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1.It was ________ (慷慨的。s mother asked him in a ________ (溫和的) voice.。t you ________ (倒) yourself an。3.He has ________ (賺) a。Unit 2 The Olympic Games。


1、111Unit 1Great scientists.單詞拼寫1In respect of this problem, we dont have to draw a________(結論)quickly.2Be________(謹慎的)as the road is frozen.3By________(分析)the parts of the sentence we learn more about English grammar.4It has been________(通知)that Mr. John and Miss Smith will get married next week.5The UN sent food aid to Haiti________(嚴重地)affected by the earthquake.6It is a great________(挑戰(zhàn))for him to govern the country well.7The river has been________(污染)seriously。

2、111Unit 2The United Kingdom.單詞拼寫1We are________(感到激動)to hear the wonderful piece of news that the people living in the mainland can fly direct to Taiwan.2The second Childrens Palace of Guangzhou sits in a______(極好的)location by the side of Pearl River.3I hope that what I say will________(澄清)the situation.4I keep my reference books near my desk for________(方便)5The Tower of London is a great________(吸引)to tourists.6We have________(完成)all we set out to do.7What he wr。

3、111Unit 3Travel journal.單詞拼寫1Thanks to the modern ________ (運輸) system, a large number of passengers could return home for the sevenday National Day holiday.2Many people prefer ________ (騎自行車) to driving to the work site.3The tight ________ (日程表) often keeps him busy all the time.4He is as ________ (固執(zhí)的) as a donkey.5Whats your ________ (態(tài)度) towards this problem?6Do you know how much the ________ (車費) is?7________ (畢業(yè)生) from our school are working all over t。

4、111Unit 4Wildlife protection.單詞拼寫1The manager ________ (雇用) another 20 workers for the new positions.2On just the second day of the trip, I was ________ (咬) on the leg by a snake.3There is a ________ (兇猛的) dog to guard the house. Please knock at the door before you enter.4The book ________ (包含) all the information you need.5His death means a great ________ (損失) to science.6If you really like the job, ________ (距離) is not a problem.7He took the poor children under his _。

5、111Unit 1Cultural relics.單詞拼寫1Of the six people in the plane that crashed, only one ______ (幸存)2Who has been ________ (挑選) to take part in the project?3This course is ________ (設計) as an introduction to the subject.4I dont ________ (喜歡) going out in such bad weather.5We ________ (裝飾) the house for Christmas.6He ________ (除去) the mud from his shoes.7These flowers are very ________ (稀有的) in this country.8I paid only 3,000 for this used car but its ________。

6、111Unit 2Poems.單詞拼寫1A steam engine ________ (轉換;轉化) heat into power.2The companys head office is in the city, but it has ________ (分支機構;部門) all over the country.3The ambassador personally ________ (傳達) the presidents message to the premier.4Which dress is more ________ (適當?shù)? for the party, this one or that one?5She found a company to ________ (資助) her through college.6You need to be more ________ (靈活的) and imaginative in your approach.7He hanged himself in __。

7、111Unit 4Global warming.單詞拼寫1There are large ________ (數(shù)量) of rain in the area of the country every summer.2Scientists have many theories about how the universe first came into ________ (存在)3A rainbow is a natural ________ (現(xiàn)象) especially after a heavy rain.4Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous ________ (結果)5The ________ (平均數(shù)) of 4, 5 and 9 is 6.6Several cars are available within this price ________ (范圍)7The personnel manager ________ (瀏覽) down the list o。

8、111Unit 5Nelson Mandelaa modern hero.單詞拼寫1It was ________ (慷慨的,大方的) of her to contribute such a large sum of money.2He intends to take ________ (法律的) action.3There is a newspaper article ________ (抨擊) the Prime Minister.4The little boy ________ (乞求) his father to stay at home.5Peoples ________ (觀點) differ on this matter.6We should take an ________ (積極的) part in afterclass activities.7He examined the ________ (質量) of the furniture carefully.8The ________。

9、111Unit 1Festivals around the world.單詞拼寫1You must be ________ (餓了)! Come and have lunch.2I am now ________ (收集) convincing information for my paper.3My father told me he hadnt much ________ (信任) in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine.4It is hard to know the ________ (起源) of the human race, that is, how the human race came out.5No one is to see the document without the ________ (許可) of the writer of the report.6Its ________ (很顯然) that you need more time to th。

10、111Unit 2Healthy eating.單詞拼寫1Mary has been on a ________ (節(jié)食) for weeks but still hasnt lost any weight.2He pushed against that big stone with all his ________ (力氣)3There is a time ________ (限制): you must finish it in 30 minutes.4The two men in the fight ________ (怒目而視) at each other.5You will ________ (受益) a lot from morning exercises.6Dont be particular about food. A ________ (平衡的) diet is very important for health.7The letter was not addressed to me but I。

11、111Unit 4Astronomy: the science of the stars.單詞拼寫1What do you think of the new ________ (制度)?2“What happened?” Johns mother asked him in a ________ (溫和的) voice.3Before the Earths protective ________ (大氣層) was formed, there was no life except in the sea.4With the ________ (引力) of the moon and the sun each day, tides (潮汐) roll in and roll away.5He managed to finish the race, ________ (不像) more than half of the competitors.6His face wore a ________ (困惑的,迷惑的) expres。

12、111Unit 5First aid.單詞拼寫1Cal replied with a polite but ________ (堅決的) “no”!2The Tshirts are available in a wide ________ (各種) of colors.3Why dont you ________ (倒) yourself another drink?4As everybody knows, cancer doesnt show any ________ (癥狀) in its early stages.5These days, I cant fall asleep because the coming final exam is putting great ________ (壓力) on me.6The bridge was damaged by a flood, so a ________ (臨時的) one was built in its place.7Two pl。

13、111Unit 1Art.單詞拼寫1It was________(典型的)of her to forget.2The money was collected for a________(特定的)purpose.3The magazine is intended to________(吸引)to working women in their 20s and 30s.4Beauty is________(抽象的)but a house is not.5Teamwork is required in order to achieve these________(目標)6We cant________(預測)future events.7Im interested in________(當代的)Chinese literature.8They finally________(采用)our advice on how to finish the work.9He________(試圖)to watch the。

14、111Unit 3A healthy life.單詞拼寫1He felt they had________(濫用,妄用)his trust by talking about him to the press.2Youve put me in an________(令人尷尬的)position.3Her position in the party has________(加強)in recent weeks.4He didnt work hard and was fired________(最終)5The employee________(辭職)from the company because he was not promoted.6He used to get up late but now he is________(習慣于)to getting up early.7He admitted that he was an________(不合法的)immigrant.8The heating syste。

15、111Unit 4Earthquakes.單詞拼寫1Without ________ (電), life would not be so convenient today.2The building was completely ________ (毀壞) by fire.3They are working under ________ (極大的) pressure at the moment.4After the war they saved those who were alive and ________ (埋葬) the dead.5They were ________ (困住) in a deep hole and couldnt get out.6The ________ (法官) sentenced him to five years in prison.7She ________ (突發(fā),爆炸) into tears at the news that her father had passed away。

16、111Unit 5Music.單詞拼寫1Its not a good idea to discipline the class by giving them ________ (額外的) homework.2His research ________ (形成) the basis of his new book.3He has ________ (賺) a lot of money this month by working on a parttime job.4I hear the concert will be ________ (廣播) live on TV tomorrow evening.5Applying for jobs can be a long and ________ (痛苦的) process.6She is in a relaxed, ________ (自信的) mood.7He ________ (表演) quite successfully on the stage last ni。

17、111Unit 1Friendship.單詞拼寫1All the plan was ________ (打亂) by the sudden change of the weather.2He prefers to work ________ (在戶外), for he can have more time to get close to nature.3It will be a long time for him to ________ (恢復) from the bad cold.4When I saw him in the street, I stopped and smiled, but he ________ (不理會) me and walked on.5The snow is very ________ (松的) and there is a lot of air in it.6My son has ________ (定居) happily in America.7We are ________ (感激的) to yo。

18、111Unit 2The Olympic Games.單詞拼寫1We will all have a course in ________ (古代的) history this term.2Can I have a ________ (自愿者) to wash the dishes?3Electric lights have ________ (取代) candles.4Theyve been very ________ (迅速的) to deny these rumors.5We attended a dinner party ________ (做東,招待) by the president of the company.6If you want to sell your product, you must ________ (做廣告) it.7He made a ________ (定期的) visit to his parents.8The ________ (基本的) theme of these stor。

19、111Unit 3Life in the future.單詞拼寫1We are________(樂觀的)that the mainland and Taiwan will unify in the near future.2He can hardly find a job in the canteen, because he has no________(先前的)experience of this kind of job.3The people in Iraq lived a hard life, because it was________(不斷地)hit by war.4The________(周圍的)scenery is very beautiful.5The project failed due to________ (缺乏)of money.6If you________(按)the button, the machine will start.7He________(帶領)us through the narrow s。

20、111Unit 4Making the news.單詞拼寫1Building such a skyscraper is not an easy job; we must have enough ________ (專業(yè)的) engineers.2He ________ (獲得) a knowledge of computers by careful study.3She doesnt want to take her new boyfriend home in case her parents dont ________ (同意)4It was an unusually hot summer and air conditioners were in great ________ (需求)5Visitors to the museum are not allowed to take ________ (照片)6He is a ________ (有天賦的) musician and promises to be a。

2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit1 《Great scientists》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修5
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit2 《The United Kingdom》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修5
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit3 《Travel journal》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修1
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit4 《Wildlife protection》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修2
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit1 《Cultural relics》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修2
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit2 《Poems》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版選修6
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit4 《Global warming》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版選修6
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit5 《Nelson Mandela》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修1
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit2 《Unit 2 Healthy eating》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修3
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit5 《First aid》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修5
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit1 《Art》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版選修6
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit3 《A healthy life》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版選修6
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit4 《Earthquakes》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修1
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit5 《Music》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修2
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit1 《Friendship》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修1
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit2 《The Olympic Games》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修2
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit3 《Life in the future》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修5
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit4 《Making the news》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修5
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit5 《The power of nature》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版選修6
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit1 Cultural relics課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修2
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 5 First aid指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版必修5
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 5 Canada指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版必修3
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 4 Earthquakes指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版必修1
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 4 Body language指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版必修4
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 4 Global warming指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版選修6
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 2 Cloning指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版選修8
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 5 Theme parks指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版必修4
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 3 Under the sea指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版選修7
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 4 Making the news指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版必修5
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 5 Travelling abroad指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版選修7
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 2 Robots指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版選修7
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 1 A land of diversity指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版選修8
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 1 Cultural relics指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版必修2
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 4 Astronomy指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版必修3
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版必修1
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 1 Festivals around the world指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版必修3
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 1 Art指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版選修6
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 2 The United Kingdom指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版必修5
2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit 2 Working the land指導活頁作業(yè) 新人教版必修4
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