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 didn’t need to serve。1.The boy got ________(懲罰) for his cheating in the exam.。2.The sweater my mother bought for me as a presen。I______________(buy) a。


1、句式填空 1. 祈使句+and +陳述句(常用將來時) Talk to a man about himself (跟一個人聊他自己的事), and (那么)he will speak to you for hours! 2. 不定式作定語 I have a favour to ask(要問).,3. every time 引導時間狀語從句 Every time (每次)I open my mouth, I put my foot in it. 4. It is +過去分詞+that It is estimated that (據(jù)估計)80% of all conversation in English is small talk.,. 教材設題 1. Have you ever crossed the road to avoid _______ to someone you recognise? A. to talk B. to be talked C. t。

2、句式填空 1. 名詞+過去分詞/介詞短語的獨立主格 Then she leapt backwards, back arched and fur on end ,tail held out stiffly(脊背拱起,毛發(fā)豎立,尾巴僵直地伸著). 2. as if 引導表語從句 It looked as if (看起來好像)someone had cut a patch out of the air. . .,3. If so 狀語從句的省略 If so(如果這樣的話),what did you like best? 4. be doing sth. . . . when正在做某事,突然 A young man was walking through a wood when (正穿過一片樹林這時) he saw a ring lying on the ground.,. 教材設題 1. In the first。

3、句式填空 1. the first time后跟定語從句 I remember the first time I met Roy (我第一次遇到羅伊). 2. v. -ing 作結果狀語 Roy, who had always been very close to his father, changed completely, becoming silent and moody(變得沉默、喜怒無常).,3. find+賓語+v. -ing Having left something in the cloakroom, I went inside to get it, and found Roy going through(發(fā)現(xiàn)羅伊在翻找) the pockets of peoples coats. 4. without表含蓄條件 It would have been impossible to find my daughter without the help of Friends Re。

4、句式填空 1. the same is true of . . . 情況也是如此 The same is true of (情況也是如此)my second instrument, the guzheng. 2. It be the same with. . . 情況適用于另外的人/物 Its the same with(也是如此) classical Chinese music.,3. the moment+句子,表示“一就” The moment (一就)they start to play, it is clear the members of Twelve Girls Band are among the most gifted musicians in the world. 4. on the other hand 另一方面(經(jīng)常跟on the one hand 連用) On the other hand (另一方面),the Beatles have。

5、句式填空 1. while +v. -ing 當做的時候 While studying at university(當在大學學習時), he discovers the secret of how to create life. 2. wish +(that) +主語+虛擬語氣 I wish I had not done(我沒做) this terrible thing. 3to do 形式作主語 But to rely on a few cloned animals or crops (依靠少數(shù)克隆的動植物) would restrict the biodiversity of the breed.,. 教材設題 1. I hid in the garden and stayed there till morning, _______ by what I had done. A. terrified B. terrifying C. being t。

6、句式填空 1. v. -ing作伴隨狀語 More than 5, 000 ships crossed the English Channel, carrying 130, 000 troops to the French coast (載著130 000名士兵到法國海岸). 2. before 引導時間狀語從句 The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats (甚至還沒來得及下船).,3. if 引導條件狀語從句表虛擬 If they had reached (到達) the beach, they would probably have been killed. 4. 形容詞作狀語 The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked (疲憊不堪,心有。

7、高考總復習一輪用書,英 語,選修6,Module 1 Small Talk,課程解讀,課程解讀,課程解讀,知識要點,要點一 單詞 1.lack v.缺乏;缺少(作不及物動詞時常接for或in)n.沒有,不足,缺乏 歸納拓展 (1)lack(for)sth.缺少(不用于被動語態(tài),多用于否定句中) lack common sense/courage缺乏常識/勇氣 lack for nothing應有盡有 (2)be lacking in缺少(品質(zhì)、特點等),不足 (3)for/through/due to/because of (a) lack of因缺少 no lack of不缺少;足夠,知識要點,例句:She seems to be lacking in common sense. 她似乎缺乏常識。 Lack of 。

8、111高考英語一輪單元總復習講義精品薈萃外研版選修六Module 2知識詳解1.hesitatev猶豫,遲疑(回歸課本P17)What he saw made his head swim and his heart thump harder,but he didnt hesitate:.他看到的一切使他頭暈目眩,心跳加速,但他卻絲毫沒有遲疑:【歸納總結】【例句探源】He hesitated whether he should make a last attempt to save the man.該不該再作最后一次努力來救這個人,他猶豫不決。(牛津P959)Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.如果有疑問就請盡管和我聯(lián)系。She replied without hesita。

9、111高考英語一輪單元總復習講義精品薈萃外研版選修六Module 4知識詳解1.combinev結合,聯(lián)合(回歸課本P45)The pipa sounds and the pauses combine to make a poetry of sound.琵琶演奏抑揚頓挫相結合,譜成一曲曲音樂的詩歌。【歸納總結】【例句探源】(牛津P320)Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.氫與氧化合成水。(朗文P354)Steel is produced by combining iron with carbon.鋼是由鐵加碳煉制成的。Internet companies have been working with Chinese TV makers like Changhong and Haier to combine Internet services with 。

10、111Modules 46維A 單項填空1All of them try to use the power of the workstation________information in a more effective way.Apresenting BpresentedCbeing presented Dto present答案D考查句子結構。句意:他們都努力使用工作站的力量以便用一種更有效的方式提供情報。to present information in a more effective way是不定式短語作目的狀語。2They can________behavior from their daughter but not anyone else.Aget along with Bcome up withCmake contact with Dput up with答案D考查動詞短語。句意:他們可以忍受女兒的行為,。

11、111高三一輪英語課時作業(yè).語音知識.情景對話A:Hi.How are you?B:__6__Whats new?A:__7__Which do you want to hear first?B:Lets hear the good news first.A:Okey.I was just promoted,__8__B:Thatgreat!Congratulations!And whats the bad news?A:Im going to be transferred to another city,__9__B:Thats too bad.I am sorry to hear that.__10__A:Thanks.Aand my family is upset about it.BYou have done it ahead of time.Cin charge of a bigger department.DPretty good.EI hope you can work。

12、111高考英語一輪單元總復習講義精品薈萃外研版選修六Module 1知識詳解1.absencenU缺乏,不存在,缺席(回歸課本P8)Esther Greenbaums major shortcoming was that she had a complete absence of small talk.埃斯特戈林鮑姆的主要缺點是她根本不會聊天。11【歸納總結】【例句探源】The absence of air and water makes it impossible to live on the moon.因為缺乏空氣和水,所以(人們)在月球上居住是不可能的。However,learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the absence of a native language environment.然而。

13、111高考英語一輪單元總復習講義精品薈萃外研版選修六Module 5知識詳解1.refusev拒絕(回歸課本P58)When Frankenstein refuses to create a wife for him,the monster murders Frankensteins brother.當弗蘭肯斯坦拒絕為怪物制造一個妻子時,怪物謀殺了他的兄弟【歸納總結】【例句探源】(牛津P1670)He flatly refused to discuss the matter.他斷然拒絕商討這件事。Wall Street would not refuse the offers from the government.華爾街不會拒絕來自政府的幫助。(朗文P1653)The US. authorities refused him a visa.美國當局拒絕給他簽證。。

14、111選修6Modules 13維A 單項填空1 Its bad manners to________others while they are having a conversation.2 (2013天津塘沽區(qū)質(zhì)檢)Aask Binterrupt Cshout Ddoubt答案B句意:當別人談話時,你打斷他們是不禮貌的。interrupt“打斷”,符合題意。2He is quite________of the risk,but he has no choice but to go ahead.(2013本溪一模)Asure Bashamed Cfond Daware答案D句意:他完全意識到了危險,但他別無選擇只能前進。be sure of“確信”;be ashamed of“對感到羞愧”;be fond of “喜歡”;be aware of“意識到”。3I made an____。

15、Nanyin Music Nanyin Music (Southern Music) is one of the oldest existing music genres (流派) in China, which has existed for 1,000 years. It is also known as “string and pipe music” or “Quanzhou Nanyin Music” (Quanzhou is a developed historical city in Southeast Chinas Fujian Province),Nanyin Music originated from(起源于)royal palace music, and later established itself in South China when the court musicians migrated (遷移) to the south. Beginning from the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties (。

16、單詞識記 1________ na feeling of great sadness, usually because someone has died or because something terrible has happened to you 2________ vneed to, must; be obligated 3________ vto say something suddenly and loudly because you are surprised, angry, or excited,Period Three Reading Practice & Cultural Corner,sorrow ought exclaim,4________ adj.relating to magic or able to do magic 5________ nthe ability or right to control people or events 6________ v(formal or by law) to have or ow。

17、單詞識記 1_________ adj.exactly the same, or very similar 2__________ adj.having a good effect 3________ vmake sb healthy again 4__________ adj.not real, but produced from pictures or ideas in your mind,identical beneficial cure imaginary,5__________ adj.too strange to be believed or very difficult to believe 6__________ nfoolish talk, ideas, etc. 7____________ adj.causing a lot of disagreement, because many people have strong opinions about the subject being discussed,incredible nonsense。

18、單詞識記 1___________ vwalk or travel with (sb) as a companion or helper 2________ vto take in liquid, gas, or another substance from the surface or space around something 3________ none of a number of things, or part of a whole, that can be looked at to see what the rest is like,accompany absorb sample,4________ adj.not broken, damaged, or spoiled 5________ vbecome evident; appear; originate 6________ nbehaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically,intact arise violence,.短。

19、虛擬語氣(1) 動詞的語氣表示說話人的態(tài)度和看法,可分為陳述語氣、祈使語氣和虛擬語氣。陳述語氣用來陳述講話人認為是事實的事情,有肯定、否定、疑問和感嘆等形式。祈使語氣用來說明說話人的請求、命令等。虛擬語氣表示說話人的愿望、假設或建議,而不表示客觀存在的事實。虛擬語氣通過謂語動詞的特殊形式來表示。,如果假設的情況發(fā)生的可能性不大,則用虛擬條件句。虛擬條件句分為三種,見下表:,If I had time,I would attend the meeting.如果我有時間,我就參加會議了。(與現(xiàn)在事實相反) If I were you, I should seize the chance 。

20、Big benefits of small talk Waiting for buses or in line at the store, weve all had those moments to pass the time or break the silence around us. We turn to our neighbors and say, “Its good weather, isnt it?” Why do we like to talk this way to strangers? Is it just that were so uncomfortable with quiet?,Though small talk does help to fill in those gaping silences, it achieves more than that, too. The Los Angeles Times printed an article “Researchers Take High View of Idle Chatter”. The arti。

高二英語單元復習配套課件:Module1《Small Talk》 (外研版選修6)
高二英語單元復習配套課件:Module4《Music》 (外研版選修6)
高二英語單元復習配套課件:Module5《Cloning》 (外研版選修6)
高二英語單元復習配套課件:Module6《War and Peace》 (外研版選修6)
2019版高中英語 4.1 Music課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 2.3 Reading Practice Cultural Corner課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 5.2 Reading and Vocabulary Writing Reading課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 5.3 Reading Practice Cultural Corner課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 5.4 Grammar Subjunctive課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 1.1 small talk課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 1.2 Function Reading and Listening課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 1.4 Grammar課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 2.1 Fantasy literature課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 2.2 Listening and Vocabulary課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 2.4 Adverbial clauses with ing課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 3.1 Interpersonal Relationships Friendship課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 3.2 Vocabulary and Reading課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 3.3 Reading Practice Cultural Corner課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 3.4 Grammar課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 4.2 Vocabulary and listening課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 4.3 Reading Practice Cultural Corner課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 4.4 Grammar present課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 5.1 cloning課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 6.3 Reading Practice Cultural Corner課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 6.4 Grammar Subjunctive課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高二英語單元復習配套課件:Module2《Fantasy Literature》 (外研版選修6)
高中英語 Module 5 Cloning period 1課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 Module 5 Cloning period 4課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 Module 5 Cloning period 2課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 Module 5 Cloning period 5課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 Module 5 Cloning period 6課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高中英語 Module 5 Cloning 單元知識與高考鏈接課件 外研版選修6.ppt
高考英語一輪單元總復習 Module 2《Fantasy Literature—Philip Pullman》教案 外研版選修6
高考英語一輪單元總復習 Module 4《Music》教案 外研版選修6
高考英語一輪復習 Modules 4~6 外研版選修6
高考英語一輪復習 《Fantasy Literature—Philip Pullman》課時作業(yè) 外研版選修6
高考英語一輪單元總復習 Module 1《Small Talk》教案 外研版選修6
高考英語一輪單元總復習 Module 5《Cloning》教案 外研版選修6
高考英語一輪復習 Modules 1~3 外研版選修6
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