Causes of poverty,1. wars,2. diseases,3. natural disasters,4. local environment,5. wrong polices&strategies,6. growing population,7. limited natural resources。

2、Industries,Unit,1,Word power,Unit 1,課件描述:,1. Help students expand vocabulary about different industries. 2. Help students know the meaning of “synonym”. 3. Help students learn some synonyms of the word “develop”.,Brainstorming,What does your father/mother do? (write down the answers on the blackboard),Can you put all the occupations into different categories?,Reading,Read the passage in Part A and fill in the table:,Pair work,Try to choose an exact industry to fill in the blank of each 。

3、Linking words,Unit,1,Grammar and usage,Unit 1,課件描述:,1. Help students get to know some types of linking words. 2. Do some exercises to consolidate how to use linking words. 3. Ask students to write a paragraph to practise writing.,Lead-in,Point out the linking words in the passage.,Education is very important, particularly in the various ways it benefits young people. First of all, it teaches them and helps them better understand the world. Secondly, education teaches people about the histor。

4、A gift for the future,Unit,1,Project,Unit 1,課件描述:,Help students know the importance of sustainable development and some particular forms of renewable energy. 2. Learn some important words and expressions. 3. Get ready for the classroom display about the report of what your city/town is doing to support sustainable development.,Introduction,How can we live in the future?,What do these areas need badly?,development,In order to improve peoples lives and to reduce poverty, it is important for c。

5、Teach a man a fish,Unit 1,Reading,Introduction,What do you think the essay is about after you read the title?,2. What does the title mean?,3. What is the result of giving a man a single fish?,Skimming,1. When was Live Aid held?,2. What does WFP stand for?,3. How many people has the WFP helped since it was established?,On 13 July 1985.,The World Food Programme.,One billion.,Silent reading,main idea of each paragraph,1. The Live Aid concert organized by Bob Geldof. 2. Hunger is the number one g。

6、Teach a man a fish,Unit,1,Reading,Unit 1,課件描述:,Help students learn the language points in the passage. Help students practise listening, speaking and writing.,Language points,1. shock v. 震動(dòng),震驚,sth. shock sb. sb. be shocked (to do) sb. be shocked that ,Language points,A great number of people in the world are suffering from hunger, which greatly shocks us. =We are greatly shocked that a great number of people in the world are suffering from hunger. =We are greatly shocked to learn that a。

7、Writing about development,Unit,1,Task,Unit 1,課件描述:,Help students learn to use emotive language to express how they feel about something. Teach students to write an essay. Help students develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities.,Our task is to write an essay using objective language, providing facts and figures, giving examples and discussing future probability.,Aim,Analysis,Skills Building 1: Recognizing language that expresses feelings,Skills Building 2: discussing t。

8、牛津高中英語,(模塊十 高三上學(xué)期),Advance with English,The elements of a paragraph,板塊:教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課件,Unit,2,Grammar and usage,Unit 2,課件描述:,1. Help students get to know the elements of a paragraph. 2. Do some exercises to consolidate the different elements of a paragraph. 3. Ask students to write a paragraph to practise writing.,Lead-in,Put the following sentences in the correct order to form a well-developed paragraph on page 108.,Divide the paragraph into three parts.,Part 1 d Part 2 g b P。

9、牛津高中英語,(模塊十 高三上學(xué)期),Advance with English,The Wandering Romany,板塊:教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課件,Unit,2,Project,Unit 2,課件描述:,Help students get to know some important information about the Romany. Learn some important words and expressions. Get ready for the classroom display about the Jewish people.,Lead-in,Who are those people in the pictures?,The Romany.,Fast reading,What is this article aimed to do?,To explain the history of the Romany and some of the reasons for their movement.,Listening,W。

10、牛津高中英語,(模塊十 高三上學(xué)期),Advance with English,Population movement in the USA,板塊:教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課件,Unit,2,Reading 1,Unit 2,課件描述:,1. Help students know something about the population mobility in the USA. 2. Help students improve their reading ability. 3. Help students know how to match pictures with quotations when reading newspapers or magazines.,Lead-in,Try to say something about the history of immigrants to America according to your survey.,Listening,What are the two groups of people。

11、牛津高中英語,(模塊十 高三上學(xué)期),Advance with English,Reading 2,板塊:教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課件,Unit,2,Population movement in the USA,Unit 2,課件描述:,Help students learn the language points in the passage. Help students practise listening and speaking.,Language points,1. on the move 1) traveling from place to place 在行進(jìn)中,在移動(dòng)中 Well be on the move next week, so you wont be able to reach us. 2) busy or active all the time 繁忙的,活躍的 Hes always on the move and never has time to talk/rest. 3) develo。

12、牛津高中英語,(模塊十 高三上學(xué)期),Advance with English,Convincing a friend,板塊:教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課件,Unit,2,Task,Unit 2,課件描述:,Help students learn some key expressions while listening for the sequence of events. Teach students to use convincing language to write a letter to a friend. Help students improve their listening, speaking and writing abilities.,Our task is to write a letter to convince your friend abroad whether its good or not to come back. Before it we must make some preparations.,Aim,Ana。

13、牛津高中英語,(模塊十 高三上學(xué)期),Advance with English,Welcome to the unit,板塊:教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課件,Unit,2,People on the move,Unit 2,課件描述:,1. Help students know something about the population mobility. 2. Help students improve their listening and speaking ability. 3. Help students get ready for the reading part.,Brainstorming,Pair work,Look at the five pictures and discuss where the people in the pictures are moving and why.,Group discussion,Try to find out various reasons for population mobility.。

14、牛津高中英語,(模塊十 高三上學(xué)期),Advance with English,The country and the city,板塊:教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課件,Unit,2,Word power,Unit 2,課件描述:,1. Help students expand vocabulary about the life in the city and the country as well as sociology. 2. Help students get familiar with the expressions related to the two topics. 3. Help students learn something about the words with the suffix “-ation”.,Brainstorming,List out some words and phrases related to the city and the country.,Reading,Read the passage in 。

15、牛津高中英語,(模塊十 高三上學(xué)期),Advance with English,Grammar and usage,板塊:教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課件,Unit,3,The development of a text,Unit 3,課件描述:,1. 讓學(xué)生了解一篇文章的構(gòu)成:標(biāo)題、首段、身段和尾段。 2. 讓學(xué)生學(xué)會(huì)寫一篇有邏輯意義的英語文章。,Revision,Lets review the text of reading and answer the questions.,How many paragraphs are there in the text? There are ten paragraphs. What is the title of the text? The title is Aids today. Can we learn what the text is about from the title? Yes. We learn that。

16、牛津高中英語,(模塊十 高三上學(xué)期),Advance with English,Project,板塊:教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課件,Unit,3,Making a poster about the dangers of drugs,Unit 3,課件描述:,1. 通過呈現(xiàn)一些數(shù)字來了解毒品等對我們?nèi)祟惪赡茉斐傻奈:?,以達(dá)到讓學(xué)生學(xué)會(huì)保護(hù)自己的目的。 2. 要求學(xué)生初步掌握如何做海報(bào)。,Project,Project,Just say No!,10% of the world population are involved in drug production.,140,000,000 persons are taking drugs of marijuana (大麻).,13,000,000 people are taking cocain(可卡因).,86,000,000 people are taking heroin.。

17、牛津高中英語,(模塊十 高三上學(xué)期),Advance with English,Project 2,板塊:教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課件,Unit,3,Making a poster about the dangers of drugs,Unit 3,課件描述:,1. 幫助學(xué)生進(jìn)一步理解語篇,理清文章結(jié)構(gòu)和內(nèi)容。 2. 指導(dǎo)學(xué)生make a poster, 并讓他們向全班同學(xué)展示成果。,Revision:,The reasons/causes for taking drugs,1. Because they are curious. 2. To rebel against their families or society. 3. To be accepted by friends who are drug users.,1. The effect of uppers: increase ; make 2. The effect of downers: decrease。

18、牛津高中英語,(模塊十 高三上學(xué)期),Advance with English,Reading 1,板塊:教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課件,Unit,3,Aids today,Unit 3,課件描述:,1. 通過對課文的學(xué)習(xí),了解艾滋病是如何被傳播的,并讓學(xué)生學(xué)會(huì)如何幫助艾滋病患者。 2. 對學(xué)生進(jìn)行思想上的教育。,Aids today,What can you associate the logo of Aids with?,Aids,Love and care,How much do you know about Aids?,What is it related to? What does it mean?,Red ribbon is related to AIDS. It means that we should give AIDS patients love and care, understanding and support.,GUESS 。

19、牛津高中英語,(模塊十 高三上學(xué)期),Advance with English,Reading 2,板塊:教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課件,Unit,3,Aids today,Unit 3,課件描述:,1. 通過上節(jié)課對課文的閱讀,學(xué)生已經(jīng)對課文比較了解,但有一些難句和重點(diǎn)句型仍需要講解和操練。 2. 要求學(xué)生在理解文章的基礎(chǔ)上學(xué)習(xí)閱讀策略。,Reading strategy: identifying links between paragraphs,When reading a text, one should follow the thoughts of the author from one paragraph to the next. Sometimes, the last sentence of a paragraph introduces the topic of the next paragraph. This。

20、牛津高中英語,(模塊十 高三上學(xué)期),Advance with English,Task 1,板塊:教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)課件,Unit,3,Writing an article giving advice and warnings,Unit 3,課件描述:,1. 學(xué)習(xí)一些關(guān)于“應(yīng)該做某事”、“如何提建議”的句型。 2. 要求學(xué)生提高聽力理解能力。,Lead in,When we want to give advice, what sentence patterns can we use?,You had better You dont have to You should/ought to You had better not You have to You must/must not ,Read the following and tell the meaning of each sentence.,You do not have to go to school t。

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高中英語 Unit4 Law and order Project1課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit1 Building the future Welcome to the Unit課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit1 Building the future Word power課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit1 Building the future Grammar and usage課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit1 Building the future Project課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
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高中英語 Unit1 Building the future Task課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit2 People on the move Grammar and usage課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit2 People on the move Project課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit2 People on the move Reading1課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit2 People on the move Reading2課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit2 People on the move Task課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit2 People on the move Welcome to the Unit課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit2 People on the move Word power課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit3 Protecting ourselves Grammar and usage課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit3 Protecting ourselves project2課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit3 Protecting ourselves Reading1課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit3 Protecting ourselves Reading2課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit3 Protecting ourselves Task1課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit3 Protecting ourselves Task2課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit3 Protecting ourselves Word power課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit4 Law and order Grammar and usage課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit4 Law and order Project2課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
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高中英語 Unit4 Law and order Reading2課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit4 Law and order Task1課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit4 Law and order Task2課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit4 Law and order Welcome to the Unit課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
高中英語 Unit4 Law and order Word power課件 牛津譯林版選修10.ppt
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2019-2020年高中英語 unit2 people on the move-reading學(xué)案 牛津譯林版選修10.doc
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