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a. 重點詞匯和短語。Module 6 Animals in Danger。Module6 Animals in Danger。第一節(jié)(共15小題。Module 5 The Great Sports Personality。It’s such a nice place。


1、Module 5 The Great Sports Personality,重 點 單 詞,1perform v扮演(角色),執(zhí)行,表現(xiàn) perform the role of 扮演的角色 perform a task執(zhí)行一項任務 perform well in 在中表現(xiàn)很好, Our school team_____very well in the game yesterday and won the first place. Ainformed Bperformed Creformed Duniformed,2guarantee vt.保證,擔保,guarantee to do / that保證. guarantee sb sth=guarantee sb to sb 向某人保證某事 guarantee sb/sth from保證不受/免遭 under guarantee 在 保修期內,eg: This win____them a place in the final. A。

2、句式填空 1. while位于句中,常表對比,意思為“而,卻” The British say Have you got. . . ? while Americans prefer Do you have. . . ?(而美國人更喜歡說Do you have. . . ?) 2. it is/was/has been+形容詞+to do sth. 意為“做某事是/曾經是的” Since the 1980s, with satellite TV and the Internet, it has been possible to listen to British and American English(聽到英國英語和美國英語是可能的)at the flick of a switch.,3. so that 引導結果狀語從句,意為“結果,因此” But it has also led to lots of American。

3、句式填空 1. so. . . that . . . 如此以至于 The drop is so great that (落差如此之大以至于) anyone inside the vehicle is lucky to survive. 2. “with +賓語+賓語補足語”, 在句中作狀語 Every morning he climbs up to the bend with a large circular board in his hand (手里拿著一個圓形的大木板).,3. be doing. . . when 正在做某事突然 He was driving a lorry load of bananas when (他正駕駛著一輛滿載香蕉的卡車, 突然)he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain.,. 教材設題 1.。

4、句式填空 1. as if 在句中常引導表語從句或狀語從句 It looks as if (好像) itll go under soon. 2. see+賓語+賓語補足語結構 It was quite dark, but I could see a man lying on the floor(躺在地上), tied up with rope.,3. 形容詞(短語)在句中作伴隨狀語 He left school early, and as an adolescent, determined to make his fortune (決心發(fā)財)in South America. 4. only to do 作結果狀語, 表意外結果 He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find (卻發(fā)現(xiàn))that there were no boats for South 。

5、句式填空 1. even if/though 引導讓步狀語從句 But even though(即使) he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. 2. it is/was. . . that. . . 強調句型 But it was this sense of failure that(正是這種失敗感)made him determined to succeed in his new life.,3. 倍數+as. . . as結構 A pair of Nike trainers, for example, could cost up to five times as much as(五倍多)a similar Li Ning product. 4. the chances are. . . ,表示可能性 If you 。

6、句式填空 1. 狀語從句的省略 Although surprised (盡管吃驚), the poachers had an advantagethere were more of them. 2. v. -ing 作伴隨狀語 Often working at night(在夜里活動), the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time, leaving only the babies, whose wool is not worth so much.,3. 介詞+關系代詞 Sometimes there were gunfights, like the one in which (在此次槍戰(zhàn)中)Jiesang Suonandajie was killed. 4. seem + 不定式的進行式 But today the government seems to be winning(似乎正在贏得) the battle。

7、句式填空 1. 祈使句+and+陳述句 Think of carnival (想到狂歡節(jié)), and you think of crowds, costumes, and confusion. 2. v. -ing作伴隨狀語 For weeks on end people walked round the streets wearing masks, doing what they wanted without being recognised (做他們想做的事而不被認出來).,3. 介詞+關系代詞 Their use was limited by laws, the first of which(最初)dates back to the fourteenth century.,. 教材設題 1. _______ time passed, however, the carnival period was extended, so that it began just after Chr。

8、111【成才之路】2013-2014學年高中英語(外研版)必修五Module 1British and American English 第三課時Cultural Corner & Task.單詞拼寫1You will be the future workers in a ________(迅速地)changing world.2Our headmaster made an ________(宣布)that we would hold the sports meeting the next week.3Besides ________(語言學),we have to study literature and philosophy.4Many words have been ________(增加)to this edition of the dictionary.5Usually,the last ________(版) of this newspaper goes to press at 6 p. m.。

9、111【成才之路】2013-2014學年高中英語(外研版)必修五Module 2A Job Worth Doing第三課時Cultural Corner & Task.單詞拼寫1The measures will enable us to ________(加倍)our output of bicycles this year.2The activity is for ________(年輕人)between the ages of 10 and 16.3Daisy was a smart,goodlooking,17yearold girl with a lively ________(性格)4________(健康)is a word that describes how well your body is able to handle physical activities.5She spends at least half of her ________(休閑)in reading nov。

10、111【成才之路】2013-2014學年高中英語(外研版)必修五Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema 第一課時Introduction& Reading.單詞拼寫1The company hired a________(偵探) to investigate the accident.2She was ________(非常害怕的) of being killed in an air raid.3The policeman gave an ________(描述) of the traffic accident.4I need a piece of string to ________(綁) the magazines up.5The place promises a good ________(遮蔽物) from rain.6Our professor is not too capable to s______ this difficult prob。

11、111【成才之路】2013-2014學年高中英語(外研版)必修五Module 5The Great Sports Personality 第二課時Grammar & Everyday English & Functions.單詞拼寫1I believe we can ________(得分)at least 5 goals in this match.2The university is under the direct control of the ________(部)of Education.3Our school basketball team is in the ________(決賽)of the basketball competition!4Jeff is an outstanding boxer and will probably become a ________(冠軍)5This piece of goods is of good ________(質量)and I will pay acc。

12、111高三一輪英語課時作業(yè).單項填空1The river smells terrible.People must ________dirty things into it.Abe stopped to throwBbe stopped from throwingCstop to throwDstop from throwing2The composer has been dead for many years,but the interest in his music________recently.Ahas repeatedBhas regainedChas revived Dhas recovered3With his mind________,he didnt catch even a single word of what the teacher was saying.Awondering BwanderingCdrifting Dfloating4We。

13、111【成才之路】2013-2014學年高中英語(外研版)必修五Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema 第二課時Grammar & Everyday English & Functions.單詞拼寫1I think the setting for this musical ________(喜劇)are good.2We could see the ________(輪廓)of the castle through the fog.3________(打擾)others while they are working is impolite.4If she had time,she would go to see a ________(浪漫的)movie with me tonight.5Anna was reading a piece of science ________(虛構的事)and completely lost in the book.6。

14、111【成才之路】2013-2014學年高中英語(外研版)必修五Module 4Carnival 第一課時Introduction& Reading.單詞拼寫1Ive b________ a table for two at Beijing Restaurant tonight.2This kind of lighting creates a relaxing a________.3In the Torch Festival, the Yi people danced in their national c________.4The c________ showed that Christmas fell on a Tuesday.5After breaking out of jail, he h________ himself from the police in a deserted farmhouse. 6The fresh air soon ________ (使蘇醒) him.7The music is。

15、111【成才之路】2013-2014學年高中英語(外研版)必修五Module 6Animals in Danger 第三課時Cultural Corner & Task.單詞拼寫1His humorous style quickly became the ________(焦點) of attention.2We neednt ________(浪費) time in arguing with him.3Each students progress is closely ________(監(jiān)視)4She put all her e______ into work.5You are w______ your time trying to explain it to him.6The bank has b______ all over the country.答案:1.focus2.waste3.monitored4.energies 5.wasting6.branches.介副詞填空。

16、111Teaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to master how to remember new words.2. To get Ss to have knowledge of this grammar point: past simple, past continuous and past perfect tense.3. To enable Ss to make deductions about the past.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Leading-inPurpose: To get the Ss to know the ways to learn words.Ask Ss to read Learning to learn and discuss what is provided for their learning strategies. Have they tried the method? Is it good? Ask them to give two example。

17、111高中英語必修五MODULE2 A Job Worth DoingSection B同步練習題(1)題組1單項選擇1. I ______ your last pointcould you say it again?A. didnt quite catch B. dont quite catch C. hadnt quite caught D. cant quite catch2. Why did you leave that position?I ______ a better position at IBM.A. offer B. offered C. am offered D. was offered3. Mary ______ a dress when she cut her finger.A. made B. is making C. was making D. m。

18、111高中英語必修五MODULE6 Animals in DangerSection A同步練習題(2)題組21. The lady walked around the shops, an eye out for bargains.A. keepB. keptC. keepingD. to keep2. Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, supplies to Yushu, Qinghai Province after the earthquake.A. sendingB. to sendC. having sentD. to have sent3. The village seemed deserted, the only sign of lifesome trees waving in the howling wind. A. wereB. beingC. was。

19、111高三一輪英語課時作業(yè).單項填空1The young man________in studying paid no attention to the outside world.AinvolvedBinvolvingCto be involved Dbeing involved2What a pity!Ive not got a ticket for the football match.Dont worry.Itll be broadcast________.Alive BlivelyCalive Dliving3Weve ate all the apples.Theres none________on the plate now.Aleaving BleftCremained Dforgot4Oh,my God!Its a sea of cars.How can you________your car?Thats easy.Mi。

20、111【成才之路】2013-2014學年高中英語(外研版)必修五Module 1British and American English 第三課時Cultural Corner & Task.單詞拼寫1He made an ________(努力)to pass the exam,but it was too difficult.2His character is a ________(組合)of strength and kindness.3We are sure we can change the ________(面貌)of our village with our own hands.4Believe it or not theres no such thing as ________(標準)English.5The novel has been ________(簡化),so it is much easier for children to read.6The male bird has ___。

高二英語備課《Module 3 Music》課件4 外研版必修5
高二英語單元復習配套課件:Module2《A Job Worth Doing》 (外研版必修5)
高二英語單元復習配套課件:Module6《Animals in Danger》 (外研版必修5)
高二英語單元復習配套課件:Module4《Carnival》 (外研版必修5)
高考英語一輪單元總復習 Module 1《British and American English》教案 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE2 A Job Worth Doing》單元練測題(一) 外研版必修5
高中英語教案:《Module 2 A Job Worth Doing》(第4課時) (外研版必修5)
高考英語一輪單元總復習 Module 2《A Job Worth Doing》教案 外研版必修5
高考英語一輪單元總復習 Module 4《Carnival》教案 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE6 Animals in Danger》Section B同步練習題(1) 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE6 Animals in Danger》Section D同步練習題(2) 外研版必修5
高考英語一輪復習 《Carnival》課時作業(yè) 外研版必修5
高中英語教案:《Module 2 A Job Worth Doing》(第3課時) (外研版必修5)
高中英語《MODULE2 A Job Worth Doing》Section B同步練習題(1) 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE6 Animals in Danger》Section A同步練習題(2) 外研版必修5
高考英語一輪復習 《Animals in Danger》課時作業(yè) 外研版必修5
高考英語一輪復習 《British and American English》課時作業(yè) 外研版必修5
高中英語教案:《Module 2 A Job Worth Doing》(第2課時) (外研版必修5)
高中英語《MODULE2 A Job Worth Doing》Section A同步練習題(3) 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE2 A Job Worth Doing》Section D同步練習題(1) 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE6 Animals in Danger》Section A同步練習題(3) 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE6 Animals in Danger》Section B同步練習題(3) 外研版必修5
高考英語一輪單元總復習 Module 6《Animals in Danger》教案 外研版必修5
高考英語一輪復習 《A Job Worth Doing》課時作業(yè) 外研版必修5
高考英語一輪復習 《The Great Sports Personality》課時作業(yè) 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE2 A Job Worth Doing》Section C同步練習題(2) 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE2 A Job Worth Doing》單元練測題(三) 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE6 Animals in Danger》單元練測卷(二) 外研版必修5
高中英語教案:《Module 2 A Job Worth Doing》(第1課時) (外研版必修5)
高中英語《MODULE2 A Job Worth Doing》Section A同步練習題(2) 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE2 A Job Worth Doing》Section B同步練習題(2) 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE2 A Job Worth Doing》Section C同步練習題(3) 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE6 Animals in Danger》Section D同步練習題(1) 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE1 British and American English》Section B同步練習題(3) 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE2 A Job Worth Doing》Section C同步練習題(1) 外研版必修5
高中英語《MODULE2 A Job Worth Doing》Section D同步練習題(2) 外研版必修5
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